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Exposing What Diddy Did to Britney Spears

Photo Credits: Britney Spears/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

Britney Spears is the latest celebrity to be linked to the Diddy situation. It turns out he allegedly had something to do with her downfall. If not for him, she may never have gone down the path that she did.

Although Britney now has autonomy and is free to do whatever she wants, it’s clear she isn’t the same pop princess we all knew and loved back in the day. I don’t think anyone can blame her for that. 13 years of conservatorship would do a number on anyone.

This is exactly what Diddy allegedly wanted when he kickstarted the series of events that led to her downfall. It all started on December 31, 2006, when Britney hosted the New Year’s Eve party at Pure Nightclub.

The event ended with Britney being dragged out of the club because she allegedly lost consciousness after consuming some substances. The very next day, her troubles began.

After this event, there were a lot of stories about what happened that night. People felt Britney was starting to shed her innocent girl-next-door image. With each passing day, the stories kept getting crazier and crazier.

Britney eventually had to check herself into a rehab facility to get away from the negativity. Barely a day into her stay, she left and suffered what many people described as a mental breakdown after she shaved her head.

Now, for a lot of people, this was a sign that Britney was not doing well mentally. For Britney, it was a last-ditch effort to fight for her sanity and push against the people trying to control her.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t successful. Just a few days after this, she checked into a rehab facility once again, only to leave 24 hours later.

Britney Couldn’t Trust the People Around Her

Now no one understood what was going on with Britney. As she explained in the 2007 letter that she wrote to her fans, even Britney felt lost. From the letter, it was clear as day that Britney was suspicious that her management was trying to sabotage her.

She was right. At this point, they had allegedly started giving her substances regularly, without her knowing.

All she knew was that sometimes, she’d feel a certain way she couldn’t explain. Her mind kept on telling her that she couldn’t trust the people around her.

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This was the reason why she refused to stay at the rehab facilities they had checked her into. She knew she’d just be giving them exactly what they wanted.

But her struggle for survival wasn’t the easiest one, and she kept failing at every turn. Britney’s life was falling apart right in front of her eyes, and she didn’t know what to do.

That was when Diddy allegedly came into the picture. He supposedly knew about everything that Britney was going through.

Why? Well, because he was allegedly in on it.

Britney’s infamous 2007 VMAs performance, which is arguably her worst performance ever, was meant to be her comeback. But it ended up being a nightmare. Britney was all over the place, could barely walk in a straight line, and lip-synced her way throughout the performance.

This was a major shock to everyone. Well, everyone but Diddy. He knew exactly why she was that way.

Diddy Wanted Britney Out of the Picture

You see, the night before this, Britney was seen partying with Diddy alongside some other celebrities. There is a conspiracy theory that Britney was set up to fail, with Diddy allegedly giving her substances that very night, and her being sacrificed in a ritual that would take her down for good. Britney’s management and family were allegedly all in on it.

Now, it’s understandable why these people were supposedly involved with it. Britney was ranking in millions from such a young age. If they wanted a good chunk of that money, they needed to find a way to control her.

If you’re wondering what Diddy had to gain from this, well, it’s pretty simple. He allegedly just wanted Britney out of the picture.

Before the conservatorship, Britney was a force to be reckoned with in the industry. Very few women had the pull and power that she did.

If you wanted that pull and power, you had to go up against Britney, and this wasn’t the easiest task. Especially for Beyoncé, as she was still trying to find her footing as a solo singer.

We all know that Diddy and Jay Z had this tight-knit friendship for years. They would do anything for each other. Sacrificing Britney so that Beyoncé could finally have her moment to shine wasn’t a problem for Diddy.

Just think about it for a moment. It wasn’t until Britney was out for good that Beyoncé started making major headlines and waves.

Lou Taylor Helped Take Britney Down

This has to make you wonder – Would Beyoncé have gotten as big as she is today if Britney was never taken out of the picture? Britney’s downfall was so straightforward – almost as if someone had it all mapped out.

First, there was her disastrous VMAs performance. Then, just a few days later, she was ordered to do a random substance test as part of her custody case with Kevin Federline. Following that, she lost custody of her sons.

Before she could even process everything that was happening, she was placed into a conservatorship. And all of this happened while she was allegedly being given substances without her knowledge.

Now, if you’re wondering how Diddy was able to infiltrate Britney’s space and allegedly take her down, he supposedly did it with the help of Lou Taylor. You see, Lou and Diddy go way back. They met when they were both working at Uptown Records before Diddy became one of Lou’s clients.

Word on the street is that Lou reached out to Diddy asking for his help to take Britney down. Diddy didn’t think twice about Lou’s offer as he would be taking Britney out of the picture and allowing Beyoncé to get to the top at the same time.

Now, before all of this went down, Lou allegedly already had an agreement set in stone with Britney’s father. This would explain why The Firm dropped Britney after her conservatorship was announced and Lou swooped in to take the job.

With all of this being said, you have to wonder – what would have happened to Britney if Diddy wasn’t allegedly involved in her downfall? Would she have been able to fight off her family and her management without him making things worse or would she have suffered the same fate?

Exposing Janet Jackson’s Nephew, TJ

Photo credits: TJ Jackson/Twitter and Janet Jackson/Instagram

Janet Jackson was publicly called out by her nephew, TJ Jackson, in a truly bizarre way. 

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But his reasoning behind his criticism was pretty strange, and it ended up sparking a huge debate online.

So what exactly did TJ say about his famous aunt? 

The details surrounding his disapproval and why he made such critical remarks about Janet are seriously crazy, so let’s break them down.

Janet Jackson’s Nephew, TJ, Threw Major Shade at Janet

According to Radar Online, in February 2023, TJ unexpectedly threw major shade at Janet on Twitter. 

A throwback video from one of her live shows had been posted on the platform, and it showed her suggestively dancing against one of her fans on stage. 

TJ decided to share his thoughts, but what he revealed was honestly insane. 

TJ responded to the clip by tweeting that he had “never liked” when his aunt danced like that during her concerts. 

But then, he got into why he wasn’t a fan of her seductive performances, and his reasoning was pretty outrageous. 

TJ added that he didn’t like how overly sensualized Janet was, because he believed it was degrading. 

When a Twitter user suggested that he only felt that way because she was his aunt, he expanded on his opinion in an unbelievable way. 

TJ explained that he didn’t like when Janet, or any other female artist, portrayed themselves in a suggestive way. 

He claimed that it not only diminished their talent, but it also sent an unhealthy message about objectifying women. 

But he didn’t stop there.

TJ also mentioned that he liked ‘the “That’s The Way Love Goes” Janet,’ referring to her song and its music video. 

He basically implied that she only showed the full extent of her talent when she wore clothing that covered up her body and danced in a much more modest way. 

TJ Jackson’s Comment Sparked a Heated Discussion

Not surprisingly, TJ’s comments about his aunt led to a very heated discussion. 

While some Twitter users appeared to agree with TJ’s stance, it seemed like the majority of people replying to his tweets found his opinion problematic. 

Atlanta Black Star reported that when someone accused TJ of having misogynistic double standards, his response was incredibly controversial.

TJ claimed that “men aren’t as objectified as women,” and seemingly refused to see the issue from another perspective. 

But when he continued trying to defend his point of view, he ended up making even more people upset. 

TJ explained that female artists weren’t doing themselves any favors by portraying themselves in an overly sensualized way, because it only created a negative image.

TJ Said Janet Was ‘A Lot Dirtier’ Than His uncle, Michael Jackson

He added that he disliked whenever women were overly sensualized in art, because in his opinion, “vulgarity is not art.”

Several people replied to TJ, and brought up that at times, his late uncle Michael had danced in ways that were even more provocative than Janet during his performances. 

But of course, TJ moved the goal posts yet again, and what he said was honestly crazy.

TJ fired back and argued that his aunt was “a lot dirtier” than his uncle had ever been. 

He also claimed that Michael’s music videos had “never objectified women” and said that had been the point he was trying to make all along.  

Twitter Users Called Out TJ For Shaming His Aunt, Janet Jackson

Many Twitter users called TJ out for shaming Janet and accused him of attempting to stifle her body-positivity and self-confidence. 

Others slammed him for intentionally trying to paint female artists in a negative light. 

A lot of people in TJ’s replies also argued that it simply wasn’t his place to police women’s bodies, or how female entertainers choose to express themselves in art. 

One Twitter user not only questioned his criticism of his aunt, but also raised an extremely valid point. 

Janet Jackson’s Impact on the Music Industry 

They asked TJ why he always praised Michael, but never had anything positive to say about Janet, even though she had “broken down barriers and broken records.” 

Janet has been in the music industry for over 40 years, and she really has made a huge impact. 

She’s topped the charts and has inspired so many people, including other female artists, to pursue their dreams. 

So why does it seem like she’s always being unfairly scrutinized in the media? 

While it’s true that Janet might have pushed boundaries at times with her performances, a lot of people believe that she actually helped the feminist movement. 

Many people have even considered her to be a feminist icon. 

Janet has also had a super successful career that’s spanned nearly five decades, and she’s still known around the world as a popular entertainer. 

And no matter how people feel about her, it’s not like she’s any more sensualized than other pop stars.

However, TJ could possibly have his own personal reasons for not giving Janet the same praise as Michael. 

The Jackson’s Family Feud

A little over a decade ago, he played a surprising role in a massive Jackson family argument, and it might have influenced how he feels about her to this day. 

What happened was seriously bizarre.

According to the New York Post, in July 2012, a judge declared TJ as the temporary guardian of his late uncle’s three kids. 

But up until then, the children’s grandmother, Katherine, had been their legal guardian, following their father’s passing in 2009. 

At the time, the Jackson family had been publicly feuding with each other over Michael’s estate. 

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However, things took a shocking turn when Michael’s kids tweeted that Janet had allegedly tricked their grandmother into leaving the state. 

But that wasn’t all. 

Michael’s oldest son, Prince, accused his aunt of blocking his and his siblings’ attempts to communicate with Katherine

He also shared a screenshot of a group text thread, which included many of the Jackson family members, and what it revealed was absolutely crazy. 

Prince had sent a text in the group chat, demanding that he and his siblings be allowed to talk to Katherine immediately. 

But when Janet responded, she instructed her relatives to NOT let the kids contact their grandmother. 

Janet And Two Brothers Banned From Katherine’s Home

So when TJ was appointed temporary guardianship, he told the court that he would be taking action to protect Michael’s children.

Later that month, TJ’s attorney released a statement to E! News that revealed that Janet and two of her brothers, Randy and Jermaine, had been banned from Katherine’s home. 

At the time, that’s where TJ and the kids were staying.

But even when Michael was alive, TJ had always been closer with him than he was with Janet. 

The New York Post reported that TJ was only a teenager when his mother tragically passed away in 1994. 

But after her passing, one member of the Jackson family stepped up and decided to look out for TJ and his two brothers.

Michael was reportedly there for TJ and his brothers right away. 

He was a huge source of support for them during their time of need, and even years later. 

TJ and his brothers later decided to start a band of their own, which was called 3T. 

They claimed that their choice to make music, as well as their sound and style, had been heavily inspired and influenced by Michael. 

While it definitely seems like TJ’s close bond with Michael may have been a factor in why he praised him during his critique of Janet, it’s still kind of odd. 

He’s rarely said anything positive about his aunt, even though she and Michael’s children have smoothed out most of their previous issues. 

Why TJ Deleted His Harsh, Controversial Twitter Posts About Janet

So why was he so harsh and critical when he finally decided to speak out about Janet? 

According to Metro UK, TJ deleted his tweets about Janet and other female artists shortly after he posted them. 

A few days later, he attempted to clear the air by clarifying what he had tried to say the first time around. 

TJ tweeted that he had never intended to come across as being shameful toward his aunt. 

He explained that he didn’t mean to downplay Janet’s success or talent at all. 

TJ Said Janet Was ‘The Greatest Female Artist’

He added that in his opinion, she was “the greatest female artist,” and there would never be another artist like her. 

On one hand, it’s great that TJ was willing to try to set the record straight about his original remarks and specify what he had supposedly meant by them. 

But on the other hand, he repeatedly made his opinion very clear in those comments, and many people considered his stance to be pretty problematic. 

It’s impossible to know whether TJ decided to delete his tweets out of respect for his aunt, or if he just wanted to avoid getting more backlash for his controversial point of view. 

But now that we’ve gotten into the insane way he called out Janet, I want to know what you guys think. 

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What are your thoughts on TJ’s criticism of his aunt and other female artists, compared to his frequent praise and defense of Michael? 

Why do you think he and so many others have accused Janet of being overly sensualized, even though she’s not any more sensualized than other pop stars? 

Let me know in the comments below.

Hugh Hefner’s Son, Marston, Slams Crystal

Photo credits: Crystal Harris Hefner/Instagram and Marston Hefner/Instagram

There seems to be no love lost between Playboy founder Hugh Hefner’s son and his former wife.

Marston Hefner made an appearance on the Girls Next Level podcast on Monday in which he aired his problems with Crystal Hefner. 

Marston Hefner Called Crystal Hefner a ‘Master Manipulator’

Marston did not hold back, calling Crystal a “master manipulator.”

He went on to tell Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt what changed when Crystal entered his late dad’s life.

He said, “When Crystal came in, there started to be, like, tribes.”

He also brought up the bombshell book Crystal wrote about her life in the Playboy mansion.

The memoir, titled Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself, was released this year, and Marston has now claimed to have read it. 

He recalled on the podcast that Crystal wrote that she felt “invisible” at the mansion, but that she noticed a difference when Marston’s dad was around. 

Marston said, “She noticed that like when she was around my father people treated her differently and they started to listen.”

Crystal’s Obsession With ‘Control and Power’

He went on to suggest that people got a little “scared” of Crystal.

Marston explained his belief that this treatment went to Crystal’s head, saying, “I think that feeling of ‘I matter’ is addicting.”

He continued, “I think she basically liked climbing, being in that position where you knew you had to go through her or you had to ask her for things she controlled.”

Clearly, Marston felt that Crystal abused the authority that her relationship with his dad afforded her. 

He talked about what he believed to be Crystal’s obsession with “control and power.”

The 34-year-old photographer said that Crystal’s power grew to the point where she was in charge of who was allowed to attend events.

This led to Marston allegedly seeing guests who had been regulars at the mansion for “10 years” or more suddenly no longer invited to attend.

He explained Crystal’s behavior was due to the fact that “she liked controlling the guest list.”

He added, “She liked taking girls off and on the guest list pending on whatever the whims were at the time.”

Marston’s Comment About Crystal: ‘Really Dark Energy’

Later in the podcast he talked about an encounter he had with Crystal one night at the mansion. 

And what he said was pretty unflattering. 

He said that he felt a “really dark energy” when he walked into the room where Crystal sat with her mom and her friend.

He said, “It didn’t feel fun. It felt kind of like cackling crows being nasty, and I just never went back after that night.”

Crystal made several claims about her former husband in her memoir. 

One in particular that Marston wanted to deny was her claim that she had not been left anything in Hugh’s will. 

Hugh Hefner’s Son’s Damning Allegations

In fact, Marston had some pretty damning allegations of his own to make about the former Playmate. 

He claimed that Crystal actually used Hugh’s fragile mental state in his final years against him. 

And she ensured that she was left more money than Hugh had originally planned to give her.

Marston’s claims that Crystal had exploited his father were supported by his hists. 

Holly Madison’s Attack on Former Playboy Playmate, Crystal

Holly seemed to agree with him when she said, “It’s just very strange to me because the person I knew wouldn’t have picked Crystal to be the president of his foundation.”

Holly had previously launched her own attack on Crystal and her book.

She claimed in an episode of the Ladygang podcast in April that Crystal had clearly copied her writing style.

She explained, “Anybody who’s read my book that came out eight years ago and then read her book, tell me the narrative voice doesn’t sound exactly the same.”

She then expressed that it “drives her up the wall” to see Crystal imitating her in her memoir. 

The book Crystal released this year made some disturbing claims about her marriage to Hugh.

She wrote that after getting married to the Playboy founder at the age of 26, she started to become convinced that he didn’t really love her.

In an interview with E! promoting the book, Crystal stressed, “I loved Hef, I cared for him.”

However, she went on to add, “But in some ways that he treated me, I just felt, OK, this guy can’t really be in love with me.”

Crystal Said Her Marriage to Hugh Was ‘Very Traumatic’

This was expanded upon in her book, in which Crystal claimed how Hugh was controlling and, at times, downright cruel.

She claimed that he would make harsh jokes about her weight and tell her what to wear.

She told E! that their nearly five year marriage was “very traumatic.”

Crystal continued, “It was emotionally abusive. It was very restrictive. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was away from it for a while.”

She hoped that one day she would be able to “finally feel free and happy,” but in truth she said she only ever felt trapped.

She now felt that the fact that she didn’t leave Hugh despite wanting to “all comes down to self-worth and self-love.”

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Which was something she said she “didn’t have much of” at that time.

Hugh had been married twice before Crystal, the second time to Marston’s mother, another former Playmate, Kimberley Conrad.

Marston Opened Up About Living at the Playboy Mansion

Marston has previously opened up about his early years living at the Playboy Mansion.

The now 33-year-old Marston talked to Page Six about growing up with Playboy magazines “strewn around the house”.

Despite this, he also said that he was taught very strict rules about how he should judge explicit material like Playboy.

He said that as progressive as he was, he was “still taught to stigmatize whatever” those materials showed.

But Marston then said that these days he just doesn’t “care to do that”.

And regardless of what his parents taught him as a kid, he now lives a very open lifestyle.

Why Marston Hefner Started an Only Fans Page

Out magazine reported that Marston started an OF page this year.

He told Page Six that he created the page as a “long term avenue for further financial security”.

He also talked about saving up his earnings from the page to realize his dream.

Which reportedly was to be able to own a “Pokemon Trophy card”.

The highly sought after item has been known to cost up to “six figures”, according to Out.

As well as his photos and videos, Marston also released a video series called Growing Up Hefner.

In the series, he recounts stories about growing up in the Mansion.

In his interview with Page Six, Marston admitted that his wife, Anna Lambropoulos, would rather he didn’t post content on the site.

Marston’s Openness to an Open Relationship

However, Marston added, “what’s more important to her is me pursuing my dreams or my interests” and “taking risks”.

He went on to discuss how open he would be to doing anything to make her just as happy.

He even said, “if she wanted to do an open relationship, we’ll talk about it”.

As well as earning money from his online content, Out magazine reported that Marston also wrote a book called High School Romance, which was published in 2022.

It’s unknown if Crystal has read her former stepson’s book. 

But we now know that her own book has caused quite a shock for Marston and Crystal’s fellow Playmates.

JLO and Ben Affleck Getting Divorced 😳

Photo credit: JLo/Instagram

Stop the virtual presses: the JLo and Ben Affleck divorce rumor is heating up again.

Earlier on May 15th, In Touch alleged that JLo and Ben are not only headed for divorce but he’s “already moved out.” There are many sides to this story, including insider gossip that JLo is “falling apart” and Ben has become completely “unhinged.”

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In Touch claimed that their “exclusive source” knows the real truth. According to the source, “the writing is on the wall” for JLo and Ben, and their marriage is effectively “over.” 

JLo’s Brusque Behavior at the Met Gala

Shockingly, the source alleged that Ben is not to blame for this new split rumor “for once.” Is JLo really “falling apart?” Sources claim that her recent diva behavior at the Met Gala and “horrible” ticket sales for her concert tour are turning JLo into a “complete b**ch.”

Page Six published “exclusive details” on May 9th, and the outlet claimed that JLo came under “a barrage of criticism for her seemingly brusque behavior” at the Met Gala.

When USA Today reporter Anika Reed simply asked JLo what designer she was wearing, she barked out the designer’s name and quickly broke “eye contact” with Anika.

Ben Affleck ‘Decided to Call It Quits’ With JLo

Another telltale sign of trouble in JLo and Ben’s paradise is that Ben was a no-show at the Met Gala. If there had been any year that Ben should have been by his wife’s side, it would have been this year’s Met Gala since JLo held an important position as the event’s co-chair.

In Touch reported that Ben gave an “official excuse” for being MIA at the Met Gala. According to In Touch, Ben claimed he was “busy filming The Accountant 2,” but their exclusive source says Ben already “decided to call it quits” on his marriage to JLo.

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Why Sources Are Throwing Shade at JLo

Multiple sources, like Page Six, are throwing shade at JLo right now, but In Touch’s source sadly revealed another alleged reason why their marriage is on the rocks.

The source claimed that Ben and JLo will “never stop loving each other, but she can’t control him, and he can’t change her.” This is why the source thinks “there’s no way” that their marriage could have lasted.

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They may have a point about JLo being unable to “control” Ben, and if you need any further proof, Fox News has it. 

JLo Said, ‘We’re Trying to Learn to Compromise’ 

According to Fox News, Ben “skipped” the Met Gala after he presented at the Netflix comedy roast of Tom Brady, and Ben’s “unhinged” rant went viral in the worst way possible.

Fox News wrote that Ben “spent nearly six minutes of his time at the mic criticizing the retired football quarterback’s fans.” His rant didn’t make any sense, and it’s been poorly received. 

But another thing that’s been mocked is JLo’s super-dramatic and self-serving documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told, which has also been poorly received and could be another reason why she’s allegedly falling apart.

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JLo has admitted that she and Ben handle the spotlight differently, although she alleged in her documentary, “We’re trying to learn to compromise.” If this new split rumor is the real truth, JLo and Ben might not have compromised enough.

‘I Don’t Trust Nobody’ – Tiffany Haddish Speaks Out

Photo Credit: Tiffany Haddish/Instagram

On April 21st, Tiffany Haddish spoke out during an appearance at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books to discuss her book, which has just recently been released. She explained that she’s made a lot of mistakes in her life, and wanted a place where she could talk about them. 

Tiffany Haddish Opened Up In Her New Book

So, in her new book , “I Curse You With Joy,” Tiffany seeks to share both the lessons and blessings that she’s received throughout her lifetime. 

She continued on to explain that she’s never really had a time in her life where she felt like she truly had the perfect year. While she admits that there have been times in her life that were really great, she still stumbles and falls and knows that she isn’t perfect by any means. 

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Despite these stumblings, she still cuts herself some slack, since we’re all just human and plenty of us make mistakes all the time. 

She said “All of us are going to stumble and fall from time to time. Some of you are lucky enough to have the anonymity where nobody knows that you did it.” But, once someone knows that you did it, she said that there’s a feeling like people will always look at you and wonder if it’ll happen again. 

Tiffany Has Felt that People Were Waiting For Her to Mess Up

For most people, these things are forgotten by their friends and family over time, but for someone like her who is always in the spotlight, she doesn’t have that luxury. 

And so she felt like she’s been feeling like people have been watching her and waiting for her to mess up her whole life. 

This new book, however, is a great opportunity for her to take all those mistakes and judgments that came her way and turn them into something positive. 

And she does that by showing that you can grow from them and that you can make adjustments so it doesn’t happen again. 

She even said that if we’re able to recognize that this is happening to someone, we can also offer our support to them and give them advice. 

Tiffany Haddish’s Struggle with Sobriety

One of the bigger challenges in her life more recently has been her struggle with sobriety, as she had revealed that just in March she had been sober for two months.

But, this had only happened following a bad accident where she allegedly fell asleep at the wheel of her car and was then charged with a DUI last November. 

And sadly, this wasn’t the first time she’s faced these kinds of charges either. 

However, all of this is to say that she is still sober as of today, and she said that if there was one thing she’s learned through it is that she’s been too nice about it. 

“I Stopped Leaning On Other People,” She Said

She said that when she used to drink, she would have to filter herself out of fear that she may say something incredibly mean to others. 

And she bit her tongue and never allowed herself to say what she really thinks, but without being under the influence, she is able to speak her mind freely. 

While speaking to People about her journey, she said that she didn’t rely on anyone while she got sober. She said “Yeah, I don’t trust them. I don’t trust nobody. It’s been me. I’ve been leaning on me. I stopped leaning on other people. And I started leaning on me more.”

With this being said, her book has now just been released as of May 7th, and she is finally ready for people to get to know the real her and what she has to offer. 

Exposing Nicole Hocking’s Dark Side

Photo credit: Nicole Combs/Instagram

Luke Combs and Nicole Hocking are happily married with two adorable sons, and they come across as more down-to-earth than other country superstars have acted recently.

That might be the real truth now, but has Nicole’s “dark side” been exposed?

Is Nicole Hocking Letting ‘Luke’s Fame Go to Her Head’?

Inside sources started slamming Nicole on a Celeb Wives of Nashville subreddit thread a few years ago. These users don’t hold back, and some of them commented that Nicole gave them a “bad vibe” and accused her of letting “Luke’s fame go to her head.”

But at least one user on that thread alleged that they knew Nicole back in high school, and this user provided some pretty detailed information that might shock you.

The crazy thing is that some websites, like Parade, have reported that Nicole grew up in Fort Myers, Florida, on the state’s Gulf Coast. 

Although the user on the Celeb Wives thread claimed they “went to school with Nicole” in Southwest Florida, they also said that Nicole is originally from Singer Island, Florida, which is on the Palm Beach side.

According to this anonymous user, Nicole’s East Coast family is “very well-off,” and Nicole allegedly went to a private school. According to their long post on Reddit, the user met Nicole at Florida Gulf Coast University, and various outlets have reported that Nicole did graduate from that college with a degree in civil engineering.

The Shocking Truth About Luke Combs’ Wife

That doesn’t sound like Nicole had a “dark side,” and at least the user confessed in their post that Nicole was “always nice.” However, the user also alleged that Nicole enjoyed some shocking extracurricular activities at college, and they gave some scandalous examples.

Allegedly, Nicole was that “sorority girl” who “only dated the hockey players” at college. But it gets worse. 

The user accused Nicole’s “country thing” of being “made up,” and they alleged that Nicole and her rich “Palm Beach” city friends adopted their love of country when they got to school in Fort Myers because, according to the user, “all the ‘hawt’ guys were country.”

Shockingly, this user also accused Nicole and her college friends of chasing “about every major league ball player that came through on spring training.” Even more unbelievable, they joked that Nicole and her friends might have had “half the American [league ball players] notched on their belt between them.”

Is Nicole Hocking a Gold Digger? 

Nicole never mentioned any of this on social media. However, she has revealed that she was a bartender in college and during her “lean years” in Nashville around the time she first met an allegedly penniless Luke, and they began dating.

The Celeb Wives user confirmed that Nicole bartended at a beach bar in the Fort Myers area called “Doc Fords,” but according to them, Nicole wasn’t telling the real truth about something else.

Shockingly, they alleged that Nicole knew that Luke was getting “signed” to a record label and was “blowing up” in the best way. They claimed that Nicole “latched on” to Luke because she knew he would be famous, and worse, the user thinks that Nicole and Luke both say they met when he was broke because that makes her “look good.”

The Sad Truth About Dog The Bounty Hunter’s Son, Tucker

Photo credit: Duane Dog Chapman/Instagram

Do you remember when “Dog the Bounty Hunter” got taken off A&E’s television schedule for a while because Dog made a racial slur that got secretly recorded?

The sad truth about that incident is that one of Dog’s sons sold a private phone call recording to a media outlet, creating a worldwide scandal.

Dog The Bounty Hunter’s Racial Slur

Dog had 13 kids at one time. He sadly lost his daughter, Barbara Katie, to a fatal car crash in 2006. The son who sold that recording to the National Enquirer is Tucker Chapman, who is Barbara’s brother.

Dog had no clue Tucker was recording the call when he used an offensive term about Tucker’s Black girlfriend. When the Internet heard that disgusting slur, Dog got temporarily canceled.

After the scandal erupted, Dog appeared on Larry King Live on CNN. Dog claimed he didn’t know why Tucker sold him out, and he revealed to Larry that Tucker would “not talk to me.”

Dog has been married six times, and he told Larry that he was suspicious that Tucker’s mom, Lyssa Rae Brittain, had been involved in betraying him. 

Dog said to Larry, “His mother’s in on it with him.” Lyssa Rae was Dog’s third wife, and Tucker was born in 1983 in Colorado. Dog and Lyssa broke up in the 1980s after their third child, Lyssa Rae, was born. Dog told Larry he believed his ex-wife wanted to “get even” with him.

If that sounds like Dog refused to take any blame for making such a tasteless comment about his son’s girlfriend, Reuters reported that Dog was “teary” when he appeared on Larry’s show and that he had “apologized repeatedly” and “promised to make amends” to the public.

Dog Said His Son, Tucker Chapman, May Complete ‘a 20-year Sentence … If He Messes Up’

Dog also confessed to Larry that he had “probably” been interfering too much in Tucker’s personal life, and when you hear what kind of a life Tucker had then, it’s another sad part about this story.

When Tucker was just 18 years old, he got jailed for committing armed robbery. Reuters confirmed that Tucker “served four years of a 20-year sentence.” Then, he was released on parole.

Dog explained that he “tried to take control” of Tucker’s life. He’s not only Tucker’s dad; Dog is an ex-con who managed to pull his life together, so perhaps he was only thinking of the best for his son.

But Dog also alleged that another person negatively influenced Tucker: his girlfriend. He told Larry that he “heard” she was “maybe not being the best for Tucker.” Dog added, “I’ll leave it like that,” but then he admitted, “So, I tried to interfere.”

Dog claimed he didn’t “care” about Tucker’s girlfriend’s ethnicity. He seemed to think she could be a bad influence, and he told Larry that Tucker would have to go back and complete “a 20-year sentence… if he messes up.”

Dog The Bounty Hunter’s Son Sold Private Phone Recording for $15,000 

Tucker allegedly sold the recording to the Enquirer for $15,000, but when Dog was asked about it, he wouldn’t comment.

But Dog told Larry that he wanted Tucker to know that “I love him very much.”

Tucker has remained out of the public eye recently. While there’s no confirmation of if or when Dog and Tucker ended this scandal or mended their relationship, Dog posted a message to Instagram in June 2022, and he had something to say.

Dog wrote on Instagram, “Happy birthday to my son Tucker Dee Chapman,” and he concluded with, “Love you, [son].”

What Biggie Smalls Knew About Diddy

Photo credits: The Notorious B.I.G./Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

With everything going on with Sean “Diddy” Combs these days, people have been looking back at the past crimes he’s been connected to.

Diddy has always claimed that he and Biggie Smalls were extremely close, but there are rumors that he might’ve had something to do with his untimely passing.

Biggie was allegedly given more than one reason not to trust Diddy.

And the shocking truth he supposedly found out about him just before he passed away will seriously blow your mind.

We all know that Diddy helped Biggie get his big break when he signed him to his label Bad Boy Records back in 1993.

So he probably felt indebted to Diddy for that. 

He was only a teenager when they first met.

Why Biggie Smalls’ Mom, Voletta Wallace, Warned Her Son Not to Trust Diddy

But there was someone in his life that was warning him about Diddy right from the beginning.

Biggie’s mom, Voletta Wallace, said that she advised her son to be careful of the record label owner who’d just signed him. 

In her 2005 book, Biggie: Voletta Wallace Remembers Her Son, Christopher Wallace, aka Notorious B.I.G, she revealed that she used to tell Biggie all the time not to trust Diddy.

So, right from the beginning of his career, he had someone in his life who was getting him to think about Diddy’s intentions and if he had any ulterior motives.

Then there was something else that could’ve made Biggie question if his friend really had his best interests at heart.

And it’s related to how he and Diddy first began working together.

According to Capital Extra, the pair’s origin story goes back to 1992, when Diddy arranged to have a meeting with Biggie after seeing him in a magazine. 

Diddy supposedly offered him $25,000 for the record deal. 

In her book, Voletta said: “That’s the amount Puffy lured my son with. That was a lot of money for [Biggie] back then as a nineteen year-old.

Biggie would later come to find out that he was worth a whole lot more than that.

I mean, he reportedly ended up making MILLIONS for Bad Boy Records.

Voletta also wrote that Biggie thought he was getting both a friend and a mentor in Diddy when they first met.

She claimed that the alleged $25k Diddy offered him was enough money to make her son believe that he was ready to do anything for him.

It was enough to buy blind love and loyalty.

So maybe Biggie didn’t think that he was being taken advantage of at first, even though he allegedly wasn’t getting paid anywhere near as much as what he was worth.

But I think that he might’ve realized his value later on. And there’s a chance his loyalty towards Diddy weakened over time.

Was Diddy Upset That Biggie Was Leaving Bad Boy Records? 

Cheat Sheet reported that according to Diddy’s old bodyguard, Gene Deal, Biggie was planning to make a big change in his life just before he passed away.

One that would’ve shown how he REALLY felt about Diddy.

And you’re never going to believe what the former bodyguard revealed when he went on Vlad TV.

He claimed that Biggie had talked to him about leaving Bad Boy Records and getting a multi-million dollar contract with another record label.

He said that he came across Biggie’s contract in Diddy’s briefcase when they were on a flight together. 

And he noticed that it was Diddy who was getting the better end of the deal.

When he allegedly brought it up with Biggie, the rapper supposedly confessed that he had a new offer with a contract that would make him $62 million. 

He supposedly wanted to take Lil’ Kim with him to the next label, too.

So, if that’s true, then he must’ve eventually understood that Diddy wasn’t 100% on his side, and that he was kind of being used by him.

A lot of news outlets like Capital Xtra have reported that Biggie’s life was taken from him during a drive-by incident that happened in 1997.

Diddy’s Former Bodyguard’s Shocking Confessions 

But Gene Deal had some shocking things to say about that too.

According to HipHopDX, he opened up about what actually went down that fateful night in L.A. when he was interviewed on The Art of Dialogue show.

He explained that the popular belief that it was a drive-by that ended Biggie’s life wasn’t true. 

Apparently, the car with the culprits inside was already waiting for his car to pull up. 

He blamed this supposed false information on the police and the media for spreading that version of events, but he said that he was actually there, so he knew the truth. 

He claimed that in every Biggie movie, they said it was a drive-by. 

But as a witness, he said that the car was waiting there at the corner, and it was probably there all night.

Later on in his interview, he revealed that he’d been in another car with Diddy following behind Biggie’s car when they saw what happened, and that he ran to help him afterward.

He said that he saw Biggie lose his life while he was pulling him out of the car. 

He added that he wouldn’t put anyone in his shoes, because he didn’t feel like they could’ve handled it.

He also claimed that Diddy told him that he didn’t need to go out with him that night, but he went because he just KNEW that somebody was going to meet their end.

He did everything in his power to stop it from being Diddy.

Then he added that the people that were guarding Biggie didn’t do everything in their power to stop it from being him— and that hurt him, even though it wasn’t his principle.

Biggie Smalls’ Mother’s Shocking Confessions

On the 20th anniversary of Biggie’s passing, Voletta spoke to the Daily Mail about how much she missed her son, and about something pretty sinister, too.

In a shocking confession, she shared that she believed the LAPD detectives knew who was responsible for taking Biggie’s life, but there was a cover-up to prevent it from getting out.

She said that they’d done their investigation, but they just refused to move forward.

She didn’t know why they hadn’t arrested who was involved, but she figured that it was one giant conspiracy, and someone was definitely being protected somewhere down the line.

Obviously, Biggie’s case has never been solved, but there are all kinds of theories about who was behind the crime that ended his life. 

HipHopLately reported that some people have speculated it was Diddy’s fault, because he allegedly put a hit on Tupac, and Biggie’s life was taken in revenge by his rivals.

Others have suggested that it was Diddy himself who wanted Biggie out of the picture. 

Which was apparently why he wasn’t in the car with him that night, even though they would often travel together if they were going to the same place. 

One theory going around on sites like Reddit is that Diddy knew that Biggie was in talks with another label, and he didn’t want him to leave Bad Boy Records.

Biggie was reportedly supposed to perform in London around that time but had stayed to do an extra gig in California that Diddy had booked for him. 

Something that’s hard to deny is how much money Diddy and his record label have made from Biggie after he passed away.

50 Cent Calls Out Diddy

It’s something that people have called him out on in the past.

A report by The Guardian revealed that 50 Cent had claimed that Diddy was continuing to profit from the memory of his late friend. 

In 2010, he created a Twitter petition where he said that Biggie’s name should never have become Diddy’s Black Card.

And he also asked: “When was the last time Diddy really was biggin up his brother, not biggin up his bank?”

Since Biggie’s passing, Bad Boy Records has released two posthumous albums by him, and both of them featured Diddy rapping on them. 

There was also a Biggie biopic that came out which was produced by Diddy.

Biggie’s Mom Believed Diddy Loved Her Son After He Was Gone

In her book, Voletta wrote that she was glad her son did not have to witness that the very people that he thought he could trust wouldn’t think twice about using his mother.

She also said that she was glad that he was not around to see how they had used his image and his name.

She added that she believed Diddy loved her son – AFTER he was gone.

Diddy’s last tribute to Biggie was in 2023 when he posted on Instagram: “There will NEVER be another. The GREATEST RAPPER OF ALL TIME. Today we celebrate and honor you king. Love and miss you!!”

With all his recent legal trouble, Diddy probably has other things on his mind right now. 

Stories that paint him in a bad light have been surfacing ever since Cassie’s lawsuit against him came out in November 2023. 

But anyway, what do you guys think about all this?

Do you think that Biggie realized that Diddy wasn’t looking out for him the way he first thought that he was?

And after hearing about all of Diddy’s recent allegations, do you think there’s a chance he was in some way responsible for Biggie’s passing?

Let me know in the comments below.

The Tragedy of Jelly Roll

Photo credit: xomgitsbunnie/Instagram

Jelly Roll is such a positive person, and his words, songs, and actions have inspired so many people in need. But that just makes the tragedy of Jelly Roll more heartbreaking.

He recently made a personal confession about online bullying and internet trolls. Jelly Roll claims that all the negativity was starting to affect his life and mental health, and shockingly, he’s left the internet to deal with it and also heal his mind and body.

Jelly Roll’s Personal Confession

Billboard reported near the end of April 2024 that “it wasn’t just bullying” that made Jelly Roll decide to walk away from social media for a while.

Billboard confirmed that Variety had interviewed Jelly Roll. In that interview, Jelly Roll said he was sure he would “be back” on social media in the future, but for the time being, Jelly Roll thinks there are “bigger fish to fry.” Then Jelly Roll set the record straight.

Shockingly, Jelly Roll said that he “probably shouldn’t elaborate on this,” claiming that “nobody on my team wants me to.” So what’s the big secret?

You won’t believe this, but Jelly Roll claims he doesn’t have “a problem with social media.” However, when he explained this claim more to Variety, it still sounded like Jelly Roll had some issues he wanted to deal with.

Jelly Roll Revealed Social Media Has Begun to Feel Like an ‘Addiction’

Jelly Roll told Variety that it “wasn’t just bullying” that made him leave the internet until further notice. Shockingly, he revealed that social media has begun to feel like an “addiction.” 

Honesty is definitely a word that can be used to describe Jelly Roll. He made an honest confession to Variety that he spends way too much time online. Jelly Roll admitted, “I was becoming too busy to waste hours of my life scrolling.”

Billboard reported another side to this story on April 22nd. They mentioned a “TikTok video snippet” posted by Jelly’s wife, Bunnie XO. If you haven’t heard this shocking clip, you will not believe how much Bunnie rips into the internet trolls and haters.

According to Billboard, the snippet came from Bunnie’s podcast that was released on April 24th. She really got into the “painful impact” that online bullying has allegedly had on Jelly Roll. 

Maybe he didn’t want his fans and followers to know how badly it hurt him. Bunnie admitted that Jelly Roll “doesn’t show it to you guys,” and then she confessed, “I’m going to have a very vulnerable moment here.”

Bunnie claimed, “My husband got off the internet because he is so tired of being bullied about his [expletive] weight.” She revealed that it made her “want to cry” because her husband “is the sweetest angel baby.” Bunnie said, “It hurts him.”

Bunnie XO Threw Shade at Trolls and Haters 

Everyone who knows about Bunnie would call her a tough and gutsy woman who’s been through things in her life most of us can’t imagine. Bunnie showed that toughness at this point on her podcast and threw major shade at the trolls and haters.

Bunnie claimed, “The internet [thinks it] can say whatever they [expletive] want about you,” adding, “You’re a celebrity. You’re supposed to be able to handle it.” Then she issued her demand.

Bunnie said, “Enough is enough,” and, “Don’t bully people because you never know where they are mentally.” She also mentioned “a lot of people” online who are “not as strong as me” and who “don’t deserve to be [expletive] bullied.” So, was Bunnie talking about Jelly Roll?

Bunnie added, “I’m going to stand up for all the [expletive] underdogs,” and she threw major shade at internet bullies.

Bunnie said, “You’re never going to bully me. You’re never going to lie about me or my family,” and she claimed, “I will fight to the end.”

Flavor Flav Stands Up for Jelly Roll

This sounds unbelievable, but Jelly Roll told Variety that another celebrity is fighting for him online, too.

That celebrity is the legendary clock-wearing rapper Flavor Flav from Public Enemy. Flav went after the Jelly Roll haters in a video and a written post on X, defending Jelly Roll while throwing major shade at the bullies. 

Flav wrote, “Y’all gone and bullied one of THE NICEST people off social media.” That’s why Flav felt the need to “stand up” for Jelly Roll.

Flav added that Jelly Roll “does so much for people and communities through his music and activism,” and Flav wrote, “Luv me some Jelly Roll and Bunnie.”

In his video, Flav was even harsher toward the haters. He said, “How dare y’all try to judge my man about his weight and his character.” Flav added, “I think y’all need to take a step back and judge yourself.”

It sounds like Jelly and Flav are at the beginning of a beautiful friendship! Jelly called Flav a “sweet human” in his Variety interview, and he described Flav’s wife as “just [the] salt of the earth.”

Why Jelly Roll ‘Skipped’ Meeting Diddy

Jelly Roll said he’s met Flav and his “whole family” a couple of times, and he said they’re all “real, real salt of the earth.” Jelly seems to have a pretty good instinct about people, and shockingly, he admitted on a recent podcast that he “skipped” meeting Sean Combs last year because he had a “bad feeling” about Diddy.

HipHoxDX reported that Jelly and Bunnie appeared on the CANCELLED with Tana Mongeau podcast, and they told a crazy story to Tana and her co-host, Brooke Schofield.

Jelly talked about being on the October 30, 2023, episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! He explained that “Diddy did Kimmel” the same day. Then Jelly admitted what happened to him for “the first time in my career, ever.”

Somebody backstage asked Jelly if he wanted to “meet such-and-such.” At first, Jelly agreed. 

But then, as he was walking down the hallway to meet Diddy, Jelly claims he thought to himself, “Nah,” because he had a bad feeling about meeting Diddy

He claimed that it’s very seldom that somebody rubs him the wrong way. Jelly Roll added, “I was like, ‘I don’t even know if that’s a picture I want.’” Now that Diddy is under investigation by federal authorities for shocking, alleged crimes, Jelly’s sixth sense may have paid off.

Jelly Roll Said Toby Keith ‘… Was Like a ‘Mentor …’

Jelly Roll did admire the late great Toby Keith tremendously, telling Variety that Toby “never knew it,” but he was like a “mentor… just watching him from afar.”

Jelly Roll admitted that he’d been covering one of Toby’s hits in his concerts “for about a year now.” That song is “Should’ve Been a Cowboy,” and this year, Jelly Roll has partnered with Amazon for a Toby tribute at the Stagecoach Festival. 

Toby inspired Jelly Roll by putting “his personality into his music.” Jelly Roll also described his hero as “unapologetically Oklahoma,” who did things that “encouraged” and “empowered” Jelly Roll.

Jelly Roll was joined by his buddy T-Pain to record Toby’s hit for an Amazon Music Originals exclusive. The song dropped on the same day he and T-Pain performed “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” live at Stagecoach. 

All proceeds from the cover tune will go to Toby’s charity, which helps kids with cancer.

People.com reported that Jelly Roll and T-Pain were a hit at this year’s Stagecoach festival in Indio, California. Jelly Roll also told the outlet that Toby’s son, Stelen, talked to him privately at this year’s CMT Awards, and Stelen told Jelly Roll something that “just meant so much” to him.

Stelen had seen a video of Jelly Roll covering his dad’s song, and he told Jelly Roll, “It’s one of the best versions of it ever… I think you honor my father.” 

Jelly Roll Said, ‘I’ve Never Felt Better or Healthier Mentally’ 

Media outlets, including CNN, reported that something scary happened to Jelly Roll in April 2024. This incident happened when he and Bunnie were going to the CMTs held this year in Austin, Texas.

Jelly Roll and Bunnie hired a private jet to fly them from California, but shockingly, the plane had to make an “emergency landing after experiencing technical issues mid-flight.”

While Jelly is taking a break from social media, Bunnie took a video of the emergency landing while it happened. He can be heard on the video saying, “The plane just got turned around.” Jelly Roll also said it was “an issue with the computer,” and he joked, “At least it wasn’t the brakes!”

Thankfully, Bunnie and Jelly’s plane was able to depart again after the computer issues were fixed. They landed safely in Austin, and Jelly Roll won all three categories he was nominated in at the CMTs.

It sounds like Jelly Roll is healing inside and out, and he said, “I’ve never felt better or healthier mentally” since he took a break from social media. 

Why Jon Bon Jovi Cheated On His Wife

Photo Credits: Jon Bon Jovi/Instagram

Rock legend Jon Bon Jovi made a shocking confession recently. He admitted to cheating on his longtime wife, Dorothea Hurley when he was younger. So why did Jon cheat, and why did he want to reveal it now?

He’s been the superstar lead singer of Bon Jovi for decades. Jon reached the height of his fame in the crazy 1980s when scandalous stuff was considered “normal” in rock and roll. 

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In an unbelievable article published by Complex, Jon was reported to have said, “I’m not a saint.” He even claimed he had “100 girls” in his life at one point.

Complex was referring to Jon’s interview with Michael Strahan on an ABC primetime special, “Halfway There.” Jon is also promoting a docuseries to appear on Hulu called “Thank You, Goodnight.”

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That’s when Jon told Michael, “I’m a rock ‘n roll star. I’m not a saint.” He claimed that life was “pretty good” back then, but Jon said that he was never “going to jeopardize” his marriage to Dorothea, even after he cheated on her with countless women.

Jon and Dorothea began dating in high school. Complex reported that they “briefly” split up in 1985, a year after Bon Jovi released their first massive hit album. In 1989, Jon and Dorothea got back together and secretly eloped to Las Vegas.

Dorthea Has Been Absent from Jon’s Recent Screenings

Jon seemed to blame his cheating ways on his big rockstar ego. He gave into the rock ‘n roll lifestyle at the height of Bon Jovi’s popularity when the band spent years touring the world.

He told Michael that his cheating was “a stupid thing to do” and it was “just not worth it.” Then he praised his wife and said that Dorothea was never “afraid to call [him] out on something.” Jon also claimed that no matter where he went in his career, “the ups or the downs, we went there together.”

It sounds like Jon and Dorothea have made peace with his cheating past, but that might not be the case, according to Complex. The outlet wrote that Jon’s “assumed cheating revelations have reportedly infuriated his wife.” They added that Dorothea was “noticeably absent” when Jon’s docuseries was screened in New York City on April 25th.

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Complex referenced a Page Six article. Page Six provided more shocking details in a report published the day after the New York screening.

Initially, Page Six alleged that Dorothea “skipped” the New York screening at the IPIC Theater after being forced to sit through Jon’s dirty confessions in a UK screening of his docuseries. Page Six added that Jon “walked the red carpet alone” in New York on a Thursday night.

But later in their report, Page Six admitted that a “source” told them Dorothea had to withdraw from the New York screening “due to an undisclosed illness.” Days later, Page Six reported that Dorothea allegedly had to deal with a bout of COVID.

At the New York City screening, Jon didn’t look like anything was wrong in his marriage. He also told the crowd what he would say to his “younger self,” and you need to hear this.

Jon said he would tell “younger” Jon “to enjoy the moment because the moments are fleeting.” Jon added, “I would have told that kid to look up once in a while and enjoy the ride.”