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Fans Slam Robyn Brown on Sister Wives

Photo Credit: My Sisterwife’s Closet/TLC

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives has been slammed online for allegedly using a tragic situation for her own benefit. In early March, a tragedy struck the Brown family when their son, Garrison Brown, took his own life. And shortly after that, Robyn allegedly tried to take advantage of the tragedy to make sales on her website. 

At least that’s what people online have been accusing her of. It is a sensitive topic, so please take care of yourself and proceed with caution. And if you or anyone you know is struggling, please call the Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988, or contact a different helpline that’s available in your area. 

Robyn Brown May Have Reopened Her Online Store

Now, to the topic at hand. Only a few days after the news broke out about the tragedy in the Brown family, somebody on Reddit posted about a curious thing they noticed. 

The post has since been deleted, but reports about it are still up on the internet. And according to the reports and the post itself, Robyn did something in the aftermath that people didn’t like. She apparently reopened her online store, My Sisterwife’s Closet

Robyn first opened the business along with Kody and her three sister wives years ago. They sold their own custom jewelry in the store. And the store had been going for a while but a few years ago, it closed. The My Sisterwife’s Closet Instagram has not been active since 2019. 

And this is the case for all of their other social media, too. In December 2023, In Touch reported that the company was officially listed as inactive. 

Based on official documents they obtained, My Sisterwife’s closet was listed as inactive on November 7th, 2023. They also said that the paperwork listed Robyn as the owner of the business. 

And this is despite the fact that My Sisterwife’s Closet has always been marketed as a joint effort of the whole Brown family. 

Fans Noticed Activity On My Sisterwife’s Closet

But now, of course, the Brown family looks very different than it did when My Sisterwife’s Closet was first founded. Three of the four sister wives have left Kody. We watched the whole story unfold on the show, with Christine leaving first and Janelle and Meri following her soon after. 

But a couple of months ago, people noticed that there was some activity on the My Sisterwife’s Closet website. People noted that there were products listed on the website and that it was even possible to make a purchase. And this is still the case as of now. 

At first glance, the website doesn’t look active. There are no products listed on the home page, and there isn’t a link to a catalog of them. But if you use the search function, products will come up in the search results — and you can even use the product pages to navigate back to the full selection of products. 

It is possible to add items to the cart and there appear to be several payment options available for checkout. So all evidence seems to point to the business being active. And according to the people on Reddit, this is a new development since only a couple of months ago. 

Is Robyn Trying to Profit Off a Family Tragedy?

Although it has to be said there isn’t much proof online that the website was truly closed before this. But there is one item in particular that the people on Reddit took issue with. It’s the “Choose to keep go;ng” bracelet, which is an item designed to raise awareness about people who attempt to, or end up taking their own lives. 

The design is a simple plaque with a rope-like edge, connected to a chain bracelet. On the plaque are carved the words “Choose to keep go;ng”. And importantly, the letter “i” in the word “going” is replaced by a semicolon. 

RELATED: Robyn’s Guilt Over Garrison’s Passing

This is because the semicolon is a widely-used symbol connected to awareness about this topic. It’s because of the way the semicolon separates a sentence into two parts. It can seem like the sentence is over when you get to the semicolon. But actually, there’s a whole other part of the sentence, if you just keep reading past the semicolon. 

The metaphor here is that ending one’s own life is like ending the sentence at the semicolon. There’s a whole other part of it that you will be missing out on. The product description of the bracelet product page also explains this. 

The description also contains reminders that there is help and resources available and that it’s okay to ask for help and to talk about it. It says:

“There are always people that care, more than you can even realize.” There’s also a number for an emergency hotline and a list of details about the bracelet. 

The Bracelet Isn’t About Garrison’s Passing

In addition, the description states that a portion of every sale of this bracelet will be donated to a charity called Project Semicolon. And at the very bottom, below everything else, the description has a personal message about the bracelet: “Dedicated to my loved one. I miss you. -Robyn”

The text makes it very clear that this bracelet design is personal to Robyn. And the first thought that might come to your mind is that the message is about Garrison. But in reality, that’s not the case. 

The product has existed and been on the website long before his tragic passing earlier this year. The text doesn’t refer to Garrison but to Robyn’s brother. We don’t know much about him because Robyn has never opened up about him on the show. 

But in 2022, The U.S. Sun reported that she used to have a brother named Paul. Sadly, Paul took his own life in 2017. And The U.S. Sun obtained the police report from back then, as well as the obituary. 

While there’s no real proof of this, Paul is probably the loved one that Robyn is referring to in the message in the product description. According to the obituary, Paul was 22 when he passed away. He was a student and also served in the National Guard. 

Garrison and Robyn Weren’t On Speaking Terms

Much like Garrison, who was also a student serving in the National Guard. Although for him, it was the National Guard of Nevada, while Paul was in the National Guard of Utah. They were both also in their early to mid-twenties. 

Garrison’s passing was an extremely sad and difficult time for the whole Brown family. That much is clear from everything they’ve said about it on social media. And it’s true that Robyn and Garrison weren’t on the best of terms. 

We’ve watched their relationship sour on the show and it was all part of a bigger, more complex problem. It all unfolded during the COVID pandemic and had to do with Kody’s strict rules for household visits. Garrison wasn’t the only one fighting him and Robyn on it, his brother Gabriel was right there with him. 

And both of their relationships with Kody and Robyn alike suffered a big hit. From what we know, Garrison wasn’t even on speaking terms with Robyn at the end. 

But that doesn’t mean the situation would have been easier for Robyn. Even though she and Garrison didn’t get along, he was still a child in her family. And on top of that, his passing would have reminded Robyn of her brother. 

Paul was so similar to Garrison and left this world in the same way. And that must have made the situation even more painful for Robyn than it would have been on its own. People online have been dragging Robyn in connection with Garrison’s passing, especially because of her lack of a response or statement about it. 

It’s An Odd Time to Reactivate the My Sisterwife’s Closet Website

But the reality is that we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, and it’s impossible to say what Robyn’s full reasoning behind anything she does is. Only one thing is clear. This situation is difficult for everyone in the Brown family. 

There is still the claim that Robyn is trying to make the situation profitable by re-activating her website. But there isn’t actually much information about when exactly the website started functioning again, or if it ever stopped in the first place. 

Obviously, trying to profit off of such a tragic situation would be despicable. But there isn’t actually any proof that that’s what Robyn did. And in this situation specifically, it would be more harmful than not to assume the worst.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please ask for help. You can call the 988 Lifeline, or head to their website, 988lifeline.org, where they have the option to chat with someone. You can also call 8255, which is another crisis helpline.  Or contact any other helpline that is available to you. Please stay safe.

Morgan Wallen and KT Smith Co-Parenting Update

Photo Credits: KT Smith/Instagram and Morgan Wallen/Instagram

Do you know who Katie Smith is? She goes by “KT,” and she recently got married. But that’s not why she’s so well-known.

Katie is also Morgan Wallen’s ex-fiance and the mother of his son, Indigo. They allegedly have a good co-parenting relationship. Or do they?

Sources, including the Daily Mail, now allege that Morgan had a “shocking outburst” when he found out Katie had eloped. TMZ reported that Morgan claimed everything was “all good” with his ex. However, there are suspicions that Morgan hired the paparazzi to take pictures of him, Katie, and their son to “end” the rumors that he’s devastated she secretly married another guy.

If you don’t know what “shocking outburst” the Daily Mail was talking about, it’s the now-infamous chair-throwing incident on April 6th. Morgan got arrested in Nashville for throwing a chair off the roof of Chief’s bar in Music City. He’s lucky that crash-landing chair didn’t seriously—or fatally—injure someone below.

Daily Mail also claimed they got an exclusive interview with a “source,” updated on April 9th. The source claimed that Morgan had a “meltdown” when 29-year-old Katie said “I Do” with 22-year-old Luke Scornavacco on April 3rd.

Shockingly, the source said Morgan was “just crushed” by Katie marrying Luke. Allegedly, he was blindsided that they eloped “just days after they got engaged.”

Even though Morgan knew that Luke had proposed to Katie, the source alleged he had “never gotten over her.” If that’s the real truth, Morgan still couldn’t “stay faithful” to Katie when they were engaged. He still allegedly had that “meltdown” because Luke would be by Katie’s side and helping to raise Indigo.

Morgan Wants Everything to Appear Okay

Witnesses at the bar that night claimed that Morgan was drinking heavily and flirting with another woman. Shockingly, it’s alleged that he began laughing after he tossed the chair off the roof. However, the Daily Mail’s source tells a different side of the story.

They alleged that “whatever happened” at Chief’s was actually “reality” catching up with Morgan since he’s lost “the love of his life.” Did it also shake Morgan to his core that his son witnessed Katie and Luke getting engaged? The Daily Mail reported that three-year-old Indigo was at Magnolia Farm in Eagleville, Tennessee, on March 29th, when Luke “got on one knee” and proposed to Katie.

RELATED: This is Why Morgan Wallen Lost It

Suspicions that Morgan hired the paparazzi to catch him and Katie with Indigo happened the weekend after his arrest. Media outlets like TMZ claimed “all seemed well” between Morgan and his ex-fiance.

Morgan looked like a dressed-down dad in sneakers, an orange t-shirt, and a white baseball hat. Katie was photographed getting out of the “same car” with Morgan, carrying Indigo in her arms. Morgan followed several steps behind, and the Daily Mail reported he was “holding his son’s stuffed teddy bear.”

KT Doesn’t Think Morgan’s Outburst Was About Her

However, The Daily Beast may have proven that the Daily Mail’s source was wrong. Their source was far from anonymous, as it was KT herself. The Daily Beast contacted Katie, and her statement sounded like she wanted to set the record straight.

Katie revealed that although the “timeline” of Morgan’s alleged meltdown seemed to “correlate” to her speedy marriage, she had “no evidence to believe the incident had anything to do with” her recent wedding. So, did Morgan secretly hire the paparazzi to take those family photos with his son? 

Katie claimed she couldn’t speak “on Morgan’s behalf,” but sweetly, she added, “I do pray the very best for him.” Katie also wondered if “this was just a slip-up.” She hopes that Morgan “will return to the good path that he was on prior” to his most recent arrest.

Morgan’s diehard fans seem to defend him no matter what. Shockingly, KT has had to deal with online haters who attacked her for getting married so fast.

KT took the high road on her Instagram story, denying that she and Luke had a “shotgun wedding” because she’s already pregnant again. KT joked on social media, “Now that we’re married, we can try all we want.”

Their Coparenting Relationship Has Been Difficult

But Katie hasn’t always been as funny on social media. IMDB reported in March 2023 that KT had given “cryptic co-parenting advice about shielding her son from ‘bad behavior.” Allegedly, she was talking about Morgan’s negative influence over Indigo.

Last year, KT made some pretty shocking confessions about co-parenting on her blog, That Thoughts. KT acknowledged on her blog that people had told her she made co-parenting look easy with Morgan. But then KT dropped the bombshell.

It was a lengthy post about “issues” that KT alleged she’d had to work through. If that was the real truth, then co-parenting with Morgan was a real test of her strength.

She confessed that co-parenting is, in fact, “not easy.” Although she admitted it could be “wonderful,” KT claimed at “other times you’re thinking, ‘What can I do to make this person not my baby’s father/mother?”

KT was more candid than many people expected in this blog post. Surprisingly, she even admitted there had been times in Indigo’s short life when she wasn’t sure she wanted Morgan to be around him, and she gave a specific reason for that.

She hinted on the blog about Morgan’s “bad behavior.” This was an entire year before his recent chair-throwing incident. Additionally, KT expressed her worries that Morgan would bring a future partner into her son’s life who wouldn’t be a “good influence” either.

KT Puts Her Child first

But KT really worked through her concerns in this blog post. Shockingly, she concluded that her personal feelings from the past were starting to “influence” how she viewed Morgan as the father of their child. 

KT even admitted having to “re-evaluate” and work harder to improve her co-parenting relationship with Morgan. She advised women in similar co-parenting situations to “always put their child first.”

Katie should be congratulated for her mature viewpoint about co-parenting with Morgan. She still remembers the heartbreak he caused her when they were together, and People Magazine described how the last year of their relationship was really difficult for KT.

She confessed in a blog post that 2019 was a “rocky” time for her and Morgan. They were still living together and engaged, but shockingly, KT confessed that she knew Morgan “wasn’t always faithful” to her when he was away touring.

Katie didn’t hesitate to admit why co-parenting with Morgan was so difficult for her “at the beginning.” Unbelievably, she confessed she was “still bitter towards him” when she got pregnant with Indigo.

It didn’t help that she and Morgan were officially “broken up” when she conceived. When her son arrived, KT confessed it was still too “new” for them to figure out.

Morgan Wants to Be the “Dad” His Son Deserves

KT explained that it took her and Morgan about six months after Indigo’s birth to figure out a “routine that worked for them.” She revealed, “After time passed and Indie became my life, I felt truly healed.” Then, she and Morgan were able to focus on Indigo’s “health and happiness.”

Morgan also claimed in interviews that he finally “got everything figured out” with KT when co-parenting their infant son. Morgan revealed that KT “worked with me throughout the whole time.” He was grateful that he had been able to see Indigo “a lot since he was born.”

Morgan said, “So if you walk into my house now, you think a baby lives here.” Hopefully, Morgan can get back to being the dad he’s always wanted to be. He revealed all his hopes and dreams in an Instagram post right after Indigo was born.

Morgan wrote that he wanted to be a “Dad” that his son deserved, “as well as the co-parent your mother deserves.” KT would have been happy to read that, but she also relies on her strong faith to get through.

KT wrote in a blog post that God’s “plan” will happen “regardless.” Shockingly, she claimed, “this applies to the safety aspect.” KT didn’t want to sound “morbid,” and explained that she knows “God has complete control over my life and everyone’s life as well.” 

She added, “What is meant to happen is going to happen, whether it be with you or your child’s father.” Since Morgan didn’t fatally wound anyone on Broadway with his chair-tossing stunt, maybe a higher power was with him that night, and that was the “plan,” as KT might believe.

Life Update On Janelle Brown Since Garrison’s Death

Photo Credits: TLC and Robert Brown/Instagram

This year marked the first birthday Janelle Brown has celebrated since the tragic loss of her son John Garrison Brown. The Sister Wives star turned 55 earlier this week. On Sunday, she took to her Instagram Stories to share a picture of her garden party. 

The photo showed Janelle smiling at a birthday cake baked by her daughter Madison Brush. Alongside the photo was a caption in which Janelle wrote she was “a little red-faced from working in the garden,” before going on to praise the cake and thank Madison.

Janelle also showed off her North Carolina garden. InTouch Weekly reported the TV personality enjoyed spending time there when not in Arizona.

With an Instagram video displaying the garden, Janelle wrote that she planned to spend much of this summer in North Carolina with her daughter and her family. She wrote that she had “big plans” for her garden, and was looking forward to learning more about gardening in the state’s climate.

Staying in North Carolina with Maddison and her husband and kids is probably the best place for Janelle right now. It’s been just over 2 months since her son Garrison took his own life at 25 years of age. 

Garrison Would Have Turned 26 in April

His passing was confirmed by both Janelle and Kody Brown, who shared a joint statement on their separate accounts. Janelle wrote, “Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown.”

The statement continued, “He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him. His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away.” Garrison’s memorial service was attended by the Nevada National Guard, who honored him for his service as a staff sergeant. 

Janelle took a break from social media during this time, returning at the end of March to share an update on how she was coping. She wrote that it had been hard to “get my brain to work properly” since the loss of her son. She also thanked everyone who had shown support in the weeks since Garrison’s passing, describing it as “overwhelming”.

Janelle took to Instagram again several days later to mark another significant day. On April 10 she posted a tribute to Garrison on what would have been his 26th birthday.

Janelle shared a montage of throwback clips and pictures of Garrison during several previous birthdays. In the caption, she wrote, “Happy Birthday Sweetheart. We are missing you terribly today.”

She went on to express how hard it was for her family to believe that Garrison was no longer with them. Although the pain of her loss will probably never go away, hopefully, Janelle and her family can find comfort in spending time together this summer.

Drake’s Secret Daughter Exposed

Photo Credits: Drake/Instagram

The rap battle between Drake and Kendrick Lamar has quickly become the hottest topic in the music industry. Both lyricists have unleashed crazy allegations about each other, sending shockwaves through the hip-hop world. But right now, one of the most talked about accusations is the claim from Kendrick that Drake is hiding a secret daughter from the world.

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The Compton rapper first made the allegation in the diss track Meet the Grahams, which was released just hours after Drake’s track Family Matters fired back at Kendrick as the two heavy hitters slugged it out over the weekend. In Meet the Grahams, Kendrick addresses members of Drake’s family, such as his mom and dad, as well as his son Adonis. 

The world learned about the existence of Drake’s son 6 years ago after he was revealed by Pusha T in an earlier rap feud that seriously damaged Drake’s reputation. But now it seems that, according to Kendrick, Drake has yet more kids that he has chosen to keep a secret. 

Drake Tried to Appear Unfazed

Kendrick addresses the alleged daughter on his track, rapping, “Dear baby girl, I’m sorry that your father not active in your world.” After the astonishing revelations of 6 years ago, many rap fans were happy to believe Kendrick, with Drake already displaying previous questionable parenting behavior. However, Drake himself quickly dismissed Kendrick’s bars.

He first addressed the rumor in a post on Instagram. He wrote, “Nahhhh hold on can someone find my hidden daughter pls and send her to me… these guys are a shambles.” Clearly, Drake wanted to appear totally unfazed by Kendrick’s claims. 

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But although there is currently no evidence to back up Kendrick’s allegations, many fans believe that K Dot is comfortably winning the current rap war. Over the weekend Kendrick released no less than 3 diss tracks in quick succession aimed at Drake. While Drake has not backed down, responding with accusations about Kendrick’s relationship with fiance Whitney Alford, he has yet to convince most neutral fans he can go toe to toe with the Pulitzer prize winner.

Drake allegedly Created the Rumor Himself

Yesterday Drake responded to Kendrick’s claims of a secret daughter in another diss track titled The Heart Part 6. He claimed on the track to have deliberately fed Kendrick false information about another child as a trap.

Drake rapped, “We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information/a daughter that’s eleven years old, I bet he takes it. These lines referred to the theory that Kendrick had spies among Drake’s entourage, who Drake claimed were really part of his plan to fool Kendrick.

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However, fans have questioned if Drake was telling the truth about this, as it contradicts some earlier lyrics in the very same song. At one point he refers to the supposed mole, rapping, “The ones that you’re getting your stories from, they all clowns.” Which seems like an odd thing for him to say if he really was aware of the so-called spies in his camp all along. 

The inconsistencies in Drake’s track have not helped him convince everyone that there’s no secret daughter he’s hiding. The rap beef between Drake and Kendrick looks set to continue. But whether or not we’ll all discover the truth about both men is anybody’s guess right now.

90 Day Fiancé’s Michael Ilesanmi Resurfaces After Disappearance

Photo Credit: TLC

Michael Ilesanmi famously went missing two months after finally arriving in America to join his wife, Angela Deem, on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days.

Even before his disappearance, there were rumors that the couple was fighting and heading for a divorce. Things have been unusually quiet between them for a few months, but now Michael has resurfaced on social media.

On May 3rd, Michael posted a series of photos on Instagram, giving his first update to fans in some time. The photos were simple selfies of Michael posing in front of a mirror and wearing casual clothes. “You either get bitter or get better,” he captioned.

Michael Resurfaced In a Telling Instagram Post

Fans immediately noticed that he was no longer wearing a wedding ring on his finger. The caption continued saying, “It’s that simple. You either take what has hurt you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate. It belongs to you.”

His comments were filled with support from fans. Many of them said that he looked happier, and they were glad to see it. Others told him to live his best life and keep Angela from bossing him around.

Michael’s return to social media follows a long silence. During his disappearance, he told fans that he was going to be stepping away from social media. He’d return when the time was right. It seems now is that time.

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Michael and Angela have had a troubled relationship, which made them fan favorites from the start. Besides appearing on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, they were also on other spin-offs like 90 Day: The Last Resort and 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

Angela Learned that Michael Had An Affair In Nigeria

Michael is originally from Nigeria, and he met Angela online. A romance sparked, and they started dating long-distance for several years. Eventually, Angela went to Nigeria, where the two got married. When she returned to the United States, she started to put in paperwork for her husband’s visa.

Then, things got complicated. First, the country was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel between countries became limited, and visas were extremely delayed. Angela also later learned that Michael was having an affair with another woman in Nigeria.

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She obtained voice messages that Michael had sent to this other woman. They devastated her because they were things that Michael said to her, too. Despite the cheating scandal, the couple made up, and Michael was able to eventually receive his visa.

He made it to the United States, where the couple lived together for a couple of months. Then, something wild happened.

Michael Went Missing After Arriving to the U.S.

Just two months after moving to the United States, Michael disappeared. Angela posted a video on TikTok saying that she couldn’t find Michael and all of his things had been left behind. His passport, ID, clothes, even his toothbrush were still at her home.

Michael later used a burner phone to contact the police to tell him he had left and was in fear for his life because of Angela. It was at this point that Michael told his fans he’d be leaving social media for a time and would return later.

With Michael’s recent return, and without his wedding ring, it seems the drama between the two may finally be coming to an end.

Todd and Julie Chrisley Appeal Update

Photo Credit: FOX 5 Atlanta

Last week saw the appeal case for Todd and Julie Chrisley finally heard. Here’s what happened.

People magazine reported on the couple’s oral argument session on April 19 in Atlanta. This came just over a year since both were sentenced to prison for fraud and tax evasion. 

Neither were in attendance for the hearing, but some of their relatives turned up, including Savannah, Chase, Grayson and Nanny Faye Chrisley. Their family was present to hear the Chrisley’s lawyer claim that misconduct had occurred in the couples’ trials.

What Happened at Todd and Julie Chrisley’s Appeal

Alex Little argued that “the evidence suggested that the prosecutors here worked in concert with the witness.” He went on to claim that some of the way the trial progressed “would have had a potential prejudicial effect on the defendants leading the jury to believe that they had not paid their taxes.”

But, the lawyer argued, the truth was that the Chrisleys had “paid everything before trial” and “the government doesn’t argue that they hadn’t paid.”

He added that “the IRS didn’t know what they were doing.” In response, a representative for the US Attorney’s Office claimed that the evidence was “overwhelming at trial that the Chrisleys had taken a number of steps to evade the IRS.”

However, they also admitted that “if there are credible allegations and some evidence proffered about any sort of government misconduct a hearing should be had.”

The Chrisleys Were Awarded a $1M Settlement

However, many believe that there must have been something wrong with the way the couple’s case was handled. After all, a few months ago, they were awarded a $1 million settlement regarding their lawsuit in which they alleged misconduct in the investigation against them. 

A lawyer for the couple reportedly announced the settlement. They will be receiving $1 million from the state of Georgia to resolve their federal lawsuit against Joshua Waites. 

Waites is the former Director of Special Investigations of the state’s Department of Revenue. The lawsuit was first filed in 2019. The family lawyer, Alex Little, made a public statement following the announcement of the settlement.

He said, “We have been saying for months that the criminal case against the Chrisleys was highly unusual and had real problems”. He added that the settlement is “an encouraging sign”.

The statement continued, “It’s nearly unprecedented for one arm of the government to pay money to defendants while another arm is fighting to keep them in jail”.

The Chrisley Investigation Lasted Two Years

The investigation into the Chrisleys lasted two years, and eventually led to the couple being cleared of a $2 million state tax evasion charge.

The Chrisley Knows Best stars had been investigated for tax irregularities between 2008 and 2016. But People reported in 2019 that the Georgia Department of Revenue had agreed that they had actually overpaid in four of those years.

And the couple owed nothing for the other four years, according to a press release obtained by People. 

In fact, they had a net liability of less than $77,000 in overdue taxes for just one year of incorrect filing. Todd said in a statement at the time, “Julie and I knew all along that we had done nothing wrong and that when the facts all came out, we would be fine”.

After the oral arguments of the appeal came to an end last week, Chase took to social media to thank the family’s supporters who showed up.

Chase and Savannah Chrisley Reacted On Social Media

He wrote on Instagram, “Thank you to everyone who came and showed myself and my family support this morning!!” He went on to add, “God is good!”

Whether or not the arguments were enough to overturn the Chrisleys’ shocking sentences remains to be seen.

Savannah has spent the last year very involved in her parents’ sentencing and trying to get them out of prison. She’s dedicated many podcast episodes to her parents’ appeal, which is what made it even stranger when she chose to upload a podcast episode with Grayson after their parents’ oral arguments were heard.

In the episode, Grayson seemed to be sick of talking about his parents and their prison sentence. He explained that he wants to go to college early for one pretty major reason.

Grayson Chrisley Wants to Take a Step Back

He told Savannah that he wants to go to college early so that he doesn’t have to hear about his parents’ situation all the time. He even said that he’d like to be able to spend his weekends having his own plans.

Savannah has talked a lot about how she, Grayson, and Chloe go to visit one of their parents almost every weekend Todd is currently serving a ten-year prison sentence in Pensacola, Florida, and Julie is serving a five year prison sentence in Lexington, Kentucky.

Todd’s sentence was originally 12 years, and Julie’s was originally 7 years, but both had their sentences reduced after they participated in different programs to get their sentences reduced.

Because of how far both of their parents are from Nashville, where Savannah, Grayson, and Chloe live, they’re forced to dedicate entire weekends to visiting each parent. According to Savannah and Grayson in previous podcast episodes, it’s very emotionally-taxing for them to visit as frequently as they do.

So it makes sense that Grayson wants a break from constantly thinking about his parents and what they’re going through. He said that he’d like to be like his other siblings who aren’t as involved, and seemed to call out Chase for being like that.

Grayson Changed His Mind About College

One of the most interesting reveals in the podcast, though, is that Grayson had previously been very outspoken about NOT wanting to attend college at all.

At the time, he said that he didn’t see the point in going to college, because he believed that he could start a career in what he wanted to do without going to college. He also said that he thought that most kids went to college just to party, and he had no interest in that.

So the fact that not only does he now want to attend college, but he also wants to go to college early is especially shocking. He acknowledged his change of heart, and seemed to blame it on wanting to have a life outside of Savannah’s control over him.

According to the podcast, Savannah is extremely against the idea of Grayson going to college early, because she believes that he’s too young, and also because she thinks that now he just wants to go early so that he can party.

Throughout the podcast, most of what they talked about was about Grayson’s want to go to college early. Interestingly, Savannah talked about just how affected Grayson is by his parents’ situation right now.

Savannah Said that Grayson Has Been Struggling

She said that after the oral arguments were completed, Grayson had a panic attack due to the trauma and PTSD from being back in the same courtroom where his parents had previously been convicted and sentenced. She explained that he had wanted to go, but it was very difficult for him to be there.

She also explained that they all got stuck in an elevator in the courthouse. She said that there were 12 people on the elevator, and she had already been extremely anxious the entire night and day before. She began to feel claustrophobic as more people got on the elevator, and then it got stuck.

She said that she began undressing in the elevator because of how hot the elevator was and how anxious she was. She even explained that she had to take her Spanx off because of how claustrophobic she felt.

She finally said that they were ultimately stuck on the elevator for 15 minutes and that she was hoping that it meant good luck for her parents’ appeal.

What’s Next for Todd and Julie?

Ultimately, it could be at least a year before anything comes out of the oral arguments. According to Savannah, it could be a month or so, or it could be up to a year before they hear anything. And she said that the next morning, she got on a flight to go see her dad in Pensacola for the weekend.

Lastly, she talked about how she’s in her fighting era, she’s ready for justice to be served, and she and the kids are ready for her parents to come home.

But for right now, all we know is that we’re waiting for the decision to come back from federal courts after this latest appeal update.

The Shocking Downfall of Kim Kardashian

Photo Credit: Kim Kardashian/Instagram

Kim Kardashian appeared at an event in L.A. on May 5th, and the audience booed her loudly. Is Kim experiencing a shocking fall from grace? If that’s the real truth, the New York Post claims she’s “furious” about her “haters.”

43-year-old Kim presented at the “Roast of Tom Brady” Netflix special. When she walked up to the podium and started to make fun of fellow presenter Kevin Hart, Kim got attacked with boos instead.

Kim was wearing a tight-fitting black dress, and she dyed her hair platinum blonde again. She was holding a glass of champagne, but her voice got drowned out as soon as she began cracking jokes. She had to wait for the booing to stop, and then the situation got very awkward.

Kim Kardashian Gets Booed at Tom Brady Roast

Kim tried to control the crowd by feebly repeating, “All right, all right, all right,” but the way Kim looked, she had to be thinking that people were treating her wrong.

Shockingly, the Post reported that Kevin could be heard “off-camera,” and he kept saying “whoa,” like even he couldn’t believe how badly the audience was going after Kim.

After an undisclosed amount of time, the booing finally “petered out,” according to the Post. There were even cheers from the crowd, enough for Kim to “carry on with her speech.”

She started by addressing a rumor about her about 46-year-old Tom that spread after his divorce from model Gisele Bundchen. 

Kim didn’t quite set the record straight. If anything, she just threw some shade at herself.

Kim Tried to Be Funny But it Fell Flat

She said, in part, “I know there were some rumors” about her and Tom dating. Kim claimed, “I’d never say if we did or not,” and shockingly, she joked, “I’d just release the tape.”’

Of course, the “tape” that Kim was joking about is a reference to her 2002 amateur adult film with ex-boyfriend Ray J, which was leaked to the press in 2007. 

The timing has always been suspicious since Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiered on the E! Network the same year, and many of  Kim’s haters alleged the whole thing was a publicity move.

Tom and Kim’s dating rumor started last July when they both attended a swanky Fourth of July party in the Hamptons. However, according to a Page Six report, Kim only spoke to Tom “briefly,” and they’ve always been just “friends.”

Kim mercilessly roasted Tom as a pretty boy, comparing him to her “former stepdad,” now Caitlyn Jenner. She said Caitlyn should prove to Tom that he can “become a commentator, a far-right Republican, or even a strong, confident woman.”

Although Kim claimed she was “just here tonight to support and celebrate” Tom, she also joked about giving him “the same advice” she’s given her exes, which is, “good luck knowing the best is behind you.” But is that also the real truth about Kim?

Tom Brady Made a Savage Joke About Kim

When it was Tom’s turn to return the “insults” he’d gotten from other presenters, the Post wrote that he “savagely burned Kardashian.”

Tom began by saying that Kim was “terrified” to present at his roast, but not because she got met with loud boos from her haters.

Tom joked that Kim was terrified “because her kids are at home with their dad.” The Post called it a “ruthless joke” aimed at Kim’s scandal-plagued ex, Kanye West, and they described how Kim “shook her head and awkwardly laughed” at Tom’s crack because that was the only thing she could do.

Jaguar Wright Exposes Diddy and Justin Bieber

Photo Credits: Justin Bieber/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

The Diddy drama has been getting wilder and wilder and now, even Justin Bieber is involved. The reason why is seriously mind-blowing. After all, this wouldn’t be the first time someone has suspected that Diddy might have done something to Justin.

But now, Jaguar Wright is shedding more light on it. Let’s just say that the details that we never knew of are finally getting exposed.

Justin has gone through a lot just to have the career he has today. When I say a lot, I don’t just mean putting time behind the mic to make a hit record.

I mean that he’s allegedly been through a lot of grooming and harm because of who he is and the career he chose. According to Jaguar, Diddy has allegedly been using Justin as his boy toy for the better part of Justin’s career.

It got so bad that Justin was even hinting at it in some of his songs. Back then no one knew what Justin was singing about.

Now Jaguar took her revelation a step further by revealing that Diddy wasn’t the only one who had something going on with young Justin. Apparently, he didn’t have any issue sharing Justin with other people and would pass Justin to anyone.

Justin Was Clueless About the Music Industry

There’s a video of Justin with Odell Beckham and Trey Songz that started recirculating again thanks to Jaguar. This video had some signs that supported Jaguar’s accusations. In the video, Justin bent down towards Odell and when the camera turned to him again, he was just lifting his head.

When the video first came out, the story was that Justin was bending down to snort something. According to Jaguar, that was nowhere close to the truth.

In the video, when Justin appeared on the camera a second time, his mouth was wet. Not only that but it looked like Trey Songs was standing on guard.

Now Jaguar is coming out to say that Justin was actually doing something intimate with Odell Beckham. Since Trey was on guard, she’s alleging that Justin was doing it willingly too.

This was not the only time something like this happened to Justin. Looking back, there were signs about what was going on with Justin. No one seemed to be paying attention.

It all started when Justin was getting ready to make his way into the music industry. Although Justin was barely a teenager, it was pretty obvious he had the talent to be a worldwide superstar. With how young Justin was when he got into the music industry, he was pretty clueless.

It wasn’t only Justin who was clueless about what he was getting himself into. Justin’s mom also had no idea what really happened in the music industry.

All they knew was that Scooter Braun had just discovered Justin and was willing to sign him to his media group. Scooter was not the only head of this media group; it was a joint venture.

Usher Mentored Justin

This was where Usher came in. Just as Justin got into Atlanta to make a career for himself, Usher came to welcome the 13-year-old Justin and take him under his wing.

Now at the time, not many people could have mentored Justin like Usher would. Usher was already well into his music career, a huge superstar, and also started his career at a young age. Justin’s mom trusted Usher with Justin and returned to Canada to live her own life.

If you are familiar with Diddy’s alleged history with Usher, then you probably have an idea of what was about to happen to Justin. Whatever you think happened to Justin is nothing close to what supposedly happened.

RELATED: New Video Exposes the Truth About Diddy and Justin Bieber

Justin was staying with Usher and was later introduced to Diddy. This was when things started going downhill fast. For some reason, Usher thought it would be a good idea to enroll Justin in Diddy’s flavor camp.

Diddy and Justin had a staycation for 48 hours at Diddy’s place. That was when Diddy allegedly started doing more than mentoring Justin if you know what I mean.

There is also a viral video from the end of their staycation where Diddy promised Justin a Lamborghini parked in his house. At the time, Justin wasn’t old enough to learn how to drive. That’s not even the end because, in that same video, Diddy also promised Justin a house.

Diddy Tried to Buy Justin’s Trust

With everything that has happened, everyone thinks that Diddy was trying to get Justin very comfortable with him by buying him gifts. Once Diddy had that trust, he was going to use Justin to satisfy himself if you know what I mean.

Allegedly this wouldn’t be the first time Diddy would be doing this. Just days after Justin had gotten his driver’s license, he was spotted in a Lamborghini that looked exactly like the one Diddy had promised him.

RELATED: How Diddy ruined Justin Bieber

Things were only going to get worse for Justin. Since Justin was with Diddy a lot, Diddy introduced him to alcohol at a young age.

There are pictures of Justin partying with what looks like a water bottle in his hand, but the liquid inside is definitely not colorless. With how Justin acted at those parties, you could tell he was under the influence.

Then things got even worse when Justin got hooked on other substances too. It got so bad that Justin was acting out in public.

Basically, everyone was hating on Justin at this point. Looking back, most of Justin’s actions could have been a cry for help. It doesn’t look like anyone was listening.

Justin Couldn’t Escape Diddy

Even when Justin tried to get away, Diddy found a way back into his life. At this point, Justin was on tour and wanted his team to keep him away from Diddy. Allegedly, Justin was afraid of Diddy and what he was making him do.

It was so bad that it was affecting him mentally and even physically. Somehow Diddy caught up to Justin and from the video, you could see Justin shaking. He could barely get the words out of his mouth.

Diddy was asking Justin why they weren’t hanging out like they used to. I mean with what’s been revealed about Diddy so far, it’s easy to see why Justin wouldn’t want to hang out with him.

Also, why would a full-grown man ask a teenager why he’s not coming around anymore? It is all types of wrong.

Do you want to know where Usher was while all this was happening to Justin? Well, Usher was always coincidentally not around to help Justin with what he was dealing with.

Which is crazy considering Usher is all too familiar with Diddy’s flavor camp. He led Justin right into the lion’s den and had no issue sitting back to watch.

Now, with how the case against Diddy is going, Justin might have something to say eventually. If he does, it’s going to be one for the books.

JLo Exposed by Diddy

Photo Credits: Diddy/Instagram and Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

It looks like Jlo might be the next person to go down with Diddy.

Back in 1999, she was present at the infamous Club New York shooting – as was Diddy.

Now, new information about what really happened that night is coming out.

And it’s not looking good for JLo.

The whole thing is seriously messy, so let’s not waste any time and dive straight into it.

What Truly Happened the Night of the Shooting Involving Diddy & JLo?

In December 1999, Diddy and Jamal “Shyne” Barrow were together at a club in New York when Diddy got into a heated argument with some guys.

The full context of the argument was never revealed, but we do know that it got pretty serious.

Because out of nowhere, all three guys involved took out their weapons.

And before anyone knew what was happening, three shots were fired and three people were hit.

Now, according to the witnesses that were at the club, it was Diddy and Shyne who pulled the triggers that day.

But even though Diddy was arrested for weapon possession and bribing his driver to claim that the firearms were his, at the end of the day, it was Shyne who took the fall for everything and ended up getting sentenced to 10 years behind bars.

And just like that, the whole incident got kind of buried – that is until now.

Natania Reuben Confirmed That Diddy Pulled the Trigger

Not too long ago, one of the victims, Natania Reuben, came forward to claim that we’ve all had the story wrong this entire time.

According to her, the person who pulled the trigger on her and the two other victims that night was Diddy and not Shyne.

To prove that she wasn’t saying all of this for clout, she explained how she was more than willing to undergo surgery to get some parts of the bullet out of her face just so they could test it against the weapons that were taken from Diddy that night.

She said this despite knowing fully well that this would be a risky process that she might not make it out of.

JLo and Diddy Arrested

Anyway, if you’re wondering where JLo falls into all of this, here’s the deal.

Back when this happened, she and Diddy were still a thing.

And she was there at the club when it all went down.

She was even one of the people who were arrested by the cops.

But she got released almost as quickly as she was arrested because they had no case against her while Diddy, on the other hand, walked away after his trial.

Now, with this whole thing starting to resurface again, JLo’s actions that night are starting to get questioned.

What did she see? 

Was she just an observer in the crowd?

Or was she one of the perpetrators?

With Diddy allegedly promising to out everyone he’s ever been involved with because of how he’s been ghosted due to all the allegations being made against him, a lot of people now seem to think that JLo’s real role that night is about to be exposed.

And when it IS exposed, it might just change the way everyone sees her.

JLo has always tried to position herself as your friendly girl next door.

Why Did JLo and Diddy Breakup?

And getting involved with Diddy back when she did might just be the biggest mistake she’s ever made.

JLo and Diddy met right when she was preparing for the release of her debut album which he, of course, helped her to produce.

According to JLo, he was sort of like a mentor to her back then because he knew much more about the industry that she was trying to break into.

So it’s easy to see why she fell for him the way that she did.

Diddy and JLo went on to date for two years before breaking up in 2001.

They actually broke up because of something that Diddy did.

According to JLo, he cheated on her.

And because of that, she just couldn’t stay in the relationship.

She said that Diddy cheating on her was the first time she had ever been cheated on in a relationship.

Although she didn’t technically catch him in the act, she just knew that was what he was up to as she explained that he’d often go clubbing for a couple of hours and then wouldn’t bother coming back.

And whenever she’d ask about his whereabouts, he’d just give her a LOT of excuses that made no sense.

So she had no choice but to leave when she did – but not before getting tied to Diddy’s 1999 incident.

Diddy’s Countless Law Troubles

Although JLo has stayed out of trouble for the most part since that happened, the same can’t exactly be said about Diddy.

If anything, he gets into trouble more often than he doesn’t.

And even if we ignore everything that’s happened in the last couple of months, it still doesn’t look great for Diddy.

The 1999 shooting wasn’t even his first major slip-up.

Back in 1991, he was involved in a horrible incident that claimed the lives of several people.

According to Rolling Stone, back then, Diddy had promoted a celebrity basketball game and concert at City College of New York.

The whole event ended in tragedy.

Nine people lost their lives and 29 more were injured. 

But there’s more.

The 1995 Diddy Shooting 

Diddy was also involved in another shooting in 1995.

Back then, he, Suge Knight, Jake Robles, and some other guys were celebrating Jermaine Dupri’s birthday at Platinum City Club.

But then, an argument started out of nowhere between members of Diddy and Suge’s record labels.

The argument got so heated that the then-Fulton County Sheriff Deputy Chris Howard had to get involved to make sure things didn’t get too messy between the two groups.

Unfortunately, the very thing that he was trying to prevent was precisely what ended up happening.

According to Chris, while he was escorting Diddy and his guests out of the area so that Suge and his party could leave, one of Diddy’s guys came out of nowhere, right when Jake Robles was about to get into his limo.

The guy in question had a firearm.

Chris tried chasing him to get the weapon.

But he gave it to someone else who used it on Jake, who then lost his life after weeks of fighting for it in the hospital.

Diddy Denies Accusations

Now, Diddy denied being involved in this whole thing, which didn’t exactly come as a surprise to anyone.

He always tries to deny any accusations against him, even if there is evidence proving that he might not be so innocent.

So why would he accept any blame this time around, when it was pretty clear that he wasn’t the person who pulled the trigger?

That being said, some suspect that he might have been the person who gave the instruction for the trigger to be pulled.

Suge apparently thought the same thing.

And word around the street is that this was the very reason why the friendship between him and Diddy got ruined.

JLo and Diddy’s Relationship

Now, another relationship that might be about to get ruined is Diddy’s relationship with JLo.

It just depends on what else comes out about what happened that night in December 1999.

Jennifer Lopez and Sean Combs first crossed paths in the mid-1990s when Jennifer was beginning to cement her place in the entertainment industry. 

At the time, Diddy was already a well-established figure in the music industry, known for his work with Bad Boy Records, which he founded in 1993. 

Their relationship officially started in 1999, during a period when JLo was working on her debut album, “On the 6,” and Diddy was producing for a host of other artists.

Their relationship blossomed under the intense scrutiny of the public and media. 

Both being prominent figures, their every move was closely watched, and they quickly became a staple of tabloid fodder. 

They made numerous public appearances together, from red carpets to industry events, each time drawing significant media attention.

One of the most iconic moments of their relationship came during the 2000 Grammy Awards, where Jennifer wore a green Versace dress that was so striking it is credited with leading to the creation of Google Images. 

Diddy was by her side, and their appearance became one of the night’s most talked-about moments.

However, their relationship was not without its challenges. 

JLo and Diddy’s 1999 Shooting Incident

In December 1999, the couple was involved in a shooting incident at a New York City nightclub. 

While they were both unharmed, the event led to legal issues for Diddy, who faced charges of weapon possession and bribery. 

JLo was also arrested but was quickly released, and charges against her were dropped. 

This incident put a significant strain on their relationship, with JLo later citing it as a source of immense stress and media pressure.

In 2001, after nearly two and a half years together, JLo and Diddy decided to end their relationship. 

Both cited the enormous media pressure and the nightclub shooting incident’s aftermath as factors in their breakup. 

Despite the split, they have both spoken positively about each other in the years following their relationship. 

JLo has referred to Diddy as a great lover and a friend, and Diddy has often expressed admiration for JLo’s talent and drive.

Diddy and JLo’s Profound Impact on Each Other’s Careers

The relationship had a profound impact on both JLo and Combs’ careers. 

For JLo, the relationship and its associated drama heightened her profile and cemented her status as a tabloid fixture, which paradoxically helped her career. 

It kept her in the public eye and helped her music and film careers gain additional traction.

For Combs, the relationship with JLo also helped to elevate his status beyond the music industry into a broader celebrity sphere. 

It opened up new avenues in fashion and other business ventures, where he has continued to make a significant impact.

In reflecting on their time together, both JLo and Diddy have shown a mature perspective on their past, acknowledging both the good and challenging aspects of their relationship. 

They have moved on to other relationships and successes but remain influential figures in the entertainment industry.

JLo and Diddy’s Breakup 

After their breakup in 2001, the saga of JLo and Diddy continued to captivate the public and media, albeit in a different light. 

Their post-breakup interactions, comments about each other, and their subsequent romantic endeavors added layers of intrigue and gossip to their storied past.

Initially, the breakup appeared amicable, with both parties citing the pressures of media scrutiny and their intense schedules as reasons for the split. 

However, the waters were never truly calm when it came to JLo and Diddy. 

The media often speculated about lingering feelings, especially given their occasionally flirty exchanges at events and through the press.

For instance, in various interviews following their split, Diddy often praised JLo’s talents and influence. 

He famously mentioned in more than one interview that he regretted losing her and referred to JLo as “the one that got away,” which fueled rumors that Diddy hadn’t fully moved on. 

JLo, on her part, while more reserved, acknowledged the profound impact the relationship had on her life and career.

JLo and Diddy’s Romantic Rebounds

The gossip columns had a field day tracking their romantic rebounds. 

JLo’s whirlwind romance and subsequent marriage to dancer Cris Judd in 2001, mere months after her split from Diddy, raised eyebrows and had people speculating if she was on a rebound spree. 

Meanwhile, Diddy’s relationships, particularly with singer Cassie years later, also grabbed headlines, but the shadow of his high-profile relationship with JLo loomed large.

Professionally, both continued to excel and occasionally, their paths crossed in the spheres of music and fashion, leading to speculative whispers among their fans and the media about potential collaborations or confrontations. 

For instance, when they both attended the same award shows or parties, all eyes were on their interactions—were they cordial, distant, or was there a hidden spark?

The media often played up any possible tension, with reports of behind-the-scenes drama at events. 

JLo and Diddy’s Storied Past

Tabloids speculated about how they navigated shared social spaces, particularly how their new partners reacted to their storied past. 

For example, there were rumors of a chilly reception between JLo and Diddy at a charity event, where insiders claimed the air was thick with unspoken words and past regrets.

Both JLo and Diddy occasionally seemed to reference their past relationship in their creative outputs. 

JLo’s music often touched on themes of love and resilience, which many fans speculated were nods to her complex personal life, including her time with Diddy. 

Diddy’s works, too, hinted at lost love and the trials of living in the public eye, adding layers to their post-breakup narrative.

Years later, the legacy of their relationship continues to intrigue and spark conversations about celebrity culture and the personal cost of living life under the relentless gaze of the public eye. 

Every now and then, a new interview or a retrospective on early 2000s pop culture stirs the pot, bringing JLo and Diddy’s story back into the spotlight, much to the delight of gossip enthusiasts and fans alike.

In sum, the post-breakup relationship between JLo and Diddy remains a tantalizing mix of respect, nostalgia, and the inevitable “what-ifs” that come with such a high-profile pairing. 

Their ongoing saga serves as a testament to the enduring fascination with celebrity relationships and the complex interplay between personal lives and public personas.

After their breakup in 2001, JLo and Diddy both ventured into relationships that often grabbed headlines for their dramatic and sometimes tumultuous nature. 

While neither has exclusively had toxic relationships, their journeys through personal connections post-breakup reflect complex dynamics and challenges that are frequently magnified by their celebrity status.

Following her split from Diddy, JLo’s personal life remained under intense scrutiny. 

JLo’s Multiple Relationships and Marriages

She married Cris Judd, a backup dancer she met while filming the music video for “Love Don’t Cost a Thing,” in September 2001. 

The marriage was short-lived, however, ending in divorce by June 2002. The rapid progression from marriage to divorce fed into a narrative of a rebound that lacked a stable foundation.

JLo’s most publicized relationship after her marriage to Judd was with actor Ben Affleck

Dubbed “Bennifer,” this relationship was the fodder for countless media stories, primarily due to the blending of Hollywood and music celebrities. 

Their engagement in 2002 was marked by intense media attention, which both cited as a contributing factor to the postponement of their 2003 wedding and eventual split in 2004. 

JLo has noted the public’s intrusion as overwhelming, attributing it to the stress and ultimate demise of their relationship.

In 2004, JLo married singer Marc Anthony, and while this relationship lasted significantly longer, the pair announced their separation in 2011. 

Their relationship, although fruitful in collaborations and raising their twins, was reportedly marred by arguments and conflicting schedules. 

Reports suggested that the divorce was contentious, involving custody disputes and disagreements over financial arrangements.

Diddy’s post-JLo love life has also been complex and at times contentious. 

Diddy’s Multiple Relationships

His long-term relationship with Kimberly Porter, which spanned over a decade and included a break when he dated JLo, was marked by highs and lows. 

They had three children together, and despite their final breakup in 2007, they maintained a co-parenting relationship until Kim’s untimely death in 2018. 

Diddy has openly expressed his regret over not marrying Kim Porter, reflecting on it as a missed opportunity for stability.

Another significant relationship was with singer Cassie, which lasted from the late 2000s until 2018. 

This relationship was reportedly riddled with issues, including a highly publicized police incident in 2016 where Cassie’s mother called the cops after a domestic argument. 

Although no charges were filed at the time, the event highlighted the volatility underlying their dynamic. 

Their on-and-off relationship was punctuated by breakups rumored to be caused by Diddy’s infidelity and commitment issues.

Media Attention and Impact on Celebrity Lives and Relationships

The personal lives of JLo and Diddy illustrate how celebrity can exacerbate the natural complications of relationships. 

Constant media attention, the pressure of public scrutiny, and the blending of personal and professional lives can create a breeding ground for toxic dynamics. 

Each relationship’s breakdown under the celebrity spotlight often seemed to follow a pattern where external pressures and internal disagreements collided dramatically.

Both celebrities have reflected on their past relationships with a mix of candor and insight. 

JLo and Diddy’s Take on Love and Regrets

JLo has often spoken about her journey through love, expressing that each relationship taught her valuable lessons about love, self-worth, and resilience. 

Diddy, similarly, has taken to social media and interviews to express regrets and realizations about his personal life, particularly his failures in committing to relationships that mattered most.

The ongoing public interest in JLo and Diddy’s romantic lives speaks to a broader cultural fascination with celebrity relationships. 

Their histories offer a window into how intense scrutiny and the pressure to maintain a public image can lead to personal turmoil. 

Moreover, their experiences have opened up discussions on the nature of love and commitment in the high-stakes environment of celebrity culture.

The post-breakup relationships of JLo and Diddy are as telling as they are turbulent. 

While not all were toxic, the challenges they faced highlighted the complexities of dating in the limelight, where every move is scrutinized, and every decision can become tabloid material. 

These stories, while offering gossip-worthy moments, also provide deeper insights into the personal costs of fame and the often Herculean task of maintaining personal relationships while under constant public watch.

Diddy and Cassie Ventura’s Relationship

But arguably Diddy’s relationship with Cassie was much more toxic and tumultuous than whatever came out publicly about his relationship with JLo.

Sean “Diddy” Combs and Cassie Ventura’s relationship lasted over a decade and was frequently in the spotlight due to both parties’ celebrity status. 

The dynamics of their relationship, from its inception around 2006 until its conclusion in 2018, offer insights into the complexities and challenges that can emerge in long-term relationships, especially under the scrutiny of the public eye.

Diddy and Cassie met when she was signed to his music label, Bad Boy Records, after her breakout hit “Me & U” in 2006. 

The relationship reportedly began as a professional one, with Diddy overseeing her music career. 

Over time, it transitioned into a romantic relationship. 

This shift from a professional to a personal relationship set the stage for complex power dynamics due to Diddy’s dual role as both boyfriend and boss. 

This imbalance possibly laid the groundwork for some of the issues that would later emerge.

For years, the couple kept their relationship relatively private, rarely speaking about it publicly.

This secrecy did not keep them out of the tabloids, however, and speculation was constant. 

The need for secrecy can sometimes be indicative of underlying issues in a relationship, such as fear of external judgment or internal uncertainties.

In their case, it often seemed linked to the complex professional ties and the significant age difference between them.

Diddy and Cassie’s Domestic Argument

One of the most publicized incidents in their relationship occurred in 2016 when police were called to their home following a domestic argument. 

Reports indicated that Cassie had decided to end the relationship, leading to an escalated argument that concluded with Cassie’s mother calling the police. 

No charges were filed, but the event highlighted the volatility and tension in their relationship.

Further adding to the narrative of an unhealthy relationship were rumors and reports of infidelity and control. 

Diddy was occasionally seen in public with other women, which fueled rumors of infidelity that reportedly affected Cassie deeply. 

Additionally, there were reports from insiders and sources close to the couple that suggested Diddy exerted a controlling influence over many aspects of Cassie’s life, including her career and personal decisions.

Their relationship officially ended in 2018. 

Shortly after their breakup, Cassie moved on and eventually married Alex Fine, a fitness trainer, with whom she has children. 

Diddy Publicly Expressed Regret

The quick move to a new relationship and family life might suggest Cassie’s readiness to close the chapter on what was reportedly a fraught relationship with Diddy.

Following the breakup, Diddy publicly expressed regret about how things ended and showcased moments of reflection on his behavior in relationships. 

His posts and interviews post-breakup hinted at a recognition of his own possible failings in his romantic life.

The relationship between Diddy and Cassie showcases several hallmarks of an unhealthy relationship.

Initially Diddy’s professional authority over Cassie set a foundation for unequal power distribution.

The need to hide the relationship can be indicative of underlying issues, either from external pressures or internal dissatisfaction.

Allegations and perceptions of controlling behavior can lead to a toxic environment.

Real or perceived infidelity undermines trust and mutual respect in a relationship.

The story of Diddy and Cassie’s relationship serves as a reminder of the complexities of dating in the public eye and the added pressures that celebrity status can bring to personal relationships. 

It highlights the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries, equal power dynamics, and open communication to foster a supportive and healthy relationship environment. 

Their relationship, with its challenges and ultimate dissolution, reflects broader themes relevant to understanding relationship dynamics in a highly scrutinized public space.

Teyana Taylor Calls Out Iman’s New Girl Friend

Photo Credits: Teyana Taylor/Instagram and Iman Shumpert/Instagram

The child custody battle between Teyana Taylor and her ex Iman Shumpert has seen a fresh war of words. This time, Teyana has taken shots at Iman and his new alleged girlfriend for “confusing” their kids.

TMZ recently obtained court documents showing how the legal battle is developing. One filing from several weeks ago reportedly shows Teyana’s lawyer asking the court to call in a child psychologist. This was said to give an expert opinion on how the presence of Iman’s new woman was affecting the kids.

When the former power couple’s daughters were staying with Iman during his parenting weekend, someone Iman described as his “friend” was also staying at the house. TMZ reported that Teyana knew this because she saw the mystery woman’s daughter and heard the woman during a FaceTime call. 

Teyana’s legal team has asserted that their oldest daughter was “confused” after seeing her dad sharing his bed with the unknown woman. It was also claimed that Iman told his daughter that his “friend” was staying with them because her home was “broken.” 

Teyana claimed that the woman and her daughter later accompanied Iman and their kids at SkyZone. According to the Daily Mail, Taylor told the court that Iman did not need to have the woman around during the rare time he gets to spend with his kids. 

Right now, Iman looks after daughters Junie and Rue every other weekend, plus a handful of Fridays. Teyana alleged that her estranged husband “doesn’t actually realize the impact that him being seen with another woman” has on the kids. This is reportedly why she wants to bring in a child psychologist for an expert opinion. 

Iman Has Failed to Pay Child Support

The Mail also reported that Teyana has asked for a financial expert to testify in their divorce proceedings. She has claimed that the former NBA star has withdrawn nearly $4 million from their shared bank accounts. These are just the latest in a string of allegations Teyana has made about Iman’s recent actions. 

She also accused him of switching off the utilities in her Atlanta home where she looks after the girls. Teyana stated that in January her cable, internet, and even water were turned off in the house.

RELATED: Teyana Taylor Exposes Divorce Drama

She alleged that Iman has not paid any child support other than school tuition since moving out in October. Iman left Atlanta and returned to his hometown of Chicago. 

Teyana said that before they separated, the ex-couple started home renovations which included fixing a security gate on the house. Teyana claimed that Iman has not followed through on a promise to pay for around $200,000 worth of renovations. 

With so much still to sort out following their divorce, the last thing Teyana needs is a new woman involved.