HomeCelebrity TalkBunnie XO's Health Scare

Bunnie XO’s Health Scare

Photo Credits: Bunnie XO/Instagram

Jelly Roll and his wife, Bunnie XO, have experienced many highs and lows together in the public eye. This year, they’ve been open about everything from Jelly Roll’s health journey to the loss of Bunnie’s father, Bill, to terminal cancer. 

Now, Bunnie is making another shocking personal confession. Us Weekly reported all the scary details of Bunnie’s recent medical emergency that turned into a misdiagnosis.

Bunnie explained in a video on social media that she “started getting really bad headaches, really weird headaches” in March 2024. What made it stranger was that she’d “never gotten” this type of headache before.

She added that she “scheduled” an MRI in July. When Bunnie received her results, she was filled with fear at what the doctors allegedly spotted.

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Bunnie’s MRI test appeared to show “an aneurysm on [her] carotid artery.” This is a serious and potentially fatal medical condition, and something in Bunnie’s family history made it even worse.

Us Weekly wrote that Bunnie “has a fear of having an aneurysm” because her late mother, Vanessa, experienced “one rupture” during her lifetime. If you don’t know about Bunnie’s broken relationship with her mom, it’s tragic.

In March 2024, American Songwriter reported that Bunnie had spoken out after her mother passed away in 2022. Bunnie wrote online that she’d spent most of her life “so mad” at her mother “for not being the mom I needed.” But Bunnie wrote that she’d finally forgiven her mother, which was “the best thing” she ever did.

Us Weekly reported that Bunnie proceeded to get a “CT with contrast” done after the MRI, hoping to prove that the MRI was wrong. Bunnie got the devastating results that the CT showed “a two-millimeter aneurysm on [her] carotid artery.”

Bunnie’s Results Felt Like a “Death Sentence”

After receiving her results, Bunnie revealed to her fans and followers how she felt hearing that news. She confessed it was “like a death sentence.” Getting those devastating results also made Bunnie “come to grips” with her “mortality.”

On Sunday, July 28th, 44-year-old Bunnie posted a Facebook update. She admitted that her “health scare put so much in perspective for me.” Bunnie even wrote that what happened to her “honestly made me want to change a lot of things in my life.”

Thankfully, Bunnie wasn’t talking about changing her relationship with Jelly Roll or her stepkids. She sweetly explained on Facebook that her health scare made her “more appreciative” of her family and friends.

Bunnie also wants to reevaluate her relationship with God and learn to “have faith” for the first time. If that sounds like a hard thing to do, Bunnie admitted she’s finding new joy in the simplest things.

Jelly Roll texted Bunnie one night, saying, “You’re my best friend.” She revealed that his simple message brought her to tears. Bunnie admits that people don’t realize how to “appreciate life” and the people in it “until you feel like you could lose it and them at any moment.”

Bunnie Isn’t Entirely in the Clear

Thankfully, Bunnie’s medical emergency and potentially fatal aneurysm proved to be a misdiagnosis. She explained how she found that out after “visiting a neurosurgeon” within days of receiving her CT scan results. Can you imagine the relief that Bunnie felt after the neurosurgeon told her she probably didn’t have an aneurysm?

Bunnie revealed that the specialist told her she was “cleared.” He explained to Bunnie that the so-called “two-millimeter aneurysm on [her] carotid artery” is medically referred to as an “artifact.”

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However, the neurosurgeon still needs more proof. While Bunnie is no longer as fearful as she was, she did confirm that the neurosurgeon wants her to “come back to retest and do another CT test” in about six months. 

According to the neurosurgeon, a “retest” and new “CT test” should “be able to prove” that Bunnie’s headaches are caused by an artifact and not an aneurysm. Bunnie said he told her he didn’t even know why “the radiologist… sent you in for this.”

Jelly Roll and Bunnie Plan to Grow Their Family

Jelly Roll and Bunnie revealed more personal news this year, shocking fans and followers with an announcement about their family. E! News reported on June 6th that Bunnie and Jelly Roll planned to have a child together “through IVF.” 

Jelly Roll is turning 40 this year, and E! News wrote that he made the stunning baby announcement on the June 4th Bussin’ with the Boys podcast. Jelly Roll added, “I gotta live to at least 60. I gotta see this kid into college.”

Bunnie is used to getting heat online for her personal choices. She received criticism for wanting to be an older parent when she allegedly said before she didn’t want any kids. 

As E! News reported, Bunnie took to Instagram and “offered more insight” into the baby that she and Jelly Roll hope “to have by 2026.”

Bunnie posted a video and confessed, “We had planned on doing this privately.” Then, she and Jelly Roll made a huge decision.

Bunnie explained that they’d “always been so open,” and they realized their “IVF journey needed to be shared.” Bunnie knows that the “odds are stacked” against them, and she admitted, “It’s already been hard.” Once again, Bunnie revealed how she was feeling.

Bunnie said that she and Jelly Roll “are SO excited” but also “scared… at the same time.” She admitted they “genuinely never thought” about having a child together, “but something changed this year.”

Bunnie Shared Heartbreaking News

Jelly Roll has a 16-year-old daughter, Bailee Ann, and a 7-year-old son, Noah Buddy. While his kids have different moms, Jelly Roll has always praised Bunnie as a fantastic stepmother. Several years ago, on Mother’s Day, Jelly Roll posted a tribute to Bunnie on his social media, describing her as a “special kind of woman” to help raise kids who aren’t her own. 

Jelly Roll added that besides “social media” or her hugely successful podcast, “Bunnie is a beautiful soul.” He talked about the “beautiful mother-daughter bond” between his wife and daughter, which Jelly Roll called “nothing short of magical.” He wrote to Bunnie, “You are the epitome of a good mom” and the “best partner” that he “could’ve asked for in life.”

Sadly, life recently threw another curveball at Bunnie and Jelly Roll. On  July 8th, Penn Live reported that she made another “heartbreaking health revelation.” Bunnie was shockingly forced to reveal this personal news because of a “gross” fan comment.

Penn Live wrote that Bunnie shared her “heartbreaking news” on social media “while taking at least one social media user to task for their ‘gross’ take on the situation.” Here’s what happened.

A month after revealing their plans to try IVF, Bunnie made a shocking confession on social media. She posted online that she and Jelly Roll had decided that a “surrogate” should carry their child. That’s when the “fan” made the “gross” comment.

Bunnie Will No Longer Be Publicly Sharing Her Journey

Bunnie posted a screenshot of the comment, where the “fan” told her that “carrying the child is so much more of the natural experience of motherhood.” That might not sound too bad, but this “fan” also made it sound like Bunnie was afraid to ruin her “perfect body,” and that’s why she wanted to hire a surrogate. You need to hear how Bunnie reacted.

She replied on social media that it was “gross” for anyone to mistakenly assume she didn’t want to carry a pregnancy “because of my body.” Then, Bunnie dropped another health bombshell. She wrote that she was actually “scared” because she’d already experienced “two ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages.” 

According to the Mayo Clinic, ectopic pregnancies happen “when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube.” It’s usually dangerous for the mother, and Penn Live wrote that it’s “hard to blame Bunnie for doing all that she can to avoid that.”

Bunnie also candidly wrote that her “age” has something to do with it, and she bravely admitted, “I do not want to go through that again.” Instead of getting angrier at the “fan,” Bunnie asked everyone online to “please watch how you say things to [people] on the internet.” 

She explained that no one is in anyone else’s “shoes” and that no one has “fought the battles” that she and Jelly Roll have been through together. Bunnie wrote that her fans and followers know “nothing of the journey we’ve been through, only what we’ve told you.”

Sadly, she revealed that the fan’s cruel comment was “exactly why I won’t be posting our journey anymore.” 

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