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Intern Exposes Diddy’s Mistreatment

Photo Credts: Toure/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

The voices speaking up about Diddy’s alleged concerning behavior continue to grow in number. Recently, MSNBC’s Toure spoke out about his relative’s experience with Diddy over ten years ago.

Toure appeared on MSNBC’s The ReidOut last month to discuss the raids on Diddy’s houses by federal agents. The music journalist and podcaster then went on to recall a story involving a male relative of his who was able to get an internship with Diddy through Toure. 

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What was expected to be a dream job then ended so suddenly that Toure was surprised when he found out about it. Toure said that his relative’s internship ended “abruptly like three or four months into it.”

What’s more, when asked about his decision, Toure’s relative allegedly refused to explain or say what had happened. Toure revealed their conversation, saying, “I was like, why did it end? And they wouldn’t say.”

It wasn’t until years later that the relative started to open up regarding the truth about his experience working for Diddy. Toure said, “And years later, they finally came out — and this is a male — and said that Puff had said, ‘Come home. Stay the night with me or the internship is over.’” Diddy had allegedly given his intern an ultimatum to spend the night with him or lose his job.

Cassie’s Allegations Really Brought Diddy’s Behavior to Light

Toure went on to add that his relative had told Diddy “Absolutely not”, and Diddy made good on his threat, telling him that the internship was over. Toure said that when he heard this story, his initial response was to think, “Oh, like this is how it goes, okay.”

After hearing that “things went even further” according to the allegations of so many other people, he started looking back at all the clues in the past. He concluded, “We feel like we’ve seen this coming.”

It’s definitely true that looking back, there were so many stories about Diddy for so many years. They were just never taken seriously until Cassie’s allegations came out. 

Shortly after Toure added his relative’s story to the growing pile of allegations against Diddy, someone else who worked closely with Diddy did the same. Tanika Ray used to be one of Diddy’s backup dancers. After Toure’s revelation, she was motivated to talk about her own “horrific” experience with her former boss.

In March, she shared a video on Instagram which started off by showing a clip of Toure’s story. Tanika then went on to say, “Oh yeah, you know we all have stories… Seriously, we all have stories.”

She continued, “Mine is horrific and only five people know it, and I probably will never tell it.” She made it clear that she was worried about being “victimized” for coming forward with her story.

Tanika Avoided Diddy at all Costs

However, in the caption accompanying her clip, Tanika opened up a little bit more. The former Extra host wrote that she “just knew to avoid him at all costs.”

She went on to write, “Yes, I danced for him and kept my space. I interviewed him for his projects and kept my space. Nothing that is happening is surprising.”

Tanika went on to consider out loud if she should write a book about her experiences in Hollywood. She also defended her right not to come forward sooner about her encounters with Diddy. 

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She explained that women “just want to live. We want to be happy, and we really just want to forget the trauma.”

But after saying “shame on all the men that let this continue,” Tanika went on to consider if she was at fault, too. She wrote, “Shame on me maybe for prioritizing my mental health some would say.”

In the end, she invited anyone who thought her story should be added to the pile to give her a call. However, she also said, “But I think Cassie got it!!”

Tanika was referring to the bravery of Cassie, whose allegations were the first to bring Diddy’s public image crashing down. If Cassie’s story was the first domino to fall, it has set off a huge number of other allegations. 

While some, like Tanika and Diddy’s former intern, have chosen to keep theirs private, others have kept on coming forward. What happens next is something we will only find out with time.

Golden Bachelor’s Gerry and Theresa Are Getting Divorced

Photo Credit: ABC

Golden Bachelor’s Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist are getting a divorce only three months after their wedding. 

The couple made the announcement on Friday, April 12 on Good Morning America. “They captured the hearts of millions on @goldenbachabc — now Gerry and Theresa sit down for an emotional interview only on GMA,” announced the morning show on its official Instagram page to tease the interview. More details about their decision will be revealed as the full interview airs. 

A few weeks ago, TMZ reported that the couple was living apart. Gerry is based in Indiana, while Theresa remains in her home state of New Jersey. An inside source told US Weekly that the couple had no immediate plans to uproot their respective lives and were choosing to have a long-distance relationship. 

Gerry and Theresa Stayed Long-Distance

Theresa works as a senior compliance officer on the East Coast, and Gerry is reportedly retired. Theresa’s job was a factor in the decision to keep things long-distance after the wedding, reported TMZ. 

Moreover, both Gerry and Theresa are close to their children and grandchildren and were trying to figure out where to plant roots. According to TMZ, they were considering Charleston, North Carolina, as an option, since Theresa’s son and grandkids are in the area. 

During their brief marriage, the two made it a point to visit each other often while working through decisions about how to blend their lives. They did express a desire to live together at some point. 

“One of the things that I think fate played a hand in is the possibility of where we might wind up living. For the last couple of years, when my family gets together, I’ve talked about moving to South Carolina, and it’s an idea I’ve toyed with. And then in conversation with Theresa, a private moment, she’s saying, ‘Well, yeah, my son lives near Charleston in South Carolina,’” Gerry told People last December. 

“And all of a sudden it’s like, there’s a big problem that is gone. The issue of compromising on where to live and how to reconcile families and all of that is, it’s no longer an issue.”

Theresa agreed and added that she envisioned them buying a big house one day to accommodate family visits. 

The Two Bonded Over Being Widowed

Gerry and Teresa got engaged during the first season of The Golden Bachelor, which wrapped up in September 2023. On January 4, 2024, they tied the knot in front of ABC cameras. This was the second marriage for both of them. 

This is the second marriage for both Gerry, 72, and Theresa, 70. Gerry was married to his high-school sweetheart for over 40 years before she passed away. Theresa was also married to her high-school sweetheart for overs 40 years before his death. 

The two bonded over being widowed and their experience of grief. 

How Diddy ruined Justin Bieber

Photo Credits: Justin Bieber/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

Diddy’s past interactions with Justin Bieber have been raising red flags for years. Now that he’s being investigated due to disturbing criminal allegations, many believe he caused Justin’s world to completely fall apart. 

The reasons why people are convinced that Diddy is responsible for Justin’s struggles throughout the years are absolutely shocking. Let’s break them down. 

Since news broke that Diddy’s homes were raided as part of the federal investigation, his celebrity connections have been scrutinized. But because of the allegations he’s facing, his weird history with Justin now seems especially troubling. Several lawsuits have been filed against Diddy lately, accusing him of behaving very inappropriately with people who were underage. 

Old videos recently resurfaced online that showed Diddy hanging out with then-teenage Justin. Unsurprisingly, their interactions raised more suspicions than ever. 

According to Page Six, Justin was only 15 years old in one of the resurfaced videos. It had originally been posted on his YouTube channel in November 2009, which means Diddy had just turned 40. 

It’s bad enough that he was hanging out with a child. But what they were planning on doing was seriously creepy. 

The video had been filmed right outside Diddy’s mansion. He and Justin were shown walking next to each other as they got closer to the camera. It turns out that Justin would be staying there with Diddy for the next 48 hours. 

Diddy Wouldn’t Say Where He Was Taking Justin

At the time, Justin was relatively new to the music industry, and he wasn’t making a ton of money yet. When Diddy promised to give him a luxury car when he turned 16, it was a huge deal. But it was extremely concerning as well. 

Aside from the car, Diddy also claimed he was going to give Justin a mansion for his 18th birthday. He was already making plans to give a literal teenager these super expensive presents in the future. It was incredibly strange. 

Now that allegations have been made about Diddy supposedly grooming people who were under 18, his promise to give Justin extravagant gifts seems even more shady. Gift-giving is a manipulation tactic that’s used to gain trust and build connections with younger people.

According to the Daily Mail, Diddy ended up keeping his word. In July 2010, he gave Justin a brand new Lamborghini three months after his 16th birthday. 

Was Diddy trying to win Justin over so that he could control and manipulate him more easily? It definitely seems possible that he had ulterior motives, especially considering everything that’s been coming out in the news lately. 

But the next thing that happened in the video was very unsettling. At one point, Justin asked Diddy where they were going to go, but he didn’t get an actual response. Instead, Diddy turned to the camera and said that he couldn’t disclose where they would be going, or what they would be doing, over the next two days. 

It’s alarming that Diddy refused to talk about their plans on camera, but what he hinted at was just as unnerving. He mentioned that they were going to go “full crazy” and have the time of their lives. What he had planned would be a teenager’s dream. 

Justin Started Avoiding Diddy

At the end of the video, Justin told Diddy, “Let’s go get some girls,” which seems even more troubling now. But then, Diddy replied, “A man after my heart, that’s what I’m talking about.” It’s insanely creepy that a 40-year-old man was excited to spend two full days with a kid whose parents wouldn’t be there. 

Neither of them publicly revealed what actually happened during those 48 hours. But over the course of the next year, something must have happened that made Justin feel so uncomfortable that he decided to try to distance himself from Diddy.

According to The Mirror, Justin was 16 in the second video that resurfaced online recently. It was first uploaded to Diddy’s YouTube channel in December 2010. But not even five seconds into the video, Diddy confronted Justin about something extremely weird.

Diddy called Justin out for allegedly “acting different.” He claimed that he hadn’t been calling him to hang out like they used to. 

Right away, Justin began stuttering and nervously shifting his feet. His eyes darted all around the room, and he was trying not to look at Diddy. 

Justin eventually told Diddy that he had most likely been trying to contact him through one of his business partners. It was incredibly telling that Diddy didn’t have Justin’s phone number and hadn’t heard from him in a while. But so was the fact that he was clearly upset about not being able to contact or hang out with a 16-year-old.

Based on Justin’s awkward body language, it seemed pretty obvious that he had been intentionally avoiding Diddy and hadn’t planned on returning any of his calls. Considering how uneasy he was immediately after Diddy questioned him, he didn’t want to hang out with him anymore for a reason. 

Justin Began Drinking Underage

Not long after that video was filmed, Justin started spiraling out of control. According to TMZ, he was pulled over in October 2011 after suddenly swerving in front of a police car on the highway. That turned out to be the first of many reckless driving incidents. 

But before long, he became wrapped up in a seriously dangerous habit. In June 2012, then-18-year-old Justin admitted during an interview with GQ that even though he was underage, he occasionally drank adult beverages. 

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But he also made a bizarre comment that later raised major concerns. Justin claimed that he had to keep his guard up because he couldn’t trust anybody in the industry. He added that he had “learned the hard way” that there was nobody he could trust anymore. 

Justin didn’t explain why he had lost faith in everyone around him. But over the next couple of years, his run-ins with the law and substance use seemed to completely take over his life. 

According to TV Guide’s timeline of Justin’s troubled behavior, by 2013, it was no secret that he was regularly using illegal substances. He started acting out more, getting into physical fights with paparazzi, and showing up hours late to his own concerts.

Justin No Longer Trusted People

In January 2014, TMZ reported that Justin had been arrested in Miami for driving under the influence. The lab report showed that he had been drinking adult beverages before getting behind the wheel, and he also had illegal substances in his system. 

But what he said about his crazy lifestyle the following year was unbelievably eye-opening. During a November 2015 interview with Billboard, Justin revealed that it might have looked like he was living the dream when he was partying all the time, but that wasn’t the case. 

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In reality, he was purposely sabotaging himself because he was absolutely miserable. Justin explained that “certain things” had shattered his ability to trust people. He added that he had been in situations that corrupted his mind. 

But when he was asked, he refused to disclose what exactly he had experienced that caused him to hit rock bottom. Justin said that when he was at that low point, he felt empty and lost like he didn’t know who he was anymore. 

He confessed that that period in his life almost destroyed him. But even though he barely made it through and was still struggling, he “came out alive.” 

Unfortunately, Justin’s mental health challenges continued to take a serious toll on him. Over the next couple of years, he ended up canceling a lot of his tour dates and meet-and-greets. 

Justin Took a Break From Music

When he was interviewed by Vogue in February 2019, he made some very cryptic comments. Justin explained that he had been battling his depression while on tour, but he had to cancel several concerts to take some time to himself. 

Eventually, he knew that had to take a break from music altogether. He admitted that everything about it had started to stress him out, but he also needed to work on healing.

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Justin shared that he was still trying to process a lot of trauma that he had never publicly spoken about. He added that he still hadn’t been able to trust anyone fully, even Hailey, and the reason why was honestly heartbreaking.

Justin confessed that because people had used him and lied about being there for him in the past, he had a hard time believing anybody. But he also mentioned that there had been people who had slowly taken more and more control over him. Obviously, we don’t know if Justin was referring to Diddy or not, although it does seem like a possibility. 

Justin Still Hasn’t Publicly Shared All of His Trauma

But that wasn’t the only time he indirectly called out someone who used to be close to him in the music business. In a 2021 interview with GQ, Justin made a bold revelation. He claimed that there are people in the industry who take advantage of other people’s insecurities and exploit them. 

He also talked about one of the lowest points he had with his mental health, and it sounded truly devastating. Justin explained that the weight of his emotional pain ultimately became too much for him to handle. 

He used substances to numb the pain, just so that he could make it through another day. No matter what kind of substances Justin used or how much success he had, he still had so much unresolved sadness. 

He revealed that at the height of his substance use issues, his life was in serious danger. Justin claimed that his bodyguards used to come into his room each night to check his pulse, just to be certain he was alive. He clearly struggled with a lot of mental turmoil for a long time, and it sounds like he still hasn’t publicly talked about all of his trauma. 

Justin has never outright accused Diddy of anything or blamed him for his challenges with mental health and substance use. From the cryptic comments he’s made to their alarming interactions in the past, there have just been so many red flags throughout the years. 

Mama June Gives Update On Anna’s Daughter

Photo Credits: June Shannon/Instagram and Anna Cardwell/Instagram

Mama June recently revealed that she hasn’t seen her youngest granddaughter, Kylee, in months. She sat down for an interview with Entertainment Tonight to talk about what life has been like for her family following the passing of her eldest daughter, Anna Cardwell.

During the interview, June was frank and said that Kylee shouldn’t be raised by Michael, and Kaitlyn shouldn’t be raised by her. It should have been Anna raising them.

That’s also something she regularly tells Kaitlyn. She tells her granddaughter that she’ll never be able to replace her mother.

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Anna’s two children were split up because Anna never revealed who Kaitlyn’s biological father was. The judge decided that the best person to have custody of Kaitlyn was her grandmother, June.

Kylee’s father is Michael, who is Anna’s ex-husband. Since it was known that Michael was Kylee’s biological father, he received custody of her. Unfortunately, that means Kylee has been away from the rest of her family and half-sister.

The last time June saw Kylee was at her daughter’s funeral. It’s been several months since then. Because of that, she doesn’t know how Kylee is doing.

Mama June Has Good Days and Bad Days

As for Kaitlyn, June had positive news to share. She said that Kaitlyn was doing much better in school.

She thought part of the reason for her better grades was because she was no longer in private school. June put Kaitlyn in public school, and she seems to be doing better in that sort of environment. Her grades are improving, and she’s doing better overall.

That said, June was also realistic about the situation. She said that Kaitlyn has her good days and bad days when it comes to dealing with her mother’s passing.

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June is the same way. There are days when she’s okay, and then there are days when she barely keeps it together. Some of the hard days are when she and the family watch episodes of their show that feature Anna in them.

Anna passed away on December 9th, 2023, after battling stage 4 adrenal carcinoma. It’s a rare type of cancer that Anna wanted to document for the show so more people knew about it.

As the filming of the show went on, many of Anna’s family members asked if she wanted to skip the show and rest. Anna insisted that she continue filming, however, because she wanted to document and raise awareness of her disease. 

Adrenal carcinoma is very rare, so seeing someone go through it might make others not feel quite so alone. That said, June admitted that watching the last few episodes that Anna is in is likely going to be very difficult. June has received a lot of criticism for how she raised her own daughters and has been involved in several controversies throughout the years. 

Jeezy Seeks Primary Custody

Photo Credits: Monaco Mai Jenkins/Instagram

Jeezy is looking to make a last-minute change to his custody agreement with his estranged wife, Jeannie Mai. The two share a daughter together named Monaco, who is two years old. According to TMZ, Jeezy is looking to change their custody agreement to ensure he has primary physical custody of their daughter.

Originally, the couple planned to have shared custody, which was agreed upon during mediation while they were filing their divorce papers. That has reportedly changed now that Jeannie has altered their living situation.

Jeezy originally agreed to the custody plan they had because he had moved to the basement of the family home. Jeannie was still living in the home, and it was easy for them to share Monaco since they were all technically in the same house.

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Jeannie decided to move out of the house, however and had taken Monaco with her. That’s made sharing custody and parenting time with his daughter a lot harder.

According to TMZ, Jeezy has other reasons for wanting to have primary physical custody of Monaco, too. He’s alleged that Jeannie isn’t even around to raise their daughter.

Instead, she allegedly left Monaco in the hands of her brother and mother. That’s because Jeannie is working a lot, and her work requires her to travel around for long periods of time.

Since she isn’t around to raise their daughter, Jeezy said he’s the better option. He can provide stability to Monaco because he’s always going to be around to raise her.

Jeannie Was Allegedly Blindsided by the Divorce

Jeezy also accused Jeannie of keeping Monaco away from him, which has limited his visitations. Jeannie denied his claim and said that whenever he requests time with her, she always lets him. That even includes during holidays.

Jeannie has also made her own claims about why Jeezy shouldn’t have primary custody and her concerns about Monaco while at his house. The custody battle is just one part of a bigger divorce battle that has turned bitter a few times.

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Jeezy filed for divorce from Jeannie back in September 2023. According to TMZ, the reason for the divorce was that the marriage had been “irretrievably broken with no hope for reconciliation.”

At the time, Jeannie had been sharing posts celebrating Jeezy just a week before the divorce was filed. This led some people to believe that she had been blindsided by the divorce. 

The couple was married for two years before calling it quits. With Jeezy changing his mind about the custody arrangement, the divorce proceedings are likely going to take even longer now.

Exposing Reba McEntire’s Romance

Photo Credits: Rex Linn/Instagram

Reba McEntire can’t stop gushing about her latest partner. The singer gave fans an insight into her romance with actor Rex Linn in an interview with E! News

Although they first met over three decades ago in 1991, they didn’t become a couple until 2020. This was when Reba guest starred on Rex’s show, Young Sheldon. 

After filming, they reportedly had dinner together, and they haven’t looked back since. Reba told E! News, “It was just like a magnet.”

She said, “We didn’t get to see each other from January ‘til June 16. She explained that they “created an intimacy by texting and talking over the telephone.” Reba added that they have an intimacy that they “wouldn’t have gotten if we’d been together all of that time.”

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Since they got to reunite after June 16, Reba claims they’ve been pretty much “inseparable.” However, the country star also made explained that she was grateful for the opportunity to be apart earlier in their relationship. 

She said that people will often “gravitate to the physical so quickly” that they don’t get the opportunity to become friends first before falling in love. Reba explained the benefits of starting at a distance, saying, “You know the ins and outs of their personality and their faults.” She continued, ”You love them for the way they are, instead of it being a total attraction and sizing them up because of their appearance.”

Instead, Reba got to know Rex. She was therefore able to find out what it was she loved about him as a person. According to Reba, it was all about his sense of humor, as she told E!, “He makes me laugh.”

Marriage is Still on the Table for Reba

She was also asked about how serious their relationship was, and if a third marriage was possible. She confirmed that there was definitely a chance. 

Reba said that she is “totally committed” to Rex, who she noted had never been married before. Reba’s feelings of commitment meant that if marriage was “something he feels strong about,” then it would be “fine” with her. 

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Reba has been married twice before, to Charlie Battles and Narvel Blackstock. She spoke recently about how her marriage to Narvel had been so much more like a “business” than a real relationship, as reported in Us Weekly. Since their divorce, Reba has learned what she needs to do for herself to be better able to be a loving partner to Rex. 

She told E!, “When you do love yourself, that means you’re confident, you’re comfortable. You love yourself and it’s easier to love others.” At 69 years old, Reba is showing us all that there is no deadline for finding love. 

Exposing Tori Spelling’s Parenting

Photo Credits: Tori Spelling/Instagram

Tori Spelling has some questionable bathroom habits when it comes to her family. According to In Touch Weekly, Tori talked about how she used the bathroom at home on one of her Misspelling podcast episodes.

During the episode, she said that she hadn’t used the bathroom alone in the 18 years since she was married to Dean McDermott. After marrying Dean, she had him watch her use the bathroom. Unfortunately, the couple separated in 2023 and finalized their divorce last March.

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With Dean no longer in the picture, Tori’s children now watch her use the bathroom. The children, Liam, Stella, Hattie, Finn, and Beau, all took turns standing watch as she did her business.

These days, it’s the youngest child, Beau, who watches his mom use the bathroom. Tori said that Beau would stand there staring or talk to her while she was doing her business.

The reason she has her children with her, according to her, is because it helps her. Tori said she functions better with people around her. She also acknowledged that it was probably co-dependent behavior, but that didn’t seem to bother her.

Tori and the Kids Had to Vacate Their Home

Aside from making her kids watch her use the bathroom, Tori’s other parenting habits have also raised some eyebrows. Back in May 2023, the family had to vacate their home because there was toxic mold growing in it.

Everyone was becoming ill, and they couldn’t figure out why at first. When they discovered the mold, they got out of the house quickly. They started living in hotels, Airbnbs, and Vrbos until they could figure out what to do with the home and mold.

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The kids were experiencing even more stress than usual at the time because Tori was also separating from her husband. Despite being together for over 18 years, Dean and Tori decided to split up. They had experienced a few highs and lows in their relationship before, but it seems they finally decided to end their marriage.

According to People Magazine, the reason they gave the court for their desire to divorce was irreconcilable differences. Tori has often talked about in the past how Dean wasn’t always around.

He’d spend months away in Canada or somewhere filming different shows. Dean also took the fault for the failed marriage. He said that all Tori had ever wanted for him was happiness, and he only caused her pain.

The Family Moved Into an RV

Divorce isn’t easy, especially for kids, so their children had to deal with that while living outside their home. Following the toxic mold event, in July 2023, Tori had her and the children living in a hotel that cost $100 a night. She didn’t fully explain why they were living in a hotel, but she said she’d do everything she could for her children.

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Some speculated that Tori was having financial troubles. The month after that, Tori was seen living in an RV with her kids. Some of her children experienced bullying because of this particular lifestyle.

During another Misspelling podcast episode, Tori said that her daughter, Stella, had another student come up to her and ask her if she still technically lived in the school district since she was in an RV. Clearly, some of the choices Tori has been making haven’t been the best for her children.

Are Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks Still Married?

Photo Credits: Garth Brooks/Instagram

Fans are wondering if Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks are still married after Garth failed to show up for Trisha during the CMT Music Awards. Trisha was there to receive the June Carter Cash Humanitarian Award for her efforts in charity. Considering how special the award is, fans were surprised when her husband, Garth, wasn’t there to support her.

According to Garth’s Instagram, they’re still going strong. Even though Garth wasn’t there at the awards show, he did post a tribute to his wife. The picture showed Trisha with her new Humanitarian Award, smiling into the camera.

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Garth captioned the photo saying that Trisha deserved to win the June Carter Cash Humanitarian Award. He then went on to list the different ways that Trisha gives back to the community.

Whether it’s building homes for Habitat for Humanity or raising money for breast cancer research, Trisha has been involved in a lot of organizations. Garth ended the caption by saying everyone should celebrate Trisha and June Carter Cash for their work in charity and that we should all be like them.

Trisha Walked the Red Carpet with Her Sister, Beth

The post made it clear that Garth is proud of his wife and the recognition she’s received for her charity work. So, why wasn’t Garth at the CMT awards? The exact reason isn’t known, but Trisha called the CMT Music Awards a girl’s night as she had her sister, Beth Bernard, walk with her down the red carpet instead.

According to In Touch Weekly, Trisha answered a reporter’s question about where Garth was. She said that Garth was probably at the new bar they just opened in Nashville, the Friends in Low Places Bar & Honky Tonk.

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The couple still appears to be going strong, although Garth was already married when they first met. Trisha and Garth met in 1987 when they were recording a demo together. Garth had married his college sweetheart, Sandy Mahl, a year before.

It’d be several years before they got together, however. That said, they developed a close working relationship instead.

They often sang duos on each other’s albums. Neither of them were big stars when they first met, so they each grew in fame together.

Garth and Trisha Have Always Supported Each Other

Eventually, Garth divorced Sandy in 2000. According to Sandy, the biggest reason they ended up divorcing was because Garth was working too much.

Because there was always so much going on, they didn’t have much time to enjoy each other. They grew apart as a result.

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Trisha and Garth didn’t start officially dating until 2002 when they walked out together for the 33rd annual Songwriters Hall of Fame induction ceremony. In May 2005, Garth proposed to Trisha, and she accepted. Seven months later, the two would marry in a private ceremony in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The couple have been strong supporters of each other. They haven’t been shy about how much they love each other, either.

After marrying, they even went on tour with each other for three years. At the time, Garth said he was madly in love with his wife and couldn’t go a day without her. While Garth may be able to go a day without his wife now, it’s clear the two are still married and in love with each other.

Diddy’s Son Accused of Assault

Photo Credits: Christian Combs/Instagram

The Combs family was hit with another lawsuit, except this time, it was aimed at Christian “King” Combs. Christian is Diddy’s youngest son. According to US Weekly, he was hit with an alleged SA lawsuit recently.

The woman who filed the lawsuit, Grace O’Marcaigh, was a worker on a yacht for the family event. She was allegedly told that the job was going to be working for a family, and it was just a wholesome excursion that the family was taking together.

Instead, she claimed that there was intense partying on the boat. The party happened a few days before Diddy’s famous New Year’s Eve party in 2022.

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Grace claimed that Christian harassed her and emotionally distressed her. Eventually, it led to an alleged SA.

Both Christian and his lawyer, Aaron Dyer, denied the allegation. Aaron said that he hadn’t yet seen the lawsuit.

Christian and Aaron claimed they had only learned about the lawsuit through the media. They weren’t even aware that a lawsuit had been filed. Aaron said that once they read the lawsuit, they were sure it was going to be full of lies.

Christian Was Home at the Time of the Raids

Diddy has yet to comment on the lawsuit involving his son. The lawsuit raises some eyebrows after Christian’s father has recently seen a lot of heat with assault claims, too.

Although Diddy has been involved in a few lawsuits in the past, one of the biggest ones was with his ex, Cassie. A singer herself, Cassie was with Diddy for several years.

Recently, however, she filed a lawsuit against him that claimed he had harmed her physically and intimately. Diddy privately reached a settlement with Cassie within 24 hours of her filing the lawsuit.

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That isn’t the only problem Diddy has been facing, either. He’s been hanging around Miami in one of his mansions after Homeland Security raided both his LA and Miami homes.

Both Christian and Diddy’s other son, Justin, were reportedly at the Los Angeles home at the time. They were photographed outside the home in handcuffs during the raid.

Both men surrendered peacefully, and the agents were able to search Diddy’s home for evidence that lined up with the allegations against him. Although Christian and Justin were detained, they weren’t charged with a crime and were later released.

Diddy wasn’t home at the time. Instead, he was in Miami about to take off on his private jet. He had plans to visit the Bahamas with his twin daughters, who were off school due to spring break.

Diddy has yet to be charged with anything, too. The raids came after there were allegations that Diddy was trafficking minors at his parties and smuggling illegal substances. The resolution of Christian’s lawsuit is still pending, leaving fans curious about what will happen.

Jason Derulo Speaks Out On Diddy

Photo Credits: Jason Derulo/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

Jason Derulo is the latest star to have his say on the Diddy situation. This surprised some fans, as Jason appeared to stand up for the hip-hop mogul. 

While walking towards his vehicle in New York City yesterday, a group of reporters caught up with him. In a conversation with a TMZ reporter, Jason was asked if the phrase innocent until proven guilty should apply in Diddy’s case. Jason said that he agreed with the idea and that more evidence was needed before jumping to conclusions about Diddy. 

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The TMZ reporter asked the singer if Diddy should be given some “grace.” After stopping to think for a moment, Jason replied, “Um, I believe in that. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, sure.”

He was then quickly ushered into his car by assistants before any further questions could be asked of him. The TMZ reporter mentioned that Diddy had done “a lot” to help Jason’s career. 

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In fact, Jason recently spoke about how Diddy had helped him break into the music industry at a young age. In a conversation with radio journalist Guy Raz, Jason detailed his come-up as a teenager in Miami trying to make it as an artist. 

Diddy Gave Jason His First Real Music Opportunity

After starting to find work writing songs for others, he connected with Diddy through his short-lived TV show Making the Band. Jason was invited to the studio where he got to see Diddy’s world as a “16 or 17-year-old kid.”

He said Diddy told him “I’m going to give you a chance,” before asking him to make a song in 10 minutes. After impressing Diddy with what he came up with, he was invited to go into the studio. Jason revealed that’s where he met Cassie. 

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Jason described it as “one of the first… real kind of  opportunities that I got within the music industry.” It would not be surprising if some people saw Jason’s defense of Diddy as loyalty for helping him early in his career. 

The fact that Jason was so young when he encountered Diddy will also be a concern to people who’ve been following the allegations made against the Bad Boy Records executive. TMZ described Jason as being “a little cagey” when reporting his opinion on what should happen with Diddy. This is understandable considering how seriously Diddy’s situation is now being taken by the authorities. 

Diddy’s mansions were recently raided by armed officers from Homeland Security. Following the raids, Diddy’s lawyer released a statement. He claimed that the raids were “a gross overuse of military-level force.” He went on to state that “there is no excuse for the excessive show of force” by Homeland Security. 

Since then, Diddy has tried to keep a low profile. Many other celebrities will no doubt be expecting questions about their association with the disgraced music tycoon.