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Exposing Mary J Blige’s Crazy Ex

Photo Credits: Mary J. Blige/Instagram and Kendu Isaacs/Instagram

Mary J Blige has been through a lot because of her ex-husband Martin “Kendu” Isaacs. She’s kept her struggles a secret for years.

But now, she’s finally opening up about it all. You guys are never going to believe what she went through in the name of love.

Mary and her ex-husband Kendu, whose birth name is Martin, got married in 2003. Just like every other married couple, they thought that they were going to be together forever.

But by the time 2016 rolled around, it became clear to Mary that they were not going to last. Because of this, Mary filed for a divorce and announced that she and Kendu were going their separate ways because of irreconcilable differences between them.

Everybody believed her because she gave us no reason not to. But it turned out that she wasn’t being honest with herself or the rest of us.

With time, everyone got to find out the real reason behind Mary and Kendu’s divorce. The reason was so much worse than them having a difference of opinions.

According to Mary, what had started as a sweet and loving marriage became an extremely toxic relationship. She also revealed that Kendu had been cheating on her for a really long time. This wasn’t even the worst thing that happened to her.

Mary Was Forced to Pay Kendu Spousal Support

When she filed for a divorce from Kendu, she thought that she would finally be free of him and his ways. And maybe, just maybe, she would finally be able to move on and heal from everything. But that wasn’t the case.

Because after everything was said and done, she was forced to pay Kendu spousal support. This came as a major shock to her because she took steps to prevent this at the start of her marriage when she and Kendu signed a prenup that waived any form of spousal support.

Mary’s situation only got worse for her when she was ordered to pay Kendu $30,000 every month to maintain his lifestyle after their divorce was finalized in 2018. After this, Mary’s life only went downhill.

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According to her, she started struggling financially just so she could keep up with paying Kendu $30,000 every month. Sometimes, she’d be behind on her rent because of him. She even revealed that she was millions of dollars in debt thanks to this, too.

Those first couple of years after her divorce from him had been finalized were some of the worst ones of her life. According to Mary, she was forced to return to work immediately after her divorce was finalized.

Why? She couldn’t afford to not work because she wouldn’t have the money to pay spousal support. Most importantly, she wouldn’t have any money for herself.

Mary Learned a Lot from That Period of Her Life

Luckily, over the years, she’d built an amazing portfolio for herself. So she was able to book a lot of jobs and gigs.

We’re talking movies, TV shows, singing, paid partnerships, and more. She did all of this just so she could make enough cash.

In her words, the moment her divorce was settled and she was hit with the alimony, she couldn’t believe something like this could happen to her. But she didn’t exactly have the time to sit and think about it.

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She had to get to work, and she had to get to work fast. So that was exactly what she did.

Even though this was one of the worst periods of Mary’s life, there were tons of lessons she learned from it. According to her, this made her realize how important it was not to put her life in someone else’s hands.

More importantly, it taught her not to trust someone else with her finances. Now, she’s all over her business and her finances. Feeling helpless is something she never wants to experience in her life ever again.

Mary Had a Really Rough Childhood

She’s experienced a lot of horrible things in her life, starting from her childhood. Mary grew up in poverty. She lived in a pretty rough neighborhood.

Her childhood was anything but rosy. In her words, she grew up in a very angry environment, where her aunts were always mad, hateful, jealous, and full of pride.

Even her relationship with her mom wasn’t the best. According to her, she felt that her mom was really bitter about her musical talents because she had also wanted to be a singer, but that didn’t work out well for her.

Then there was her absentee dad, too. According to her, one day, her father just got up and left their family.

He never looked back. Mary didn’t get the chance to meet him or properly get to know him until many years later after his musical dreams had failed, too.

Even though Mary has built a successful career for herself, it didn’t come without its fair share of struggles. When she released her debut album What’s the 411, she was still living in the same neighborhood she had grown up in.

Even though this album gave her some traction and made her popular enough for people to want to pay to see her and listen to her, not everyone shared the same sentiments. According to her, the people in her neighborhood wanted to end her life because of the success he had gotten.

When Things Got Hard, Mary Turned to God

In her words, she was in hell during the first few months of her career. The only way she knew how to bounce back from this was to pour all her depression into her music.

For her, it was almost like she had to sing for her life. So that was exactly what she did.

But still, her life didn’t become as perfect as she had hoped for it to be. She started feeling depressed again and turned to substances to keep herself going.

When she tried her best to put a stop to her substance addiction, she just replaced it with drinking. According to her, her wake-up call finally came after the passing of Whitney Houston.

But unlike most people, who would get themselves in a rehab center to cope with their addiction, Mary did something completely different. She turned to God. In her words, she decided to pray and seek God, and it worked.

She was able to get past the worst of her addiction. But she still has the occasional drink with her friends.

Moving on to relationships, Mary’s relationship with Kendu wasn’t the only bad relationship she had. Once upon a time, she and Cedric Renard Hailey, aka K-Ci, dated for 12 years. But then, they had to end their relationship because it turned disrespectful and harmful.

Despite everything Mary has been through, she’s still found love again. Not too long ago, she revealed that she’s in love. Although she didn’t reveal much about her new love interest, she made it clear that she’s happy.

Which is honestly good to hear. After all, she’s been through so much.

Amy Slaton Is Losing It

Photo Credits: Amy Slanton/Instagram

Amy Slaton has been acting really strange on social media lately. Between her weird posts online and the drama surrounding her most recent relationship, people have been really worried about her. The truth behind her bizarre behavior is honestly crazy, so let’s get into it. 

It’s no secret that Amy has gone through some ups and downs lately, especially over the last few months. On New Year’s Eve, she shared a TikTok selfie, which isn’t unusual for her at all. 

But what the caption on her post revealed was seriously insane. Amy explained that she had just had her heart broken and was ringing in the new year as a single woman. In a follow-up video, she confirmed that she and Tony, the guy she’d been dating and living with for a few months, were no longer together. 

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But what happened next was pretty unsettling. A week later, Amy posted a TikTok that showed a certain type of adult beverage. In two other videos she shared that same night, it was clear that she was under the influence. 

One featured her singing to the camera as she drank another glass that was filled to the brim. That might not have been so alarming if it hadn’t been for Amy’s troubling confession a few weeks earlier. 

In a December interview with People magazine, she admitted that after she and Michael split up, her mental health was at an all-time low. Amy claimed that she was struggling with her emotions more than ever before, which unfortunately affected her boys as well. 

Amy Wanted to Make a Change in Her Life

But she didn’t realize how extreme her mental health issues were until she reached an unexpected boiling point.  It turns out that Amy’s intense fight with her sisters, which was recently shown on 1,000-lb Sisters, was an eye-opening moment for her. She explained that the confrontational behavior was so unlike her, and she didn’t want to feel that angry anymore. 

She decided to make a positive change in her life that was actually really surprising. Amy confessed that she had previously said she’d never go to therapy. But because she knew she needed help, she gave it a chance. 

She added that therapy not only made her happier but gave her answers that she didn’t know she needed. Amy revealed that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, acute stress disorder, and depression. 

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She was relieved to learn that there was a reason why she felt the way she did. She was even able to figure out which coping skills worked best for her to maintain her moods. But that wasn’t all. 

Amy also said that she had been prescribed medications by her therapist, to help her deal with her symptoms. She decided that instead of focusing her energy on losing weight in 2024, she would prioritize her mental health instead.

At the time, Amy’s plans for the new year sounded great. She wanted to do what was best for her and her sons. But when she started posting videos of herself under the influence, some of her followers were incredibly nervous.

After Amy first shared a TikTok of herself drinking adult beverages, she posted several similar videos throughout the following weeks. Many social media users discussed whether it was safe for her to be mixing substances with her medications. 

Amy Was Publicly Reminiscing About Her Relationship with Michael

But soon, they had another concern that was truly unbelievable. In the middle of January, Amy shared a couple of videos on TikTok that were downright strange. The posts featured clips and pictures of her and Michael together.


Random pt1 go down memory lane with me

♬ original sound – Amy halterman

One of the captions mentioned walking down memory lane. But when Amy had spoken to People magazine just a few weeks earlier, she didn’t hold back about how awful her marriage had been. 

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She claimed that Michael hadn’t shown her any genuine support, kindness, or love. So why was she basically reminiscing about being with him on TikTok?

Even though a lot of Amy’s followers seemed very confused, they left supportive comments on her posts anyway. But between the odd videos and her revelation about being diagnosed with mental health conditions, people were extremely worried. Many social media users said that they hoped that Amy wasn’t trying to numb her emotional pain by using substances. 

Amy Quickly Moved on From Tony

But before long, her behavior took another seriously bizarre turn. At the beginning of February, Amy started dropping hints on TikTok that she had a new guy in her life. One video showed a bouquet of blue roses, her favorite kind of flowers, with a note attached that read: “To my queen,” and was signed ‘Kevin’ at the bottom. 

Unsurprisingly, some of Amy’s followers commented on her post that she was moving pretty quickly. After all, she hadn’t even been separated from Michael for a full year. And it had only been a month since she and Tony had broken up. 

But how Amy responded was so crazy. She replied to a follower by explaining that she and Kevin were going to take their relationship super slowly. 

That was hard to believe, considering she didn’t even wait three months before Tony moved in with her, and she had her sons start calling him “Daddy.” So what happened next wasn’t exactly shocking.

Just a few days later, Amy posted a TikTok of herself standing next to Kevin. In the caption, she thanked him for an amazing first date and even tagged his account. 


Smh this way late but happy valentine’s day @Kevin

♬ original sound – Amy halterman

Kevin Started Showing A Lot of Red Flags

But as soon as people started digging into who Kevin really was, things got ridiculously messy. There was a lot of mystery surrounding Kevin’s identity, but the name he had been going by on his YouTube channel was ‘Mr. Dad.’ 

There weren’t many details about him on his other platforms. But it didn’t take long for people to start noticing some major red flags about him. Before Amy even went on her second date with Kevin, her followers began accusing him of love bombing her. 

On a subreddit for 1,000-Lb. Sisters, a post was made about how he was potentially going to enable Amy’s unhealthy behavior. But what the comment section revealed was honestly outrageous. 

It turns out that Kevin had sent Amy another gift before meeting up with her a second time. He had given her a couple of dolls that resembled the main characters from her favorite horror movie. After alleged mistreatment from Michael, it didn’t take much for Amy to be swept off her feet by Kevin. 

In February, Amy posted a few more videos on TikTok of herself drinking adult beverages. She was slurring her words as she talked about how great Kevin was, and how excited she was to go on another date with him. 

She seemed absolutely head over heels for him already, but the same could not be said about him. Kevin had been sharing very different types of videos on his TikTok. Needless to say, it didn’t look like he was totally committed to Amy. 

In a thread posted on Reddit, people discussed how creepy his behavior was. Apparently, he had been talking to random women online in a disturbingly shady way. 

Kevin Has a History of Talking to Women Online

Kevin mentioned in one TikTok that he was recovering from an infected tattoo, and needed help taking care of things at home. He was looking for a “pretty” woman to come to his house, sign an NDA, and supposedly take care of his garden, chickens, and pigs. 

But that wasn’t the only sketchy request he had made. Amy commented on Kevin’s video and claimed that she wished she could help him. But they had agreed to not meet each other’s kids for a whole year. 

As impressive as that sounded, he had already shared a photo of himself standing next to Amy and two of his kids. The entire situation was so strange, and it unfortunately only got worse. 

Multiple women started commenting on Amy’s posts, and they were all making similar allegations. Screenshots of those accusations were shared in another Reddit thread. What Kevin had reportedly asked them to do was seriously shocking. 

Kevin had allegedly contacted numerous women online offering to buy them first-class plane tickets if they agreed to visit him. Many of the women claimed that his intentions were inappropriate, and they wanted Amy to know what was going on. 

But what she posted next was super alarming. Believe it or not, Amy shared a video on TikTok where she actually defended Kevin against the allegations. 

She also apologized to him for supposedly getting upset about the conversations he had been having with women online. A lot of people felt like Amy’s behavior seemed kind of forced. It was like she might have been manipulated into thinking that she had to post an apology video like that.

Nobody Thought That Kevin Was Good For Amy

Shortly after, Kevin revealed his true feelings in a video of his own, and he did not hold back. Kevin posted a TikTok of himself ranting for several minutes about how Amy’s followers were being rude to him for no reason. He also called out her siblings and claimed that they didn’t even give him a chance before they started acting like haters. 

Needless to say, it seemed like nobody in Amy’s life thought that her relationship with Kevin was healthy. Amy had been acting kind of weird for weeks, but nothing could compare to how anxious and on edge she appeared to be in her next video. 

She posted a TikTok at the end of February, explaining that she was still doing things the right way with Kevin, unlike with Tony. But there was something very troubling about her behavior that was impossible to ignore.

Amy’s video was shared on Reddit, where multiple people discussed how strange her tone of voice and body language was. She had so much nervous energy that she was physically shaking, and her voice was almost trembling as if she was scared or sad. 

Overall, most people mentioned how hopeful they were that she and the boys were okay. But a lot of others brought up how manipulative and controlling Kevin came across in his weird video rants, and they even made an unexpected suggestion.

A surprising amount of people believed that Kevin might have pressured Amy into posting the video, to deflect some of the hate he was getting from her supporters. But even if she hadn’t been acting so stressed in the clip, it wouldn’t have helped much anyway. 

The Couple Announced Their Split

At the beginning of March, Kevin replied to a comment on one of his videos that he had broken up with Amy. When she was asked about him under one of her posts, she all but confirmed they had split up by commenting that she was happy he had never met her sons.

Shortly after, Kevin posted a TikTok where he called Amy inconsiderate and said that they would never even be friends again. He switched his profile to private, which is ironic since he had previously bragged about how many followers he had gained from dating Amy.

Just recently, Amy shared a selfie video on TikTok and wrote in the caption that she was loving her drama-free, single mom life. She also deleted every photo and video that either showed or mentioned Kevin, with the exception of her late Valentine’s Day tribute to him. 

As difficult as the breakup probably was for Amy, her followers have been commenting on her TikTok posts to remind her that she doesn’t need to be with a man to be happy. With everything she’s gone through in the last year, she probably hasn’t healed emotionally, and rushing into different relationships couldn’t have helped. 

Amy said she wanted to prioritize her mental health this year and be the best mom possible for her boys. Hopefully, she’s able to stick to that plan, because her behavior was really concerning for a few months. 

Zach Roloff’s Parenting Exposed

Photo Credits: Tori Roloff/Instagram

Zach and Tori Roloff have recently found themselves in seriously hot water. In the newest season of Little People, Big World, their questionable parenting has been completely exposed in numerous scenes. The truth behind their troubling – and sometimes very problematic – parenting decisions is honestly crazy, so let’s get into it. 

In Touch Weekly reported that Zach and Tori made a surprising announcement on an episode of their Raising Heights podcast. It turns out that they aren’t going to be returning for another season of Little People, Big World

Now, viewers are wondering if their choice was based on the intense parenting criticism that they’ve faced. Both Zach and Tori have been called out for putting their children in potentially unsafe situations while filming. Even though season 25 just premiered in February, their controversial parenting has been shown in every single episode so far.

In the first episode of the latest season, Zach was recovering from surgery. This meant Tori had been taking care of all three kids on her own. You could tell how emotionally and physically exhausted she was by how she reacted when he made a pretty bizarre suggestion.

Zach encouraged Jackson and Lilah to race around the house indoors on their scooters. He told them whoever was the fastest would win. Tori quickly rolled her eyes, before telling him that the kids could end up getting hurt that way. 

But what happened in the following episodes was extremely concerning. Zach has been catching way more heat than Tori lately. A lot of that has to do with how differently he treats Jackson and Lilah. 

Zach Favors Jackson

Many viewers have accused him of showing favoritism toward Jackson in several scenes. This was incredibly obvious during episode two.

In one scene, Zach raced Jackson out of the house and completely left Lilah behind in the yard. He was showing the cameras the progress he’d been making on his workshop, and he held Jackson’s hand as they went up to the second floor of the structure. Meanwhile, Lilah was nowhere in sight.

At one point, Zach heard Lilah calling out for him and asking for help. She had tried to follow her dad and brother to the shop but ended up getting stuck in the mud. 

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Shockingly, Zach sounded super annoyed with her when he finally went down to help her. His tone of voice was harsh as he told Lilah that she needed to learn to walk around the mud. When the episode was filmed, she was 3 years old and had recently started getting more steady on her feet. 

But there’s another reason why the scene was so unsettling, and it’s absolutely terrifying. Zach clearly hadn’t been watching Lilah when he and Jackson were in the shop. 

If Lilah hadn’t gotten stuck in the mud and had tried climbing the stairs in the workshop by herself, she could have gotten seriously injured. But that’s not all. 

Most viewers already know that Zach and Tori’s new property has a stream running through the backyard. If Lilah had wandered too close to the water while unsupervised, there could have been a totally different situation with a very tragic ending. 

Tori Caused Lilah to Have an Accident in Ballet

Eventually, Tori came outside so that she could get Lilah ready for dance class. She mentioned that her daughter really loved being in ballet so far. But what she revealed next was truly unbelievable. 

Tori claimed that during a previous dance class, one of the other little girls had come out to where all the moms were waiting because she needed to go to the bathroom. Then, Lilah came out and asked to go to the bathroom as well, but she wasn’t allowed to go.

Tori explained that she refused to take her to the bathroom because she thought her daughter was just copying the other little girl. Five minutes later, Lilah unfortunately had an accident in her pants, which Tori claimed was a “whole thing.” Because she hadn’t believed her 3-year-old needed to use the bathroom, poor Lilah ended up embarrassed in front of everyone. 

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Tori said that afterward, she made sure to have Lilah go to the bathroom before class started. But before they left for ballet that evening, Zach’s favoritism was exposed again in an outrageous way. After Lilah got dressed, she was trying to show Zach how well she could spin. 

But one of the times she twirled around, she fell pretty hard onto the floor and almost hit her face. She immediately looked up at him, but how he reacted was seriously heartbreaking. Zach showed zero concern as he told Lilah that she needed to do that without falling. 

Obviously, she hadn’t tried to fall on purpose. He didn’t even ask her if she was okay, or offer to help her get off the floor. What happened next was just as infuriating.

Zach Had Never Taken Care of All of the Kids on His Own

Later in the episode, Zach and Tori took the kids bowling. When they were talking about the outing in a confessional scene, Zach said it was so much fun being able to watch Jackson do new things. Lilah was there, too, so why didn’t he mention her at all?

In the third episode, Zach took care of the kids for a few days while Tori went on a girls’ trip to California. But before she left, he asked her what he needed to know while she was gone. It turns out that he had never really taken care of all three kids on his own before. 

Tori made a huge list for Zach including what to make for dinner each day, down to the cooking instructions. She also wrote down reminders of when Jackson needed to be dropped off and picked up from school since Zach wasn’t completely sure of the times.

The first morning, things were already off to a bad start. When Lilah woke up, she asked Zach to change her dirty diaper. 

But instead of cleaning her up, he gave her some yogurt and told her that he would change her later. Not only was it unsanitary for Lilah to sit in a soiled diaper, it must have been so uncomfortable for her. 

Throughout the rest of the episode, Zach’s incompetence as a parent was on full display. In one scene, Zach took the kids furniture shopping, which was a total disaster. 

He claimed that, unlike Tori, he wasn’t comfortable disciplining the kids in public. So when Lilah and Josiah started hitting each other in the store, it quickly turned into a complete meltdown. Zach decided that he would look for furniture another day and left the store. 

Zach Left Josiah to Nap Alone

But instead of having Jackson and Lilah walk near him as he pushed the stroller, he put them in an insanely dangerous situation. Zach let Jackson and Lilah walk out of the store before him. They were already in the parking lot by the time he got through the door. 

Thankfully, they didn’t end up getting hurt. But it was pretty shocking that Zach seemingly didn’t even think about the cars driving around.

When Jackson was at school the next day, Zach took Lilah for a walk outside after he put Josiah down for a nap. He didn’t even bring a baby monitor as they made their way along the banks of the stream. But what happened next was unbelievably frustrating.

Zach pointed out that Lilah was wearing her baby brother’s jacket and her boots were on the wrong feet. It seemed like he hadn’t even tried to help her get dressed to go outside. He just shamed her for wearing the wrong things instead. 

Not surprisingly, Lilah had trouble walking in the mud and ended up slipping. Zach sounded so annoyed that he would have to change her clothes, even though it was his fault for not helping her in the first place.

Zach Didn’t Send Jackson’s Lunch Notes to School

Unfortunately, Jackson was also late to school each day that Zach was in charge of the kids. Every morning, Zach had somehow also forgotten a really important detail. 

Tori had pre-written notes for Jackson’s lunches before she left, because of how much the messages meant to him. But sadly, Zach didn’t remember to pack any of the notes in his son’s lunch bag.

Zach didn’t seem to think it was that big of a deal, even though he had caught Jackson writing notes to himself in the past. All of his classmates would read the notes their parents had left them aloud, so Jackson probably felt really disappointed each day that Zach forgot. 

Needless to say, how he parented when Tori wasn’t home was extremely telling. Many viewers have been discussing Zach’s parenting on Reddit, and most of them feel like he must be pretty uninvolved. It was chaos when Tori left him in charge, so it seems pretty safe to say that he usually doesn’t help out that much at all. 

But what happened during the next episode was just as ridiculous. In episode four, Zach invited Jackson’s soccer friends and their parents over to the house on a Saturday evening. Since it would be about 5:30 p.m. when the guests arrived, Tori decided to order pizza. 

But instead of being grateful that she stepped in to help feed everyone, Zach responded in a seriously crazy way. Zach claimed that Tori couldn’t let him throw “his” party on his own, and made it seem like she was overstepping by ordering food. 

He even criticized her for making things too complicated all of the time. But after the party, he ultimately realized that she was right. 

The Real Reason Zach and Tori Left Little People Big World

Zach and Tori explained on their podcast that they were leaving Little People, Big World because that chapter in their lives had closed. According to Screenrant, the couple also claimed that they didn’t like that the show’s narrative was so focused on the Roloff family drama.

Tori and Zach revealed that their kids were also starting to become very aware of the cameras. They didn’t want their participation in the show to become too much for their children so that also factored into their decision to stop filming. 

But now that the couple’s questionable parenting has been exposed more than ever in the latest episodes, it’s hard not to wonder if that also played a role in their departure. After filming season 25, maybe they realized how much of the footage would feature their family’s chaotic moments.

Either way, it’ll be interesting to see what happens next on Little People, Big World, especially when it comes to the couple’s parenting choices. Hopefully, Zach will stop showing favoritism to Jackson and start treating Lilah more kindly. 

Rumors Surface About Diddy’s Adopted Daughter

Photo Credits: Diddy/Instagram and The Combs Twins/Instagram

Rumors Surface About Diddy’s Adopted Daughter

The disturbing stories about Diddy’s past are showing no sign of letting up.

The most recent rumor is connected to a video from 2020 that has started to spread again on TikTok. 

And what’s being discussed has got a lot of people seriously worried. 

The clip appears to come from Instagram Live and shows Diddy showing off his so-called “adopted” daughter, a young girl called Ava Baroni.

The Bad Boy founder tells the child to introduce herself, while a group of other men stand behind them. 

Who Is Diddy’s Alleged Adopted Daughter?

She goes on to say, “My name’s Ava. I’m a Scorpio.”, before Diddy interrupts her and tells her to give her full name. 

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She says that her name is “Ava Combs Baroni”. 

Diddy then goes on to claim that he “adopted” Ava, while acknowledging that she also had “beautiful parents” of her own. 

However, he then went on to describe Ava as being his child. 

The disgraced mogul tells Ava to share the story of how he came to adopt her. 

And what she said was pretty horrifying. 

Ava jokingly said that she was “on the streets” before Diddy, who she referred to as “Papa Combs” found her. 

She said that Diddy “decided that he was going to be a caring man”. 

Ava continued, “So then, he saw me and decided to pick me up and said to come inside and stay with his kids.”

She described Diddy’s twin daughters Jessie and D’Lila as “basically sisters” to her. 

Page Six recently shared a photo which showed Diddy posing with his two daughters and Ava,all in dresses and holding dogs. 

After Ava finished describing how Diddy “adopted” her, the producer chimed in to say that her account sounded “borderline suspect”. 

Diddy Says He Adopted Ava ‘Like Madonna Adopted Kids’

He went on to say that he adopted her “like Madonna adopted kids”. He also name checked other celebrities like Charlize Theron and Sandra Bullock.

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He explained that he did it to “take care” of her and “help [Ava] out”. 

Given the crazy recent events surrounding Diddy and accusations made against him, the resurfaced clip attracted a flood of concerned comments. 

One viewer commented to write, “WHERE IS SHE NOW?!?!?!!”, while another demanded that Diddy “return that child”. 

At one point in the video, Diddy stated that he had got Ava’s mother’s “permission” to adopt her. 

The authorities raided two of Diddy’s mansions in the last few days in relation to trafficking charges.

Since then, everything Diddy has done or showed us in the past is being looked at in a new and horrible light. 

Those following the many shocking twists and turns of Diddy’s scandals were hugely concerned when a 2020 video of his so-called adopted daughter resurfaced on TikTok. 

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Ava Baroni, or Ava Baroni Combs as she’s called in the clip, was allegedly adopted by Diddy, who can be seen in the video next to her. 

Diddy’s Adopted Daughter, Ava Baroni Combs, Said, “I’m Fine dw, Pray for Me, Pray for My Dad”

Since the clip re-emerged, many online commenters have voiced concern about Ava’s whereabouts. 

A few days ago, a new TikTok account claiming to belong to Ava was created. 

The account, which currently boasts nearly 2000 followers, alleges that Ava is “fine”. 

The account states in its bio, “Hi I’m Ava Baroni Combs I’m fine dw pray for me pray for my dad”. 

The very new account so far only contains three videos, which appear to show Ava lip syncing to different songs. 

The captions in the videos, which have already raked in hundreds of thousands of views, also allege that Ava is “fine”. 

However, the authenticity of the account has not been verified, and many are still worried about what they saw in the original clip of her and Diddy. 

Everything that has been said about the clip is just a theory, and nothing has been proven about how Ava and Diddy met. 

In the clip, the disgraced Bad Boy founder tells Ava to introduce herself.

She goes on to say, “My name’s Ava. I’m a Scorpio.”, before Diddy interrupts her and tells her to give her full name. 

She says that her name is “Ava Combs Baroni”. 

Diddy then goes on to claim that he “adopted” Ava, while acknowledging that she also had her own parents.

However, he then went on to describe Ava as being his child. 

The mogul told Ava to share the story of how he came to adopt her. 

Ava Said, ‘She Was “On the Streets’ Before Diddy

And what she said was pretty horrifying to many viewers. 

Ava jokingly said that she was “on the streets” before Diddy, who she referred to as “Papa Combs” found her. 

She said that Diddy “decided that he was going to be a caring man”. 

Ava continued, “So then he saw me and decided to pick me up and said to come inside and stay with his kids.”

While many were seriously disturbed by what they saw, others have suggested that Ava is probably just a friend of Diddy’s daughters, who she described as “sisters”. 

Page Six recently shared a photo which showed Diddy posing with his two daughters and Ava, all in dresses and holding dogs. 

Diddy himself gave another explanation in the video. 

Diddy Goal for Ava’s Adoption: To “Help Her Out”

He said that he adopted Ava in the same way as other celebrities had done in the past.

He went on to namecheck stars including Madonna and Sandra Bullock as examples. 

Diddy then went on to state that his goal was to “take care” of Ava and “help her out”. 

The story of Diddy and Ava spread shortly after the recent raids on Diddy’s homes by the authorities. 

The video featuring Ava and Diddy came out in 2020.

She was frequently featured in his posts on social media as one of his daughters, but that stopped in 2020.

She hasn’t been seen publicly since she stopped appearing on his Instagram account four years ago, until she recently posted the three videos to her alleged TikTok account.

Because of how long it’s been since she was last in the public eye, it’s unconfirmed if the woman on the TikTok account is even Ava Baroni Combs or simply an impersonator.

The circumstances surrounding Ava’s alleged adoption are murky.

There is no public record of Ava being adopted by Diddy, or that her name is legally Ava Baroni Combs.

Diddy’s own account of the alleged adoption did little to clear up the story, leading fans and skeptics to wonder if something more sinister was going on.

Diddy claimed that while Ava “still had beautiful parents,” she was Diddy’s child also.

He also said, “I adopted you because I felt that you could enjoy also having a Black parent to take care of you and help you out.”

Viewers took note as he kissed her cheek at the end of the video.

Disturbing Allegations Involving Diddy and Minors

Now that allegations of Diddy’s alleged trafficking are coming to light with Lil Rod’s lawsuit and the Homeland Security raid at both of his homes, his intentions with Ava are being questioned.

Lil Rod’s lawsuit includes many allegations that involve minors.

In the lawsuit, he stated that Diddy would regularly host trafficking parties that included underage women and illegal substances.

Lil Rod also claims that he has video and audio recordings that prove his claims.

This isn’t the only allegation that’s been made against him that involves minors, either.

An unnamed woman, going by the name of Jane Doe, recently filed a lawsuit against Diddy with some very specific allegations.

She claims that in 2003, when she was just 17 years old, she was drugged and gang-raped by Diddy and two of his associates.

In the lawsuit, she said that the incident occurred at his recording studio in New York.

She went on to accuse him of a “sex trafficking scheme,” saying that he flew her from her home in Michigan to New York on his private jet.

More Accusations Surface About Diddy’s Alleged Inappropriate Behavior

And still, that’s not the only lawsuit that makes allegations about Diddy’s inappropriate behavior with minors.

In November of 2023, a woman named Liza Gardner made bombshell claims against Diddy’s behavior with her when she was a minor in 1990.

She filed a lawsuit against him in New York County Supreme Court with various allegations made.

At first, she claimed that Diddy and his friend, Aaron Hall, took turns raping her and her friend after meeting at an event at MCR Records.

She was just 16 years old at the time of the alleged incident, and claimed that she was given alcohol by the two men before they forced themselves onto her.

In the complaint, she provided multiple examples that corroborated her story.

One of those examples was a transcript from a recent interview that Aaron Hall did with VladTV, where he said that Diddy had previously been present in the room while he had intercourse.

Another was an account from a friend of Liza’s who claimed that she had told her the details of the assault in 2019, more than four years before she filed the complaint.

Lastly, there was a letter from a former therapist of Liza’s who said that she had disclosed details of the assault in 2014.

Diddy’s Lawyer Spoke Out In His Defense

At the time the lawsuit was filed, a representative for Diddy spoke out in defense of him, saying:

“These are fabricated claims falsely alleging misconduct from over 30 years ago and filed at the last minute. This is nothing but a money grab. Because of Mr. Combs’ fame and success, he is an easy target for anonymous accusers who lie without conscience or consequence for financial benefit,” the spokesperson said in a statement at the time. “The New York Legislature surely did not intend or expect the Adult Survivors Act to be exploited by scammers. The public should be skeptical and not rush to accept these bogus allegations.”

As for how it affected Liza over the years, in the complaint she stated that she had been “overwhelmed by depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and strained relationships with men” since the incident occurred in 1990.

While there is no proof that Diddy mistreated his alleged adopted daughter, Ava Baroni Combs, in the same way that he allegedly mistreated other minors, Ava is not his only adopted child.

And the discrepancies between how he treated his first adopted child, Quincy Brown, and Ava Baroni Combs, are vastly obvious.

Who Is Diddy’s Adopted Son, Quincy Taylor Brown?

Quincy Taylor Brown, professionally known as Quincy, is an American actor, singer, and entrepreneur, and is widely recognized as the adopted son of Sean “Diddy” Combs, although he is biologically the son of singer and model Kim Porter and R&B artist Al B. Sure! 

Although Al B. Sure! was Quincy’s biological father, his involvement in Quincy’s life was limited. 

Kim Porter, who had a long-term on-and-off relationship with Diddy starting in 1994, brought Quincy into Diddy’s life when the boy was still very young. Diddy and Kim’s relationship blossomed, and Diddy formed a close bond with Quincy.

Quincy was pushed into the public eye much more frequently than Diddy’s alleged adopted daughter, Ava.

Diddy, who had no children at the time, embraced the role of a father figure to Quincy, providing not only emotional support but also stability and security. 

Diddy allegedly made no distinction between Quincy and his later biological children with Kim—Christian Casey Combs, and twin daughters D’Lila Star and Jessie James.

It is important to clarify that Diddy’s adoption of Quincy was not formalized through legal channels in the traditional sense. 

Instead, Diddy took on all the responsibilities and roles of a father through informal means. 

Quincy Also Has a Career In Entertainment

Quincy has publicly referred to Diddy as his father, underscoring the deep emotional bond they share, which transcends traditional biological and legal definitions of parenthood.

Quincy’s unique position in the entertainment industry is enriched by his familial ties to Diddy, who has raised him as his own son, and by his natural inclination towards music and acting, perhaps inherited from his biological parents.

Quincy was born on June 4, 1991, in New York City. His early life was marked by significant changes, especially when his mother, Kim Porter, began a relationship with Diddy in the mid-1990s. 

Diddy, already establishing himself as a significant figure in the music industry, took on a paternal role in Quincy’s life, offering both a stable family environment and a unique insight into the entertainment industry. 

Growing up around such influential figures, Quincy was naturally inclined towards a career in entertainment.

Quincy’s career in entertainment began early thanks to his adopted father, Diddy. 

Being raised by Diddy, Quincy had access to unparalleled opportunities in the entertainment industry, along with the mentorship from one of its most successful figures.

Diddy’s Guidance Shaped Quincy’s Career

Diddy’s guidance was instrumental in shaping Quincy’s career in music and acting. Quincy often acknowledges the significant impact Diddy has had on his life, both personally and professionally.

Influenced by the musical background of his biological father and the expansive entertainment empire of Diddy, he ventured into acting and music from a young age. 

He made his debut in the 2008 film “My Super Sweet 16,” a reality TV movie that aired on MTV, which is based on the MTV series of the same name that documents extravagant birthday parties of wealthy teenagers.

Although Quincy started in the realm of reality TV, he was keen on establishing himself in music and film. His music career took off with the release of his debut single “Stay Awhile” featuring Kendre in 2012, which showcased his smooth vocal style and charismatic presence. 

The music video for the song featured appearances by both his adoptive father, Diddy, and his biological mother, Kim.

As an actor, Quincy has shown versatility and a keen aptitude for diverse roles. He gained recognition for his role in the 2015 film “Brotherly Love,” where he played a lead role alongside Keke Palmer and Cory Hardrict. 

The film, set in Philadelphia, revolves around the life of a high school basketball star and his siblings, which drew on Quincy’s ability to portray complex emotional dynamics and familial relationships.

Quincy Followed Diddy’s Entrepreneurial Footsteps

Beyond acting and music, Quincy has also ventured into entrepreneurship. He has been involved in various business ventures, including a tech startup and a watch line, showcasing his ability to diversify his career beyond the entertainment industry. 

This entrepreneurial spirit is something that he shares with Diddy, who has always encouraged his children to explore diverse interests and to build their brands.

Quincy is also known for his philanthropic efforts, often involved in charity events and community service projects. 

He has spoken publicly about the importance of giving back to the community and has been involved in various initiatives aimed at supporting underprivileged youths. 

This aspect of his personality reflects the values instilled in him by both his adoptive and biological families.

Throughout his life, Quincy has maintained a close relationship with Diddy. 

After the tragic passing of Kim Porter in 2018, the bond between Quincy and Diddy appeared even stronger, with Diddy stepping in to provide support and stability during a challenging time. 

Quincy often speaks highly of Diddy not just as a father figure but also as a mentor who has profoundly influenced his approach to life and business.

Quincy’s career, while influenced by his high-profile family, is a testament to his talents and determination. 

His journey reflects a blend of inherited talent and self-crafted success, shaped by the unique circumstances of his upbringing. 

As he continues to build his career in music, acting, and business, Quincy remains a prominent example of how familial support and personal ambition can interweave to form a successful path in the entertainment industry.

Quincy’s life story is one of familial complexity, personal talent, and entrepreneurial spirit. 

Raised in a blended family dynamic under the guidance of one of music’s biggest moguls, Quincy’s life was extremely unordinary.

His story is not just one of celebrity but also of resilience and adaptability, showcasing how personal identity and professional life can flourish under the spotlight of inherited fame and self-driven aspiration.

Why Diddy May Have Hidden Ava

Quincy’s life was much more in the public eye than Ava’s has ever been, however, there may be a reason for that.

Quincy’s biological parents were both famous, and on top of that, Quincy was in Diddy’s life from a much younger age than Ava was.

However, it still begs the question:

Why was Diddy hiding Ava? Why was he so secretive about her?

Was something sinister going on behind the scenes with her alleged adoption?

Is she really his adopted daughter, or is she part of a sex trafficking ring?

Although the allegations against Diddy span the course of nearly thirty years, the lawsuits against him only began in November of 2023, when his ex-girlfriend, Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura, filed a lawsuit that began something of a domino effect for Diddy.

Cassie’s Lawsuit Began a Domino Effect

In the lawsuit, Cassie alleged that she met Diddy in 2005, when she was just 19 and he was 37. 

She said that their relationship began shortly after that, and what followed was 10 years of physical harm, mistreatment, and SA. She also claimed that he forced her into having intimate relations with male escorts.

That lawsuit was settled one day later for an undisclosed amount of money, but it was the only beginning of lawsuits being filed against Diddy.

At the time, Diddy vehemently denied the allegations. Cassie said she had chosen to “resolve this matter amicably,” while Combs’ attorney said the settlement was “in no way an admission of wrongdoing.” 

Cassie filed the lawsuit as part of the New York Adult Survivors Act, which was scheduled to expire on November 23, 2023.

The act meant that survivors had a one-year window to pursue civil litigation regardless of when the incident occurred, which meant that many incidents of harm were brought to light decades later, including incidents that involved other rich and powerful men like Diddy.

Cassie filed the lawsuit just twenty four hours before the act expired.

And although it was settled just one day later, it was only the beginning for Diddy.

After Cassie’s lawsuit, many survivors of Diddy’s alleged mistreatment began coming forward with lawsuits of their own.

Rodney ‘Lil Rod’ Jones’ Lawsuit Followed

One of the biggest lawsuits thus far was filed by Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, who worked as a producer for Diddy from September 2022 until November 2023, and made dozens of allegations against him.

He claimed that he was forced to engage in sexual acts with escorts.

He also claimed that he was harassed, given illegal substances, and threatened by Diddy for that entire time.

Given just how large the scope of the allegations were, they seem to have prompted a much larger investigation into Diddy.

It’s believed that the Homeland Security raid on both his Los Angeles and Miami properties came as a direct result of Lil Rod’s civil lawsuit that was filed.

Two of Diddy’s sons, Justin and Christian “King” Combs, were at his Los Angeles home during the raid, and both men were detained by police while the house was searched by law enforcement.

During the raid, firearms and cell phones were seized.

It’s currently unclear how many devices were seized in the raid.

However, photo footage of his Los Angeles house after the raid was obtained by TMZ, and the house appeared to be ransacked by law enforcement.

The raids also made headlines for how heavy the law enforcement presence was.

Video footage was released of law enforcement arriving via boat, tank, and police car.

Diddy’s Ex Misa Hylton Spoke Out After the Raids

Justin’s mom, Misa Hylton, shared security footage of both Justin and Christian being detained by police officers on Instagram.

In the video, federal agents can be seen entering Diddy’s home, pushing Christian against a wall, and handcuffing him.

Justin can be seen walking around the house with his hands above his head, while an officer points a firearm at him.

She captioned the video:

“[The force] used against my sons Justin and Christian is deplorable. If these were the sons of a non-Black celebrity, they would not have been handled with the same aggression. The attempt to humiliate and terrorize these innocent young BLACK MEN is despicable!”

Diddy and his legal representation spoke out about the raid after the fact, saying:

“Yesterday, there was a gross overuse of military-level force as search warrants were executed at Mr. Combs’ residences,” he said. “There is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated.”

At the time of the raid, there were rumors that Diddy was on a flight on his private jet, headed to Antigua.

However, when the private jet landed in Antigua, Diddy was not on the plane.

Instead, he was later seen at the Miami-Opa Locka International Airport speaking with federal agents.

Why Zach and Tori Really Left Little People Big World

Photo Credits: Tori Roloff/Instagram

Zach and Tori Roloff just released a whole podcast episode, talking about something we’ve all been wondering about. They finally confirmed what everyone has probably suspected at this point. 

Apparently, leaving the show wasn’t only their decision. TLC also wasn’t interested in filming with them anymore. 

But ultimately, it doesn’t seem like not being asked back had a big impact on Tori and Zach. The two of them explained that they had decided to end their time on the show either way. 

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They took this opportunity to talk through all the reasons why they decided to leave Little People Big World behind. Tori explained that the show had pretty much run its course. It had gotten to the point where filming actually got really difficult for them toward the end. 

But one of the main reasons why they didn’t want to do the show anymore was actually that it wasn’t really representative of their lives anymore. They explained that there simply isn’t enough drama in their lives to make a whole reality show. 

Over the last couple of years, they were actually really unhappy with the narratives that happened on the show. Tori actually said that sometimes, this was extra hard for her, being a mom. A lot of the time, the narrative change had to do with her kids.

The producers of the show just needed to find more drama somewhere. And Tori and Zach explained that it was never about the big things. 

The producers didn’t outright make up lies about their lives and tell them to people. But sometimes, they would make a situation seem like it was dramatic when it really wasn’t. 

The Show Was Often Unfair to Jackson

To be completely honest, that’s just how reality TV sometimes is. On the one hand, it’s about the real lives of people. But on the other hand, it also has to be entertaining TV. 

Zach actually went into this on the podcast and said that in his opinion, most people are fully aware that this is how things work. For Tori, some of these situations have made her pretty mad over the years. 

She recalled that there was this one time when they went to this fancy restaurant for the show. At the time, she and Zach’s oldest child, Jackson, was still just a baby. Tori said that they still had him in a baby carrier at the restaurant, that’s how young he was. 

Obviously, things like restaurant dinners can be pretty difficult for kids to sit through. A lot of the time, there’s crying and screaming. 

There’s nothing actually wrong with that, it’s just what kids do sometimes. It’s still an uncomfortable situation, though. That’s apparently what the producers decided to put in the show. 

The thing is, that night, it really seemed like this kind of situation was inevitable. Tori explained that she and Zach forgot Jackson’s binky at home. They brought him to this restaurant to sit there for hours without even his little toy to focus on. 

Tori said they were honestly expecting the worst. But Jackson actually surprised them with how calm he was that night. 

Tori actually said that that’s just how Jackson was as a kid. According to her, he was just a really good, sweet kid. But then she watched the show again and realized that the producers made the situation at the restaurant look completely different. 

Tori and Zach Wanted to Give Their Kids Privacy

She actually found this really offensive. She didn’t think it was fair to Jackson that people would think he cried through the dinner when, in reality, he was such a good baby. 

That wasn’t the only thing about the show that wasn’t really fair to Jackson. That’s another thing Zach and Tori brought up as one of the reasons why they ultimately decided to step back from the show. It wasn’t just about Jackson, either. 

At some point, they just started thinking about whether being on reality TV was really what their kids would want. 

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As Jackson got older and started understanding how the whole TV thing worked, he actually started putting up boundaries of his own. He started asking that some parts of his life be left private and not filmed for the show. 

Zach and Tori made sure that Jackson always got the privacy he asked for. But it got them thinking about all the times when he was too young to ask that something not be filmed. The same really goes for their two younger kids.

That’s really always the problem with filming young kids for reality TV. There’s no way to ask them if they’re okay with being on it because they’re just too young to understand. 

They might get older and realize that they would have rather never been on the show. But obviously, they can’t go back and make that decision for themselves. By the time they start to understand, it’s way too late for that. 

Zach Also Grew Up on TV

This is actually something that Zach himself even experienced as a kid because he also grew up on the show. However, his experience is not exactly the same as his kids’ because the show wasn’t a thing yet when he was a baby. 

Little People Big World only started when Zach was already 15 and starting high school. But he still said there were definitely things he regrets filming for the show when he was younger. Although he didn’t specify which scenes and episodes those were. 

But the thing about all of this is, even he still has regrets about filming some things. And he was a teenager already, not a little kid. This means that he can imagine exactly how his kids might feel in a few years when they look back on the show. 

He said that given the choice, he would choose to do the show all over again. But it’s obvious that both he and Tori were pretty worried about whether their kids would feel the same one day. It was definitely one of the biggest reasons why they decided to quit the show. 

The Show Heavily Affected Zach and Tori’s Relationships

But another one of the reasons is actually something you see on reality TV all the time, and it doesn’t really get talked about that much. It’s the fact that reality TV seems to have a really bad influence on relationships. 

You see it all the time – people on reality TV just having their relationships fall apart. But the thing is, it’s always hard to say what the cause of that is. 

Because you never know if reality TV is the reason that the relationship fell apart. It might be that it was going to fail anyway, even if there was no show. Tori actually noted this on the podcast, too. 

As someone who has been on reality TV, she and Zach get a unique view into this. They have personal experience with being on the show and not being on the show. 

Tori actually said that since they quit the show, their relationships with some of the other Roloffs have already improved. So it really seems like the show was at fault for ruining things between them. 

Tori explained a theory about why she thinks reality TV is so bad for relationships. The problem is that being on a show means that inevitably, people are going to hear you say things that weren’t meant for their ears. 

She explained that everyone always says stuff about others that is just not for them to hear. We all do that, and there’s nothing really wrong with it. 

But when that gets filmed for TV and broadcast to the world, chances are that person is going to hear what you said about them. At some point, it has to get really difficult to not take those things personally. 

The Show May End Because Zach and Tori Left

And once you start taking things personally, that’s the relationship done. It is just sad, honestly, that reality TV comes with these kinds of sacrifices. But at least it sounds like Zach and Tori might be able to rebuild some of those relationships they almost lost. 

The real question about all of this is what will happen with the show, now that Zach and Tori have quit. This is something that the two of them didn’t talk about on the podcast. But I think it’s pretty obvious what the only possible outcome of all of this is. 

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The thing is, almost everyone else had already quit the show before them. With the two of them gone, too, it would really be just Amy and Matt left to fill the show with content. The two of them have been divorced for a while now so there’s not much going on between them. 

No matter how you look at it, it seems like the show might be done after season 25. Although, we’ll still have to wait and see. 

Marriage problems for Mama June

Photo Credits: Justin Stroud/Instagram

Mama June’s marriage might be in trouble. A while ago, she made a major decision that impacted both her and Justin. However, she didn’t talk to him about it at all before making it.

In recent exclusive footage from Mama June: Family Crisis, Mama June took a bold step for her family. In the clip shared by ET Online, she could be seen in a car with Justin and her daughter Anna Cardwell, who has since passed away.

RELATED: How Mama June Stole From Her Kids

For some reason, June decided that this was the perfect time to reveal to Justin her plans of not renewing their current house lease on their property in Alabama since they were looking to move to Georgia to be closer to her children. This wasn’t a bad idea on her part. The problem was that the information was getting to Justin a little too late.

Apparently, when June told Justin of her decision, they only had a few days before their lease expired. And to top that off, they hadn’t even found a property to move into in Georgia.

Justin Went Off on Mama June

This upset Justin. June single-handedly made a decision that would make them homeless in a matter of days if they didn’t act fast. Knowing Mama June and Justin, this was a valid concern.

So, Justin went off on June, explaining that she couldn’t just make decisions on her own about what house they were going to live in without letting him know about it. After all, they are a couple and a decision like this is one they’re both meant to make together.

But Mama June wasn’t having any of it. Her defense was that the time they spent with Anna and watching her go through chemotherapy made her too busy to remember to share this information. This seemed like a pretty weird excuse.

First of all, this whole thing was important and a major thing that was going to affect both their lives. And second of all, it’s not like it would take her ages to just share this information with Justin. I mean, she could’ve done it all in just a couple of seconds.

But here’s the thing. Maybe letting Justin know about this ahead of time was never part of the plan.

Think about it for a second. The only thing that makes sense here is that maybe she didn’t pass on the information because she didn’t want Justin to be a part of the decision-making process on whether they leave Alabama or not.

This is exactly what Justin thought, too. Which is why he made a comment saying that it doesn’t look like his opinion matters in their relationship anymore. Because if it did, she wouldn’t have made a decision about their house alone.

Many Fans Think Justin is Too Good For Mama June

This comment struck a nerve with June, who then revealed the reason why she did everything the way she did. According to her, she did it because she was tired of being controlled.

She explained that Justin always says that she loves being the boss in their relationship. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

June always dated men who didn’t let her express herself or make decisions in their relationship. In her words, she was used to being with men who took her credit cards, beat her, and told her that she wasn’t allowed to talk unless spoken to.

But all of that has changed now because she finally has her own opinion and her own voice. So she believes that she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, without having to get permission from Justin like she did with all of her previous boyfriends.

But even if this is all true and June’s intentions were pure, not everyone sees things the way she does. There’s a whole Reddit thread about how June treats Justin horribly and doesn’t deserve to be with him.

Apparently, even though June seems to be all about her family and nothing else lately, people don’t think she’s doing all of that because she actually cares about her family. What a lot of people think is that she’s only doing all this because she’s trying to impress Justin’s parents. 

After all, they don’t seem to be impressed by the fact that she’s famous. Or at least that’s what some people seem to think.

Since she can’t win them over with fame or money, her best bet is to impress them with her character. But this is all starting to affect her relationship with Justin.

June Tried To Buy Justin Off

I mean it’s pretty obvious that they have their fair share of differences and things they need to fix. Most people seem to think that one of their biggest problems is that they aren’t really made for each other. Justin cares about June a lot, but there’s still the fear that he’s just not the right guy for her.

On the one hand, he seems to be the complete opposite of every other guy she’s been with. He genuinely cares about her and is trying to help her understand the importance of having a relationship with her daughters. But on the other hand, people seem to think that he’s only doing all of this because he’s gotten sucked in by June’s fame and isn’t willing to let that lifestyle go.

Just like her previous relationships, at the start of her thing with Justin, June tried to buy him off. She got him new teeth and a new wardrobe, among other things. She practically got him a new everything – almost as if she wanted to buy his love.

Producers of The Show Portray Justin as “Mr. Nice Guy”

When this happened in her relationship with Jordan, he ended up leaving her and getting engaged to another woman. Even though Justin seems like a great guy based on the narrative the producers of the show are trying to push on everyone, who’s to say that he won’t end up doing the same thing Jordan did?

After all, he doesn’t have the cleanest slate to begin with. He’s also been to jail and is a recovering addict, too. Then, let’s also not forget the fact that some people believe that the producers of the show are trying too hard to push the Mr. Nice Guy narrative on Justin.

And one of the possible reasons why they’d do something like this is to hide the fact that he actually isn’t so nice. But if this is the case, then some people believe that he just might be the perfect fit for June after all. Even though she’s trying to clean up her act and change her ways, she still doesn’t seem to be the greatest person out there.

So maybe things could actually work out for the couple. But honestly, who knows.

The sad truth about Anna Cardwell

Photo Credits: Anna Cardwell/Instagram

In December 2023, Entertainment Tonight reported the sad news that Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell had passed away. Everything about Anna’s terminal cancer and her untimely passing was tragic.

But shocking new details are emerging about Anna near the end of her life. You won’t believe what her mom, Mama June Shannon, revealed in an exclusive report.

It’s never easy to receive shocking news like a diagnosis of terminal cancer. But according to a recent People article, Mama June revealed that Anna was taking her cancer diagnosis especially hard.

A trailer for Mama June’s reality show, Mama June: Family Crisis, exposed the real truth. The trailer was titled, “Are June and Justin prepared to raise a 12-year-old?” 

But shockingly, Mama June claimed in the trailer that Anna had the problem, not her or her husband, Justin Stroud. She even said that her daughter didn’t have her affairs in order. Mama June alleged that Anna was “in denial” about her terminal cancer.

Shockingly, she was sure that Anna’s refusal to take charge of “certain affairs” would hurt her daughters, Kaitlyn and Kylee. Mama June kept on making shocking allegations about how much Anna struggled, and what was happening in the family as Anna reached what Mama June called her “final destination.” She made these confessions on camera at a breakfast restaurant, sitting with Justin and his mom.

Eldridge Was Hesitant to Become Kaitlyn’s Legal Father

Mama June claimed that she and Justin were relocating to Georgia because she wanted to be closer to Anna and her grandkids. But she also confessed a more shocking reason for their move.

In the Mama June: Family Crisis trailer, Mama June insisted that “it’s a hard subject to talk about.” But she still revealed that Anna’s husband, Eldridge Toney, had confided to her that “he’s not going to be able to handle” raising Anna’s daughters “whenever Anna was to pass away.” Although Mama June claimed that Anna had said she wanted “Eldridge to adopt Kaitlyn,” she also said that Anna was “brushing off” making the arrangements.

Kylee, the youngest daughter, would be raised by her biological father, Michael. But Eldridge allegedly told Mama June that he was hesitant to become Kaitlyn’s adoptive father.

The situation sounded so crazy that Justin even claimed on air in the restaurant, “It’s going to be a mess when it comes to that child.” It seemed like Mama June defended herself on camera, claiming that she had yet to find the right time to sit down with Anna to “talk to her about her plans,” as People said in their exclusive.

Allegedly, Mama June wanted to talk to Anna alone, without Eldridge around. She was concerned that Anna would not “say what she wants to say” with her husband in the room. Mama June also stated that she was fully prepared to give Kaitlyn “what she needs.” 

Mama June Cared For Kaitlyn For Four Years

Later, in a sit-down confessional, Mama June reminded everyone of what she had done during the first four years of Kaitlyn’s life. She said, “Anna just wasn’t quite ready to be a mom.” 

When Justin’s mom asked him and Mama June during breakfast if they were really ready to take on a 12-year-old girl, Mama June could have told her that she’d taken care of Kaitlyn for many years before.

But Justin had conditions when it came to raising Mama June’s granddaughter. Justin later appeared in a sit-down confessional with Mama June. When she told him, “It may be a real possibility that we end up raising Kaitlyn,” Justin had something to say.

He explained, “You know I’m going to be here and do what I need to do to raise that little girl.” But Justin also said that Anna “has to get paperwork and make it legal.” Instead of agreeing with Justin’s concerns, Mama June later defended Anna. 

In another scene, she told Justin and his mom that it would be a “hard pill” for Anna to swallow when it came time to sign her “rights” away for the custody of her oldest daughter. In a heartbreaking explanation, Mama June admitted, “At that point, it’s going to become real to her.” 

She added that Anna is “not going to be able to see [Kaitlyn] graduate. She’s not going to see her turn 18.” 

Mama June said that Anna would realize, “This is true. This is my destination.” 

Anna’s Cancer Battle Lasted For 10 Months

When Anna passed away on December 9, 2023, Mama June took to Instagram the next day to share the news. Mama June also praised her daughter, writing that Anna “gave one hell of a fight for 10 months.” She added that Anna “passed away with her family around her.” 

It seemed like Mama June was preparing her followers for Anna’s tragic passing with her message on Friday, December 8th. Mama June pleaded in her message, writing, “Y’all, we are asking for prayers for our family as we are going through this process.” 

If Anna was “in denial” about her cancer, as Mama June had claimed, she maintained a great sense of humor about her situation, like in an Instagram post from May 2023. Anna had begun cancer treatments last March. In her post last May, she said it was a “pretty good day” and “Cracker Barrel was good going down but not up,” with a laugh-cry emoji suggesting that she could still joke about feeling nauseous.

She also shared updates about her kids on Facebook last year. In one bittersweet post, Anna wrote that she couldn’t believe she was going to have a middle schooler and a second grader. She added, “I am so proud of my girls and everything they have accomplished.”

Mama June had claimed that TikTok became Anna’s “escape” during her cancer treatments. However, she said it was also “mentally draining” on Anna to get asked personal stuff about her cancer battle nonstop.

Mama June said Anna would “escape” by dancing and “being goofy” on TikTok. She added that Anna’s fans loved that about her. Mama June suggested, “I’ll tell you, go follow Anna, if she’s feeling good, she’s mostly on there.” 

Anna Knew Her Time Was Limited

But Mama June also revealed to People how Anna’s terminal cancer was draining her emotionally. She said she didn’t go on TikTok “a lot because of Anna.” She explained that she wasn’t “mentally or emotionally prepared to deal with 5,000 people” asking about Anna.

Mama June told People last year, “You don’t know whether to scream. You don’t know whether to laugh. You don’t know whether to holler.” Then she said, “You don’t know who to blame.”

Eldridge did an exclusive interview with People about a week after Anna passed away. He revealed some intimate details of their final moments together.

He confirmed to People that he married Anna on March 4, 2023. Elridge said that they “knew time was limited” because of Anna’s diagnosis. 

Then, Eldridge discussed Anna’s last days. He revealed, “We had our talk and said our goodbyes.” Eldridge claimed that Anna’s final “wish was for her girls to grow up knowing who their mother was.” 

Eldridge said, “I promised I would do right by the girls always. I will spend my life doing right by Anna and the girls.”

Anna’s young husband also praised her for being “super strong for the family,” even though she was in tremendous pain and taking “lots of medications.” Sadly, Eldridge did confess that while Anna put on a brave face when it was just the two of them, it was hard not to break down.

Anna’s Services Were Private

People also reported one shocking decision that Anna allegedly made. The exclusive report claimed that Anna’s legacy “will live on” because she wanted her “final days” to be filmed for the family’s reality show.

The exclusive report also revealed that People staff were invited to Anna’s private funeral on Wednesday, December 13th. Anna’s visitation at the Williams-White Columns Funeral Home in Gordon, Georgia, was public. 

The service was kept private for family, friends, and guests only. Attendees at Anna’s service were not allowed to bring cell phones.

People reported that about 70 attendees were present for Anna’s “emotional service.” The guests included crew members from the reality show, but no filming occurred at the funeral home—so the service remained private, as the family had requested.

Exposing Heather El Moussa

Photo Credits: Heather El Moussa/Instagram

Heather and Tarek El Moussa might seem like the perfect couple with the perfect family. But just recently, cracks in their image started to show.

On Valentine’s Day, Heather took to her Instagram. She wished all her boys a happy Valentine’s Day. But she left out Tarek’s daughter, Taylor, for no apparent reason.

Tarek, their son Tristan, and Heather’s stepson Brayden were all featured in the initial Valentine’s Day post. But Taylor was very obviously absent from both the photos and the caption.

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Heather wished a happy Valentine’s Day to her boys and talked about how love like this had never existed in her life before. She particularly mentioned how Tarek was her best friend and partner, and how he was the most amazing father figure she could have ever wished for.

The concerning part of the post, however, was her saying how Tarek had her everlasting affection, and so did Tristan and Brayden. She also talked about how she wouldn’t change a thing because all three of them kept her guessing.

She said all of this. But there was still no mention of Taylor anywhere.

Commenters Defended Taylor

Everyone in the comments wondered why she’d singled out just the men of the family. One viral comment noted that it was intriguing how she only mentioned the boys. The commenter added that she could also wish a girl a happy Valentine’s Day.

Another comment concerningly noted that the post could make Taylor feel left out and feel less than the boys. There were also much harsher comments about how rude Heather’s post was. People talked about how failing to acknowledge Taylor on a day dedicated to celebrating loved ones demonstrated Heather’s inconsiderate character.

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This outpouring of support and concern for Taylor was kind of to be expected. Taylor made several appearances on ‘Flip or Flop’ with her parents from 2013 to 2022. Meaning that people watched her grow up, which might be why they feel a little protective of her right now.

She’s also made guest appearances on both of her parents’ spin-off series; Tarek’s Flip Side and Christina on the Coast. Tarek has even proudly suggested before that Taylor may pursue a career in real estate because she has observed her parents working on houses for many years.

She absolutely rocks design, according to him. She’s not only an energetic and exceptionally bright young girl, but he’s also looking forward to the day when she’ll be his coworker.

Heather Said Taylor Was Her Number 1 Girl

Also, when it was announced that Heather and Tarek were expecting a child together, everyone really looked forward to her being a big sister to another little brother. In a heartwarming post about what a wonderful daughter Taylor is, Tarek boasted how she is capable of handling whatever comes her way even though she might have some challenging times ahead of her with a couple of younger brothers. He also shared that for as long as he lives, Taylor will remain his firstborn and daddy’s little girl.

Taylor is also close to her mom Christina, who has on several occasions shared photos of herself and her now-teen daughter. Plus, Heather, who is Taylor’s stepmom, appears to get along well with Taylor.

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In a previous post, she shared a touching shot of herself embracing her. She wrote about how she feels incredibly fortunate with her.

She talked about how she knew her life was about to take a dramatic turn from the moment she met Taylor. How from their first meeting, Taylor welcomed her with open arms and there’s never been a bad time between them.

This made the Valentine’s Day incident even more questionable. Why would she leave Taylor out if they share such a deep bond?

Heather later took to her Instagram Stories to clarify the situation. She posted a picture of herself and Taylor, saying; “We close our ears to the pettiness. We strive for positivity only.”

Heather also stated that Taylor knows she’s her number 1 girl. She also put up a video of herself and Tarek attending one of Taylor’s volleyball games and called Taylor her ‘forever Galentine’ in white letters over the video.

Heather and Tarek Met on a Fishing Trip

So, from this, all seems to be well in the El Moussas’ home. Maybe Heather’s Valentine’s Day post isn’t as big a deal as people tried to paint it.

She, Tarek, and all the kids seem to be doing well. So maybe they are the perfect little family after all.

Their story is definitely super romantic. Heather and Tarek started dating in July 2019.

Although they worked for the same company, they first crossed paths that July while on a fishing trip with some of their colleagues. Apparently, it was love at first sight when they connected.

Rumors about their relationship began flying almost immediately as photos of them kissing and cuddling on the boat trip were released. So when they made an official announcement on Instagram just eight days later, no one was that surprised.

Tarek posted a number of pictures he had taken with Heather, saying how overjoyed he was to announce that this stunning, kind, and extraordinarily gifted young woman had become his girlfriend after more than three years of being single. The pair would often gush about one another and reveal how much they enjoyed being in each other’s presence. So it was again no surprise when news of their engagement broke.

Speaking with PEOPLE magazine about how he knew Heather was the one for him, Tarek revealed that they had been out on a boat one day. When he looked over at her, she had his daughter, Taylor, in one arm and his son, Brayden, in the other arm, and all three of them were cuddling. He knew in that instant that she had to become his wife and a part of his family.

But when Heather was asked about her and Tarek’s relationship, she told PEOPLE magazine that they were best friends and true soulmates. Their love was what she’d imagined all her life.

Heather Didn’t Originally Want Kids of Her Own

At their wedding, Taylor and Brayden were both there. Tarek shares the two of them with Christina Hall, his ex-wife and former co-star on ‘Flip or Flop.’

Christina had Taylor in 2010. As I mentioned earlier, she is Tarek’s first child. The former couple then had Brayden in 2015.

Unfortunately, Tarek and Christina decided to split in 2016, and their divorce was finalized in 2018. But the two HGTV stars remained involved with each other as co-parents to their children.

When Heather came into the picture, she grew close to the kids and even stated how much she loved her role as their “bonus mom.” Getting close to Tarek’s kids was what apparently made her want to have kids of her own. 

Tarek and Heather welcomed a son named Tristan, in January 2023. Prior to this, Heather had been unsure if she even wanted children.

She stated in an earlier interview that because things were pretty hectic in their household, with her developing businesses, raising kids, and filming TV shows, her answer to having kids at the time would be NO. But then, in July 2022, the couple made a pregnancy announcement.

The story of how it all came to be was really sweet and romantic. Apparently, they were in the middle of trying for a baby through IVF when they received a wonderful surprise. They had just undergone the procedure of an embryo transfer when they surprisingly found out that they had conceived naturally.

Tarek hilariously recalled that when Heather showed him the test results, he initially thought she was showing him a Covid test. Although they were so happy about the way things happened, they still have the embryos frozen from the IVF process.

And they might have another baby later in the future through that way. It would be really sweet if they decided to grow their family.

Conjoined Twins Get Married

Photo Credits: Abby and Brittany Hensel/Instagram and Abby and Brittany Hensel/TikTok

It took three years to confirm, but major media outlets, including the U.S. Sun, have revealed that conjoined twin Abby Hensel privately married Josh Bowling in 2021. Abby and her sister Brittany are now 34 years old, and these twins from Minnesota became one of the rarest sets of “dicephalous twins” to survive childhood. Josh is a US Army veteran and also a practicing nurse.

Abby and Brittany posted photographs of the wedding about two years later. Abby and Brittany shared a sleeveless white wedding dress for her big day, and the Sun described their bridal hairstyle as “a half-updo with a bun pinned with a jeweled clip.”

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One striking photo from the wedding is the first dance. Josh wore a grey suit as he shared the tender moment with his new wife and sister-in-law.

Today.com confirmed on March 27th that they’d seen public records of Abby and Josh’s wedding. The couple continues to live in Minnesota, close to where Abby and Brittany grew up.

According to the New York Post, Abby and Josh “kept their marriage under wraps from the public eye until 2023.” Last year, wedding photos were shared on Abby and Brittany’s joint TikTok account.

Video Credits: @abbyandbrittanyhensel/TikTok

The Post also reported that a “resurfaced clip” taken by one of their wedding guests was posted on Facebook. Heidi Bowling, Josh’s Relative, posted the 20-second video of Josh and Abby dancing and kissing at their wedding reception. Josh often posts accounts of their lives on Facebook, and Today wrote, “The family enjoys nature hikes, ice cream, and snow tubing.”

Abby and Brittany Have Always Wanted to Be Moms

Abby and Brittany are teachers who share a fifth-grade classroom. Josh has a child from a previous relationship and shared a “family photo” of his daughter and wife. The photo shows Abby with her arm wrapped around her stepdaughter.

Abby and Brittany’s lives have been the subject of various reality shows and TV documentaries. One documentary, “Joined for Life,” came out when the twins turned 16.

The sisters and their mom discussed many shocking details about existing as conjoined twins. Abby and Brittany insisted they were different people with different personalities, which made life challenging and fulfilling as they learned to work together in every way.

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Abby and Brittany’s mom, Patty, also revealed a stunning detail in “Joined for Life.” She confessed that her daughters had always wanted to have children of their own one day.

In the documentary, Patty explained that having kids might be possible for Abby and Brittany. She said, “This is probably something that could work because those organs do work for them.”

Brittany also revealed her desire to have a baby one day. In the documentary, she said, “Yeah, we’re going to be moms.” However, she admitted they hadn’t yet determined “how being moms is going to work.”

But Brittany wasn’t stressing over it twenty-one years ago. At the time, she said that she and her sister were “just 16 — we don’t need to think about that right now.”

Doctors Originally Wanted to Separate the Sisters

The statistics on conjoined twins are pretty depressing, and the fact that Abby and Brittany are happy and thriving is a real-life miracle in itself. In its recent report, Today.com explained that conjoined twins occur in about one in every 200,000 live births. While many conjoined twins who survive are girls, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia sadly reported that most conjoined twins are stillborn.

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Patty and her husband Mike had to decide whether or not to risk an operation to separate Abby and Brittany after they were born alive. Their doctors advised that one twin might survive the operation, but it was highly doubtful that both girls would make it.

Mike did a shocking interview with Time magazine when his conjoined twins were three years old. Mike asked, “How could you pick between the two?”

Abby and Brittany share the lower half of their body, including their bloodstream and organs below the waist. Abby “owns” the right side of their body and controls that arm and leg, and Brittany controls the left side.

Uncovering Jason Aldean’s Sad Rift with his Daughter

Photo Credit: Jason Aldean/Instagram

Jason Aldean is having big trouble with his oldest daughter, 21-year-old Keeley.

Rumors that the strained father-daughter relationship is the result of his affair with his now-wife Brittany have been gaining more and more attention. But, the truth is, the family drama runs much deeper.

Jason had it all: An incredibly successful country music career and a beautiful family. He met his former wife, actress Jessica Ussery, back in high school at Macon, Georgia’s Windsor Academy.

Jason told Nashville Music Scene in 2011 that he was best friends with Jessica and that everything seemed to work with her by his side. The high school sweethearts eventually tied the knot and were married for 11 years. During their marriage, Jessica gave birth to daughters Keeley in 2003 and Kendyl in 2007.

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Everything appeared to be perfect in the Aldean household until Jason had a major scandal that left everyone involved in shambles. Sometimes it only takes one person to come in and cause an uproar. In this case, that person was Brittany…

Jason’s Cheating Scandal Broke His Family Apart

She’s a former American Idol contestant who was the center of Jason’s 2012 cheating scandal. Photos of Jason kissing Brittany at a bar went viral, and he had no choice but to own up to his embarrassing actions. Jason was remorseful for getting CAUGHT, but can you imagine how his then-wife Jessica and daughters felt?

At least Jason had the decency to not deny being unfaithful, even though he went straight for the typical excuse that he simply made a mistake. Brittany also spoke out, saying that what we all saw was just her experiencing a lapse in judgment — and that she wanted to apologize to everyone affected.

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Well, she must’ve not really been that sorry, because in 2014, she got engaged to Jason. They got married and are still together to this day. Needless to say, Jason’s marriage to Jessica was hopelessly lost after the leaked photos. Jessica was so heartbroken by the entire ordeal that she bit the bullet and filed for divorce.

She’s moved on, but so has Jason. He now has two children with Brittany. He said that even though he and Brittany both hate the way their relationship began, they wouldn’t change the outcome of it all. However, some family members perhaps would have liked to change the outcome.

Who Is Jason Aldean’s Daughter Keeley?

Enter Jason’s daughter Keeley. If you’re curious to know more about her, keep in mind that for the child of a mega famous country star, she prefers a more low-key lifestyle. Her social media presence isn’t very active, despite having aspirations to make her own name for herself in the music industry.

Keeley is still young. She graduated from Summit High School and then enrolled at the esteemed Nashville-based Belmont University, a school that all future country stars attend. Maybe Keeley wants to follow in her father’s footsteps in some ways.

She has picked up the guitar, witnessed what it was like to be on tour firsthand and watched a couple studio sessions in her lifetime. On the other hand, Keeley also wants nothing to do with her dad, especially with Brittany. You see, despite her quiet persona, she is quite the shady queen…

And, to put it simply, I am a little bit obsessed with the subtle jabs she throws at mostly her stepmom. For example, at the beginning of 2022, Keeley posted a screenshot of the song “Rich Girl” by Daryl Hall and John Oates.

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The lyrics are about a spoiled woman who relied on her parents’ money to buy her way out of anything and to get her way whenever she wants. Not only that, but Keeley wrote that the song has been stuck inside her head all week.

Many people thought that she used the song as a reference to Brittany. Now that Keeley is not a minor, fans have reason to believe that she is no longer planning on keeping quiet about how she’s actually feeling about Jason and Brittany’s romance.

It’s not like she can get kicked out of their home or anything. And, from the looks of it, she appears to be distancing herself from them on her own. She did post the screenshot of the song on her private account.

But Keeley has a history of sealing her lips when it comes to her dad and Brittany. From the outside looking in, it appears that she’s always been pretty great at setting clear boundaries. Officially cutting her father and Brittany out of her life would be an example of her boundaries in action.

Followers have clocked that Keeley hasn’t visited Jason’s home for a minute. She actually used to make frequent appearances on social media, especially on Brittany’s accounts, who has made a career out of being an influencer. Except she hasn’t been featured on Brittany’s page since April 2021.

Brittany Has Allegedly Been Withholding Keeley’s Tuition Money

If the rumors are true, then Keeley has reasons not to stop by. Brittany has been branded as an evil stepmom for allegedly witholding Keeley’s college tuition. An anonymous source submitted a short blurb to the gossip site Bravo and Cocktails. It was titled “country stepmom” in June 2022.

The person shared that a daughter of a well-known country star appears to no longer follows her stepmom on social media and vice-versa. Within the last year, the stepmom has taken favor to the second daughter — and the oldest hasn’t been seen in family photos and or videos in months.

Rumor has it that the stepmom doesn’t want the dad to pay for college tuition even though they jet set across the world and continue to buy and build multi-million dollar homes. And she doesn’t want him giving his own daughter anything.

The source added that the oldest daughter has realized how toxic the stepmom really is. As expected, everyone in the comments section of the blog post freaked out, because that whole story sounded like the Aldeans. Everything lined up, including the part about Brittany favoring the second stepdaughter, Kendyl.

Unlike Keeley, Kendyl appears in Brittany’s social media posts a ton. It looks like she actually gets along with Brittany, getting pampered and spoiled by her stepmom on a regular basis.

Keeley May Have Had a Bit Argument with Jason and Brittany

But the fact of the matter is that looks can be incredibly deceiving. People are speculating that there was a big argument between Jason, Brittany and Keeley that resulted in Keeley deciding to never go out of her way to visit them again.

That would explain Brittany constantly parading Kendyl around in her stories to keep up with the good stepmom image. If all of this is true, Keeley is right to be outraged. It’s also possible that her anger goes back all the way to the rocky beginning of her dad and Brittany’s relationship.

In an Ask.fm interview from years ago, Keeley was asked what kind of wishes she would make if she had three to make. She said number one, to have her parents get back together. Number two, to be successful in life. And number three, to able to have her own family when she grows up.

She was also asked what angers her the most, and she said her dad’s girlfriend. Keeley also wrote that she had never hung out with Brittany back then, and she agreed when someone said that they wish he stayed with her mom.

But what’s most telling is when someone else asked her why she didn’t like Brittany. Keeley fired back, bluntly, that she ruined her life.

Listen, I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes with the Aldean family, but something tells me it’s not real pretty. Keeley was just a kid when her perfect family life was torn apart by a public cheating scandal. Only to have her dad’s mistress, who was at the center of the whole mess, permanently enter her world to become her stepmom…

Now that’s enough to set off an emotional rollercoaster, even if you put the other rumors aside.