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John Schneider Marriage Update After Wife’s Death

Photo Credits: Jon Schneider/Instagram and Dee Dee Sorvino Schneider/Instagram

Good news abounds, and it’s making a splash that has captured the attention of media and fans alike. ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star John Schneider has fallen in love and taken a new wife.

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He’s found Dee Dee Sorvino, a grieving widow married to actor Paul Sorvino. It’s good news but it was all a bit unexpected. It’s only been 17 months since his wife Alicia passed away, according to the Daily Mail.

A Whirlwind Romance Born from Shared Grief

Schneider and Sorvino’s romance is a case of true love healing all wounds and how it came to be demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit, especially when faced with overwhelming loss. It’s a grief the two shared. Alicia was taken by breast cancer at the age of 53.

Deadline reported that Paul Sorvino, known for his role in the iconic series ‘Goodfellows,’ passed away in 2022 at the age of 83. His death was the result of natural causes.

Schneider, who is sprightly 64, revealed he was dating 55-year-old Dee Dee in June 2024. He described their relationship as a miracle in a ‘Grace Begins’ podcast. No doubt, their shared grief helped build their special bond. Although he admitted that at first, he found the idea of dating anyone a bit repulsive, meeting Dee Dee changed all that.

A Vegas Wedding and a New Beginning

The wedding took place in Las Vegas on Tuesday, July 30th, 2024. People shared that Schneider made the announcement on Facebook the following day. It was a heartfelt post in which Schneider expressed his disbelief.

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He hadn’t believed he’d find such joy again but acknowledges the couple may have subtle guidance from their deceased loved ones. He also acknowledged his newly found strength, gained, he says, from overcoming adversity.

Healing through Music and Love

Schneider grieved in the public eye. Through this, he revealed his vulnerability and the depths of his inner strength.

In a recent interview with Daily Mail, he spoke candidly about his journey through grief and the emotional struggle. Alicia was not only his beloved wife, she was also his creative partner. They shared a passion for music and filmmaking.

The grieving process inspired Schneider’s new album ‘We Are Still Us,’ according to Entertainment Weekly. He confessed that it was an emotional journey, but finding a way to honor Alicia’s memory was important to him.

Schneider hopes to use his experience to help guide and support others through the trauma of grief and loss. He’s made it central to his life’s mission. 

This wedding has brought joy to Schneider, his new wife, and his many loyal fans, but it followed a distressing incident. Just days before the nuptials Alicia’s ashes were callously stolen, along with her wedding ring and several other sentimental items. 

Looking to the Future

What this good news spotlights is that loving again is possible despite enduring a most profound loss. It’s a story that represents personal healing and offers hope for a new future.

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Schneider summed it up in a poignant sentiment that encapsulates his journey through grief. After thinking he would never laugh again, he says he laughs all the time now.

Nelly Arrested

Photo Credit:Nelly’s Instagram

Nelly, also known as Cornell Haynes Jr., was arrested in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, for possession of the illegal substance sometimes known as MDMA, or “E.” According to the police report obtained by TMZ, he was arrested at 4:45 A.M. on August 7, 2024 for being in possession of 4 MDMA pills.

He was also hit with a charge for not having insurance. Allegedly, he was pulled over at a casino in Maryland Heights, a suburb of St. Louis, at that early hour. It’s unclear if he currently lives in Maryland Heights. He recently sold a mansion in Wildwood, another suburb of St. Louis, but it was a home that he had bought for his sister who tragically passed away from leukemia- it was not a house that he lived in.

He was released from police custody shortly after he was taken in. His mugshot shows him appearing to look tired, with bloodshot eyes, and wearing a black hoodie.Nelly’s arrest comes just weeks before his wife, Ashanti is due to give birth. However, there are also rumors  that she has already secretly given birth.

Nelly and Ashanti Reunited

Nelly and Ashanti dated on and off from 2003 until 2013, and then called it quits for almost 10 years until they reunited unexpectedly at the Under the Mistletoe Concert in December of 2022. The two had a whirlwind romance, and just a year later, in December of 2023, Nelly was making jokes about Ashanti being pregnant.

And while many believed that they weren’t just jokes, and that Ashanti actually was pregnant, she later confirmed that she didn’t know she was pregnant yet while he was making those jokes. She claims to have learned about the pregnancy a few weeks later. Around the time that they learned about her pregnancy, Nelly and Ashanti secretly got married, and kept that secret until June of 2024.

Based on the timeline that she gave everyone, that means that Ashanti is due to give birth any day now. And while this should be a joyous time for her- especially because this is her first child- it has now taken a devastating turn as she deals with the blow of her husband’s completely unexpected arrest. That being said, there are rumors that Ashanti already gave birth after both she and Nelly went silent on social media for multiple weeks.

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The Morning Of the Arrest

The morning of Nelly’s arrest, Ashanti finally shared photos on her Instagram, seemingly trying to cover up both Nelly’s arrest and her social media silence. The photos were from her mom’s birthday party, and Ashanti, who was very clearly still pregnant in the photos, dated them as being taken on July 13, 2024.

Fans assumed that Nelly had gotten his head on straight once and for all when it came to his relationship with Ashanti. Ashanti had given Nelly chance after chance to treat her right, and fans rejoiced as it seemed like that was finally happening and they put their relationship on the fast track. They got married and pregnant within a year of reconciling, and things seemed to be on the up and up for the saga of their relationship.

But now, things are coming crashing down for the couple as Nelly shocked the world- and probably Ashanti- with his arrest. It seemed as though Nelly’s run-ins with the law were behind him.

Nelly’s Past

Nelly has been arrested multiple times previously, but not necessarily for the charges he’s currently facing.In 2017, he was arrested outside of Seattle, Washington after a woman accused him of SAing her on a tour bus. At the time, Nelly’s attorney spoke out, saying:

“Nelly is the victim of a completely fabricated allegation. I am confident once this scurrilous accusation is thoroughly investigated, there will be no charges.”

Charges Dropped

The charges were later dropped, because although the police department believed that there was probable cause for the SA, the victim allegedly wouldn’t cooperate with police.The alleged victim went on to file a lawsuit against Nelly, both for the SA and for defaming her by claiming that she was lying. Nelly countersued the alleged victim with claims of defamation, because he believed that their encounter was consensual.

They settled privately, with Nelly’s attorney making clear that they exchanged no money over the lawsuit.The victim’s lawyer claimed that that wasn’t the case. However, that wasn’t his first experience with the legal system, either.

In 2015, Nelly was arrested in Tennessee in his tour bus after a routine traffic stop.The tour bus was pulled over because it failed to display a U.S. Department of Transportation and International Fuel Tax Association sticker.However, when the bus was pulled over, something much more dangerous was uncovered.

According to the police report, the officers smelled a pretty specific green substance when they approached the tour bus.This began a search of the tour bus, where five rocks that tested positive for a very dangerous and illegal substance were discovered. They also found a small amount of that specific green substance on the bus, and paraphernalia related to both substances.

Officers claimed that all of the substances were found in plastic bags in the sleeping area of the bus.Lastly, the officers found multiple firearms. No one on the tour bus was arrested aside from Nelly and another man, Brian Jones, who was a convicted felon and in possession of one of the firearms.

Nelly’s attorney made a statement then too, saying that 15-20 people had access to the bus prior to the traffic stop. He also said:”We are extremely confident that when the facts come out, Nelly will not be associated with the contraband that was allegedly discovered.” Later on, the District Attorney confirmed that the five rocks discovered were not that specific illegal substance, so Nelly’s felony charges were dropped.The other charges were simply misdemeanors, however, and were later expunged from his record.

Nelly’s attorney, however, previously admitted to ABC News that one of the substances discovered was MDMA, but he believed that the felony charges would still be dropped.

How Is Ashanti

At the current moment, very few details are known about his current arrest. All that is known is from the police report, which includes the charges, as well as the fact that he was arrested on an outstanding warrant.That being said, neither Nelly, his attorney, or his wife, Ashanti, have spoken out about his arrest yet.

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It’s unclear where Ashanti was at the time of his arrest, but it doesn’t appear as though she was present. You can only imagine how stressful this current situation is for her. But chances are that the real story will come out soon enough- both in court and on the couple’s new reality show that they’re allegedly filming.

Who Is Fat Joe’s Wife?

Photo Credits: Lorena Cartagena/Instagram

Rapper Fat Joe was able to use music to completely transform his life. But the one person who has been with him from the projects to the mansions is his long-term partner Lorena Cartagena.

The couple have been by each other’s side for over 2 decades. However, there is still some controversy about how long they’ve really been together. 

In around 1993, Fat Joe was still on the rise as a rapper. He traveled to Miami to promote his single Flow Joe. 

Fat Joe recalled the trip in his memoir years later. But what he really remembered about it was meeting some friends in a parking lot outside a club. This was the first time he laid eyes on the woman he would go on to spend his life with. 

Lorena stepped out of a nearby car. Fat Joe wrote that as she stood in front of the car headlights, she looked like a supermodel on a stage. Apparently, Fat Joe couldn’t help but blurt out, “Oh my God, she is beautiful!”

He was 22 at the time, while Lorena was 19 years old. She was brought along that night by Fat Joe’s manager, who thought of Lorena as a little sister.

After Fat Joe’s outburst, his manager told him to back off and leave her alone. However, it proved to be love at first sight. 

They even arranged a date during Fat Joe’s stay in Miami. He took her to the movies, and they had their first kiss. 

Fat Joe’s Relationships Overlapped with One Another

Things quickly got a little rocky between Fat Joe and Lorena. After getting back to New York, Fat Joe decided not to call Lorena for a couple of weeks to play things cool. 

This backfired after Lorena called him to tell him that he wouldn’t get away with playing her. She then said that she was flying to New York and he better be there to pick her up.

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This was how Fat Joe suddenly found himself in another serious relationship. He wrote that he had recently broken up with the mother of his second son Ryan. However, this was where the numbers stopped adding up for Fat Joe and Lorena’s timeline. 

Although Fat Joe has kept some details about his kids private, Ryan was reportedly born in 1995. If he first met Lorena in 1993, when Flow Joe came out, it seems that a couple of the rapper’s relationships must have overlapped.

Despite the messiness, Lorena never seemed to resent either of Fat Joe’s eldest kids. She reportedly took them under her wing, and the couple soon moved in together. 

Fat Joe and Lorena Both Have Rocky Pasts

Fat Joe made a wild discovery that changed the way he looked at his partner. At the time, a lot of his old associates were getting hit with lengthy prison sentences. Although Fat Joe had been out of the game for a few years by this point, he was becoming increasingly worried that the authorities would come for him. 

One day, he stopped by a place where Lorena had told him she was visiting her family. What he allegedly discovered will shock you. 

He found 20 women cutting up illegal substances as part of a crime ring that Lorena’s Colombian father was involved with. In his memoir, The Book of Jose, Fat Joe even suggested that Lorena herself had even been involved in the game.

Out of fear for their future, Fat Joe begged Lorena to put that life behind her. She eventually agreed. A short time later, her dad was imprisoned for ten years before getting deported. 

Fat Joe continued to worry about his own arrest. He admitted that he feared that if he were sent to jail, Lorena would be snatched up by someone else. However, Lorena proved her loyalty to him by getting a tattoo on her behind reading “Joey Crack.”

Fat Joe was never arrested for his wild past. The couple went on to live together, first in New York before moving to Miami. 

Fat Joe Was Known for Stepping Out on Women

In 2006, Lorena gave birth to their daughter Azariah. The couple managed to build their perfect lives together. 

But a few years later, some crazy gossip looked like it would derail everything they had worked for. Reports emerged that Lorena had filed for divorce and the reason why was shocking. 

Insider sources alleged that Fat Joe had been cheating on Lorena with Fabolous’ baby mama, Emily B. The sources claimed that Lorena had had her suspicions for a while, and even believed that she knew the identity of the woman Fat Joe was seeing on the side. 

Bossip reported that Lorena “suspected Joe of cheating with a specific young Indian-looking Muslim woman from Dubai.” Apparently, Lorena was sent pictures of her man with the mystery woman by a source from Fat Joe’s Terror Squad collective.

There were even claims that Fat Joe had taken his mistress to a Knicks game. The stories about him stepping out with other women were well-known in New York’s hip-hop scene.

Although the shocking allegations grabbed the headlines, many fans also focused on another detail about the story. Lorena was rumored to have filed for divorce, but it wasn’t known if they were even really married. 

There are no records of the couple’s wedding. In his memoir, Fat Joe made no reference to tying the knot. He does, however, still call Lorena his wife. 

Fat Joe’s parents are known to have lived together for years without getting married. It could just be that he never saw the need to make that step. 

Lorena Has Stayed with Fat Joe Through Tough Times

After cheating rumors surfaced, Fat Joe had to work hard to keep Lorena from walking out on him. The couple did eventually reconcile, and Lorena has continued to support Fat Joe ever since. 

She has stuck by him during some tough times, which even included a prison sentence for Fat Joe. The rapper was sentenced to 4 months in jail for tax evasion in 2013. He also had to settle a lawsuit in which he was accused of underpaying old friend and fellow rapper Big Pun by around $2 million.

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When his memoir was released, Fat Joe made an appearance on Red Table Talk to promote his story. At one point, Jada Pinkett-Smith asked him about his 27 years with Lorena. He talked about the deal they made that helped them last so long together.

They agreed that no amount of money would ever change how they were with each other. However, some of the things Fat Joe has admitted in the past have suggested that his money has sometimes had a bad effect on him.

Fat Joe Owns His Family

In a video clip, he admitted that he felt a certain pride about being a provider for his family. To him, it was almost like he owned his family.

This led him to consider what Lorena would do if he passed away, and what he revealed raised a lot of eyebrows. He admitted that he didn’t like the idea of Lorena moving on with someone else if he passed away. 

He even said that the idea that a wife should be able to move on and be happy in their own life was a “lie.” This was because he felt that after working so hard to provide a certain type of life for his wife and kids, no one else had the right to slide in and take his place. 

It seems like Lorena must be happy to stay with her partner of over 25 years, no matter how many questionable things he says or does.

Angela Simmons Speaks Out About Yo Gotti

Photo Credits: Angela Simmons/Instagram

When it comes to romance, a lot of people are rooting for Angela Simmons and Yo Gotti. Despite the support, there were some rumors circulating that the couple were no longer together or, at the very least, were facing problems. Those rumors were based on the fact that it had been some time since Angela and Yo Gotti had been seen together.

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On social media, Angela had also been posting more photos of herself alone instead of photos with Yo Gotti. In addition, she made more posts about self-love, which some people tend to do after a breakup or during a rough period in a relationship.

Yo Gotti Is Hesitant to Propose

The good news is that it seems that Angela and Yo Gotti are still going strong. During an interview with The Breakfast Club, Yo Gotti talked about how he was consistent and knew that he wanted to be with Angela from the start.

He even said that when he approached her with the idea of going out, he told her that he was consistent and wasn’t playing around. He had a genuine interest in her and wanted to be with her.

Yo Gotti seems to think that sort of consistency is what drew her to him. She knew he was serious about the relationship from the start.

When asked if he was considering marrying her, Yo Gotti seemed hesitant. Part of his hesitance has to do with his background and where he grew up.

He had a rough childhood. While there was love and loyalty there, he didn’t have the best role models when it came to marriage. So, for him, marriage isn’t as important, since he didn’t really have any good experiences with it growing up.

That said, Yo Gotti said that it was a conversation he still needed to have with Angela’s father. Angela is a self-described Daddy’s Girl, and her relationship with her father has always been close.

Angela thinks getting permission from the father to marry his daughter is important. So, Yo Gotti is still working on approaching that conversation with her father, but he doesn’t feel he’s ready yet.

Angela Said Yo Gotti Is the One

As for Angela, she’s definitely ready to marry Yo Gotti. In July 2024, she also did an interview with The Breakfast Club. When asked if Yo Gotti was the one, she said that he was.

The interviewers then asked if she wanted to marry him. She said that she did, and she wasn’t playing around.

She was at a stage in her life where she didn’t have time to play around. Her end goal was to be married to Yo Gotti.

The podcasters noticed something different about Angela, too, while she was speaking. Her New York accent had softened into a Southern accent.

Angela was shocked to hear that they thought she had a Southern accent. She blamed it on spending so much time with Yo Gotti, who is from Memphis and has a Southern accent.

Back on the topic of marriage, Angela said that while she was definitely open and ready to marry Yo Gotti, she just needed him to ask her dad first. It was just a tradition that she believed in. The good news is that her dad likes Yo Gotti, so he’ll likely give his blessing.

Yo Gotti Has Gotten Close with Angela’s Son

Angela’s dad isn’t the only one who likes Yo Gotti. Her son has also been forming a bond with him.

Angela explained that her son, who is seven years old, has an entrepreneurial spirit. It’s something his father had, too. Because he has a mind for business, he’s already been trying to find ways to earn money.

She also revealed that her ex-fiancé, who passed away, left his company to their son. While his partner is the one who is running it now, Angela wanted her son to know that the business was there for him to get involved in when he was ready.

Yo Gotti, who is a businessman himself, has also mentored him a little. He listens to him talk about YouTube, gaming, and earning money through sneakers. He’s offered some advice and just bonded with her son through that.

Back in June 2024, she also brought her son with her on a vacation with Yo Gotti. According to Essence, the trio went to Dubai. This marks the first vacation that her son has taken with her and Yo Gotti, at least publicly.

Angela also posted several photos from their vacation on her Instagram. She captioned the collection of photos, saying that they were creating memories that would last a lifetime.

In the first photo of the collection, Angela is smiling and standing next to her son, who is also all smiles. There’s also a photo of her son smiling up at the camera as he plays with a baby chimpanzee.

The three of them also took a photo wearing the traditional garb of Dubai while posing next to a four-wheeler and a fake desert scene behind them. The photos also included a short video of Angela playing the drums.

Angela Was Recently at the Center of a Controversy

Now, while the couple has been enjoying exploring different countries, they had a little bit of controversy recently, too. According to The Independent, Angela wore a purse shaped like a firearm to the BET Awards in June 2024. The purse was an emerald diamante-covered purse that was about the size of a hand firearm and shaped like it, too.

While the purse itself raised some eyebrows, it was the way that she posed with it that caused even more of an outcry. Now and then, Angela would raise the purse up as if it were a real firearm and point it at the camera lens.

The problem that fans had with the purse and her pose was that it made it seem like she was glorifying firearm violence. One fan posted that with all the firearm violence in America, this wasn’t a particularly good look for her. Others said that the firearm-shaped purse was in poor taste.

Some also wondered what the inspiration behind the purse was. Was she inspired by violence, or was the motivation for the firearm-shaped purse something else?

Angela wanted to clear the air, so she posted an apology on Instagram. She explained that she had bought and used the purse because she thought it was cute and unique.

That said, she also recognized that she had made a poor decision in choosing this particular accessory to amplify her beauty. She added that she regretted that it came off as inappropriate and insensitive.

Angela Teamed Up with a Firearm Violence Activist

She also said that it was even more important that she recognized how insensitive it was considering her own personal history with firearm violence. Her ex-fiancé, after all, had lost his life in a violent way.

Angela went on to say that she understood the pain that she caused among those who have experienced firearm violence. She then confirmed that she was someone who stood for unity, peace, and the end of firearm violence in America.

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She also took the opportunity to talk about her work with Erica Ford, who is a firearm violence activist. Angela said that she had worked with Erica to fund a new organization designed to limit firearm violence in communities.

Now, normally, Angela doesn’t really do anything to address rumors or scandals. She’s lived in the spotlight long enough that she knows people will have certain opinions about her no matter what.

However, when it came to this issue, she felt the need to speak up for herself because she didn’t want her reputation tarnished when it came to firearm violence. Since she lost her partner to firearm violence, the last thing she wanted was for anyone to think that she took the issue lightly.

Yo Gotti Was Unfazed by the Scandal

While Angela may have felt the need to apologize to fans, Yo Gotti took a different approach. He also posted on Instagram shortly after she posted her apology.

The post showed Angela pointing the purse at the camera while he was standing beside her. He also wrote on the post, “She just practicing,” and then included some heart emojis and a crying-laughing emoji.

So, clearly, Yo Gotti didn’t think anything about the purse or the scandal that it had inspired. He was also quick to defend her, clearly wanting to protect her reputation by laughing the whole thing off.

The couple first got together in 2023, and they have seemingly been going strong ever since. Fans will have to keep a close eye on them for any hint of an engagement.

Fans Slam Trent and Amber Johnstons

Photo Credits: 💛official 7 little Johnstons💛/Instagram

The Johnstons have been big stars for years, thanks to their hit reality TV show. Fans love their family and have enjoyed watching them grow together. But, some people are getting upset about the way some family members are treated by parents Trent and Amber. 

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Are Trent and Amber actually out of line? Here are the details.

Amber is Mean to Anna 

Anna has been a fan favorite in the Johnston family for most of the series’ history and people love seeing her on the show. However, many fans have cried foul over the way she is treated by her parents. 

According to TVShowsAce, people have expressed their frustration with Amber’s treatment of Anna for years now. They also point out that Trent and Amber’s adopted children are often treated more harshly than their biological kids.

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In a conversation on Reddit about Amber’s parenting of Anna, users had a lot to say and almost none of it was positive. One commenter said, “Amber is a terrible mother. She plays favorites and has very low emotional intelligence, it’s a wonder all her kids are doing as well as they are.”

Trent and Amber are Too Controlling 

Many people have also taken issue with the way Trent and Amber control their adult children’s lives. According to TVShowsAce, viewers were disappointed to see Liz being coerced by her parents to allow Jonah to move in with her. One was reported to have said, “I totally agree they should let their adult children live their lives, and shouldn’t be forbidding someone over 18 from moving out on their own, or pushing for a sibling to move in with another sibling.”

But, their questionable parenting choices extend beyond forcing their kids to live with each other as adults. Screenrant reported that they went as far as reading all of Jonah’s text messages on his cell phone alongside his girlfriend while he was unconscious in a hospital bed.

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Another incident that sparked outrage from fans was Trent’s treatment of Jonah and Liz while teaching them to drive. One commenter on Reddit had the following to say about the situation.

“Him grabbing the wheel from, and barking instructions to Jonah, while Jonah is trying to drive, gave me such rage and disgust of Trent. The same thing with Liz. His behavior frightened me, and obviously Liz, too. Gross. Come on, Amber, protect your children.”

Trent and Amber Accused of Hypocrisy

Overall, it seems most fans of the series are concerned with the way Anna is treated by Amber. However, other issues are often brought up, like Trent’s objectification of Amber while demanding his children live chaste lives until marriage.

One Reddit user summed up their feelings as follows. “Imo Amber was downright mean to Anna. I feel like Amber defends and coddles Jonah’s bad behavior but poor Anna could do nothing right.”

Iggy Azalea Exposes Baby Daddy Playboi Carti

Photo Credits: Iggy Azalea/Instagram and Playboi Carti/Instagram

Iggy and Carti parted ways a while ago, and Iggy has been raising their son ever since. Now, she’s speaking up about Carti not being around for their son. 

Iggy hasn’t had many good things to say about her baby daddy, Playboi Carti, since their split years ago. As a single mother to their son, Onyx, she has had to handle parenting on her own, according to the Daily Mail.

She had the following to say about whether or not she was co-parenting with Carti. “I’m very much the only parent, no disrespect, but yes, I am not co-parenting really, and that’s just the reality of it.” 

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Iggy seems to have taken Carti’s absent fathering personally given her own experience being raised with support from her mother. She has even hinted at putting her own career on hold to be able to care for Onyx more effectively.

The Daily Mail reported her stating, “I owe my success in large part to my mother… And it’s important to me, even when my son’s only four, that I know I’m there, instilling that confidence in him and just helping guide him.”

Iggy Wants to Be a Good Mom 

It’s clear Iggy takes her role as a mother very seriously. Unfortunately, Carti hasn’t been present for much of her son’s life. Although the reason for the couple’s split is a bit murky, it’s clear that the decision to call it quits was ultimately her own. 

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Hip Hop DX reported her saying exactly that and more. Her words were, “Like, right after I had my son, I left his father. Something happened one day with my son’s father and me… But by the end of the day, I was on a plane to Los Angeles and I never went back.”

Whatever happened between them left a rift. It seems to have kept Carti from coming around as often as he should.

She’s Protecting Her Son

Although Iggy has been outspoken in her disdain for Carti’s behavior, she has taken steps to shield her son from haters online. She officially stopped posting pictures of him on social media following his first birthday to give him a chance to grow up as his own person.

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People reported her explanation as “I want him to have his own identity… I want him to have a chance to be his own person. And I don’t want people to know him or have an opinion about him before they even meet him or before he’s even decided who he is.”

Jon Gosselin Speaks Out About Kate’s Parenting

Photo Credits: Jon Gosselin/Instagram and TLC

The Gosselin family has been out of the spotlight (at least for the most part) for a few years now. However, former reality TV star and father of the famed eight children, Jon Gosselin, has recently spoken out about his son Collin, as well as his current girlfriend’s relationship with his estranged family members.

In a conversation with the Domenick Nati Show last month, the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star talked candidly about his relationship with girlfriend Stephanie Lebo. Just as well, Jon talked about his interactions with his children, two of whom talk to him and the other six of whom don’t. He commented on how surprisingly open they were to talking to his girlfriend.

Jon Gosselin’s Girlfriend and Her Involvement With His Children

Even though the majority of the Gosselin family won’t talk to Jon directly, Stephanie, who has been dating Jon for more than two years, has spoken to Jon’s children. It’s pretty surprising, especially because Stephanie has also chatted with Kate Gosselin, the mother of the eight kids and Jon’s ex-wife.

“She’s completely integrated into my kids’ lives… the kids who live with me right now, [who] are Hannah and Collin,” Jon said in the interview with Domenick Nati. “Hannah just went to visit her siblings. I know that Stephanie has talked to Kate and I know Steph has talked to my other kids, just through FaceTime through Hannah’s phone and stuff.”

He also said that everything has been “copacetic.” However, six of the eight Gosselin children are still in no contact with their father.

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According to Jon, he and Stephanie are in “a long-term relationship,” which is presumably why Kate agreed to talk to Stephanie over the phone. She’s not just some random new girlfriend.

Stephanie and Jon have been dating for about two years as of August 2024. Jon says that his estranged kids’ willingness to speak to her and not him makes sense.

“Under the scrutiny of everything that’s transpired [between him and his family], it might just be easier for them to talk to a third-party individual that’s totally integrated into my life,” he said during the interview.

Collin Gosselin Has a Rough Relationship with His Mother Kate

Jon has said in the past that he is going to propose to Stephanie soon and will invite all eight of his children to his wedding, even if they don’t have any interest in attending.

He said during the talk with Domenick Nati that he would have to send the invites through his daughter Hannah, as she is the only one of his kids who talks to both Jon and the entirety of the family. He noted that while their invites will likely be ignored, they’re adults now” and will make their own decisions.

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Jon also mentioned that his not-estranged son Collin still has a difficult relationship with his mother, Kate. The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reported that the young man appeared in a recent docuseries to speak about how his mother isolated him from his other siblings and would take her rage out on him as a child.

During the docuseries, he said that he has no relationship with his mother. According to Jon, that looks to still be the case.

“There’s too much from the past…” said Jon. “That’s really up to Collin to make his own decisions and to speak to whoever he wants to speak to about that.”

Tom Brady’s Creepy Age Gap Relationship Exposed

Photo Credits: Tom Brady/Instagram and Brooks Nader/Instagram

Tom Brady is arguably the best NFL player in history. He was married to one of the most famous models of all time for over a decade.

While the marriage ended in 2022, it seems Tom might have his eyes on another model. This one is nearly 20 years his junior.

Tom Brady has the most Super Bowl wins of all time with 7. He has also earned several other awards like MVPs and All-Pro appearances.

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After being the 199th pick in the 2000 NFL Draft, he quickly was thrown into the starting QB position for the New England Patriots. Brady helped them dominate the NFL throughout the 2000s and 2010s.

Off the field, Tom was married to model Gisele Bundchen. She is among the most well-known and highest-paid models of all time and has participated in dozens of modeling campaigns throughout her career. In addition to that, according to Look to the Stars, she’s also an activist and philanthropist who has supported numerous causes such as feeding the hungry, empowering girls, providing clean drinking water, and more.

Gisele and Tom began dating in late 2006, and before Tom, Gisele dated actor Leo Dicaprio from 2000 to 2005. In Touch shared that their first date was a blind date set up by a mutual friend. After a few years of dating, Tom and Gisele tied the knot in early 2009 at a ceremony in California.

Soon after, they had two children. Their son was born in 2009, and their daughter in 2012. The couple were together for 16 years and married for 13 before they divorced in 2022.

Tom and Gisele Have Both Moved On

Before the split, there were several rumors about the couple. CBS Sports reported that Gisele was unhappy with Tom returning to play in the NFL after retiring for the first time. She was particularly concerned about the potential impact that the violent sport could end up having on his health.

Since the divorce, both have dated other people. Tom had a short fling with model Irina Shayk a while ago, and Gisele is currently dating Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor Joaquim Valente.

But recently, rumors have been swirling that Tom has his sights set on model Brooks Nader. While Gisele was only a few years younger than Tom, Brooks is nearly 20 years younger than him.

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Newsweek reported that Tom and Brooks were seen together at a 4th of July celebration hosted by billionaire Michael Rubin. There are also rumors from People Magazine that they’ve been casually hooking up all summer, meeting each other in different cities and being spotted together a couple of times.

However, according to US Magazine, other sources have come out to say that the dating rumors aren’t accurate at all and that the pair first met at the aforementioned party. The two allegedly only chatted for a few minutes before going their separate ways, without even sharing phone numbers.

While it remains unconfirmed whether the pair are actually dating, the nearly 20-year age gap is certainly a little concerning.

Why King Charles Purchased Property in NYC

Photo credits: The Royal Family/Instagram and Google Maps/Google

King Charles III has made a real estate investment in New York City which has left NYC in wonderment. However, situated on Billionaires’ Row in Manhattan, this $6.63 million home has a fascinating story behind it. Amidst the rumors of the purchase, a complex reality exists.

King Charles’ Luxurious NYC Property

The NYC property of King Charles is 3600 square feet and is located at 111 West 57th Street near Central Park. This luxurious space has 3 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. Residents enjoy many benefits, such as the 82-foot swimming pool, huge terrace and lounge and dining area with catered food service.

In addition to the features offered in the building, the condo itself has grandeur. White stone flooring is the first look of the condo at the foyer while the home itself boasts parquet design in gray oak floors. The master bedroom has a spacious walk-in closet, and the bathroom has white Italian marble with custom bronze fittings.

Behind The Purchase: Canada’s Diplomatic Mission

Although many believed at first that the condo was bought by King Charles III, the deed of the condo revealed otherwise. “His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs” is the title of the deed and also an official designation as Canada’s head of state.

The property was actually purchased by Global Affairs Canada as the official home of the Consul General of Canada. The reason behind this purchase was to offer reasonable accommodation for the diplomats. The previous property bought in 1962 had to be changed as it was no longer up to the required standards.

The reason behind the location of the new property is to ensure presence in the midst of where all major diplomatic, financial and cultural hubs exist. Another reason for choosing this location was the Steinway Tower being in close proximity to host diplomatic events and functions.

The History and Connection of The Royals and NYC

These rumors regarding the property purchase have some historical contexts attached due to the legal classification of the property deed. A similar confusion occurred when a condo was bought under the deed of “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Zealand” near the United Nations for similar reasons. 

It can easily be determined by these cases that purchasing real estate for diplomatic reasons by Commonwealth nations has many regulations that must be adhered to. A monarch’s name to be used in legal documentation is a common practice, shedding light on recognizing the British monarch as head of state.

The purchase of this condo by Global Affairs Canada highlights the diplomatic significance of New York City. However, this official purchase is not the only real estate news linked to the royals. Princess Beatrice looked for an apartment in Manhattan, while Prince Harry and Meghan were also hunting for a home in NYC, adding to the mystique of royals and real estate in New York City.

Fans Turn On Eric Church

Photo Credits: Eric Church/Instagram

What’s going on with Eric Church? There’s a lot of concern about him after his controversial performance at this year’s Stagecoach Festival. Fans are apparently “turning on” Eric, and there are allegations that he’s “not OK.”

On April 28th, Billboard reported that Eric’s “gospel-oriented” set in Indio, California, was so “polarizing” that fans either raved about it or booed while leaving the show early. As Billboard put it, many fans who attended Eric’s closing set on the “Mane stage” at the Empire Polo Grounds were not “ready for some religion,” even if Eric did “put a great deal of thought” into his song selection, stage decorations, and backup singers.

Eric performed before a stunning stained-glass backdrop, and a 16-person choir accompanied him. Some fans were disappointed that Eric decided to do cover songs like “Hallelujah” and “When the Saints Go Marching In.” Was Eric just making excuses in his post-show press release?

Eric claimed his April 26th Stagecoach show was “the most difficult set” he’d ever “attempted.” He also claimed he wanted to perform the “origin” music that his idols Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen, and Willie Nelson all love.

Unfortunately, many angry fans hated it. What happened next was twisted. The Billboard article included on-scene complaints from fans, including one user on X who got nearly 23,000 views.

The X user wrote directly to “@Stagecoach” that she paid “$600” to see Eric and “people” were “leaving.” She did call Eric a “legend,” but she didn’t like the cover songs “with a choir.” She finished with, “This isn’t what we came for.”

Could Eric Be Worse than Nickleback?

Nickelback has been unfairly portrayed as the “most hated band in the world.” However, as Billboard reported, Eric’s fans turned on him so badly that many left “mid-show” to check out “Nickelback’s performance at the Palomino Stage.”

There’s also the newspaper reporter who reviewed Eric’s set for the Palm Springs Desert Sun. According to the Desert Sun’s reviewer, Brian Blueskye, Eric sent “festival-goers” straight for the “exits.” 

Brian also called Eric one of “country music’s true rebels.” But as Brian explained in his review, this wasn’t “the same guy” who headlined Stagecoach on Friday night.

Brian described crowds of fans who began leaving Eric’s show “about 15 minutes” into what Brian called a “bizarre” set. He called it “a sight that could be best described as Moses parting the Red Sea.” The only thing that Eric said to the crowd for the first 66 minutes of his set was, “How y’all doin’?”

Billboard uploaded another fan complaint on X, where the user alleged that Stagecoach hadn’t “learned their lesson” after Eric headlined Stagecoach in 2016. The user threw shade at Eric for “being a complete energy suck” in 2016.

They claimed, “he’s doing it again tonight.” The user joked that the Stagecoach livestream probably wasn’t “showing any crowd shots” because the crowd was “leaving in droves.”

Eric Doesn’t Regret His Set Choices

People Magazine also filed a report on April 28th, writing that Eric decided “to take a risk with his set.” Eric confessed he wanted to “do something really, really strange and weird and take a chance.” Shockingly, he was prepared for disaster when he admitted, “Sometimes it doesn’t work.”

If Eric knew that was the truth, he didn’t seem to care how his fans took his “really strange” and “weird” set at Stagecoach, which cost them a lot of money. Eric claimed, “It’s OK if you’re living on that edge because that edge, that cutting edge, is where all the new guys are going to gravitate to anyway.” Was Eric talking about one “new guy” in particular?

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It’s well-known in country music that Eric and Morgan Wallen are good buddies and song collaborators. When Eric opened his new bar, Chiefs, in Nashville on April 5th, Morgan quickly brought bad publicity to it. He tossed a chair off the roof a couple of days later after allegedly getting over-served. 

People reported that Eric had previously announced a “19-date concert residency” at Chiefs between April and June. Eric said, “These shows at Chief’s will be one-of-a-kind, only for Chief’s, and with some songs that will only ever be performed during these shows.” When you hear Eric saying that, it sounds like those unlucky Stagecoach fans spent hard-earned cash on the wrong Eric Church show.

Eric Opened Up About a Personal Tragedy

One of the strangest things about Eric’s Stagecoach disaster this year is that he’s “outraged” fans before, most recently at his bizarre set at the CMA Fest a year ago. Rolling Stone reported in July 2023 that Eric was “shocked” by the “polarizing” fan reaction to his CMA Fest set. Eric thought he was challenging fans “with different arrangements” on seven of his songs, including “Drink in My Hand” and “Cold One.”

Rolling Stone wrote that “some” of Eric’s fans were probably “expecting a show of note-for-note hits.” Wouldn’t any fan want to hear the hits they know and love?

It’s crazy that Eric doesn’t seem to care what his fans want, considering that his career relies on fan support. But Eric wanted his CMA Fest set to be “punchy.” He confessed, “I didn’t play ‘Springsteen’ because I have a new version of ‘Springsteen.’”

There is one personal tragedy in Eric’s life that might explain why he’s not OK these days. He talked to Rolling Stone about losing his brother, Brandon, who passed away at the young age of 36.

Eric said he wanted to “pay tribute” to Eric during the “intimate, solo shows” he was planning for his residency at Chief’s. He did warn fans that he was “not” doing his most popular hits like “Drink in My Hand.” 

Instead, he was imagining “stuff that’s very raw” and “very real.” Eric even described it as “Church on Broadway.” 

Eric Pushes Boundaries in His Music

On April 29th, Today commented on Eric’s Stagecoach performance. If you don’t remember this, you might not believe it because Eric has a pattern of disappointing fans during his live shows.

Eric also performed a 17-song “acoustic medley” at Nissan Stadium in Nashville during the CMA Fest 2019. As Today reported, Eric didn’t include “some of his major hits” in that allegedly disappointing set, either.

The Today article meant Esquire interviewed Eric in September 2023. He was described as “country music’s most wildly unpredictable superstar.”

Eric confessed many things to Esquire. You can begin to understand that he’s only trying to stay true to his authentic self with those “bizarre sets” at CMA Fest and Stagecoach. His fans might not appreciate Eric’s perspective, but Esquire claimed that Eric has “earned” a ton of “respect from his peers,” including Luke Combs, who’s been inspired by Eric’s live performances just like Morgan has admitted in the past.

Esquire described how Eric has changed up his sound in the studio from the “heavy rock” on his album The Outsiders to the softer “singer-songwriter approach” on his following album, Mr. Misunderstood

Luke said that Eric “continues to put out stuff that’s completely different.” Eric “constantly” pushes the “boundaries,” whether it’s “songwriting or his live show.”

Shockingly, Luke thinks that’s a good thing. That’s why Eric is such a big influence on him.

Luke said that when fans come to his show, he wants it “to be different” than the last time they saw him in concert. He added that Eric does that “really well.”

Eric Wants to Share His True Self with Fans

Eric told Esquire why he was opening his own bar in Nashville. It wasn’t just because he wanted a place to hang out and drink with his buddies like Morgan.

Eric confessed that he wanted a Nashville “venue” to perform shows with a “kind of raw honesty.” He wanted to perform “unique” songs that honor national tragedies, including the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Vegas back in 2017. Shockingly, Eric made a personal confession, too.

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He told Esquire that he wanted a place where he could reveal to fans how he almost passed away. Shockingly, there was a “period” in Eric’s life where he had some “sh*t going on,” and he “didn’t really address it.”

Opening Chief’s in Nashville will allow Eric to reveal his true self to his fans. He called it a “great place” to hold “very intimate” shows in a 450-seat hall with a very “Broadway” vibe.