Is there a wedding or baby in Mackenzie McKee’s future? That’s what some fans are asking after she posted a series of life updates on Instagram. The Instagram story featured Mackenzie in various shots and offered new details about her life.
The first photo showed Mackenzie dressed in workout clothes and posing with a paint roller. She captioned the photo by saying that she was working on a new space for her bodybymac brand.
Mackenzie has her own fitness brand, which she uses to help coach and train others to reach their fitness goals. The new space is likely where she’ll host training sessions and film some fitness tutorials.
Besides showing off her toned form, Mackenzie accidentally teased her fans with a ring. Super fans spotted a ring on her finger and wondered if she might be engaged.
The second photo had Mackenzie smiling next to her friend. They were surrounded by young cheerleaders, and Mackenzie explained that she and her friend started an All-Star cheerleader gym. She works with the cheerleaders to increase their fitness and develop new routines.
In her third photo, Mackenzie revealed that she had made an app for her bodybymac brand.
It’s a community fitness app designed to help track goals, provide support for one another, and offer other tools to reach the fitness aesthetic users are seeking.
Mackenzie started her fitness business some time ago. Now, she is looking to reach an even wider audience with the app.
Mackenzie Teased a Return to Reality TV
The fourth photo was of her daughter holding a clapboard and smiling into the camera. There weren’t any details on the clapboard, but Mackenzie captioned the photo saying her family was sharing their story again.
It suggests a return to reality TV. Fans who loved seeing Mackenzie and her kids will likely be thrilled to know that they’ll get the chance to do so again soon.
The final life update left her fans even more excited. It’s because of this particular photo that they started wondering if Mackenzie was engaged or pregnant.
In the last photo, which is just a blue background, she wrote a caption that said her fans would have to stay tuned for the fifth big update to her life. She called it a secret, so naturally, fans began to speculate.
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The first guess that fans had was that Mackenzie was engaged. They saw the ring on her finger in her first photo and assumed that her boyfriend had proposed to her.
Other fans thought that she might be pregnant. Although Mackenzie has children already, she’s dating someone new. Some wondered if they had decided to start a family together.
With all the speculation going around, Mackenzie decided to put an end to some of the rumors. In the same post, she commented that there was no engagement and that she was not pregnant.
She also used a laughing face emoji. So, while she isn’t engaged or pregnant, her fans still have a fifth life update to watch out for.
Mackenzie Found Love Again
Mackenzie is already a mom to children Gannon, Jaxie, and Broncs. She shares them with her ex-husband, Josh McKee. She was on Teen Mom with Josh, which followed their relationship since 2009.
They married in 2013 and remained married for almost a decade before Mackenzie revealed that they were getting a divorce in 2022. According to People Magazine, Mackenzie said that they had tried to make things work, but the marriage couldn’t be saved. She said that she’d always respect him as the father of her children, but she was ready to find her happiness.
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Mackenzie also talked about how much growth she’s done through the relationship. She explained that the old version of her would have gone after Josh and exposed all the things he did to her during their marriage. However, the new version of her can walk away with the knowledge that she does so with deep scars but still has the love of her kids.
She wished Josh happiness and peace for his future. As for her own future, Mackenzie was able to find love again with Khesanio Hall. They started dating in December 2023 and appear to be very in love.
Fans have also given Mackenzie their support, often commenting on the couple’s photos and congratulating her for finding someone who looks like they have a wonderful soul. While Mackenzie may not be pregnant or engaged yet, she has all the time in the world to decide if those are things she wants.