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Fans Are Worried About Luke Bryan

Photo Credits: Luke Bryan/Instagram

There’s something twisted about Luke Bryan that can’t be denied anymore. In 2023, he canceled shows and complained about “voice problems.” Many fans who saw Luke in concert last year thought he sounded terrible.

On July 8, 2024, an “unverified tea” thread on the Celeb Wives of Nashville subreddit ran with this story. The OP mentioned Luke’s “voice on tour this year.” Some users expressed concern, while others threw shade at Luke’s annoying habit, which could indicate a more disturbing problem.

The OP wondered if Luke’s “production team” had added “autotune” or “effects on his voice, more than in the past…?” They claimed to have seen YouTube videos of Luke last year when his voice sounded “shot.” It quickly turned into a conspiracy theory.

One user set the record straight on the “huge difference” between Luke’s shows in “summer 2022 vs. summer 2023.” They “walked away” from Luke’s concert last year “really disappointed.”

They wrote, “The show was just not great,” and Luke “didn’t sound the same.” Making matters worse, Luke “barely chatted with the crowd,” and he acted “off” and “really tired or medicated.”

This wasn’t the first comment about Luke acting strange. Us Weekly reported in August 2023 when Luke was forced to cancel his “3rd show in 3 days.” Shockingly, the headline claimed that Luke could “hardly even talk” due to a serious-sounding “illness.”

Us Weekly confirmed that Luke had shared the disappointing news with fans on social media. He wrote, “For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been battling a head cold.” But was Luke hiding the real truth last year?

Luke Struggles to Balance His Life and Career

On June 12, 2023, Entertainment Tonight reported that Luke was planning a “getaway” with his wife, Caroline, “after a busy year.” That might sound romantic, but Luke also revealed some shocking secrets in his interview with ET’s Rachel Smith.

Luke sat down with Rachel at his branded bar in Nashville called Luke’s 32 Bridge. ET reported that Luke had hosted a party for his fan club at the bar.

Luke confessed that he wasn’t “balancing” his life and career too well in 2023. He told Caroline it had been a “rough year.”

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That’s when he promised her that they would “get through it” and “find a boat and go to the Caribbean or something.” But is that really what Luke needed to get better?

His fans on the subreddit jumped on Luke with serious allegations that he’s started to drink too much on the road. One user claimed they saw Luke in 2023, and “he told the entire crowd that he’d been drinking all day.”

Another user didn’t just agree with this. They alleged that this was Luke’s “thing” a couple of years ago when he allegedly told a crowd he’d been drinking “Screwball all night.” They added that “bragging about drinking and being hungover… doesn’t make you cool.”

Another user commented, “I wouldn’t be surprised.” They sadly alleged that “it’s pretty evident” that Luke has struggled with his drinking “for a while now.” This user agreed with the OP’s conspiracy theory about autotune, calling it “more reliable than risking it with more weak/bad performances.” 

Fans Think Luke Might Be Singing to a Track on Stage

Even when they’re throwing shade at Luke, users on the subreddit admitted they still “absolutely love him and his family.” It sounded like tough love when someone wrote that Luke had “blown up like a tick in the last years,” suggesting that drinking may be causing Luke to gain weight and look puffy.

Another user jumped on this and wrote, “OMG, I thought the same thing.” They explained that they’d recently seen Luke in a concert in Michigan and dissed him for acting “cringy” when he “still does the ‘shake it for me’ in his tight pants.”

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All shade-throwing aside, one user on the subreddit provided some inside knowledge on autotune. They claimed “it’s possible” that “effects” get added to Luke’s performance in a “live setting.”

This source also thinks that Luke might be “singing to a track” when he’s on stage, or “he may be truly singing, but his sound guys are enhancing the sound with pre-recorded vocals.” However, Luke might have also “put in some work and strengthened his voice.” The source admitted that “it’s hard to tell” unless someone listens to Luke’s in-ear monitor “or direct feeds from the soundboard.”

Luke’s Druken Performances Have Been Glorified

Whether or not Luke does perform with “effects” or autotune, the more twisted side of this story continues to be his drinking habits. Shockingly, some country websites have glorified Luke’s drunken antics on stage, including Whiskey Riff, who wrote this past June about “the drunkest performance” of Luke’s career.

Whiskey Riff explained that Luke had appeared on “NELK’s Full Send podcast.” On it, Luke got to talking about “his wildest moments as a country singer.” It sounded like Luke was bragging again.

Luke recalled a performance he gave to around 200 people in Iowa earlier in his career. The concert happened on the “first day” of college football season. Luke said, “I was on the bus, and we just got trashed.”

He admitted that when he got “on stage… it was awful.” Luke added that he “never got it together,” although he got through “the whole show. By the end of the show,” he had “kinda sobered” up.

That might sound like Luke’s most “drunken” performance, but wait for it because years later, it got worse.

Luke Regularly Performs Drunk

Shockingly, Luke confessed that his absolute worst “drunken performance” happened at a “charity event’ held at his house. He revealed that he “drank a whole bottle of Casamigos on stage.” While the 500-600 people there didn’t mind, Luke realized later that he enraged the “neighbors” all around him who were sitting on their back porches “like a mile away.” 

Luke might have been exaggerating, but he said on the podcast that he swore “like a zillion times on the mic, and a million people heard it throughout the county.” When he woke up the following day, Luke didn’t just have a screaming hangover.

His guilty conscience thought of all those neighbors hearing him drop the f-bomb repeatedly. Luke thought, “God, I gotta make some phone calls” to apologize.

After a couple of the “drunken” performances that he’s admitting to, you might think Luke would see this as the perfect opportunity to change his lifestyle. Wait until you hear what else he confessed on the podcast. According to Whiskey Riff, Luke claimed he “likes to drink a cup of grapefruit juice and vodka” before every show, “but that’s all.”

Fans Are Very Concerned About Luke’s Safety

This past May, iHeart Country reported that Luke had spoken out about “falls” he’d taken on stage, which turned into viral videos. Luke appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live and wanted to “clear the air” about a rumor about him.

Luke’s onstage falls and the rumor were connected to allegations that he drinks too much before performing. He wanted to nip that one in the bud.

Jimmy sounded like a true-blue Luke fan when he admitted during their interview, “I’m a little worried about you.” That’s when Luke ripped into the rumor.

Luke told Jimmy that fans were throwing shade at his tumbles onstage. He claimed that “nine out of 10 comments… point to me being drunk.”

Seriously, Luke? What did you expect?

According to Luke, he’s 6’2” and “trying to do Michael Jackson moves in too big of a frame.” He claimed he was wearing cowboy boots onstage and slipped on water that had spilled out of a bottle in at least one instance. You need to hear what else Luke added to this excuse.

He told Jimmy, “You just can’t drink a bottle of vodka and go do a two-hour show.” No, Luke? What about that bottle of Casamigos during that crazy charity concert at your house?

Hopefully, the real truth will come out about Luke, and he’ll stop falling, swearing, or showing up at concerts sounding awful. For Luke, the main thing is to have a “fun career” and a life full of “laughter and happiness and joy and everybody getting along and coming to [his] shows.” That’s the Luke we know and love!

Toby Keith’s Bittersweet Last Wishes

Photo Credits: Toby Keith/Instagram

It’s still hard to believe that Toby Keith passed away almost six months ago at the age of 62. Toby’s last wishes have now been exposed, and the real truth about what he left behind is bittersweet and emotional for Toby’s family.

On July 9th, In Touch published an exclusive report about Toby’s will. Did you know that Toby was a self-made man who reportedly left a $400 million fortune?

Toby’s real last name was Covel. In Touch confirmed that they obtained copies of legal documents showing how Toby’s widow, Tricia Covel, filed to become the “administrator of his estate” through the court system in Oklahoma, where Toby lived and passed away.

In Touch wrote that Toby first revealed his devastating diagnosis of stomach cancer to the public in June 2022. He’d been battling the disease since the fall of 2021, and he bravely reported that he’d undergone “6 months” of “chemo, radiation, and surgery.” Toby claimed, “So far, so good,” but added that he needed “time to breathe, recover, and relax.” 

According to the In Touch exclusive, Toby’s “last will and testament” was “executed on December 15, 2022.” Tricia is one of the heirs of Toby’s vast estate. He also left “real and personal property” to his three adult children.

Taste of Country reported on July 10th that Forbes, the wealth magazine, once nicknamed Toby “country music’s $500 million man.” Whatever the final figure was, Taste of Country agreed that Toby had been a “stunningly wealthy man.”

Toby Wasn’t Comfortable Talking About His Wealth

Shortly after his passing in February, Taste of Country published the real truth about Toby’s net worth. The outlet also mentioned that Toby once told The Oklahoman why he wasn’t “comfortable” talking about his “wealth.” 

Toby used to joke that he played “golf with [his] shirttail out,” which showed that he still felt like a blue-collar man at heart. He did admit that he owned a golf course, but only because it was “very, very close” to his house. He jokingly complained, “I don’t want to drive 45 minutes to the north side of Oklahoma City to play golf every day.”

Many fans think that Toby made everything off his 20 number-one hits. However, Taste of Country spilled the tea on what really built Toby’s “financial empire.”

Toby earned money from “record sales, airplay, and concert tours,” but that was “only the tip of the iceberg.” He used his “musical success” to grow his wealth through intelligent business decisions like “endorsement deals,” his restaurant chain called Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill, “a clothing line, a Mezcal brand,” and an acting career.

Taste of Country also reported that Toby “had his own record label, Show Dog Universal.” He even owned a share of Big Machine Records. 

Did you know about Toby’s connection to Taylor Swift? Taylor signed with Big Machine in 2005 and remained with the label until 2018. Because Toby owned a stake in Big Machine Records, “he earned a portion of the profits” that Taylor has made in her record-breaking, billion-dollar career.

Toby’s Charity Continues to Raise Money

Since Toby’s passing, The Oklahoman has reported many bittersweet stories about his family. On June 11th, they published an emotional article about Toby’s charity for kids with cancer. 

Toby held a two-day golf tournament, banquet, auction, and concert every year to raise funds, and this year, his family helped to set a fundraising record for the OK Kids Korral. It’s uplifting and heartbreaking to read that Toby once called his charity his “greatest accomplishment.” The Oklahoman reported that Toby’s family and “more than 800” of his friends and foundation supporters honored his memory in 2024, and they raised more than $3.1 million. 

Toby’s daughter, Krystal, spoke about his legacy with her sister, Shelley, and brother, Stelen, by her side. Krystal said, in part, that it was the “mission… honor… and duty” of Toby’s children to “make sure this event continues and it grows every single year.” 

She told the people in attendance, “I hope that you guys can help us do that. I hope that we can count on you to continue to support us. I know that we can.” 

Independence Day Was Hardy for the Covel Family

Krystal also did a “one-on-one” interview with The Oklahoman on June 9th and made some emotional confessions. The Oklahoman reported that Toby’s family expected “Father’s Day to be tough” in 2024, but Krystal admitted that July 4th would be “even harder for the family that Toby left behind.”

Krystal revealed that Toby had often been “on the road” doing concerts every Father’s Day. But on the Fourth of July, she said that the whole family “always spent time with him.”

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Independence Day was “a really big holiday” for Toby. Krystal said the family loved spending time at their “lake house” or “golf club.” She admitted they “literally would fill the bed of his truck with fireworks” to set off after dark.

Toby’s Widow Fears for the Family’s Safety

On July 11th, In Touch published another exclusive report, claiming that Tricia is scared that Toby’s family will receive “threats” from the public if his “secret businesses” are exposed. In Touch added that Tricia and her children “pleaded that information about the late country singer’s assets not be revealed to the public” because it could lead to “harassment and threats to their safety.” Tricia was so serious about her fears that she “asked an Oklahoma judge to seal records related to her late husband’s estate.” 

In Touch revealed that Tricia and “all the beneficiaries” of Toby’s estate “agreed to a partial distribution” of his assets. This might sound unbelievable, but Tricia allegedly told that judge in Oklahoma that Toby and his whole family had been “under constant threats for their safety and security” for years before he passed away. 

She revealed in a court motion that Toby made sure their home address “was private.” He even established “an alias” for everyone in the family. But that wasn’t all.

RELATED: All About Toby Keith’s Wife

Tricia confessed that Toby hired “a personal security company.” He kept “security for himself” and “his family members at all times of the day and night, week, and year.”

Now that Toby is gone, Tricia is making a valid point that “broadcasting” his “private affairs” will “increase the threat” and could bring “unnecessary harassment upon the family.” She claimed that it was “an invasion of privacy” and should “outweigh the public’s interest” in knowing the intimate details of Toby’s will.

Toby’s Rep Felt He Was Misunderstood

It’s twisted to learn how much Toby feared for himself and his family and how far he went to protect them. That doesn’t jive with the rough-and-tumble image he always presented on stage and screen. After he passed away, Toby’s rep claimed that he was always “painted in a certain way,” and it was an “incorrect” portrayal of who Toby was.

On February 7th, In Touch reported that Elaine Schock released a statement. Elaine was Toby’s rep, and she sweetly revealed that she “loved” him and always felt he’d been “misunderstood.”

Elaine said Toby was “kind” and was “so much more” than what some people thought he was. She called Toby “one of the most courageous men I knew.”

Toby famously feuded with Natalie Maines of The Chicks over his controversial song, “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.” Natalie once told the Los Angeles Daily News that Toby made “country music sound ignorant.” She said, “You’ve got to have some tact.”

The real truth was that Toby knew the song was “extreme.” He admitted everything in an interview with Time.

Toby revealed that he wrote the song to show support for America’s “fighting men and women” after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He admitted that once people told him he should “release it,” he “knew there was going to be trouble.” 

Years later, Fox Nation interviewed Toby. He explained the song and its meaning a bit further. Toby said that he “knew” the song would be “polarizing” and also a “lightning rod.” 

After he “prayed on it,” he released the song as a “battle cry” for the brave people fighting for freedom to “go win and get back home safely.” That’s who he really was.

Travis Kelce Speaks Out on Taylor Swift

Photo credits: Taylor Swift Updates/Instagram and Taylor Swift/Instagram

Travis Kelce is talking about the time he joined his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, on stage. In case anyone missed it, he joined Taylor on stage during the London stop of her Eras Tour.

Kelce, more familiar with the role of a Kansas City Chiefs tight end than a performer, was honest about being out of his comfort zone. He looks back on it with good humor, but in a recent ‘New Heights’ podcast, Kelce described being a bag of nerves at the time.

Travis Kelce’s Dream Come True

The 34-year-old admitted that taking to the stage wasn’t really his thing, but he had a good time with Taylor and really enjoyed the experience of hamming it up.  

Although sharing the stage with a pop icon who happens to be your girlfriend could be a dream come true for some, Kelce’s recall of his inner dialogue suggests he was too concerned about fumbling his lines and ‘dropping the baby’ to take it all in. Dressed in his customary suit and top hat for the cameo appearance, all super athlete Kelce could focus on was carrying Swift across the stage to a red-sheeted bed without making a fool of himself.

By all accounts, Kelce was quite enamored with the idea of joining Swift on stage. After all he’d seen the show so many times, and being in it was a natural progression. He even came up with the original germ of the idea – to ride one of his bikes onto the stage during the 1989 era of the performance. That didn’t come to pass, but Swift liked the idea of him joining in so much, she created the perfect part for him in the skit.

A Night to Remember

Kelce has been to several of Swift’s sell-out shows since the couple started dating last summer and she’s been his number one fan at his football games. The couple’s open support and affection for each other have been a source of fascination for their fans.

Kelce is obviously proud of his girl. He talks about her down to earth love of life and her desire to remain part of the normal world despite her superstardom. He praised the fact she wanted no special treatment and used the front door like anyone else the first time she went to watch one of his games.

Travis Kelce And Taylor Swift’s Love Story 

It was Swift’s personality that attracted Kelce, and he’s happy to talk about it, describing how genuine Swift is and the grace with which she handles her fame and how that drew him to her. He likes that she has remained grounded despite the adoration and scrutiny that comes with being a world-famous star.

It has been almost a year since the pair got together, and they look set to remain one of the world’s most talked about couples. For the fans, it is the obvious affection and mutual respect they have for each other that keeps them enthralled. It’s a modern-day love story straddling two dynamic worlds, sport and entertainment.

Willie Nelson Health Update

Photo Credits: Willie Nelson/Instagram

At 91 years young, Willie Nelson is a country music legend who loves performing for fans — even when he’s not in the best of health.

Fans were concerned recently because Willie was forced to cancel some tour dates due to serious health issues. But nothing stopped Willie over the Independence Day weekend. He made it on stage to celebrate one of the most significant holidays in America.

Country Living reported on how Willie’s fans breathed “a sigh of relief” when he performed with his son, Lukas, “after [a] brief illness.” Willie wasn’t feeling very well last month, and on June 21st, his team released a statement on Instagram that worried fans.

Willie’s team announced on social media that his doctors had ordered him “to rest for the next four days.” They also claimed that Willie was “expected to make a quick recovery.” Willie’s team updated fans again one week later.

On June 28th, Willie’s team reported that he had “been cleared by his doctors to go on the road again,” a play on words from one of Willie’s most beloved hit songs, “On the Road Again.” That may have been what Willie’s doctors told his team, but the real truth is Willie “missed dates through July 2,” according to the article in Country Living

Then, on Independence Day 2024, Willie shocked his fans in the best way possible. As Country Living noted, Willie “made his return to the stage” on July 4th. The location was super special because it was Willie’s annual “4th of July Picnic in Camden, New Jersey.”

Willie Is Back

Willie has definitely kept up with modern technology. A video was posted on his “official Instagram account” showing Willie coming out on stage with Lukas on Independence Day. Willie’s post had the humorous caption, “He’s bbaaacccckkkkk.”

Willie’s delighted fans filled his social media with supportive comments. Some of them even had inside knowledge from the 4th of July show.

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One fan confessed, “It sure as hell takes a lot these days,” but seeing Willie headlining his picnic in New Jersey “did it.” They wrote, “I got tears in my eyes watching Willie walk on stage alongside Lukas. Beautiful to see.”

Other fans revealed that it did their “hearts good” to see Willie, a “true American legend!” Someone added, “We must protect Willie at all costs!” On July 1st, Southern Living reported that Willie’s “next scheduled tour stop” was supposed to be July 2nd in Mansfield, Massachusetts, but he missed that show.

Willie Has Dealt With Health Issues for Decades

It’s shocking to learn that Willie has dealt with many scary medical emergencies in his life. Hello Magazine reported on Willie’s health scares, going back to 1981. 

Willie was vacationing in Hawaii in the 1980s when he experienced trouble in paradise. He ended up in Maui Memorial Hospital with a collapsed lung. 

Willie’s “scheduled concerts were canceled.” Hello reported that Willie “temporarily stopped smoking cigarettes” after his serious lung injury. Shockingly, Willie had previously smoked “between two and three” packs of cigarettes “per day” before he stopped smoking for good.

In 2012, Willie was performing a fundraising concert “near Denver” when he suffered a terrifying shortness of breath. It turned out that Willie had emphysema. It was hard for him to get enough oxygen in his body due to “high altitude” levels in Colorado. 

May 2022 was another frightening time for Willie health-wise because he contracted COVID-19. Hello reported that he was “seriously affected” by it.

Willie went through many COVID treatments, including Paxlovid, steroids, and “monoclonal antibodies” to try and heal him. The good news is that it worked, and Willie returned on tour in September 2022.

Willie Has No Plans to Retire

Southern Living also reported in April 2023 that Willie had “no plans” to retire “for good” as he was gearing up to celebrate his 90th birthday. Willie’s birthday is April 29th, and his 90th birthday was a celebrity-studded, two-day party concert at the world-famous Hollywood Bowl. The concert featured performances by Chris Stapleton, Neil Young, Sheryl Crow, Miranda Lambert, The Chicks, Kacey Musgraves, and special guest Snoop Dog!

Willie also did an interview with AARP last year, and he made some pretty revealing confessions. AARP described him as “an activist, author, and actor,” but Willie is a music superstar first and foremost.

He released his debut single in 1957. AARP reported that Willie has recorded and released a stunning 150 albums, although Willie admitted he couldn’t “name them all.”

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AARP asked Willie why he decided to work on his 90th birthday instead of spending the day relaxing at his home base, a ranch in Spicewood, Texas. Willie’s answer will amaze you.

He revealed, “Working is really good for me, no matter what kind of show it is.” Willie looked forward to “two days” at the Hollywood Bowl with many of his “good friends… saying hello and singing with me.” Willie called that “a lot of fun.”

When asked how he felt about “turning 90,” Willie said he’d talked about it with his friend, the late Norman Lear, after Norman turned 100.

Willie asked Norman, “Am I right?” Because Willie told other people that age is “just a number.” Norman agreed, “Yeah, it’s just a number.”

Willie Believes that Singing Is Good for His Voice

But AARP told Willie that aging does take “a toll on vocal cords.” They wanted to know how Willie keeps his “voice in shape?”

Willie said singing was “good” for his voice and didn’t “do anything to harm it much anymore.” Willie added, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”

AARP also wanted Willie to spill the tea on his martial arts training. As it turns out, Willie’s fascination with “Bruce Lee, judo, and jujitsu” began when he was a kid growing up in “Abbott, Texas.”

Willie claimed that kids like him didn’t have much growing up “except comic books.” He was always “fighting one thing or another” when there was nothing else to do.

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Shockingly, Willie alleged he would “go out on Sundays and fight bumblebees and come home with my eyes swollen shut.” Willie said he always loved telling everyone “how much fun” that was!

Willie is also famous for supporting the use of cannabis, THC, and CBD products. He told AARP that he believes “there’s a positive use for it.” Since Willie began having serious breathing problems, he confessed to AARP that “any kind of smoke, I don’t think, is good for your lungs.” 

Although Willie did confess that he still does a “couple” of “edibles,” which is a form of cannabis that has been legalized in many US states, he thinks these products have “a positive effect” on him. He even described himself as a “redheaded [kid] with a high temper” who gets calmed down “a little bit” when he uses edibles.

Willie’s Heart Always Returns to Texas

Willie is legendary for his songs, braids, and “battered Martin N-20 acoustic guitar,” which he has played since 1969 and famously nicknamed “Trigger.” 

AARP asked Willie about the guitar. They wanted him to answer a shocking question. Was Willie thinking about leaving the guitar “to a museum” after he passed away, or did he want to “be buried” with Trigger?

Willie said, “Trigger has a life and a personality all his own,” and “whenever” he passes away, he was going to let “somebody else decide what Trigger does.” The most important thing to Willie was for Trigger to go “somewhere where he’s appreciated.”

AARP is an association for “retired people.” So, they asked Willie if he’s ever “considered retiring from the road?”

Willie’s answer makes you realize how much he loves performing and why he wanted to be on stage at his July 4th picnic. He joked that he retires “after every tour,” but he always realizes that he’s “ready to go back [out] again.” Willie confessed that he likes traveling around on his bus and has “everything” he’ll ever need “on the bus.”

Willie even admitted that he never has “to go into a hotel room anywhere.” He added, “It’s not that bad.” But when AARP asked Willie to describe “a good day off,” his heart returned to Texas.

Willie revealed that he lives “right outside of Austin, on top of a hill.” A good day off is spent with his horses riding around “great scenery” and driving around his ranch in an “old truck.” 

Willie told AARP, “There are other great places in the world, but Texas is my place.”

Why Gwen Skipped Christine Brown’s Wedding

Photo Credits: David Woolley/Instagram and Gwen Brown/Instagram

A possible feud might be going on behind the scenes of Sister Wives. Gwendlyn Brown was a no-show at her mom, Christine Brown’s, wedding. 

There are many theories out there as to why she didn’t come. But what is the real reason Gwen skipped Christine’s wedding?

From the outside, it seems like Christine Brown and her daughter Gwen have a good relationship. But could there be a secret feud going on behind the scenes that we have no idea about? This is the question a lot of people have been asking themselves ever since Gwen didn’t come to Christine’s wedding late last year. 

Christine married her new husband, David Woolley, in October 2023. She told People Magazine that the wedding was everything she never thought she would have.

She was really happy with the whole day, and she didn’t mention her daughter’s absence from the wedding in her interview. Then again, it makes sense that she wouldn’t talk about it if there WAS something going on. 

She was obviously really happy about the wedding and wanted to focus on the positives. So she wouldn’t bring up a feud that she might have with her daughter at that time. 

It’s not like Christine really enjoys publicly hashing out her disagreements with her own kids. She would definitely want to protect Gwen, even if they weren’t on the best terms at that moment. 

Gwen Is not on Good Terms with Her Brother

But there’s still the fact that Gwen didn’t come to Christine’s wedding. The thing is, this was obviously a super important day for Christine. 

She finally got to marry the man that she was in love with. She got to have a beautiful white wedding that was all about her and David. This is something she said she has always wanted but didn’t get to have with Kody. 

She even said in the interview that one thing that was really important to her was that all of her family and kids were there with her. This is just another reason why it’s so shocking that Gwen just didn’t show up. 

It’s even more interesting to look at why she might have chosen to stay home. Some people said that the reason might be Gwen’s disagreements with her brother Paedon. 

We all know that Gwen and Paedon have not been on good terms in years. That’s honestly a pretty big understatement. 

We don’t know a lot of details about the whole situation. But over the years, it’s been clear from the show that there’s some sort of big problem between Gwen and Paedon, to the point where the two of them couldn’t actually stay alone together. Even Christine was careful about not leaving the two of them alone when they were younger.

A lot of people think that this might be because Paedon had a history of hurting Gwen physically. Now, the only thing we know for sure is that he slapped her one time. He admitted to this in a TikTok Live at one point. 

But many people think that the reality is much more severe than that. One reason is that Paedon also said in the Live that Gwen is scared of him physically hurting her. 

Gwen and Paedon Can’t Be Alone Together

It also seems like even Christine thought Gwen might not be safe with Paedon. She didn’t want to leave her home alone with him, and we even saw this on the show. 

This, of course, doesn’t really give us any details about what exactly the situation is. But it’s clear that whatever was going on was pretty severe. 

We know that there’s not really been any resolution since then because whenever Gwen talks about Paedon, she pretty much has only bad things to say. She said on her Patreon once that he’s the only person in her family that she wishes wasn’t alive. 

He’s also the only family member, besides herself, who she didn’t invite to her own wedding. This might also have to do with the fact that Paedon has said some very disrespectful things about the LGBTQ+ community in the past. He’s very openly not supportive of queer people, which would most likely become a problem at Gwen’s wedding since she was marrying a woman. 

Gwen and her wife, Beatriz Queiroz, got married in July 2023, only months before Christine’s wedding. The thing is, Christine was at Gwen’s wedding. This just makes it look even worse that Gwen didn’t come to Christine’s wedding. 

People on Reddit mostly agreed that just because Gwen has a feud with Paedon, that’s not reason enough to just not come to her mom’s wedding. Even if she was scared of him, it’s not like she would have to be alone with him. 

Kody May Have Paid Gwen to Improve Their Relationship

Paedon is actually not the only theory about why Gwen didn’t show up to her mom’s big day. There’s also the fact that Christine is obviously estranged from Gwen’s dad, Kody Brown

That’s her ex-husband, and there’s a lot of bad blood between them. But, it’s not clear where Gwen stands in this whole thing. 

In the past, she’s had some things to say about Kody. It has always seemed like she’s more on Christine’s side of things and against Kody. 

But people on Reddit pointed out that more recently, she’s not really been saying anything negative about him. This was a change that happened sometime in the months before Christine’s wedding. 

Another thing that someone pointed out was that Gwen said at one point that Kody sent her a lot of money for Christmas. She didn’t specifically say how much money, but she was very clearly talking about it being a pretty big amount. 

So some people were theorizing that maybe this has something to do with Gwen not showing up at the wedding. Obviously, this is all just theories and speculation. 

But people were saying that maybe Gwen made an agreement with Kody that she would stop speaking badly about him in exchange for the money. And maybe that whole thing also somehow led to her not coming to Christine’s wedding. 

But honestly, that just seems extremely far-fetched. Kody would really be asking a lot from Gwen if he wanted her not to go to her mom’s wedding. 

Gwen Just Didn’t Have time for the Wedding

Even if Kody did ask her not to go, I can’t imagine Gwen would actually agree to that, not if she had no other reason to not show up to her own mom’s wedding. But it actually seems like maybe Gwen did have another reason not to come because she actually addressed the whole thing on her Patreon. 

She explained the reason why she didn’t show up to Christine’s wedding, and the reason she gave is actually very simple. She said that she just didn’t have the time because there was a lot going on in her life at that point. 

For one, she explained that she and Beatriz had just moved into a new house, and there were a lot of things to sort out. Plus, she was apparently also really busy with her Organic Chemistry degree at the time. With those two things, she just didn’t have the time to make it to Christine’s wedding. 

A lot of people on Reddit were criticizing her, saying that being busy is no excuse for not being there on her mom’s big day. But some people pointed out that for one, it probably wouldn’t just mean making time on the day. Gwen would have to first travel to Utah, probably at least the day before, and then she would also have to stay over after the wedding before traveling all the way back. 

It might be that she just didn’t have the three days that she would have needed for the wedding. At the end of the day, it doesn’t have to be that much of a big deal that Gwen wasn’t at Christine’s wedding. Sure, Christine would have probably wanted her there, but she could also understand it if Gwen just didn’t have the time. 

That’s exactly what Gwen said on her Patreon as well. She said that Christine understood why she couldn’t come and had no problem with it. 

So at the end of the day, it seems like there’s really no drama going on between Gwen and Christine, at least according to what Gwen said about it. 

What is Jim Bob Duggar Hiding

Photo Credits: The Duggar Family/Instagram and Jana Duggar/Instagram

Recently, a lot of the Duggar kids have been doing things out of the ordinary, and a lot of people believe that there could be a reason for that. Is Jim Bob trying to distract us from something? What terrible news could he be hiding?

Recently, news dropped that Jana Duggar might finally be engaged. On July 8, she posted a couple of photos on her Instagram. People quickly noticed that it looked like she was wearing an engagement ring in the pictures.

Jana’s previous post from May of this year showed her standing next to her mom Michelle. It didn’t seem like she was wearing a ring in that photo.

But when some fans zoomed in, they noticed that it looked like her hand was photoshopped. It appeared as though someone had edited out Jana’s engagement ring.

RELATED: Jill Duggar Announces Miscarriage

So, right now, most people believe that Jana really is engaged. Many also think that her fiance is none other than Stephen Wissmann from The Wissman Family.

That’s not all there is to the story. The thing is that this whole engagement has been highly suspicious.

In May of this year, Jana made her return to social media pretty much out of nowhere. The rumors started spreading almost immediately.

The engagement is all people can talk about right now when it comes to the Duggars. But what if that’s not a coincidence? What if all of this is actually Jim Bob’s plan?

Jana’s Engagement Might Be a Distraction

Jana seemed to be happy to not be on social media at all. She was living her life in private for over two years.

Now, she’s back to posting and is potentially hinting at a huge engagement. She’s drawing all the attention. If you think about it, it could be a great distraction technique.

The fact is that back when Josh got arrested, there was a lot going on with the Duggars. Jim Bob was seemingly trying to do everything he could to distract people from what was really happening.

So, could history be repeating itself? People on Reddit seem to think so.

One person talked about Jana’s engagement and what it could mean about Jim Bob. They questioned whether Jana was actually even engaged at all. There’s also a chance that she’s just wearing a promise ring in all those photos.

However, the Duggars are not correcting anyone on their assumptions because they need the media to be focused on this, instead of whatever else might be happening behind the scenes. Even if Jana’s engagement is real, they could still be using it to cover something else up.

Jim Bob Wants to Avoid Another Tell-All

One theory is that Jim Bob is actually in serious financial trouble right now. Many people seem to think that he might be facing tax evasion charges. He could also be involved in some kind of money fraud case.

If he knows something like that is coming, he might be trying to distract everyone to make the fallout less severe.

Another possibility is that there is another Duggar tell-all book or documentary coming, and Jim Bob doesn’t want anyone to pay it any attention. People think that either Jill or Jinger could have something in the works.

Jinger previously wrote a book titled Becoming Free Indeed. She’s been very critical of the religious organization that she was raised in and that her parents are part of.

RELATED: Jinger Duggar Exposes Parents

Jill also wrote a book, titled Counting the Cost. In it, she didn’t hold back when she talked about her childhood and some of the issues she had with Jim Bob. She also appeared in the shocking Amazon Prime Video docuseries Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets.

Both sisters have been open about what their childhood was really like. So, it’s possible that they might be planning to reveal even more sometime soon.

If that is what they’re planning, then maybe Jim Bob wants to stop it. And if he can’t stop it, maybe he can at least make people less interested in it. Using Jana’s alleged engagement could be a good way to do that.

Is Jim Bob Hiding Another Child?

There is another theory about what Jim Bob could be hiding. This one is the most shocking of them all.

Some people believe that there could be an illegitimate child news coming soon. Obviously, this is just a theory. But that’s definitely something he would want to hide, right?

It would be pretty bad if something like this came out. The thing is, if Jim Bob is hiding something, it does have to be pretty bad.

He didn’t do all this when Jinger and Jill started talking about their family more openly. He didn’t really try to distract people from the Shiny Happy People docuseries or anything like that. Jim Bob let all of that happen.

The only time he tried to do damage control like this was when the whole Josh thing was coming out. So, if he’s really up to something, chances are that what he has to hide is pretty bad.

Having an illegitimate child would be that for him, especially since the Duggars are so religious. This would be an awful look for them. It makes sense why people believe this theory.

The Scandal Might Not Be Jim Bob’s

But not everyone is convinced that this potential illegitimate child is Jim Bob’s. Some people seem to think that it could actually be Josh’s.

This would make a lot of sense. We all know that Josh is no stranger to scandal. He’s obviously in prison right now for his horrible crimes.

The thing is, he was also involved in the 2015 Ashley Madison data breach. Ashley Madison is a website that helps married people cheat on their spouses.

In 2015, a group of hackers managed to access information from the website. They later leaked that information. It was revealed that Josh was one of the many users of the website.

He later admitted that he did actually cheat on his wife Anna. So, we know for a fact that he has been unfaithful to her. Is it really that hard to imagine that he might have an illegitimate child out there somewhere, too?

Just recently, the Supreme Court denied Josh’s appeal. So, he’s not going to be leaving prison any time soon. Maybe this recent Josh news could’ve pushed his potential secret baby mama to start making demands of the family.

I mean, obviously, this is all just a theory. But if it is true, and this person is about to come out with some shocking news, it would definitely explain Jim Bob’s recent behavior.

There Is a Rift in the Family

Either way, it will be interesting to see how this whole situation develops. Jim Bob definitely seems to be up to something.

I guess there is a chance that he’s not behind this whole Jana thing. But there have also been some other things that have made people suspicious.

Plus, just recently, Starcasm pointed out that all the Duggar kids seem to be at odds with him. Not one of them wished him a happy Father’s Day this year on social media.

Last year, James posted about the day. He took to his Instagram and called Jim Bob his biggest supporter. He wanted to celebrate Jim Bob for being an incredible father, so he did just that.

But this year, he didn’t make a post like that. None of the kids paid Jim Bob tribute on the day. This is especially interesting since Jana acknowledged Michelle on Mother’s Day.

So, it seems like the problem might be with Jim Bob himself, and not with the kids simply choosing not to post tributes to their parents. Could this have something to do with what Jim Bob might be hiding?

The Royal Family is Falling Apart

Photo Credits: The Royal Family/Instagram

What’s going on with the royal family? It really seems like everything is falling apart for them right now. There are at least 4 family members who’ve dealt with serious health issues over the last year.

Things just aren’t going well for the royals. Is this the end of the royal family once and for all?

Everything seems to be going wrong for the royal family. Three of the royals have been dealing with cancer over the last year or so.

And just recently, another royal had an accident that actually caused them to have amnesia. Princess Anne was taken to the hospital on Sunday, June 23.

Buckingham Palace issued a statement about what happened to her. They said that she “sustained minor injuries and concussion.”

Apparently, she had an accident on the Gatcombe Park estate. It looks like she was struck by a horse.

Anne is an equestrian, and she really loves riding horses. But she’s also in her 70s now, so she really needs to be more careful. This seems to be what her daughter, Zara Tindall, thinks, too.

After Anne’s accident, a source close to the family spoke to OK! Magazine. This insider said that Zara has been worried about something like this happening for years now.

It sounds like Zara would love for her mom to take it slow. But Anne hasn’t really been able to do that, mainly because of everything else going on with the royals right now.

Princess Anne Can’t Remember the Accident

Things have really been falling apart for them over the last year. And as a result, Anne hasn’t really been able to take some time off to just relax and breathe. Now, she’s had this accident.

Hopefully, she’ll be fine. But according to OK! Magazine, her daughter is really shaken by what happened.

The insider said that Anne’s concussion led to her having amnesia. Obviously, that was really difficult for Zara to deal with. She was supposedly hoping that this was just a temporary thing.

But even then, it would still be pretty worrying, especially since the initial statement from the Palace made it sound like nothing too serious happened. We were just told that Anne was taken to the Southmead Hospital in Bristol, England, as a precaution. They just wanted to observe her for a little bit.

Everyone was expecting her to make a fast recovery. So, with this memory loss complication, it sounds like things were actually a little more serious than we were initially told.

However, it does look like Anne was being taken care of really well at the hospital. Her husband, Timothy Laurence, also shared a statement.

He thanked the staff at the Bristol Hospital for all their hard work. He said that they showed expertise and kindness during Anne’s stay there. Timothy later told someone that Anne would come home when she was ready.

Anne Has Been Released from the Hospital

OK! Magazine also reported on what another insider had to say about this whole thing. Katie Nicholl, a royal expert, shared her understanding of the situation. She said that the hospital was taking really good care of Anne.

She was under surveillance because they didn’t want to take any chances. They wanted to make sure that she was stable before they let her go home.

Katie also talked a little bit more about Anne’s memory loss. She said that it didn’t sound like Anne’s amnesia was too serious.

Reportedly, the only thing Anne couldn’t remember was the accident itself. She was asked about what happened, but she just couldn’t recall the incident. It sounds like she might’ve blacked out after the horse struck her.

From what Katie said, that was basically the only thing Anne couldn’t remember. All her other memories seemed to be intact.

Hopefully, the accident really wasn’t too serious, and she’ll be better in no time. She has actually since been released from the hospital. So, things seem to be going well.

Even if everything does turn out fine for Anne, OK! Magazine’s insider still pointed out that this was a massive wake-up call for the royals. Anne is an important part of the royal family.

She’s been working hard for them for years. They’ve come to depend on her in many ways.

An accident like this must’ve really shaken them, especially since it seems like they’ve been relying on her more and more lately. This does make a lot of sense, considering what else is happening in the royal family.

King Charles Has Shortened His Tour

Anne isn’t the only one who’s been dealing with health concerns lately. Obviously, there’s also King Charles.

Charles hasn’t been King for very long at all. He only became King in September 2022, after his mom, Queen Elizabeth, passed away. This means that he was on the throne for not even a year and a half before the Palace announced the terrible news about his health.

Charles is currently dealing with cancer. He first found out about his diagnosis after he had a separate procedure to treat his enlarged prostate. Now, he’s receiving treatments.

This is having a huge impact on him, both personally and professionally. Just recently, it was announced that his October tour in Australia would be shorter than initially expected.

Charles was supposed to visit Australia, Samoa, and New Zealand on his tour. But now, it looks like he’s going over there for just 6 days. He’s not going to New Zealand at all.

He obviously has to prioritize his health, so this decision was probably made with that in mind. But it also implies that Charles isn’t doing the best, since the plans had to change recently. That’s really worrying.

Kate Opened Up About Her Cancer Treatment

What makes all of this even worse is that he still isn’t the only person struggling right now. Princess Kate is also dealing with her own cancer diagnosis.

In January of this year, it was announced that she had to have a planned abdominal surgery. After that, she took some time off her royal duties.

RELATED: Prince William Speaks Out on Kate Amid Cancer Battle

She wasn’t seen in public for ages. Eventually, a couple of months later, it was announced that she had cancer, too. Kate is currently receiving chemotherapy treatment.

On June 14, she opened up about how that’s been going on her and William’s official Instagram. She said that there were some good days. But she also has bad days sometimes.

The treatment is still ongoing. Hopefully, Kate and Charles will both be able to beat their cancer.

Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson Is Also Undergoing Treatment

Did you know that they’re not the only two royals dealing with the disease right now? There’s another member of the family who’s been diagnosed with cancer.

This is Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson. Fergie is the ex-wife of Prince Andrew. The two of them were married from 1986 to 1996. 

They’re no longer together, but they’re still super close. They apparently even still live together to this day. This is probably good for Fergie, who needs all the support she can get.

Last year, it was announced that she had breast cancer. She ended up getting a mastectomy.

Everyone hoped that this was it and that she would be healthy from then on. But in January of this year, she found out that she also had skin cancer.

As of June of this year, she was still receiving treatment. Hopefully, the treatment will be successful.

It really seems like the royal family is going through a lot right now. So many members are dealing with serious health issues and concerns.

It must be putting a lot of stress on the whole institution, especially since three of the people who are struggling right now are actually working royals. Anne, Charles, and Kate usually have a lot of responsibilities. But right now, they obviously all have to take it slow.

That’s really important, and it’s good that they seem to be doing that. But at the same time, all the work still needs to be done.

So, it’s likely that the royals are all pretty stressed right now. Hopefully, things get better for them soon.

Did Shantel Jackson Throw Shade At Nelly and Ashanti’s Relationship?

Photo credits: Shantel Jackson/Instagram and Ashanti/Instagram

In the middle of all the crazy attention and celebrations surrounding Nelly and Ashanti’s recent news, one of the rapper’s old flames has had her say. 

Before reuniting with Ashanti, one of Nelly’s most serious relationships was with Shantel Jackson

A few months ago, Shantel raised some eyebrows during a live stream online in which she took questions from her followers. 

Did Nelly’s Ex Shantel Throw Shade? 

One of her answers in particular got fans wondering if she was throwing some shade at Nelly and Ashanti getting back together

The video started innocently enough with Shantel telling her followers that she was trying to utilize all of her social media platforms. 

She stated that she was happy, and she seemed to be enjoying answering questions about her life right now. 

When asked, she confirmed that she was single and added that she was ready to mingle.

At one point, however, one follower asked her a question that seemed to be a reference to Nelly and Ashanti

The question was what advice she had for someone who went back to somebody they really loved. 

This was in January of this year, a short time after Nelly and Ashanti secretly got married

Shantel Said ‘I Don’t Go Back. I Don’t Go Backwards’

When she answered the fan question, Shantel started off trying to be diplomatic. 

She said that if it worked out, it was something that people should do. 

However, what she went on to say seemed to suggest that there was more to it. 

She played with her earring as she stated, “I don’t go back. I don’t go backwards,” before laughing and moving on to the next question. 

How Nelly and Shantel Jackson Met

Fans would definitely have joined the dots regarding Shantel’s past with Nelly and what Ashanti meant in their relationship. 

Although Ashanti and Nelly seemed to many to be destined to be together, for many years, Shantel was the woman in the rapper’s life.

She dated Nelly for many years after they first got together in 2015.

Nelly met Shantel shortly after she split up with boxing legend Floyd Mayweather, who she was actually engaged to for a number of years.

There had been rumors for a while that the couple ended things because of cheating.

Although Floyd was originally believed to be the guilty party, rumors soon started swirling that Shantel had had an affair with a well-known hip hop star.

Although nothing was ever proven, Nelly and Shantel went public as a couple that same year.

Shantel Was Ready To Get Married To Nelly 

And things quickly became serious for the new lovers.

Shantel quickly started putting out signals that she was ready to get married.

And the signs weren’t always that subtle.

In 2016, she shared an Instagram post featuring an elephant family of three, a father and mother with a baby elephant.

Though probably accidental, it seemed pretty strange to a lot of people that the picture didn’t acknowledge the kids Nelly already had.

Another sign came when Shantel tagged Nelly and herself as Mr. and Mrs. Adventure while they were vacationing in Bali.

Although they parted ways without ever actually going down the aisle, there was no doubt that they both took their relationship seriously.

And Nelly clearly wanted Shantel to be close to his family, as she even featured on his short-lived reality show Nellyville.

For a long time, it looked like Nelly was taking Shantel just as seriously as she was taking him. 

Why Did Nelly And Shantel Break Up?

So what happened?

Shantel opened up about the end of their time together while appearing on The Real in 2021. 

She stressed that they didn’t actually end things on bad terms, but that distance grew between them due to their busy schedules. 

In the early part of their relationship, according to Shantel, she was out on the road with Nelly most of the time. 

But eventually, she decided to focus on herself and build her own company, Shoe Gummi, which was when the problems apparently started. 

Nelly continued to tour, with Shantel spending more time at home. 

Shantel Said She and Nelly Started To ‘Grow Apart’

Shantel said that they started to “grow apart.”

However, they tried their best to keep things going. 

Shantel told The Real hosts that they decided to take a break with the intention of coming back to figure things out between them. 

However, the time for rekindling their relationship never seemed to arrive, and the couple split up for good. 

Shantel made her revelations about the break up in 2021, just a couple of months after Nelly and Ashanti were reunited in a moment that went viral during Fat Joe and Ja Rule’s Verzuz battle. 

Fans Call Out Nelly And Shantel 

With so many people talking about Nelly and Ashanti again after so many years, it was inevitable that Shantel’s name got pulled into the mix after her appearance on The Real.

A lot of fans made it clear that they didn’t believe that busy schedules was the reason for Shantel and Nelly’s split.

Instead, they suggested that Nelly’s devotion to Ashanti drove him away. 

One fan commented online to say, “That man wants Ashanti.”

Others suggested that Shantel would have been better off leaving Nelly earlier, as the rapper had failed to prove his commitment to her.

One fan commented, “7 years and he never gave you a ring… u should’ve moved on!”

And now, after Shantel’s interesting comments online from a few months ago, it looks like she might be feeling the same way. 

Shantel herself first broke the news of her split from Nelly on social media.

One of her followers commented on a post she shared asking if they were still together. 

Shantel responded in the comments section to confirm that they were now just friends.

Nelly’s Change Of Heart 

This came as a shock to many, especially after everything that Nelly had previously said about the relationship in public. 

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, he even hinted that he could see them staying together forever.

He said that he didn’t want his life not to have Shantel in it. 

He added, “We have been seeing each other for five or six years. Anytime you can connect with someone like that, it works in the long run.”

It now seems crazy that Nelly was considering going all the way with Shantel, only to end up marrying the woman he was dating before getting together with her in the first place.

Shantel’s Connection With Nelly And Ashanti

Despite the fact that it’s been many years since Shantel was with Nelly, she keeps finding herself mentioned in connection to Ashanti and Nelly’s very public second romance. 

And some of the things people have been saying are just straight petty. 

Her name was brought up last October after Ashanti threw Nelly a surprise birthday party.

The swanky fancy dress celebrations even included a surprise birthday present Ashanti bought the rapper. 

The singer bought Nelly a customized convertible Chevrolet Impala reminiscent of the vehicle mentioned in Nelly’s hit song Ride Wit Me. 

The touching gesture was filmed and later shared on Instagram, showing how delighted Nelly was with his gift. 

But somehow, some fans managed to make the moment all about Shantel.

Reporting on the birthday party, Atlanta Black Star mentioned that fans commented on the post with messages such as: “Ms Jackson ain’t never did no [stuff] like this.”

However, Shantel has made it clear that she has no intention of looking back, even if Nelly’s fans continue to do so.

Lil Wayne Speaks Out About Drake and Kendrick Lamar Feud

Photo credits: Lil Wayne/Instagram, Drake/Instagram and Kendrick Lamar/TikTok

Lil Wayne had some words to share on Drake and his feud with Kendrick. But, some people seem to think his allegiance may have shifted a bit. 

Is Wayne turning on Drizzy or just trying to help? Here’s the info:

Lil Wayne Says ‘Keep it Canadian’ 

    As the feud between Drake and Kendrick seems to have etched itself into hip hop culture at this point, it should come as no surprise that the man who put Drake in the spotlight at the start would eventually need to chime in.

    Lil Wayne stated his piece in an interview that was shared on Reddit, pointing out how he had hoped Drake would always be authentic in his music and rap about the things he was familiar with. He stated:

    “Like, keep it Canadian man. 

    ‘Keep it Canadian’ is now my new favorite thing to say. 

    I was the one to tell him don’t change anything. 

    You’re coming over here […] you got to start rapping about the things I rap about […] Don’t do none of that.

    Please rap about your little TV show.

    Whatever you want to rap about […] Rap about girls. Do that. That’s what you’re good at. Cuz you know, of course, it’s only natural for you to come over and just think ‘you know, if I’m with Wayne then I’m gonna rock like Wayne’, you know? 

    So that was one of the main things I had to tell him from the jump. Like, hey don’t change anything. Don’t start singing about killing nobody.”

    Kendrick Lamar Keeps Taking Cheap Shots 

      Kendrick has definitely struck a few nerves while dissing Drake and lines like what he dropped in “Euphoria” have gotten increasingly hostile. According to Sportskeeda, he rapped the following:

      “I believe you don’t like women, it’s real competition, you might pop a– with ’em  

      Let’s speak on percentage, show me your splits, I’ll make sure I double back with ya  

      You were signed to a n—a that’s signed to a n—a that said he was signed to that n—a 

      Try cease and desist on the “Like That” record? 

      Ho, what? You ain’t like that record? 

      “Back To Back,” I like that record 

      I’ma get back to that, for the record”

      Now, that’s pretty personal, but Kendrick’s jabs have only gotten more so over time and Drake has traded plenty of blows to boot. 

      According to Sportskeeda, he went so far as to feed Kendrick false information (about an 11-year-old daughter) through his network to get him to bring it up in his diss tracks. Then he gloated about it in his own diss track, “The Heart Part 6”, stating:

      RELATED: Taylor Swift Writes a Diss Seemingly About Kim Kardashian

      “We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information 

      A daughter that’s eleven years old, I bet he takes it 

      We thought about giving a fake name or a destination 

      But you so thirsty, you not concerned with investigation 

      Instead you in Advantage Studio, it’s a celebration 

      You gotta learn to fact check things and be less impatient”

      Lil Wayne Still Supports Drake

        Although Wayne wants Drake to ‘keep it Canadian’, he has made it pretty clear that he’s still in his corner and doesn’t support Kendrick.

        That being said, some fans have highlighted how Wayne’s words point directly to one of the things Drake has been called out for the most by Kendrick – authenticity and rapping about his real persona.

        As one reddit commenter put it:

        “Well we can certainly acknowledge that Wayne has his fair share of flaws, too. Regardless, I don’t think Drake was always like this. 

        Notice how Wayne specifically acknowledges in the interview that he understands the “natural” pressure Drake might have felt to act a certain way to present himself as an “authentic” rapper.

        Obviously, as time has told, Drake succumbed to that pressure and has sort of been digging a deeper and deeper hole to try and prove himself as something that he’s not rather than truly just be his authentic self.”

        Savannah Chrisley Speaks Out About Appeal

        Photo credit: Savannah Faith Chrisley/Instagram

        Savannah Chrisley has been keeping everyone up to speed on her parents’ prison situation. Recently, she used her podcast, Unlocked, to give a bittersweet update about her mom and dad.

        While Julie Chrisley recently got some good news, the same thing can’t be said about her husband Todd. You guys won’t be able to handle all the crazy and juicy details about the Chrisleys’ neverending family drama. 

        In 2022, Julie was sentenced to 7 years behind bars for tax evasion and bank fraud, per ABC News. She has already spent 18 months behind bars, which means that she theoretically still has a long way to go. But that’s not actually the case.

        She must’ve been super happy to find out that her case would be sent to the lower court for resentencing. According to ABC News, one of the arguments from her appeal claimed that the district court made an error in sentencing her by holding her accountable for the loss amount of the entire bank fraud scheme.

        It turns out that there might be some truth to that argument. The judges revealed that they couldn’t identify the evidence they relied on to hold Julie accountable for losses before 2007. They determined that neither the district court nor the government directed them to any evidence that Julie was involved in the conspiracy by 2006.

        So what does that mean for Julie exactly?

        Well, Celebrating The Soaps reported that it means Julie might get to go home sooner than she originally thought. Which, as you can imagine, is happy news for the entire family. 

        Todd Is Happy for Julie

        The not-so-good news for them is that Todd Chrisley’s appeal was rejected. So it doesn’t look like he’ll be going anywhere anytime soon. 

        Savannah shared some touching news about her dad’s reaction to Julie’s latest verdict. He apparently didn’t let his own misfortune affect how he felt about his wife’s good fortune. 

        On her podcast, Savannah said that her dad was fine. She said: “He was crying, like, happy tears knowing that mom could be home.”

        She added that the only thing he cared about was getting Julie home, even if he couldn’t join her yet. Obviously, Julie was pretty devastated when she found out about her husband’s appeal rejection. They must’ve been hoping that neither of them would actually have to carry out the full length of their sentencing. 

        Savannah shared that her mom was heartbroken. But hopefully, she’ll be able to go home and then she could visit Todd. She thought that it would be a game changer for Todd’s overall mental health and well-being and her mother’s, too.

        Production Companies Want Julie Back on TV

        During the recent episode of Unlocked, Savannah shared a jaw-dropping incident that showed just how greedy people can be. She revealed that as soon as people found out that her mom could be getting out, her publicist started to get phone calls from people in the industry about getting Julie back on TV.

        Savannah revealed that a production company reached out to the publicist asking if the Chrisley matriarch was exclusive with a production company yet. The publicist said that she couldn’t believe it. She said that she replied: “You do realize she’s still in prison, correct?”

        The news clearly annoyed Savannah. It got her thinking about something else that she’s previously said really gets under her skin. 

        Apparently, when she first began her podcast, she talked a lot about cancel culture and how much she hated it. She vented that people who were canceling others were actually the ones with too many skeletons in their closets.

        When the news about the family’s legal troubles broke, and everyone began canceling them, Savannah said that she knew they’d eventually change their minds. She supposedly said: “‘Just wait, if something goes in our favor, all these people are gonna come out of the woodworks.”

        And sure enough, the second people heard that Julie could be getting out of prison, they started calling up her team in hopes of grabbing a deal with her. Savannah said that as much as it angered her, she also knew it was just how the entertainment industry was.

        Savannah Doesn’t Want to Get Her Hopes Up

        People Magazine revealed that she was hopeful that her mom would be home in the next few months. She said: “If she comes home, oh my gosh, life will be so much better.”

        Of course, it’s been super hard for Savannah since her parents got locked up. Not only did she suffer the traumatic and humiliating experience of losing both of her parents at the same time while the whole world watched and pointed fingers at them, but she was also left to take care of her younger brother Grayson, and her niece Chloe.

        Now, she’s hoping that her mom might be home in time for Thanksgiving. Then, her family might have time to truly focus on dealing with Todd’s legal situation. 

        According to Savannah, Julie and Todd’s granddaughter Chloe had tears well up in her eyes when she heard that there was a chance that Julie could be coming home soon. As excited as Savannah was to hear her mom’s news, she admitted that she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

        She didn’t want to disappoint Chloe, and she didn’t want to disappoint Grayson, either. Nothing is set in stone yet. There’s a chance that Julie will still have to stay in prison a little longer.

        But there is one thing that Julie knows for sure, and it’s something that Savannah might not be thrilled about. On her podcast, Savannah opened up about a conversation she had with her mom after they got the news about her appeal. Apparently, Julie told her daughter that when she did finally come home, Savannah wouldn’t be allowed to leave her.

        Julie Might Get in the Way of Savannah’s Relationship

        When Savannah asked what she meant, Julie clarified that she understood that her daughter wanted to have her own life. But she said that for the first few months after leaving prison, Savannah would have to stay with her. 

        I imagine that as happy as she might be that she’s going to have her mom back in her life, Savannah probably isn’t thrilled about having to stay at home with her for months, especially since she is in a new relationship with her boyfriend Robert Shiver.

        In May 2024, People Magazine reported that she was already finding their relationship challenging enough because they’ve been doing long-distance. On her podcast, she complained that, at first, long-distance relationships seemed so easy. But when there came big life moments and holidays that they didn’t get to spend together, it got really tough.

        As if that wasn’t hard enough, she also pointed out that because Robert has kids, and she’s responsible for her younger siblings, it’s really difficult for them to find alone time together. If Savannah is already having so much trouble getting time in with her boyfriend, then I can’t see how she’s going to have any quality time with him once her mom gets out of jail. 

        I wonder if she still has her fingers crossed about her mom getting out by Thanksgiving, After getting that sobering news about her mom wanting to depend on her for months, Savannah might not be as desperate to have her back home by the holidays.