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Blanket Jackson Is Suing His Grandma

Photo Credits: Prince Jackson/Instagram

Bigi “Blanket” Jackson has been making headlines like crazy lately because he’s suing his own grandmother, Katherine Jackson. Let’s get into the truth behind their legal battle, because the reason he’s taking her to court is seriously surprising. 

When Michael Jackson tragically passed away in 2009, all three of his children were minors. But Bigi was the youngest at just 7 years old. The kids went to live with Katherine, who was declared their legal guardian and was later granted custodial rights. 

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Bigi, who’s now 22 years old, has always been the most private of his siblings. He usually stays out of the public eye. So when news recently broke that he had decided to sue his paternal grandma, everyone was completely shocked. 

According to court documents obtained by TMZ, Bigi filed a motion against his grandma in mid-March. In the filing, he asked the judge to block Katherine from using funds from his late father’s estate to cover certain costs. 

Though the filing sounds extreme, Bigi isn’t trying to completely prevent his grandma from having access to the estate’s money. He only requested that she not be allowed to use those funds to pay for her attorney fees, related to a specific case. Bigi doesn’t want Katherine to be able to use the estate’s money to foot the bill for the legal expenses from her latest objections and appeal. 

Bigi Previously Supported His Grandma’s Legal Decisions

But People magazine reported that he wasn’t totally against her using some funds from the estate to cover those costs. The conditions he explained in his filing were detailed in a surprising way.  

Bigi stated that he was on board with Katherine using money from the estate to pay for a ‘reasonable’ amount of her appeal-related legal expenses. He said that because she initially provided “essential evidence” to the court, he didn’t object to the estate’s funds being used to cover some of her attorney fees. 

However, Bigi claimed that he believed the amount of legal fees his grandmother wanted the estate to pay was too high. He thought it was unnecessary that she hired multiple lawyers who charged hourly rates between $840 and $1,400. 

It’s also important to understand Bigi’s previous stance. He hasn’t always been against the legal decisions his grandma has made. 

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Interestingly, he was actually in agreement with her as recently as last year. But the reason why he specifically had an issue with Katherine’s objections and appeal was honestly bizarre.

According to Billboard, Michael’s estate asked the court to approve a major business transaction in 2022. It was reportedly a deal to sell half of his music catalog to Sony for a whopping $600 million. But what happened next was truly unbelievable.

Katherine didn’t think the estate should go through with the deal before hearing other offers that might be higher. So she filed an objection. At the time, Bigi and his siblings sided with her, even though they weren’t formally included in her written objection. 

John Branca and John McClain Are Against Katherine’s Request

In April 2023, the judge made a final decision regarding the deal, and it was seriously startling. Ultimately, the judge ruled in favor of the estate and approved the multi-million dollar deal. 

Although Bigi and his siblings accepted the situation, Katherine decided to file an appeal that’s still pending. But it wasn’t until a few months ago that she filed the request that Bigi is currently suing her over. 

In December, Katherine asked the court to have her legal fees covered by funds from the estate. This included the costs of the ongoing appeal, covered by funds from the estate. 

However, the Billboard article also revealed that at the beginning of March, the co-executors of Michael’s estate filed an insane response. It turns out that the co-executors, John Branca and John McClain, are very against Katherine’s request. 

They argued that her objections had clearly failed and that her appeal would be useless. They believed that the estate shouldn’t cover those expenses, which totaled over $560,000. 

John Branca and John McClain’s filing mentioned that the estate was currently valued at over $2 billion. They added that 15 years ago, it was racked with an unreal amount of debt. But they stressed that the estate’s financial growth could only be credited to its recent business transactions, including the $600 million deal with Sony.

John Branca and John McClain’s response also revealed that they had granted almost every single request for funds that Katherine has made since Michael passed away. Over the years, she’s reportedly received more than $55 million in financial assistance from the estate. 

Katherine Wasn’t Listed as a Beneficiary

But as bizarre as it might sound, Katherine isn’t even one of the estate’s beneficiaries. In Michael’s will, he set aside a separate trust fund solely for Katherine. According to People magazine, other than various charities, the only beneficiaries of his estate are his three children. 

When Bigi filed his injunction with the court a couple of weeks after the co-executors’ response, his statements were incredibly similar. Bigi claimed that if the court approved Katherine’s request to have the estate cover her legal expenses, it wouldn’t be fair to him or his siblings, who are reportedly supportive of his filing. 

He explained that his grandma’s chances of winning the appeal were slim and basically called it a waste of time. Bigi made it clear that he didn’t think it would be right if he and his siblings were forced to pay all of their grandmother’s legal fees. He also explained that it wouldn’t benefit the estate at all. 

But it wasn’t long before Katherine fired back against her grandson’s filing, and how she responded was absolutely outrageous. According to court documents obtained by People magazine, Katherine made a bold accusation against the estate’s co-executors. 

She believed that John Branca and John McClain were too stingy with the amount of money awarded to the beneficiaries. But that wasn’t all. 

Katherine then claimed that the estate had plenty of funds and could definitely afford to pay her legal expenses. She also dropped a major allegation regarding the co-executors’ supposed shady motives. 

Bigi Is Trying to Protect Katherine

Katherine accused John Branca and John McClain of not awarding enough funds to Michael’s children and trust accounts. She even said that was the co-executors’ way of attempting to control the estate’s beneficiaries. But as strange as her allegations might have seemed, what happened after she filed her response was honestly crazy. 

Recently, sources close to the Jackson family spoke to The New York Post about why Bigi decided to sue Katherine. The insiders said his intentions behind taking his grandmother to court were reportedly in her best interest. What they revealed next was truly shocking.

The sources claimed that Bigi was doing exactly what his late father had done. He was allegedly protecting Katherine from some of the other members of the family. They explained that for years, certain people in the family had supposedly been taking advantage of her financially. 

According to the insiders, Bigi didn’t want to deny Katherine any funds from the estate. But if his request for the judge to block her from using the estate’s money to pay for her insanely high legal bills is approved, the end result will be an unexpected victory for her as well. 

If Katherine isn’t able to gain access to over half a million dollars from the estate to cover her legal fees, Bigi’s filing will have at least one remarkable benefit. None of the family members who have reportedly been manipulating Katherine into giving them her money will be able to take any more from her. 

What one of the sources admitted next was seriously concerning. Allegedly, almost everyone in the family has financially benefited from Katherine’s access to the estate’s money. 

Katherine Gave Up Fighting the Co-Executors

Even though it seems like she has been battling John Branca and John McClain in court for a while, the insider confessed that actually isn’t the case. The source told The New York Post that Katherine supposedly gave up fighting against the estate’s co-executors long ago. 

Certain family members are still desperately trying to get more money from the estate. They’ve been “calling the shots” behind the scenes.

The Jackson family insider claimed that Katherine’s name might be the only one listed in the court documents, but it’s really been her greedy relatives making the decisions. They added that Bigi would never financially cut off his grandma. But the reason why he’s suing “her” is allegedly to put a stop to the family members who have been taking advantage of her for years.  

It’s honestly hard to know what to believe regarding the actual reason Bigi is taking Katherine to court. It’ll be interesting to see what the judge decides, and if any other crazy details will be exposed by the sources claiming to be close to the Jackson family. 

Keke Palmer’s Mom Admits to Lying About Usher

Photo credits: Keke Palmer/Instagram and Usher/Instagram

Sometimes, a mother will take extreme measures to protect their child.

That’s certainly what Keke Palmer’s mom, Sharon Palmer, did when she called Usher gay in an infamous phone call to Keke’s ex.

Why Did Keke Palmer’s Mother, Sharon Palmer, Call Usher Gay?

According to The Neighborhood Talk, Sharon posted a comment explaining why she had lied about Usher being gay.

She said that she had told Keke’s ex, whose name is Darius Jackson, that Usher was gay to protect her.

She felt the need to protect her because of a concert that Keke attended.

Earlier in 2023, Keke was attending one of Usher’s performances in Las Vegas.

There was an infamous moment when Usher went down to the crowd and started dancing with Keke.

The dancing seemed intimate, which got a lot of attention since Keke was publicly dating Darius at the time.

KeKe’s Mother Was Worried Keke’s Ex Would Abuse Her Daughter

Sharon was worried that Darius would see the video and abuse her daughter.

He had already been abusing her before the video was posted online.

If he saw the video, he might think Keke was cheating on him or misbehaving and then hurt her as a punishment.

To try and ease Darius’ temper, Sharon told him that Usher was gay.

She thought that if Darius and his family thought Usher wasn’t into women, then the video wouldn’t make as much of an impact.

He wouldn’t see Usher as a threat and thus wouldn’t feel the need to punish Keke.

Darius Illegally Recorded Their Phone Call and Posted It

Sharon never expected her phone call to be made public, however.

According to her post, she didn’t even know she was being recorded because it’s illegal to record someone else without their knowledge and consent.

Darius was the one who recorded her and then posted the phone call online for everyone to hear.

The post quickly spread on social media, making Usher trend.

When Sharon discovered that her phone call had been posted online, she quickly corrected the false information.

She told everyone she had lied to protect her daughter.

Keke’s Abusive Ex Abused Her in Front of Their Son

Keke and Darius had been together for two years before she finally left him in October 2023.

According to US Weekly, Keke went to court to get a restraining order for Darius following an intense fight they had.

On November 5th, even though they had broken up, Darius showed up at Keke’s home.

He wasn’t wanted there and hadn’t told her that he was coming.

When she answered the door, she claimed that he had lunged at her neck and hit her.

Darius had even allegedly thrown her over the couch.

Keke was able to provide video evidence of the fight to the court.

She also talked about other abuses.

Darius had allegedly destroyed some of her personal items, thrown some of her belongings onto the street, thrown her car keys away to prevent her from leaving, physically abused her even in front of their son, emotionally abused her in front of their son, and threatened to harm himself if she left him.

Along with the restraining order, Keke also filed for sole custody of their child.

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Considering the problems with her ex-boyfriend, it makes sense for Sharon to say anything to help keep her daughter safe.

Conjoined Twins Abby and Brittany’s Lives Exposed

Photo credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram

Abigail Loraine “Abby” and Brittany Lee Hensel shocked the world when they became the first known conjoined twins to survive infancy.

The twins had a 1% chance of survival past their first year of life, and now they’re 34 years old and still thriving.

They’re a medical marvel, with doctors being unable to figure out how they’ve lived for so long.

They made headlines recently when it was revealed that Abby married a man named Josh Bowling in 2021… but Brittany did not.

The story of these two is strange and twisted… but how they’ve persevered over the years is truly amazing.

Born on March 7, 1990, in Carver County, Minnesota, the Hensel twins are dicephalic parapagus twins, meaning they are conjoined twins with two separate heads and necks but share a single body with two arms and two legs. 

Their life, from their early days to their current adventures, offers a profound insight into the complexities and wonders of human biology, the strength of the human spirit, and the deep bonds of sisterhood.

Photo credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/TikTok

Early Discoveries and Challenges

The Hensel twins’ condition was discovered during their mother Patty’s labor and delivery. 

For the entirety of her pregnancy, she was under the impression that she was having one child. During delivery, her doctors were shocked to feel three arms instead of two.

The news that Patty was carrying conjoined twins was undoubtedly a shock to the Hensel family, including their father, Mike Hensel. 

However, the family’s unwavering commitment to their daughters’ well-being and happiness was evident from the very beginning. From the outset, Abby and Brittany’s parents decided to raise them to be as independent and self-reliant as possible.

Conjoined at the torso, Abby and Brittany each control one side of their shared body. This unique physical condition means that coordination and cooperation are necessary for all of their physical activities, from walking and clapping to swimming and driving. 

The twins have two hearts, two sets of lungs, two stomachs, and a shared circulatory and nervous system, among other duplicated and shared organs. 

Although they were born with three arms, they had the one non-functional arm between their torsos removed around the time they were one year old.

Their early life was marked by numerous medical evaluations, surgeries to correct spinal issues and to give them a better chance of physical mobility, and constant attention from medical professionals fascinated by their anatomy and physiology.

Photo Credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram

Growing Up Hensel

Growing up in a small Minnesota town, Abby and Brittany were raised in a nurturing environment surrounded by family and friends who saw them not as a medical curiosity but as two unique individuals with distinct personalities, dreams, and goals. 

The Hensel family also includes a younger brother and sister, and Abby and Brittany had a fairly normal family life. 

Their parents worked tirelessly to ensure that their daughters could lead as normal a life as possible, encouraging them to participate in various activities, including sports, music, and other extracurricular activities, and to pursue their educational goals.

The twins attended a public school in Minnesota, where they were treated like any other students by their teachers and classmates. This normalcy was a testament to their community’s acceptance and the positive environment their parents had fostered for them. 

In a documentary featuring their days in high school, their teachers explained that in more practical subjects like math, the girls completed one assignment and were graded together. However, in classes like English, they were expected to complete separate assignments and write separate papers. In that class, they received two separate grades.

The girls were obviously in a unique situation in school, but it seems as though their teachers worked to come up with solutions that worked for them.

Abby and Brittany learned to coordinate their movements with remarkable precision early on, a skill that allowed them to engage in activities such as playing piano, volleyball, and even riding a bicycle. 

Their ability to live as independently as possible was a significant focus of their upbringing, and they developed their own methods for completing everyday tasks and academic assignments despite the fact that they’re conjoined.

Public Attention and Education

Abby and Brittany’s unique situation garnered national and international attention from a young age. 

They were featured in various media outlets, including documentaries and talk shows, which highlighted their daily lives, challenges, and successes. 

They even had a reality show that featured their transition from college to working as teachers in a school.

This exposure brought them into the public eye, but it also allowed them to advocate for a greater understanding and acceptance of people with physical differences.

Education played a pivotal role in Abby and Brittany’s early life. 

They were excellent students, known for their determination, intelligence, and positive attitudes. They navigated schoolwork, homework, and exams with the same level of cooperation and coordination that they applied to physical activities. 

Their educational journey was not without its challenges, but with the support of their family, teachers, and classmates, they excelled academically, eventually graduating from high school and pursuing higher education.

The Power of Two

The early life of Abby and Brittany Hensel is a testament to the power of love, support, and determination. 

From their parents’ decision to raise them as individuals with unique identities to their own determination to live a full and active life, the Hensel twins have defied expectations at every turn. 

Their story is not just about the medical wonder of their conjoined bodies but about their journey as two sisters who, together, have faced the world with courage, humor, and an unbreakable bond.

Their early years laid the foundation for a life of adventure, learning, and growth. 

As they transitioned from childhood into adolescence and then into young adults, Abby and Brittany continued to inspire those around them with their resilience, their kindness, and their zest for life. 

The story of Abby and Brittany Hensel’s early life is a powerful reminder of the incredible capabilities of the human spirit when faced with extraordinary circumstances.

Photo Credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram

Body Talk

Abby and Brittany’s conjoined nature is the result of an extremely rare phenomenon where the embryo only partially splits into two individuals. 

Despite their shared body, each twin controls and senses her half of their body. This means that anything to the right of their shared spinal column is controlled by Abby, and everything to the left is under Brittany’s control.

They have two spines that merge at the pelvis, two hearts, four lungs (two pairs), two stomachs, and a shared liver, among other organs. 

Notably, below the waist, their body merges completely, and they share reproductive organs and a digestive tract. Given their unique anatomy, their coordination for simple tasks such as walking, clapping, or running requires an extraordinary level of synergy.

Doctors haven’t been able to explain how they’re able to simultaneously control the bottom half of their body with both of their brains, which are believed not to be able to communicate.

However, it seems as though they are inexplicably able to communicate via their brains, because they often finish each other’s sentences and know what the other is thinking or feeling.

Photo Credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram

Coordination and Daily Activities

From a logistical standpoint, the mechanics of how Abby and Brittany manage daily activities is a subject of fascination. 

Early on, the twins had to master the art of coordination to perform basic movements. 

Walking, for example, requires each twin to simultaneously coordinate with the other to maintain balance and motion. 

This seamless cooperation extends to other activities such as driving, where Abby controls everything on the right of the driver’s seat, and Brittany controls the left.

The twins have also mastered other tasks with impressive dexterity, from typing on a keyboard to playing musical instruments. 

Their ability to perform such activities is a testament to their years of practice and their innate ability to synchronize their actions. 

This synchronization is not just physical but also cognitive, as they often complete each other’s sentences and share thoughts almost as quickly as they arise.

Health and Medical Care

The Hensel twins’ health is a complex issue due to their conjoined nature. 

From birth, they have been under the care of a team of medical professionals who monitor their health and well-being closely. 

They have undergone surgeries in their early years to improve their quality of life, including a spinal surgery to correct scoliosis and another to provide them with a better range of motion.

When the girls were young, Brittany’s spine stopped growing prematurely. Because of that, Abby had a spine surgery to have the growth of her spine surgically halted.

Their unique anatomy means that illnesses can affect them differently. For instance, one twin can be sick with a common cold while the other remains healthy. This disparity presents unique challenges in terms of treatment and medication, as what affects one twin can potentially harm the other.

Personal Identity and Social Interaction

Despite their shared body, Abby and Brittany have distinct personalities, tastes, and preferences. 

This individuality extends to their choices in clothes, hobbies, and even their educational pursuits. They have worked out a system of compromise when it comes to decision-making, whether it’s about what to wear or where to eat.

Their wardrobe is custom-made by a family friend to accommodate their two necks and heads but merges into a single outfit at the waist.

Socially, Abby and Brittany are known for their outgoing and engaging personalities. They attended public school, participated in extracurricular activities, and went on to complete college education. 

Their story challenges societal norms about identity, autonomy, and what it means to live a fulfilling life despite physical differences.

Psychological and Emotional Dynamics

The psychological and emotional aspects of Abby and Brittany’s life are as complex as their physical coordination. 

They share an unbreakable bond and exhibit an exceptional level of empathy towards each other. Their ability to negotiate, compromise, and support each other is evident in every aspect of their lives. 

This dynamic is crucial not only for their emotional well-being but also for the practical aspects of their day-to-day activities.

Photo Credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram

Career and Independence

Following their graduation, Abby and Brittany embarked on a career in education, showing a passion for working with children. 

Their work life, like all other aspects of their existence, necessitates a high degree of coordination and cooperation. They navigate their professional responsibilities with the same determination and positivity that have marked their approach to personal challenges.

Abby and Brittany attended college as two individuals, however now as adults they receive one salary for their work as 5th grade teachers.

They were required to obtain two separate teaching licenses with the State of Minnesota, which has led many to believe that they should be compensated with two separate salaries as teachers.

However, Abby and Brittany said that they understand why that’s not the case.

Abby explained to BBC that they’re technically doing the job of one person because they can only teach one class at one time. 

That being said, they do think they bring a unique perspective to the classroom. One primarily does the teaching at any given time, while the other can assist students.

The Significance of Their Story

The way Abby and Brittany Hensel’s bodies work, both independently and in unison, provides profound insights into human biology, the power of adaptability, and the essence of individuality within a shared existence. 

Their life challenges conventional wisdom about the limitations of the human body and spirit, offering a powerful example of what it means to live fully and joyously in the face of extraordinary circumstances.

Their story is not just a medical case study but a narrative about identity, unity, and the strength of the human will. 

Abby and Brittany Hensel have navigated their unique path with grace, dignity, and an unwavering sense of self, making their story a testament to the incredible possibilities of the human condition.

Abby and Brittany Hensel’s journey to college is a narrative filled with challenges, triumphs, and the breaking of societal norms. 

Born as dicephalic parapagus twins, sharing a body but with distinct heads and personalities, their life story has been one of constant adaptation and learning. 

Their transition from high school to college was a significant step, not only for their personal and academic growth but also as a testament to their determination and the support system that backed them every step of the way.

Photo Credit: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram

Preparing for College

As the twins approached the end of their high school years in their hometown of New Germany, Minnesota, the idea of attending college became a tangible goal. 

Abby and Brittany had always been ambitious and driven, excelling academically and participating in various extracurricular activities. The decision to go to college was a natural progression in their journey of self-improvement and independence.

However, they weren’t quite sure about leaving their hometown.

In their hometown, they weren’t under constant scrutiny. They weren’t photographed by people around town, or stared at. Everyone in their small town knew them and vice versa.

It allowed them to feel more normal growing up, and they explained that they didn’t like going to crowded places because they didn’t like being stared at, which made college nerve-wracking for them.

The preparation for college involved more than just academic readiness; it required careful consideration of the physical and social logistics of university life. 

The twins and their family visited colleges, met with administrators, and worked out accommodations to ensure that their college experience would be as enriching and normal as possible. 

Their choice of college would need to be an institution that not only met their academic needs but also was prepared to accommodate their unique physical circumstances.

Choosing Bethel University

Abby and Brittany chose Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, for their undergraduate studies. 

Bethel, a private Christian university, offered them a welcoming community and a supportive environment that valued diversity and inclusion. 

The university worked closely with the twins and their family to ensure that their transition to college life would be smooth, addressing any potential challenges related to their accommodations, class schedules, and physical navigation of the campus.

And as for tuition, they had an interesting dilemma to figure out.

Would they pay two separate tuitions for their two separate degrees or just one?

Interestingly, they ultimately came to the decision to pay one single tuition, but two registration fees.

And that’s just the beginning for some of the odd dilemmas they’re forced to face as conjoined twins.

Although they have two passports, two social security numbers, and two driver’s licenses, they only buy one seat when they fly on a plane.

Life at College

Starting college is a significant transition for anyone, marked by challenges such as adjusting to a new level of academic rigor, living away from home for the first time, and forming a new social circle. 

For Abby and Brittany, these challenges were compounded by the public’s curiosity about their conjoined bodies and how they navigate the world together. Despite these potential obstacles, they embraced college life with enthusiasm and openness.

Abby and Brittany’s college experience was as rich and full as that of their peers. 

They lived on campus, which was an essential part of their college experience, offering them a level of independence they had not previously had. 

Their living arrangements were carefully planned to accommodate their needs, with modifications made to their dorm room to ensure comfort and accessibility.

In terms of their academics, Abby and Brittany pursued a major in education. They wanted to pursue different concentrations in education, but ultimately decided that it wouldn’t work logistically with their course load.

They attended classes together, participated in group projects, and took exams just like any other student. 

Their presence in class was a learning experience not just for them but for their peers and professors, who were exposed to the twins’ extraordinary capability to work together and contribute valuable insights and perspectives.

Socially, Abby and Brittany were still well-received by their peers as they moved into college.

College provided them with a broader social environment where they could form new friendships and engage in various campus activities. 

They navigated social interactions with grace and humor, quickly becoming known for their positive attitudes and the unique perspectives they brought to conversations.

Overcoming Challenges

That being said, the transition to college life was not without its challenges. Navigating a larger campus required physical endurance and logistical planning, especially in terms of getting to and from classes and participating in campus events. 

Academically, the twins had to adapt to the increased workload and the expectations of college-level coursework, which they managed through diligent study and effective communication with their professors.

Another challenge was maintaining their privacy and handling public curiosity. Abby and Brittany had been in the public eye since they were young, and college brought them into contact with a larger, more diverse group of people. 

They handled questions about their condition with patience and openness, using their visibility to educate others about difference and acceptance.

Achieving Success

Abby and Brittany’s college years were marked by personal and academic success. 

They graduated from Bethel University with degrees in education, a testament to their hard work, resilience, and the support they received from their family, friends, and the Bethel community. Their college graduation was a celebration of their achievements and a milestone that underscored their ability to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.

Legacy and Impact

The story of Abby and Brittany going to college is more than just an account of conjoined twins navigating higher education. It is a narrative of breaking barriers, challenging preconceptions, and demonstrating that with determination, support, and a willingness to adapt, it is possible to achieve one’s goals regardless of the challenges.

Their journey through college has left a lasting impact on those who have been part of their story, from their peers and professors at Bethel University to the wider community that has followed their journey through media coverage. 

Abby and Brittany have become symbols of courage, perseverance, and the power of a positive outlook, inspiring others to see beyond physical limitations and societal expectations.

Abby and Brittany Hensel’s transition to and success in college is a significant chapter in their remarkable life story. 

It reflects not only their individual characters and ambitions but also the importance of a supportive community in achieving one’s goals. 

Their college experience showcases their extraordinary ability to adapt, thrive, and inspire, making them role models for anyone facing challenges in pursuit of their dreams.

Embracing the Educational Path

Abby and Brittany’s decision to pursue careers in education was driven by a lifelong passion for learning and a desire to share knowledge with others. 

After graduating from Bethel University in Minnesota with degrees in education, they embarked on their teaching careers, determined to overcome any challenges that their unique physical condition might present in a classroom setting. 

Their journey into teaching speaks volumes about their mutual understanding, impeccable communication, and the shared commitment to their chosen profession.

Navigating the Classroom

In the classroom, Abby and Brittany Hensel exhibit an extraordinary ability to work together seamlessly, a skill honed over a lifetime of shared experiences. 

They teach as a team, with each twin bringing her own strengths, perspectives, and teaching style to the table. This dynamic allows them to offer a rich and varied educational experience to their students.

Their physical coordination in managing classroom activities is nothing short of remarkable. 

From writing on the board to navigating through the classroom, every action is a coordinated effort. 

They have adapted teaching methods to suit their abilities, using technology and innovative teaching aids to facilitate their instruction and engage their students.

Building Relationships with Students

Abby and Brittany have always been adept at building strong relationships with others, and this skill translates beautifully into their roles as educators. 

They are known for creating an inclusive, supportive, and engaging learning environment where every student feels valued and encouraged to participate. 

Their own experiences of overcoming obstacles and challenging societal norms empower them to instill confidence and resilience in their students.

Many feared that Abby and Brittany would have trouble teaching fifth graders, due to the middle school reputation of bullying and mocking people with physical differences.

However, it seems like that hasn’t been the case for Abby and Brittany as teachers.

Instead, the twins’ unique situation serves as a powerful lesson in diversity, acceptance, and cooperation for their students. 

By simply being who they are, Abby and Brittany challenge preconceived notions about difference and ability, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and empathy within their classroom.

Overcoming Challenges

Teaching as conjoined twins comes with its set of challenges, from physical logistics of two people teaching at one time within the classroom to addressing the curiosity and questions from students and parents. 

Abby and Brittany have approached these challenges with patience, openness, and a sense of humor. They have always been open about their condition, using it as an opportunity to educate others about diversity and acceptance.

Their approach to handling questions and curiosity about their condition is to address it directly and honestly, setting the tone for a respectful and inclusive classroom culture. 

This openness not only demystifies their physical appearance but also redirects the focus to their capabilities and the subject matter at hand.

Collaborative Teaching and Planning

Abby and Brittany’s teaching method is a testament to their unparalleled ability to collaborate. They plan their lessons together, ensuring that their teaching styles and methods are cohesive and complementary. 

This planning process involves a great deal of communication and compromise, reflecting the same principles they instill in their students about teamwork and cooperation.

In the classroom, they often take turns speaking or sometimes speak in unison, which captivates their students and enhances the learning experience. 

Their ability to work as one while maintaining their individuality is a dynamic model of effective collaboration for their students.

Impact Beyond the Classroom

Abby and Brittany’s influence extends far beyond the walls of their classroom. 

They are role models not only for their students but for people around the world. Their story of perseverance, teamwork, and achievement in the face of unique challenges inspires people to look beyond physical appearances and limitations.

As educators, Abby and Brittany have taken on a role that allows them to shape young minds and encourage a more inclusive and empathetic future generation. 

Their presence in the educational field challenges traditional notions of what it means to be a teacher and demonstrates the profound impact that determination, cooperation, and a positive attitude can have on society.

A Story of Inspiration and Determination

The narrative of Abby and Brittany working together as teachers is a compelling chapter in their extraordinary lives. 

It showcases not just how they navigate the practicalities of teaching with their unique condition but also how they embody the values of education in their approach to life and learning. 

Their journey into teaching highlights their dedication to making a difference and leaves a lasting impression on everyone they encounter.

Through their work, Abby and Brittany Hensel have become ambassadors of resilience, teamwork, and unconditional acceptance. 

Their story is a powerful reminder of the capacity for human beings to adapt, collaborate, and thrive, regardless of the challenges they face. 

In the classroom and beyond, Abby and Brittany continue to teach us all invaluable lessons about the true meaning of strength, unity, and the endless potential of the human spirit.

Abby and Brittany are staunchly private, refusing to speak out about their private lives in a public forum.

Most recently, the twins made headlines when it was revealed that Abby had gotten married in 2021… but Brittany hadn’t.

The story went viral with people wondering how that would work logistically.

Was Abby’s husband, Josh, married to Brittany too?

Do they all sleep in the same bed?

Can they have kids?

What happens when Brittany wants to get married?

A tweet went viral claiming to be Abby and Brittany explaining how their intimate relationships work, but it was later proven to be fake.

The two are much more private about their personal life than the other conjoined twins who have lived into adulthood, Carmen and Lupita Andrade, who talk about every aspect of their lives on their TikTok page.

That being said, when Abby and Brittany were teenagers, they participated in a documentary where they said that they planned to have kids one day.

However, they share the same reproductive organs, so it’s unclear how that would work logistically.

At the time, they said that while their reproductive organs work, they weren’t worried about the logistics of motherhood yet because they were only 16 years old.

Now that they’re 34 and Abby is married, it seems like this issue has most likely become more of a pressing issue on the horizon for the twins.

Given their private lives, though, we may never know if Abby and Brittany decide to become moms or what that will look like for them.

Photo Credits: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram and Abby and Brittany Hensel/TikTok

Ashton Kutcher on High Alert

Photo Credits: Ashton Kutcher/Instagram

Ashton Kutcher may be facing some trouble thanks to his long-time friendship with Diddy, also known as Sean Combs. According to The New York Post, Ashton has been keeping his head down as Homeland Security has started investigating Diddy.

Most fans will know that Ashton and Diddy have been friends for a long time. They first met back in the 2000s when they were both working for MTV.

RELATED: Usher Saw “curious things” at Diddy’s “Puffy Flavor Camp”

Diddy was filming Making the Band at the time, and Ashton was the host of Punk’d, where he went around pranking people. When Diddy learned that Ashton was going to do an episode pranking him, he called him and basically told him that it wouldn’t end well for him if he did.

Despite the friendly threat, they worked together to make something special, and they became close friends as a result. Since that meeting, they’ve been to each other’s parties and have appeared together at public events. Now, that friendship may be at its end following the allegations against Diddy.

Ashton Wrote Letters of Support for Danny Masterson

Homeland Security is investigating Diddy on human trafficking charges, among other, serious, crimes. Several women, for example, have come forward to accuse him of sexually abusing them. Some claim that he forced them to use illegal substances before abusing them.

Most famously, his ex, Cassie, came forward with a lawsuit that alleged he had sexually and physically abused her. That lawsuit never went to court.

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Instead, Diddy settled with Cassie only a few hours after the suit was filed. That said, Diddy has always insisted that he’s innocent of all the crimes the women have alleged him of doing.

Ashton hasn’t been seen with Diddy for some time, however. He’s also kept silent about the investigation into Diddy.

Back when Danny Masterson was arrested for abuse, Ashton and his wife Mila Kunis wrote letters of support for him. In court, letters of support basically urge the judge to lighten a sentence rather than giving the person the full sentence. Ashton and Mila thought those letters were going to stay private, but when the case became public, everyone knew they had written in support of Danny.

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Fans quickly turned against them, especially after they filmed a video that tried to explain why they had written those letters. Even though they apologized in the video, a lot of fans weren’t buying it.

Now, Ashton finds himself in a similar situation with allegations against another one of his friends. Diddy has yet to be charged with anything officially, but if he does, Ashton could reportedly be called in as a witness since he attended some of Diddy’s parties in the past.

Usher Saw “curious things” at Diddy’s “Puffy Flavor Camp”

Photo Credits: Usher/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

In light of the allegations against Diddy, also known as Sean Combs, some fans are asking questions about an interview Usher did with Howard Stern in 2016. During the interview on Howard Stern, Usher went into detail about what it was like to live with Diddy when he was 14 years old.

At 14, Usher had already impressed L.A. Reid, a music producer who had ties to big names like Diddy’s. He sent Usher to live with Diddy, so he could see what it was like to live as a successful musician in the R&B and Hip-Hop lifestyle.

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They called the education “Puffy Flavor Camp.” While with Diddy, Usher would learn the ropes and witness what came with success.

Usher said that he felt like the little brother while he was there. Everyone in the house called him Baby Boo.

He regularly hung out with big stars like Notorious B.I.G, Lil Kim, Mary J. Blige, and Faith Evans. When asked about what he saw there, though, Usher kept things vague.

Usher Regularly Partied Until 4 in the Morning

He said that he saw things that he didn’t necessarily understand. He was 14 years old at the time and was curious about some of the things he saw.

Howard joked that there must have been a lot of girls and big parties, and Usher said it wasn’t exactly always like that. Usher also said that these parties would sometimes go on until 4 in the morning, but even then, he’d be up past the other guys in the house. That said, he did say that some women approached him a few times despite his age.

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He also didn’t have to do any chores. Instead, he was given a small amount of money that he could use each day. It kept him from going too wild, but it was enough to help him understand just how comfortable life was with money in hand.

Usher said the experience was wild, and there was a lot going on that he didn’t understand. When asked if he’d send his own kids to Puffy Flavor Camp, Usher replied with a very firm, ‘no.’

Recent Allegations Have Brought the Interview into the Spotlight

At the time of the interview, no one looked too much into Usher’s comments. With the recent allegations and Homeland Security raid against Diddy’s mansions, however, some fans are questioning this interview.

Diddy is facing lawsuits and allegations of physical and sexual abuse. Homeland Security also raided his multiple homes following allegations of human trafficking and illegal substance smuggling. Diddy has denied all allegations against him, saying that the people accusing him of abuse are just looking for money.

RELATED: Diddy’s Twins Resurface After Raids

One of the most famous lawsuits against him is from his ex, Cassie. She dated Diddy for some time, and during that time, she claimed that he had physically harmed and SAed her. Others have also claimed that Diddy harmed them, with some even saying that he had forced them to become inebriated and then did things without their consent.

The fact that Usher was a minor and potentially exposed to things also raises eyebrows on some of the allegations made against Diddy. Some of the claims were about how Diddy had minors at parties. Whether Usher talks more about his experiences with Diddy, fans will have to wait and see.

Diddy’s Ex Cassie Cooperating with Feds

Photo credits: Cassie/Instagram and Diddy/Instagram

Cassie has reportedly been in contact with the authorities involved with the federal investigation case against Diddy.

According to a report by TMZ, Cassie is cooperating with them.

In late March, FOX 11 LA reported that Homeland Security Investigations raided Diddy’s houses in Los Angeles and Miami in connection with a federal trafficking case.

After Years in Silence and Darkness, Singer and Dancer, Cassie, Speaks Out 

TMZ´s sources claimed that Cassie was one of several witnesses that´d been contacted by the investigators of the case.

And that she’d been working with them for weeks. 

TMZ claimed that it meant that Cassie was probably helping with the Diddy investigation even before the rapper´s homes were raided.

They reported that she could even have been partly responsible for helping the investigators to get a judge to approve the search warrants needed for the raids.

The kind of information that Cassie shared with the feds is not known, but the news outlet claimed that it might’ve been similar to what she said in her lawsuit against Diddy.

CNBC reported that in November 2023, she sued him in federal court, alleging that he’d committed various crimes against her over the period of their 10-year relationship.

In a statement which she released that same month, Cassie said that after years in silence and darkness, she was finally ready to tell her story.

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And to speak up on behalf of herself and for the benefit of other women who’d faced harm in their relationships.

Cassie and Countless Other Women Have Filed Cases Against Diddy

Cassie also claimed that her ex was engaged in trafficking.

He denied all of the allegations. 

The day after Cassie filed the $30 million lawsuit, she and Diddy settled out of court.

According to the TMZ sources, she was not the only person who’d been cooperating with authorities in the federal investigation.

Other women were reportedly helping the feds too. 

But it’s unknown if Rodney Jones, Diddy’s ex-employee, is one of them. 

A rep for the 50-year-old rapper said that the investigation against him was nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. 

CNN reported that a number of other women have cases against Diddy, and have accused him of all kinds of illegal doings. 

Why Did Music Producer Rodney Jones File a Lawsuit Against Diddy?

Most recently, music producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones also filed a federal lawsuit against him. 

He claimed that Diddy was inappropriate with him as well as harmful while they traveled and lived together for a year between 2022 and 2023.

Like many of the other accusers, Lil Rod also alleged that Diddy was involved in trafficking. 

His attorney brushed off Lil Rod’s allegations by saying-

: “His reckless name-dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to garner headlines.”

Cassie isn’t Diddy’s only ex who has been connected to his legal drama. 

A report by News Week revealed that in Lil Rod’s lawsuit, he referenced something that´d happened with Jennifer Lopez and Diddy when they were still dating in 1999.

The couple were arrested after fleeing a New York nightclub where an altercation took place. 

The charges against JLo were soon dropped, and Diddy was eventually acquitted of his own charges.

But Lil’ Jones alleged in his lawsuit that Diddy once confessed to him that he was the one responsible for the incident that night.

JLo has not commented on the allegations.

Prince Harry’s Connection to the Diddy Lawsuit

Photo credit: Page Six

Prince Harry’s name has come up in connection with the Diddy Lawsuit

Page Six reported that they obtained court documents from one of the lawsuits Diddy has been facing recently. 

This lawsuit was filed by Diddy’s former employee, Rodney Jones, who also goes by Lil Rod. 

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Why Did Diddy’s Former Employee, Rodney Jones, File a Lawsuit? 

Rodney accuses Diddy of SA, as well as various other ways of mistreating him while Rodney was his employee. 

And he also mentions Prince Harry’s name in connection with Diddy. 

Rodney brings Harry up when talking about Diddy’s parties where he allegedly partook in extremely harmful and very illegal activities. 

He explains that the parties were very successful and people were drawn to them. 

And one reason for this that he brings up is Diddy’s connections to a large number of famous people. 

How is Prince Harry Connected to Diddy’s Lawsuit?

Rodney says in the court documents that this included famous athletes, political figures, artists, musicians, and international dignitaries. 

And as an example of an international dignitary, he names Prince Harry. 

This is the only time that Harry’s name comes up in the lawsuit. 

To avoid any confusion, Harry is not a defendant in the lawsuit against Diddy. 

Rodney doesn’t accuse Harry of participating in any illegal activities at Diddy’s parties, or of anything else. 

When, Where and How Did Diddy and Prince Harry Meet? 

He doesn’t even actually state that Harry was present at any of the parties. 

According to Page Six, it is not known whether Harry and Diddy have been in touch recently. 

The two of them have met before in a very public setting. 

This was in 2007 at a party that Harry hosted, together with his brother, Prince William

It was an afterparty for the Concert for Diana that took place on July 1st, 2007 at Wembley Stadium, which was just built that year. 

The concert was a way of remembering Diana, 10 years after she tragically passed away. 

The day, July 1st, would have been Diana’s 46th birthday. 

And many famous artists, including Diddy, were invited to perform and honor her memory. 

Besides Diddy, other people performing at the concert included Elton John, Lily Allen, or Kanye West. 

And afterward, Harry and William threw a party to thank everyone who came and performed. 

Which is where Harry and Diddy met. 

There are several photos of the two of them from that night that went quite viral afterward. 

The two of them are pictured with Kanye West and, in some of the pictures, also William. 

In one of the pictures, Harry has his arm around Diddy’s shoulders. 

The two of them are smiling at the camera. 

Kanye West, who is also in this picture, is leaning into Harry and holding up the peace sign with his hand. 

But while Harry and Diddy appear friendly with each other here, this is the only known time they were seen interacting with each other publicly. 

There have been no reports of them meeting in the almost 17 years since then.

And it is not known whether Rodney’s mention of Harry’s name in the lawsuit is based on just that one meeting or whether there is more that we don’t know about. 

Zach and Tori Daughter Health Update

Photo credit: Tori Roloff/Instagram

Zach and Tori Roloff shared a health update concerning their daughter Lilah. 

They opened up about the topic on a recent episode of Little People, Big World. 

The episode came out on March 26th and is titled This Will Be a Disaster.

Zach and Tori Roloff’s, Stars of Little People, Big World, Daughter, Lilah, Has Sleep Apnea

Although Lilah’s health update is not the only topic that the episode touches on.

Zach and Tori shared that they had Lilah participate in a sleep study. 

They explained that it’s recommended for people with dwarfism to undergo a sleep study. 

The reason is that because of their slightly different anatomy, they’re at a higher risk of having sleep apnea. 

And sleep apnea is exactly what the tests determined that Lilah has. 

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Zach and Tori shared that after her sleep study, Lilah was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea. 

If you don’t know, sleep apnea is a disorder where your breathing repeatedly stops and starts again while sleeping.

And, according to Mayo Clinic, it can potentially be a serious health risk. 

Luckily, there are ways to treat and prevent sleep apnea. 

Tori said on the episode that there is a procedure that should help Lilah to no longer struggle with the disorder. 

She said that she will most likely need to have her tonsils removed. 

And that should make the sleep apnea clear for her, hopefully. 

Lilah’s Parents, Zach and Tori Roloff, Said They Are Worried

Zach and Tori also opened up about their experience with Lilah’s sleep study itself. 

They said they were worried about how the whole thing would go. 

Lilah is only four years old. 

And her parents explained that she tends to get in her head about things, which then leads to her being scared. 

They thought there would be issues, especially since she would need to be covered in various sensors for the sleep study. 

Zach said that they tried to prevent her from getting scared by explaining the procedure in fun terms to her. 

He said they told Lilah that in the hospital, the nurse would cover her in stickers. 

And luckily, the sleep study ended up going better than Zach and Tori expected.

Zach said that Lilah actually behaved really well during the study.

She didn’t interfere with any of the monitoring equipment that was attached to her. 

Zach’s Concerned Comment About His Daughter Undergoing Anesthesia

And Zach said that the nurse never had to go in and fix any of the sensors. 

Both of the parents were pleasantly surprised with how well Lilah handled the testing. 

And now that her sleep apnea has been diagnosed, it can be dealt with and treated. 

Zach also said that there’s another reason why it’s important to keep Lilah’s sleep apnea in check, besides the effect it can have on her during sleep. 

He said that it’s also important for when she has to go under anesthesia. 

He said:

“Our airways are built slightly differently than other people, and there is maybe a higher threat of, you know, maybe something going wrong.”

Why Did Zach Have to Have Emergency Brain Surgery?

Just last year, Zach himself had to have emergency brain surgery. 

He and Tori opened up about this on a recent episode of their podcast, Raising Heights. 

Leading up to the surgery he was suffering from intense migraines. 

And for a while, doctors could not determine what was wrong with him. 

But eventually, they figured out there was a problem with an implanted shunt that he has in his brain.

Zach has had this implant since he was a baby himself. 

And he already had to have it fixed once when he was 13. 

But on the podcast, Zach and Tori said they didn’t suspect that the shunt was the cause of his migraines. 

The whole experience was actually a serious health scare for Zach and it left both him and Tori afraid for his life. 

But luckily, in the end, the doctors figured out what the problem was and were able to fix it. 

And Zach said that since his emergency surgery, the migraines haven’t come back. 

Morgan Wallen Arrested After Allegedly Throwing Chair

Source: Metro Police

Morgan Wallen was arrested last night after allegedly launching a chair from the sixth floor of a Nashville bar. 

The 30-year-old singer was charged with three counts of reckless endangerment and one count of disorderly conduct. The Daily Mail reported that Morgan was allegedly cuffed after “hurling” the chair at the Chiefs Bar at just after 10.45 pm last night. 

Morgan Wallen Was Allegedly Removed from the Bar

The bar in question, which opened for the first time over the weekend, is owned by fellow country musician and friend of Morgan’s, Eric Church.

Officers from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department claimed that the chair landed just three feet away from them. A picture later posted on Instagram appeared to show the singer yelling in the back of a cop car after being removed from the premises.

Elsewhere on Instagram, one commenter claimed to have witnessed the incident first hand. They wrote in the comments underneath the picture, “I work there and the chair… near took out 2 cops. He threw it from the 6th floor.”

Morgan was subsequently released from jail at around 3.30 am this morning. Reports stated that he was being shielded from cameras by umbrellas as he left Davidson County jail.

According to the New York Post, onlookers were also reported to have seen Morgan allegedly laughing as he walked away from the ordeal. His attorney, Worrick Robinson, later gave a statement to the press addressing what had happened following Morgan’s release. 

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The lawyer said, “At 10:53 pm Sunday evening Morgan Wallen was arrested in downtown Nashville for reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct.” He went on to add that the singer “is cooperating fully with authorities.” 

Reports have stated that Morgan’s bond was set at $15,250. 

This Isn’t Morgan Wallen’s First Run-In with the Law

This latest alleged incident comes a little under four years since Morgan was again detained in Nashville for disorderly conduct in Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk bar.

Following his behavior, Morgan apologized on Twitter, writing, “We didn’t mean any harm, and we want to say sorry to any bar staff or anyone that was affected.”

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Since then, his career has skyrocketed, with his latest album One Thing at a Time reported as being the most popular album of 2023. 

Currently, Morgan is scheduled to perform in Nashville from May 2 to May 4. However, the Davidson County Criminal Court has stated that Morgan’s next court date is set to be May 3.Whether or not his latest brush with the law will have an impact on his busy schedule remains to be seen. 

Diddy Spotted Looking Carefree

Photo Credits: Diddy/Instagram

Although the FBI seems to be investigating P. Diddy, he doesn’t seem to have a care in the world. According to TMZ, which took photos of Diddy, he’s been relaxing and having fun in Miami. The recent photos followed Diddy around the city while he relaxed at his Miami private dock.

The latest sighting was on April 4th, with Diddy riding a bike around the streets of Miami. He stopped when he saw a paparazzi and gave his signature peace sign to the camera while laughing.

Diddy continued his bike ride down to South Beach, which isn’t far from his homes on Star Island. He was alone at the time.

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When he reached the beach, he went to his private dock, where he spent time enjoying some relaxing activities and drinking. He also seemed to watch something on his phone while he reclined on a chair.

When he saw the paparazzi taking photos of him again, he smiled at the camera. If Diddy is worried about what the raids might show, he doesn’t seem to be in these photos.

The singer is in Miami because of the recent raids that the FBI performed on his home in Los Angeles and Miami. The raids occurred because of a lawsuit that a former employee, Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, filed against Diddy.

In the lawsuit, Rodney claimed that Diddy was trafficking girls, even minors, at some of his parties. He also alleged that Diddy was moving illegal substances through his parties and partaking in racketeering.

This was one lawsuit that followed several others, accusing Diddy of sex crimes. These abuse claims are from women that Diddy has either dated or who have been to one of his parties.

Diddy Was Quick to Settle His Lawsuit With Cassie

One of the most famous lawsuits is from the singer, Cassie, who dated Diddy for several years. She claimed that Diddy had abused her both physically and sexually. She also claimed that Diddy had forced her to be intimate with other men while he watched.

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24 hours after she filed the lawsuit, Diddy settled with her out of court, so a trial never occurred. According to Page Six, Diddy’s attorney at the time said that just because Diddy was settling with Cassie didn’t mean that Diddy was admitting she was right.

His lawyer said that Diddy was happy they were able to reach an agreement and wished Cassie all the best. For her part, Cassie said that she wanted to settle the lawsuit in a way where she had some control. She thanked her family, lawyers, and fans for their support.

RELATED: Where Is Diddy Right Now?

Although that’s one lawsuit out of the way, Diddy may now need to deal with whatever the FBI found at his mansions. The raid, itself, saw military trucks, drones, and agents dressed in tactical gear and equipped with assault rifles storm into Diddy’s house. They detained his two sons, who were at home at the time, but they later released them without charges.

Misa Hylton, the mother of one of Diddy’s sons, showed footage of what happened during the raid. The video saw the agents using force to arrest both of the sons.

She said that if this had been a non-Black celebrity, they wouldn’t have used as much force or scare tactics. Diddy has not yet been charged or arrested for anything related to the raids.