Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra might be in some financial trouble. Earlier this year, in July, the U.S. Sun revealed that the couple’s old house was at risk of foreclosure.
Now, it looks like there’s been some recent development. But is it good news for Catelynn and Tyler?
It all started when Catelynn and Tyler decided to move to a different house. This meant that they had to sell their old house.
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They may have thought this wouldn’t be a big deal. However, it has caused quite a few problems for the couple.
In September of last year, the pair listed their house for $454,900. They moved to their new house just a couple of months later, in January 2024.
By that point, they still hadn’t managed to sell their old house. In fact, the house still hasn’t been sold to this day. This is despite the fact that Catelynn and Tyler have clearly tried their hardest to attract potential buyers.
They even lowered the price in December of last year. Instead of $454,900, they now wanted $449,900. However, that still didn’t help sell the house.
The Couple Recently Faced Legal Trouble
Soon after that, the couple got into some potentially serious trouble. In March 2024, a Certificate of Forfeiture of Real Property was filed.
Basically, the Michigan Register of Deeds told the couple that their house was at risk of foreclosure. But why was that?
Well, it turns out that Catelynn and Tyler actually had some debt that needed to be paid off. According to the U.S. Sun, the couple owed a little over $5,000 in taxes.
They were told that they had until the end of March 2025 to pay this debt off. If they didn’t, they could face serious consequences.
The taxes that Catelynn and Tyler owed were reportedly for the year 2022. The official documents were obtained by the U.S. Sun.
The paperwork stated, in part: “If the 2022 taxes are not paid by March 31, 2025, absolute title to the property and any equity associated with an interest in the property will vest in the foreclosing governmental unit.”
The Historical Integrity of Their House May Be Damaged
It really didn’t look great for Catelynn and Tyler. They had this hanging over their head, while they were also having trouble selling their old house.
It’s clear that they didn’t expect to have this many issues attracting buyers. After all, there is a lot to like about their old property.
The house is located on 15 acres of land. It’s also a historic building with an interesting octagon shape.
Catelynn and Tyler bought this house over seven years ago, in May 2017. Back then, they spent a lot less money on it than the house is worth now. They paid $220,000 for it.
However, after they purchased it, they actually decided to do some renovations on the house. They made it more to their taste and liking.
This led to some concerns about the historical integrity of the house. After all, the house was built way back in 1869.
Great Lakes Sea Captain George W. Smith had it built. So, the house has historical importance.
But does it still have that, now that Catelynn and Tyler have done renovations to it? Is this why they can’t seem to find a buyer?
It doesn’t seem like that’s fully the case. In the realtor listing for the property, it said that the historical integrity of it had been preserved.
Catelynn and Tyler Paid Off Their Recent Debt
Even though Catelynn and Tyler definitely modernized the house a little bit, it should still count as historical property. So, why are they having trouble selling it?
One reason could be that the house is simply too expensive for the area they live in. Most people looking to buy property there might not be willing or even able to pay that much.
At the same time, Catelynn and Tyler can’t lower their price much more without losing a lot of money. It’s a very difficult situation.
But recently, there has been some more development. The U.S. Sun revealed that Catelynn and Tyler have successfully paid off their $5,000 debt.
They paid it off in early August. So, things seem to be looking up for the couple.
There has also been some less happy news for them recently. Just a month after they paid off their debt, Catelynn and Tyler took their house off the market. They seemingly gave up on selling it on September 1, 2024.
In a way, this makes a lot of sense. The couple first listed the house a year ago.
In that year, they weren’t able to find a buyer. Maybe they figured out that it was time to reevaluate their selling strategy.
It’s also possible that they could be in talks with someone. However, after all this time, it does seem a little unlikely that they were able to find a buyer, especially since they haven’t changed their asking price since December of last year.
In the following 9 months, no one was seemingly interested in buying the house from them. So maybe that’s why they took it off the market.
But what are their plans next? Do they still hope to sell it?
Catelynn and Tyler Are No Strangers to Financial Trouble
Only time will tell what they’re going to do next. In the meantime, the couple and their kids are enjoying life in their new house.
This house cost them $435,000. It sits on six acres of land and is 4,296 square feet.
The house has four bedrooms and four bathrooms, which is perfect for their family. There are some other exciting features, too. For example, Catelynn and Tyler now have a cabin, a pond, and a barn on their property.
Hopefully, they’re happy in this new house. But can they actually afford to live there?
They paid off their most recent debt not too long ago. However, the couple has had financial issues before, which could mean that they might not be the best at handling their finances.
In 2019, they faced a tax lien for $321,789.06. They were able to pay this huge debt off by early 2023.
This actually wasn’t their first massive debt. They also owed $535,010.97 in taxes for 2016 and 2017. They paid this off in 2021.
At least it seems like Catelynn and Tyler always manage to pay off their debt eventually. Their most recent debt was only $5,000, too, which is a lot less compared to their previous debts.
The Couple Just Celebrated Their 9th Anniversary
It’s possible that they now have a better handle on their finances. But at the same time, it does seem like they still have the huge issue of having to sell their old house to deal with. It’s impossible to say how they’re going to resolve that.
Luckily, in the meantime, they don’t seem to be doing too bad. Not too long ago, the couple actually celebrated their 9-year wedding anniversary.
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Catelynn opened up about this on her Instagram. She said that the two of them took their kids camping. She also wrote a very sweet message dedicated to her husband.
Catelynn said: “Thank you for choosing me day after day and loving me for everything I am! I’m truly blessed to have found you at such a young age and look forward to all the years to come!”
She finished her post by saying that the camping trip was so good that she wanted to do it every year.
It seems that the family is doing really well and enjoying the time they get to spend together as one happy unit. Hopefully, all their other issues will get resolved soon, too, without any additional hiccups or problems.