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Is Miranda Lambert Alluding to a Divorce?

Photo Credits: Miranda Lambert/Instagram

Is Miranda Lambert really thinking about dumping her hot young husband, Brendan McLoughlin? A thread on the Celeb Wives of Nashville Subreddit certainly believes Miranda is heading for Splitsville.

They point to Miranda’s recent TikTok video, which shows her waving at the camera with a shocking caption. “Sometimes the grass is actually greener on the other side.” So, is Brendan now on the wrong side of Miranda’s lawn?

RELATED: Miranda Lambert’s Reaction to Husband Cheating

On July 22nd, The U.S. Sun added some fuel to the fire. The shocking headline in their article claimed that Miranda had sung the words, “Remember the alimony,” after Brendan was seen on a fan-captured video last month “grinding on another woman” during a solo night out in Nashville.

The Sun wrote that Miranda gave Brendan “a friendly reminder” in the form of an “unreleased song” that she shared with fans and followers in an Instagram video post. 40-year-old Miranda embodied the sassy cowgirl in her song video. The Sun reported that she “wore a white cowboy hat and boots,” “denim shirt,” and a “big shell necklace” over her t-shirt with the “Adam Hood” logo.

Brendan Was Recently Caught Dancing with Other Women

Miranda performed some of her songs and an impromptu line dance in the video. The Sun added that she had “a smile on her face.” Miranda might have looked happy, but her caption on this post is bound to raise many eyebrows.

Miranda wrote that “only one thing” could “console” her. She added, “If you’re gonna leave me in San Antone… remember the alimony.” She also sang that line in the video. Yikes!

The Sun reported that Miranda “did not announce a release date for the song.” Their article doesn’t mention a separation date for Miranda and Brendan. Why would she look so glad if she’s contemplating her second divorce?

Parade also published a report about Miranda and Brendan on July 22nd. Some of Miranda’s fans are cheering her on for her new song “Alimony” because it seems to be about “recent events.”

Parade reminded everyone about that viral video taken of Brendan that exploded at the end of June. Brendan was on Broadway without Miranda. The video showed him “dancing casually with a group of women” at the most suspicious place possible.

The truth is Brendan was in the VIP section of a bar and honky tonk in Music City called Casa Rosa. Some of the women involved spoke out after Miranda’s fans attacked Brendan for allegedly cheating on her. But why would Brendan do that at Casa Rosa, the Nashville bar dedicated to Miranda and her music?

Miranda’s New Song Allegedly Calls Out Brendan

Putting Brendan’s not-so-smooth dance moves with other women aside, one of Miranda’s fans posted a TikTok video of her singing “Alimony” at a recent concert. They compared the song lyrics with shocking images of Miranda and Brendan, and it’s pretty damning.

Jordycray is the TikTok user in question. He posted his video on July 21st, crediting an Instagram user, “@taytayyd/taylor_dassso,” for capturing the images. He captioned it, “Oh boy.”

Video Credits: @jordycray/TikTok

Before Miranda is seen singing, Jordycray explains that he’d got the video on Instagram of her singing “Alimony” during a concert in California on July 20th. Jordycray’s eyes go wide as he tells his nearly 555,000 followers to “listen to the lyrics,” compared to the photos of Brendan and Miranda.

When Miranda sings, “15-gallon Stetson Hat,” there’s a picture of her with Brendan wearing that exact headgear. She sings that the guy in the song “wears it all the time.”

A few beats later, Miranda sings about the guy “playing an expensive round of golf.” There’s a picture of Brendan on the course with a pricey-looking bag and set of clubs. 

Right after that lyric, Miranda alleges that there’s the “diamond” that the guy “is still paying off.” The photo then shows Brendan kissing Miranda with her engagement rock in full view.

Miranda’s New Song Is a Warning for Her Man

This is all starting to sound mighty convincing. If you want to believe the rumor, the following lyric is crazy.

Miranda sings that when the guy “gets caught,” all that “stuff” will go to her. Jodycray’s video shows a screenshot of Brendan getting close to one of the anonymous women at Casa Rosa. Unbelievable!

After the clip of Miranda’s performance was over, Jordycray confessed that he didn’t know for sure “when she wrote this song.” He admitted that “It could be a long time ago… before recent events,” but that didn’t stop him from putting two and two together. Jordycray looked like he was throwing shade at the guilty party in the Lambert-McLoughlin household when his eyes bugged out, and he alleged that Miranda “could have written this song last week!”

Jordycray’s followers responded with a mix of comments. A follower complained that they needed “better hearing” because they couldn’t understand what Miranda was singing.

Jordycray replied that the song is “basically” a “warning” because someone “stepped out” on Miranda. She also sings that she’s already “called a lawyer in Dallas.” 

Miranda Was Recently Spotted with Brendan

Is Miranda actually singing the real truth? Not everyone in the TikTok comments believed so.

One follower claimed that Miranda “wrote this song with Shane McAnally at least six months ago.” Another follower wrote, “Check Natalie Hemby’s [Instagram] story” from the evening before. and They agreed that “[Shane] co-wrote” the song.

Other Miranda fans questioned if she’d “been seen together” with Brendan “since the film of him… emerged?” Someone replied that Miranda “literally posted” a photo with her husband on social media “three days ago.” But Jordycray threw some shade.

He wrote that he’d “already said this in the comments.” He alleged that an Instagram post with a photo “doesn’t mean that picture is recent.” A follower commented with alleged insider information when this debate started heating up.

They wrote that their “son” works at a “steak house outside Nashville,” and he “waited” on Miranda and Brendan “a week or so after” the alleged cheating scandal. This follower alleged that Miranda and Brendan are “regulars” at this restaurant, and the son claimed they looked “normal.”

Some followers on Jordycray’s TikTok account seem to be dedicated to Miranda’s music, no matter who she’s allegedly singing about. One person raved in all caps that Miranda’s music is “ICONIC,” adding that they “live for this Miranda!” 

Miranda is Still Wearing Her Wedding Rings

Users on the subreddit were also unconvinced that Miranda’s TikTok video was a shocking divorce reveal. Some commenters believe Miranda left pretty obvious Easter eggs that she’s still a married woman.

One user wrote about the “rings” on Miranda’s “left ring finger, like wedding rings.” Another commenter agreed that they weren’t “getting marriage-ending vibes” from Miranda’s post. 

That’s when users on the subreddit began to make a connection to Miranda’s “grass is greener” TikTok and “new management” in her music career. They added, “I do think it’s purposeful” that Miranda included her “rings” in the video. Someone else wrote that Miranda included “#countrymusic,” so it had to be a “new single.”

One person on the subreddit alleged that Miranda is “100% milking” Brendan’s alleged cheating scandal “for publicity.” Someone replied that they also thought it was a “promo” for one of Miranda’s other new singles called “Dammit Randy.” That’s where this story gets twisted.

Miranda already posted another shocking video revelation that Brendan got a co-writing credit on “Dammit Randy.” Someone on the subreddit brought this up, writing that “Brendan is a writer on the song” and adding, “He’s not going anywhere… yet.” Apparently, Country Living agrees.

Brendan Co-Wrote One of Miranda’s Upcoming Songs

Country Living reported on July 20th that Miranda jokingly claimed that Brendan wouldn’t “shut up” about the co-writing credit. She explained it all in an Instagram video.

Miranda said she wrote “Dammit Randy” with her friend of over two decades, a Nashville songwriter named Jon Randall. But Miranda admitted that her “husband, Brendan,” helped to write the song, too.

Miranda said that Brendan “got a cut on the record.” She smiled as she complained that he would “not shut up about it,” which Miranda thought was “very funny.” Then, Miranda talked about something “new” in her family.

She revealed she’d found a “new record label family” with the Big Loud and Republic labels. She said, “Jon and I were doing pre-production at the house in Austin,” and they were both “excited” about the new label that’s committed to Miranda’s “music” and is “all about the art.” 

When she puts it that way, it doesn’t sound like Miranda’s marriage is ending anytime soon!

Fans Slam KT Smith

Photo Credits: KT Smith/Instagram

Morgan Wallen’s fans have speculated for years about his ‘baby mama drama’ with his ex-fiance, KT Smith. Now, the spotlight is back on KT. Let’s just say it’s harsh and not shining on her in the way she would have wished.

Users on a subreddit that exists to “snark” on KT have started to rethink the allegation that she only got pregnant with her son, Indigo Wilder, to “trap” Morgan. So what’s the real truth? A recent thread on the subreddit asked, “What is really going on?”

RELATED: Morgan Wallen and KT Smith Co-Parenting Update

The OP seems to want to get to the bottom of all this for good. Many users chimed in with thoughts, opinions, and layers of wild allegations about KT being an unfit parent.

The OP stated that everyone on the subreddit speculates “a lot” about KT and Morgan and their “custody agreement.” They claimed they “want to believe” what they read on the threads.

However, they then admitted, “None of us really know them personally.” But KT has gone dark on social media, and the OP thinks that’s “weird.” 

The Subreddit Disapproves of KT’s New Husband

This thread started on July 1st. The OP wrote that KT had “been silent today on Insta” and had posted “nothing on her TikTok for days.”

Allegedly, KT threw a birthday “party” for her son, nicknamed “Indie,” but the OP complained that KT “hasn’t posted anything about it on her timeline or really acknowledged it.” Then the OP really put KT on blast.

They wrote, “It’s so weird that [KT] would have a celebration” for Indie “almost two weeks ahead of time and have literally no content about it.” Indie was born on July 10, 2020, so the OP does have a point. Then, they slammed KT for another significant moment in her personal life.

People Magazine reported on April 8th that KT had “Tied the knot with Luke Scornavacco days after getting engaged.” This announcement has set off KT’s haters online for months.

Luke and Indie may be the most innocent parties in this alleged mess, but KT’s critics don’t love her new husband. The OP nicknamed him “Flukey” in her scathing rant about KT. 

Another allegation put forward is that KT’s marriage was her “last attempt” to get at Morgan, “and it didn’t work.” Then, the OP tried to get into KT’s head.

They alleged that her “lies and guilt and shame are all catching up to her.” The OP believes that KT “can no longer keep up the facade that she is happy.” They also claimed that KT’s “appearance lately, her hair, no content, etc.” proves that the allegations are true.

KT’s Success Came From Morgan

But the OP still asked the subreddit, “What do you all think?” And more than 80 users jumped in. While the first comment “totally [agreed]” with the OP, the subreddit user seemed to offer a rare bit of sympathy for KT when they suggested that her “job on social media is destroying her mental health.”

On April 9th, Page Six exposed KT as Morgan’s “ex-fiancée and the mother of his son.” This article presents a pretty glowing version of who KT is. Page Six wrote that “she scored her ‘most fulfilling job ever’ as a social media intern” while she was “attending church.”

But even Page Six had to admit the real reason why KT has gotten as far as she has as a social media influencer. They wrote that “it wasn’t until [Morgan] announced that [KT] had given birth to their son that she gained 100,000 followers.” But Page Six threw KT a bone and included her quote about how she landed her dream job and how it made life better for her and Indie.

KT wrote online that a “social media management company reached out” to her after Morgan’s announcement. She confessed that this company asked her “to work for brands full time,” and that’s exactly what KT did.

She also confessed that her new job allowed her to move “to a rental that was better suited for the little family we created.” The “family” thing was interesting for KT to say, considering that her haters can’t stop alleging that she tricked Morgan with her pregnancy.

KT’s Mental Health is Crumbling

A user replied to the allegation about KT’s mental health and wrote, “I so agree.” This user explained that they have a job that “would create very good content.” But, they confessed, “I just know that I’m not cut out for that emotionally.”

They genuinely believe that KT “is experiencing an unraveling now.” Shockingly, they alleged that KT “does the exact opposite of what you would think would help her situation.” This user even admitted that they’d done a deep dive into KT’s “old” posts on Instagram and drew a conclusion.

After combing through KT’s socials from “several years ago,” the user alleged that KT had been “flooded with people” who wanted her to represent them as a social media influencer. But “now,” the user alleges that KT has “nothing.” Could her world really be crashing down?

Users on this subreddit got creative with other allegations, and someone believes that KT “has ADHD and isn’t properly medicated.” They point to her alleged hyper-fixation, claiming she jumps “on something and then gets bored with it” and onto the next thing. This user also described KT as “chasing something.”

They wrote that KT “will never find” it. They also threw shade at KT for allegedly still being “in love with Morgan.” This user claimed to know how Morgan must feel, too.

They wrote that he “doesn’t want” KT and that he never did when “Indie was conceived” and not “after he was born.” According to this user, “deep therapy could help,” but they shockingly alleged that KT “likes to just play it off that she’s over him and ‘happy.’”

Luke and KT Don’t Wear Wedding Bands

Another user criticized what KT chooses to post on social media, saying she just “doesn’t have much interesting content” other than “showing photos” of Indie. 

They speculated that if KT and Morgan “were married,” he would be too private to let KT post any personal things. That’s an interesting opinion, but it’s obvious that KT and Morgan weren’t meant to be. Shockingly, some users think that KT and Luke aren’t the real deal, either.

One user attacked KT because “she still has not changed her name on IG.” Someone else said there were “still no wedding bands,” and they called that “weird.”

RELATED: KT Smith Speaks Out After Morgan Wallen Arrest

Another user alleged that KT goes “quiet” on social media “on purpose.” They made a shocking prediction about KT’s future after throwing shade at her.

First, they wrote that KT “literally can’t stand not getting attention.” They also answered their own questions about whether KT is “happy” and if she’s “faking” being a devoted wife and mother.

The user alleged that KT isn’t happy and she hasn’t been “in a very long time.” They “absolutely” think that KT is pretending everything is great in her life. This user predicted that they “see” a mental breakdown in KT’s future, but this isn’t insider information.

KT’s Life Is Surrounded by Conspiracy Theories

Someone snooped around on Luke’s Instagram. They alleged that “Luke is not following KT’s mom,” but “she is following him.” 

They added that “someone” online said “family is important” and wondered why Luke doesn’t follow KT’s mom on social media. But another user replied that Luke “used to follow” KT’s mom, although “she didn’t follow him until after the wedding.” 

One user threw shade at everyone else on the subreddit, writing that the “speculations” made on the thread about Morgan and KT’s “co-parenting relationship” got them “laughing.” They added, “DAMN those are some conspiracy theories,” but they still agreed with some of the allegations.

Their opinion about KT is that “she’s not in a good place,” alleging that “her life is overwhelming her.” They pointed to “the look on her face and how gaunt she has become” as signs that KT is “stressed.”

The commenter finished by implying that “something is weighing [KT] down.” They offered up “moving, marriage, child-rearing,” and an “unsettled” or “unhappy spirit” as being the “culprits” behind KT’s desperation.

One commenter wondered about KT’s marriage and how she’d posted about wanting to have Luke’s baby shortly after announcing their shocking elopement. The commenter thinks that “getting married doesn’t really make you happy” and that “things stay the same as before.”

They also wonder why KT never talks about pregnancy anymore. According to this subreddit user, if KT thinks that “having a baby is going to be the answer to [her] happiness,” she might be sorely mistaken.

Mama June Exposes Anna’s Ex Michael

Photo credits: June Shannon/Instagram and Top Dres/Instagram

Recently, there’s been a heated custody battle between June “Mama June” Shannon and Michael Cardwell over 11-year old Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is the daughter of Anna Cardwell (Mama June’s daughter and Michael Cardwell’s ex-wife), who sadly passed away recently due to cancer.

For those unfamiliar, Mama June and the rest of her family were the stars of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo”, which ran on the TLC network from 2012 to 2017. While the show largely focuses on her daughter Alana (also known as Honey Boo Boo), she has several other children, including Lauryn, Jessica, and Anna. Near the end of the first season of the show, Mama June’s eldest daughter Anna gave birth to Kaitlyn.

While Michael Cardwell isn’t her biological father, he’s been in her life for years and raised her as his own, and has continued to care for her even after his split from Anna. Unfortunately, in early 2023, Anna was diagnosed with cancer after she went to the doctor for stomach aches she was suffering from.

Custody Battle For Kaitlyn Shannon

Sadly, her cancer continued to spread rapidly and she eventually passed away from it on December 9th 2023. She was only 29 years old. After her passing, the question of Kaitlyn’s custody came about.

Both her former stepdad Michael Cardwelll and Mama June seek custody, and the two are set to meet in court soon to decide where Kaitlyn will live. In Georgia, people need to be 14 years old before they’re able to choose who they live with in a custody dispute.

Since she’s only 11, Kaitlyn’s best course of action was to file an Election with the court, which means she can state in court which person she would prefer to live with. Kaitlyn has made her decision known, as she filed that she wanted to live with her grandmother, Mama June. Not only that, she also says that she doesn’t wish to have set visitation with Michael, either.

While this doesn’t mean the courts will ultimately side with Mama June, it lets them know who the child prefers to reside with. One person that isn’t trying to get custody of Anna’s daughter is Anna’s husband Eldridge Toney. Even though Anna had revealed before her death that she wanted Toney to get custody of Kaitlyn, he didn’t file for it. Despite this, he still sees his stepdaughters as much as possible.

Anna Cardwell’s ‘Dying Wish’

But since Anna’s passing, Mama June has also came out to say that it was Anna’s “dying wish” to have Kaitlyn live with her. June also said that Michael only wants to gain custody of Kaitlyn for financial reasons.

Michael also went on the offensive in this case, as he said that June has been inconsistent in Kaitlyn’s life, due to Anna being estranged from June during periods of her life.

It remains to be seen who will gain custody of Kaitlyn, but you can be sure both parties are going to do everything they can to win in court.

Morgan Wallen Concert Arrest

Photo credit: Fox 19, KCTV/Website

Morgan Wallen drew a huge crowd this weekend at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City.

It was supposed to be a night celebrating the love of country music, but things went sideways when an Illinois man was arrested for making terroristic threats.

Reportedly, the threats were against Kansas City Chiefs players – Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes. While no harm was done, the mayhem delayed the concert by 40 minutes, raising serious questions about safety at large public events.

Aaron Brown Arrested For Making A ‘Terrorist Threat’

The Jackson County Prosecutor’s office came out and announced they arrested a 23-year-old Illinois man, Aaron Brown, at the venue for making a “terrorist threat” against two key players from the Kansas City Chiefs — Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes. Court documents further clarified the situation by highlighting how Brown threatened the players on X (formerly Twitter) hours before Morgan Wallen‘s concert. The message was loud and clear: If he brings out [redacted] or [redacted] I’ll take the f–kin’ shot”.

The threat put law enforcement on high alert, and they started tracing the culprit. They traced his cell phone and found that he was attending the concert with his girlfriend. When arrested, he acknowledged that making those threats was a stupid mistake. Aaron was charged with a Class E felony with a bond set at $15,000.

The Show Must Go On

Even though the concert was delayed, it eventually proceeded with Wallen, Kelce, and Mahomes sharing the stage and greeting the crowd. The two NFL stars escorting Wallen onto the stage became the highlight of the concert and a memorable moment for fans.

However, the arrest was not the only controversy attached to the concert, as Wallen‘s choice of attire also raised a few eyebrows. He wore a red No. 7 jersey, which many in the audience associated with Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, who has been a polarizing figure for his recent controversial remarks during a commencement address for Benedictine College.

Nature Of Security Threats At High-Profile Events

While Brown was arrested and charged with making terrorist threats, the incident raised serious concerns about the safety of public figures at large events. Interestingly, the incident at the concert was not an isolated case of threats disrupting major events.

Recently, the Super Bowl LVIII victory parade in Kansas City was spoiled by a mass shooting event resulting in one dead and 33 injured. In the past, a violent threat had targeted the Beatles’ only Colorado concert in 1964, where a “Beatle Hater” threatened to throw a hand grenade instead of jelly babies. All these events highlight the persistent nature of security threats at high-profile events, emphasizing the need for safety measures to protect public figures and attendees alike.

As the Kansas City Chiefs get ready for their preseason kickoff, the shadow of this incident looms large. Of course, the concert eventually went off without a hitch, there’s always a possibility of things going wrong. For now, Chiefs fans can take solace in the fact that their favorite stars are safe.

Megan Moroney Speaks Out On Morgan Wallen

Photo Credits: Megan Moroney/Instagram and Morgan Wallen/Instagram

On July 31st, country music outlets and gossip websites reported that Megan Moroney dropped a bombshell during a podcast appearance. Depending on how invested you are in this, it’s jaw-dropping.

After a long time of Megan denying she ever dated Morgan Wallen, she’s finally speaking out. It sounds like Megan set the record straight about those Morgan dating rumors that helped launch her career in 2022. Whiskey Riff reported that Megan recently appeared on the Call Her Daddy podcast, and her interview with podcast host Alex Cooper got “juicy.” 

The U.S. Sun reported that Megan’s episode, which was released on July 31st, was scandalously titled “Cheating, Cowgirls, and Chaos.” The Sun wrote that Alex threw Megan “for a loop” when she changed the conversation and asked Megan “what happened” with her and Morgan “about 30 minutes into the episode.” Whatever happened, you might not believe it because Megan actually spilled the tea about Morgan after both of them dodged the real truth for so long.

Quick backstory: The cover art for Megan’s breakout song, “Tennessee Orange,” shows her wearing a T-shirt with the Tennessee Volunteers logo. Morgan’s fans and followers online debated whether it was the same T-shirt he had worn on stage. If Megan was, in fact, wearing a piece of Morgan’s clothing, that meant they had to have dated, right?

In November 2022, Whiskey Riff reported that Megan finally confirmed she was wearing Morgan’s shirt on her cover art. That bombshell alone was juicy enough at the time. 

Alex Got the Truth Out of Megan

Whiskey Riff wrote that the rumor mill kept “buzzing” after Megan admitted it was Morgan’s t-shirt. However, neither “confirmed or denied” dating rumors until Megan appeared on Call Her Daddy.

So, how did Alex get the real truth out of Megan? Whiskey Riff wrote that Alex got Megan to dish about “all things boys, music, life, and more.” Megan definitely got into “more” with Alex.

At one point during their discussion, Megan mentioned the anonymous guy in her sad song, “Sleep On My Side.” That led to Alex asking Megan what Whiskey Riff called the “burning question in viewers’ minds.” Do you want to take a wild guess?

Alex had the nerve to ask Megan the question she’d probably heard a million times before and never answered. She asked Megan if she ever dated Morgan Wallen. Shockingly, Megan answered that question in probably the strangest way possible. 

Megan told Alex that she “never exclusively” dated Morgan. Come again?

Alex really has a way of getting her guests to dish on everything during her podcast. Whiskey Riff reported that Megan and Alex “burst into a fit of giggles” after Megan dropped her first bombshell. 

It sounded like viewers were eavesdropping on secrets between two girlfriends. Alex and Megan joked on air that they could wrap the interview up there, except they didn’t. 

Shockingly, Megan explained why she hadn’t revealed a hint of the real truth about dating Morgan until now. This is another bombshell besides her claim that they were “never” exclusive.

Megan Never Had a Relationship with Morgan

Megan told Alex that she’d “tried so hard to avoid the Morgan dating rumors” in every single interview she’d ever done. But somehow, Alex got her to spill the beans.

Then, Megan admitted why she’s dishing on this in 2024. She told Alex, “We are here now; time has passed, and all is [still] well.” But Alex wasn’t done pressing Megan to drop another bombshell.

As Whiskey Riff wrote, Alex asked Megan “how” she got together with Morgan and how on Earth they managed to keep their allegedly casual relationship “so private.” That’s when Megan set the record straight on one thing.

Megan told Alex that whatever it was with Morgan was “never a relationship.” Then, Megan gave in a bit and said, “Okay, here’s what I’ll tell you.”

Shockingly, she claimed, “I have never told anyone this, ever.” Hold on tight because Megan made quite the confession.

She confirmed to Alex that she met Morgan “in 2020.” A friend of Megan’s named John Langston “actually introduced” her to Morgan.

Even though Megan didn’t know it then, 2020 was a crazy year to meet Morgan. She explained to Alex that she was a “senior in college” when she was introduced to Morgan, and “COVID hadn’t happened yet.”

She narrowed the timeline down more when she told Alex that Morgan’s Dangerous album “wasn’t even out yet.” Then, Megan’s explanation gets a bit more mysterious.

Morgan Allegedly Broke Megan’s Heart

She told Alex that she and Morgan “were friends for a long time.” She added, “It’s what, 2024, that was 2020.” After she said that, Megan dropped a smaller bombshell. It was just as explosive.

She alleged that she and Morgan “were not just friends,” although Megan felt it necessary to add that they were “never officially dating.” If you’re a bit confused about what this all means, what Megan said next will shock you.

Megan revealed to Alex that if “anyone” can be “overly sensitive” and “get their heart broken” over what allegedly happened, she said, “It’s me.” Alleging that Morgan broke her heart is juicy enough, but Megan also spilled the tea on how they kept whatever it was “private.”

RELATED: The Untold Truth on Morgan Wallen and Megan Moroney

Megan said it wasn’t difficult to see Morgan on the down low. Besides, their hectic schedules only “lined up for them to hang out a day here and there,” according to Whiskey Riff. After that, Megan got even more real.

She told Alex that she “honestly” felt “awkward talking about” Morgan since “he’s such a private person.” If that’s the truth, why did Megan and Morgan flirt so publicly on social media?

Morgan’s Tennessee Shirt Felt Wrong on Megan

In 2022, while promoting her debut album and first headlining tour, Whiskey Riff reported that Megan stopped by The Highway on SiriusXM. Megan was “pressed” during her interview on who she got the Tennessee Vols t-shirt from.

Whiskey Riff confirmed what Morgan’s fans and followers know. He’s a huge Vols fan. When Megan was introduced to country music with “Tennessee Orange,” Morgan shocked everyone by commenting on Megan’s social media posts “in a pretty flirtatious way.” 

While Megan finally confirmed on The Highway that Morgan had given her his Tennessee Vols shirt, she also alleged that it was “just a shirt.” Megan tried to set the record straight during this interview, but it still sounded fishy.

She claimed that Morgan’s “Tennessee shirt” just “felt wrong” when she put it on. Remember what Megan told Alex? She was a senior at the University of Georgia when she claimed she met Morgan. 

Putting on a Tennessee Vols t-shirt must have felt “wrong” for Megan because the Vols are the football team at the University of Tennessee. The Georgia-Tennessee football rivalry is notorious in college sports.

Megan told The Highway that putting on Morgan’s Vols shirt felt so “wrong” it would “either be a funny story or a good song to write about.” That’s when Megan claimed she “came up with the hook” for her first hit, “Tennessee Orange,” when she sings, “In Georgia, they call it a sin, I’m wearing Tennessee Orange for him.”

Megan Won’t Reveal Who Her Songs Are About

Now that Megan has officially confirmed that she was more than friends with Morgan, her fans and followers will probably assume that “Tennessee Orange” is about Morgan. Is that the real truth?

As Whiskey Riff reported, Megan has never made a point of “naming” former boyfriends—or whatever Morgan was—in her songs. But then, another rumor started online after Morgan released the song “Lies, Lies, Lies” in March 2024. Whiskey Riff reported that “people” were “convinced” that Morgan dropped “Lies, Lies, Lies” about Megan after she released her song “No Caller ID.”

Whiskey Riff quoted Megan saying she wasn’t “the kind of person” who “likes to talk’ about her exes in her music. She added, “All my songs are about people.” 

While she called “Tennessee Orange” a “very nice song,” Megan explained that “Sleep on My Side” is “not a nice song!” That was Megan’s excuse for not wanting to tell anyone what—or who—her songs were about. 

The lyrics in Morgan’s song discuss heartbreak and the “90 proof is telling me lies, lies, lies.” Megan’s song, “No Caller ID,” includes heartbreaking questions like “Why do you do it? Do you just hate losin’?” She sings, “Here you come again, who could it be? It’s 3 a.m., no caller ID.”

Solange Speaks Out About Cheating Rumors

Photo Credits: Solange Knowles/Instagram

After splitting from her husband of 5 years, rumors quickly began swirling that Solange Knowles had cheated on him. Instead of ignoring these allegations, Solange took to social media to speak out about them.

While not as well-known as her sister, Beyonce Knowles, Solange Knowles has had a long career as a singer and actress. She put out several albums in the 2000s and 2010s, was a part of several major tours, and was a backup dancer for Destiny’s Child when she was younger. Solange also acted in several TV shows and movies and is the proud owner of several prestigious awards such as a Grammy and a BET award.

RELATED: Why Beyonce Ditched Gwyneth Paltrow

Back in 2014, she married her boyfriend, music director Alan Ferguson. Alan has directed several music videos over the years for the likes of Jay-Z, Beyonce, Fall Out Boy, and more. The pair first met in 2008 when they were introduced by mutual friends Pete Wentz and Janelle Monae.

Solange Made the First Move

According to Distractify, Solange said that she was the initiator of the relationship. She said she’s historically been the type of girl to go after what she’s into. So, she was the one who approached him about the relationship.

After a relatively long period of dating, the couple got married in 2014. However, after around 5 years of marriage, the pair decided to call it quits in 2019. While the reason the two split wasn’t mentioned by either party, some believe that it was infidelity on Solange’s side that led to the relationship ending.

They believe she cheated on her husband with her co-manager, John Bogaard. The two were photographed walking with one another, and many people saw it as confirmation of cheating. On the other hand, many others just saw it as Solange innocently walking with her manager.

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Despite what many people may think, Bet reported that a source close to Solange said she never cheated on Alan, and that there has never been any romance with her manager. The pair only had a working relationship for many years, nothing more.

She also took to social media soon after the allegations came out and posted a photo of her with her manager, apologizing to him for the internet being unkind and spreading false rumors about them. In the same comment, she thanked him for being the best co-manager for 5 years. This seemed to clarify that the relationship between the two was nothing but professional in nature.

It’s been years since the pair split. So, it’s unlikely that the true reason for the end of the relationship will ever be confirmed. While Solange denied it, many still believe that cheating led to the split between her and her ex-husband in 2019.

Tia Mowry Speaks Out About Divorce 

Photo credits: Tia Mowry/Instagram and Cory Hardrict/Instagram

Tia Mowry, renowned for her role in the 1990s sitcom ‘Sister, Sister’, has recently discussed her split from actor Cory Hardrict. After 14 years of marriage, the pair announced their divorce in October 2022. 

Mowry published her breakup with Hardrict in a sentimental Instagram post, stating that she was thankful for their time together and that their new priority would be co-parenting their two children, Cairo and Cree. 

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Tia conveyed a message of love and respect, emphasizing their shared choice to dissolve their marriage peacefully.

Tia Mowry Described Her ‘Awakening As A North Star’ 

Tia has been open about the emotional roller coaster of divorce in later interviews. She stated that her choice to part ways with her ex-husband was mostly fueled by her desire for personal fulfillment. She feels that most women put other people’s happiness before their own. 

She described her ‘awakening as a north star’ and feels set to prioritize her own pleasure and self-love. She also mentioned that her decision was influenced by counseling and personal losses in her family. These, she says, have given her perspective and encouragement during the process.

Tia has been vocal about the expectations society puts on women, particularly those who are married or have children. She advocates putting personal happiness and mental health first, even if it means making difficult decisions.

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict Are Friends and Co-Parenting 

Tia and Cory are still dedicated to co-parenting their children even after their split. Both of them have discussed how crucial it is to keep Cree and Cairo in a secure and caring environment. 

Tia stated in an interview that she and Cory are committed to being supportive and involved parents. They make sure their children feel safe and loved by attending family gatherings together. Despite the changes in their marital status, this strategy demonstrates their shared objective of prioritizing the needs of their children.

Following their divorce, Cory Hardrict has also been candid about his emotions. In an interview with E! News, he stated that he is taking things day-by-day and concentrating on his professional and personal development. 

Cory acknowledged that he and Tia are still friends while thanking the fans for their support.

Tia Is An Advocate For Mental Health And Self-Love

The general reaction to Tia and Cory’s divorce in the public and media has been positive. 

Tia’s support of mental health and self-love has resonated with many, especially women who feel compelled to continue in relationships that no longer benefit them. 

Her candor about the issues surrounding divorce and the value of one’s own happiness has prompted important discussions about the difficulties of marriage and the bravery required to make tough choices.

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict are still committed to their children’s development as individuals while navigating their post-divorce lives. With newfound vigor, Tia has returned to her job and is embarking on some ambitious endeavors. Her admirers have praised her fortitude and optimism. Cory remains committed to his acting career and his personal growth. 

Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict’s story proves that despite certain difficulties, moving on from unfulfilling relationships can be a stepping stone into personal development and growth. Their experience also reminds us that open communication and respect for one another is invaluable. Tia and Cory’s journey ahead provides insightful lessons and motivation for anyone going through similar circumstances. 

Gypsy Rose’s Boyfriend Exposed

Photo Credits: Ken Urker/Instagram

Just weeks after announcing her pregnancy, celebrity gossip fans have taken to social media to discuss Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s new man. Ken Urker is relatively unknown, but there are plenty of rumors out there.

In the latest round of rumors, a TikTok user took to the social media platform to share a truth bomb. It turns out that Ken may be gay—or bisexual—and has an account on Grindr.

The user @AshTooTrippy on TikTok, who is a true crime junkie by nature, shared that someone got in touch with her to share some interesting information about Ken. People already claimed that he was on Grindr.

Now, the TikToker claims that a man contacted her claiming he had met with Ken a few times. Ash went on to share that this user wanted people to know that Ken is bisexual and is “sleeping with people unprotected.”

Ash didn’t share the identity of the man who got in touch with her, nor did she share proof of the claims. She says that this man doesn’t want recognition for sharing the juicy tea. His aim is to protect Gypsy Rose and her unborn baby.

Users on Reddit then shared that someone called Nina came with the receipts about the claims. Users in the comments went on to say that a jilted ex named Steve shared the details about Ken.

Gypsy Rose’s Boyfriend Banned from TikTok

The initial video on TikTok landed on Ken’s For You page, and he immediately saw red. He took to the comments to make it clear that he wanted to see proof of the allegations. Some of his comments stated, “Even I can’t wait to see these ‘facts’.”

Ken ended up with his TikTok account banned. His account is nowhere to be seen on the social media platform. That is likely due to multiple reports made about his comments, as they went against the community guidelines.

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There is now another user who claims to be Ken, but it’s hard to tell if this is a copycat. After all, there are plenty of people pretending to be celebrities.

Will Gypsy Rose End It With Ken?

Will this be a deal breaker if Gypsy finds out that her boyfriend is bi? Probably not. Gypsy has always made it known that she experimented with women.

Fans on Reddit have been quick to point out that Gypsy did things in prison to survive and get what she needed. This doesn’t mean that she is also bi. Some people even claim that she is homophobic.

Fans also hope that this Steve person, who has now been named, is protected. Some worry that he will be outed, while others believe that Steve is likely some troll account trying to stir up trouble.

One thing that many fans agree on is that it’s not okay to out someone without their consent. While people may not like Ken, what others have done is not okay.

Bunnie XO’s Health Scare

Photo Credits: Bunnie XO/Instagram

Jelly Roll and his wife, Bunnie XO, have experienced many highs and lows together in the public eye. This year, they’ve been open about everything from Jelly Roll’s health journey to the loss of Bunnie’s father, Bill, to terminal cancer. 

Now, Bunnie is making another shocking personal confession. Us Weekly reported all the scary details of Bunnie’s recent medical emergency that turned into a misdiagnosis.

Bunnie explained in a video on social media that she “started getting really bad headaches, really weird headaches” in March 2024. What made it stranger was that she’d “never gotten” this type of headache before.

She added that she “scheduled” an MRI in July. When Bunnie received her results, she was filled with fear at what the doctors allegedly spotted.

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Bunnie’s MRI test appeared to show “an aneurysm on [her] carotid artery.” This is a serious and potentially fatal medical condition, and something in Bunnie’s family history made it even worse.

Us Weekly wrote that Bunnie “has a fear of having an aneurysm” because her late mother, Vanessa, experienced “one rupture” during her lifetime. If you don’t know about Bunnie’s broken relationship with her mom, it’s tragic.

In March 2024, American Songwriter reported that Bunnie had spoken out after her mother passed away in 2022. Bunnie wrote online that she’d spent most of her life “so mad” at her mother “for not being the mom I needed.” But Bunnie wrote that she’d finally forgiven her mother, which was “the best thing” she ever did.

Us Weekly reported that Bunnie proceeded to get a “CT with contrast” done after the MRI, hoping to prove that the MRI was wrong. Bunnie got the devastating results that the CT showed “a two-millimeter aneurysm on [her] carotid artery.”

Bunnie’s Results Felt Like a “Death Sentence”

After receiving her results, Bunnie revealed to her fans and followers how she felt hearing that news. She confessed it was “like a death sentence.” Getting those devastating results also made Bunnie “come to grips” with her “mortality.”

On Sunday, July 28th, 44-year-old Bunnie posted a Facebook update. She admitted that her “health scare put so much in perspective for me.” Bunnie even wrote that what happened to her “honestly made me want to change a lot of things in my life.”

Thankfully, Bunnie wasn’t talking about changing her relationship with Jelly Roll or her stepkids. She sweetly explained on Facebook that her health scare made her “more appreciative” of her family and friends.

Bunnie also wants to reevaluate her relationship with God and learn to “have faith” for the first time. If that sounds like a hard thing to do, Bunnie admitted she’s finding new joy in the simplest things.

Jelly Roll texted Bunnie one night, saying, “You’re my best friend.” She revealed that his simple message brought her to tears. Bunnie admits that people don’t realize how to “appreciate life” and the people in it “until you feel like you could lose it and them at any moment.”

Bunnie Isn’t Entirely in the Clear

Thankfully, Bunnie’s medical emergency and potentially fatal aneurysm proved to be a misdiagnosis. She explained how she found that out after “visiting a neurosurgeon” within days of receiving her CT scan results. Can you imagine the relief that Bunnie felt after the neurosurgeon told her she probably didn’t have an aneurysm?

Bunnie revealed that the specialist told her she was “cleared.” He explained to Bunnie that the so-called “two-millimeter aneurysm on [her] carotid artery” is medically referred to as an “artifact.”

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However, the neurosurgeon still needs more proof. While Bunnie is no longer as fearful as she was, she did confirm that the neurosurgeon wants her to “come back to retest and do another CT test” in about six months. 

According to the neurosurgeon, a “retest” and new “CT test” should “be able to prove” that Bunnie’s headaches are caused by an artifact and not an aneurysm. Bunnie said he told her he didn’t even know why “the radiologist… sent you in for this.”

Jelly Roll and Bunnie Plan to Grow Their Family

Jelly Roll and Bunnie revealed more personal news this year, shocking fans and followers with an announcement about their family. E! News reported on June 6th that Bunnie and Jelly Roll planned to have a child together “through IVF.” 

Jelly Roll is turning 40 this year, and E! News wrote that he made the stunning baby announcement on the June 4th Bussin’ with the Boys podcast. Jelly Roll added, “I gotta live to at least 60. I gotta see this kid into college.”

Bunnie is used to getting heat online for her personal choices. She received criticism for wanting to be an older parent when she allegedly said before she didn’t want any kids. 

As E! News reported, Bunnie took to Instagram and “offered more insight” into the baby that she and Jelly Roll hope “to have by 2026.”

Bunnie posted a video and confessed, “We had planned on doing this privately.” Then, she and Jelly Roll made a huge decision.

Bunnie explained that they’d “always been so open,” and they realized their “IVF journey needed to be shared.” Bunnie knows that the “odds are stacked” against them, and she admitted, “It’s already been hard.” Once again, Bunnie revealed how she was feeling.

Bunnie said that she and Jelly Roll “are SO excited” but also “scared… at the same time.” She admitted they “genuinely never thought” about having a child together, “but something changed this year.”

Bunnie Shared Heartbreaking News

Jelly Roll has a 16-year-old daughter, Bailee Ann, and a 7-year-old son, Noah Buddy. While his kids have different moms, Jelly Roll has always praised Bunnie as a fantastic stepmother. Several years ago, on Mother’s Day, Jelly Roll posted a tribute to Bunnie on his social media, describing her as a “special kind of woman” to help raise kids who aren’t her own. 

Jelly Roll added that besides “social media” or her hugely successful podcast, “Bunnie is a beautiful soul.” He talked about the “beautiful mother-daughter bond” between his wife and daughter, which Jelly Roll called “nothing short of magical.” He wrote to Bunnie, “You are the epitome of a good mom” and the “best partner” that he “could’ve asked for in life.”

Sadly, life recently threw another curveball at Bunnie and Jelly Roll. On  July 8th, Penn Live reported that she made another “heartbreaking health revelation.” Bunnie was shockingly forced to reveal this personal news because of a “gross” fan comment.

Penn Live wrote that Bunnie shared her “heartbreaking news” on social media “while taking at least one social media user to task for their ‘gross’ take on the situation.” Here’s what happened.

A month after revealing their plans to try IVF, Bunnie made a shocking confession on social media. She posted online that she and Jelly Roll had decided that a “surrogate” should carry their child. That’s when the “fan” made the “gross” comment.

Bunnie Will No Longer Be Publicly Sharing Her Journey

Bunnie posted a screenshot of the comment, where the “fan” told her that “carrying the child is so much more of the natural experience of motherhood.” That might not sound too bad, but this “fan” also made it sound like Bunnie was afraid to ruin her “perfect body,” and that’s why she wanted to hire a surrogate. You need to hear how Bunnie reacted.

She replied on social media that it was “gross” for anyone to mistakenly assume she didn’t want to carry a pregnancy “because of my body.” Then, Bunnie dropped another health bombshell. She wrote that she was actually “scared” because she’d already experienced “two ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages.” 

According to the Mayo Clinic, ectopic pregnancies happen “when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube.” It’s usually dangerous for the mother, and Penn Live wrote that it’s “hard to blame Bunnie for doing all that she can to avoid that.”

Bunnie also candidly wrote that her “age” has something to do with it, and she bravely admitted, “I do not want to go through that again.” Instead of getting angrier at the “fan,” Bunnie asked everyone online to “please watch how you say things to [people] on the internet.” 

She explained that no one is in anyone else’s “shoes” and that no one has “fought the battles” that she and Jelly Roll have been through together. Bunnie wrote that her fans and followers know “nothing of the journey we’ve been through, only what we’ve told you.”

Sadly, she revealed that the fan’s cruel comment was “exactly why I won’t be posting our journey anymore.” 

The Tragedy of Simone Biles

Photo credit: Simone Biles/Instagram

When you talk about true prodigies from the world of gymnastics, few names shine as brightly as Simone Biles. Known for her gravity-defying performances and record-breaking achievements, she’s all set for a remarkable return at the Paris Olympics 2024.

At 27, she’s eying for another gold medal to add to her collection of four Olympic golds. But behind her unparalleled success lies a story of struggle and resilience, shaped significantly by her adoptive family.

Simone Biles’ Early Life and Struggles

For Simone Biles, the road to greatness was never an easy one. Born to Kelvin Clemons and Shannon Biles, her early years were marred by stress, confusion, and instability. Her biological father met her mother when they both were teenagers, but everything turned dark as the battle with substance abuse began.

According to the Facebook Watch series “Simone vs Herself,” Simone’s mother was never around to share a true bond with her daughter, as she was in and out of jail most of the time. Due to her mother’s absence and her father’s not being in touch, Simone and her siblings were forced to stay in foster care.  

The Pivotal Point in Simone’s Life

It all changed for our superhero when her grandparents appeared as saviors to adopt her and her siblings. Simone was six when Nellie and Ronald Biles took her in and provided a stable and loving home. From that moment on, she called Ronald and Nellie her father and mother. This act of kindness laid the foundation for Simone’s future success.

Simone’s grandmother, Nellie Biles, played a massive role in spotting and nurturing her talents while providing complete emotional support. In a heartfelt moment, Nellie shared how she also felt like a true mother while raising and supporting Simone.

Simone Biles’ Tragic Moment and Struggles

Simone claimed her first World All-Around title when she was only 16—she repeated the feat for three consecutive years. She ascended to global stardom in the 2016 Rio Olympics, where she claimed four gold medals and one bronze.

However, the Tokyo Olympics 2021 became yet another tragic moment in Simone’s career, as she experienced a unique and potentially dangerous mental condition called “the twisties.” The condition causes a loss of spatial awareness mid-air and can be extremely dangerous for gymnasts performing tricky aerial maneuvers.

While she was among the most anticipated athletes at the time, Simone decided to withdraw from several events. Simone’s withdrawal sparked global conversation, highlighting the fact that her confident persona masked years of internal struggles.

The decision also took a toll on her emotional health, as shown in the Netflix docuseries “Simone Biles Rising”. She talked about the pressure to deliver the best performance and be the face of USA Gymnastics. Simone’s openness about her struggles helped her recover and change the world of sports, as this inspired other athletes to talk about their mental health challenges, including swimming legend Michael Phelps and tennis star Naomi Osaka.

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As Simone Biles gets ready to hit the Olympic stage in the 2024 Paris Olympics, she’s once again the center of attraction. But, this time, she’s prepared to do it with the unwavering support of her family. She is also dealing with everything strategically, evident from her decision to skip the star-studded opening ceremony to rest and prepare for the first competition on Sunday.