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What Really Happened With Diggy Simmons and Chloe Bailey

Photo credit: Diggy Simmons/X and Chloe/Instagram

Diggy Simmons and Chloe Bailey played on screen boyfriend and girlfriend on the show Grown-ish.

But was there ever any romance between them off screen as well?

When the show first aired in 2018, it didn’t take long for viewers to speculate if the pair’s chemistry was so good because the two actors were actually falling for each other in real life.

Are Diggy Simmons And Chloe Bailey Dating? 

It’s not unusual for fans to hope that the people playing their favorite characters end up having a real romance, too. 

And it’s also not unusual for that to happen.

Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattison, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes all met and fell for each other while they were on set.

According to PopSugar, it looks like that was also the case for Diggy and Chloe. 

In August 2019, the co-stars were spotted having lunch together at Dave & Busters.

A source even told The Neighbourhood Talk that they saw them kissing. 

A few months later, a video of Chloe and Diggy dancing at a Christmas party sparked more rumors that they’d started dating each other.

But if there was something going on between them, then they must’ve tried really hard to keep things under wraps. 

Because the two weren’t seen in public again after that.

Halle Bailey Hints At Chloe’s Love Life

However, that following year, whispers of their alleged secret romance started to get louder when her sister Halle mischievously suggested something on an Instagram Live.

One of their followers asked them if they’d ever dated one of the other cast members of Grown-ish. 

Halle looked at her sister and asked- “Chloe?”

Chloe looks back at her sister in disbelief and asks- “What?!”

Suggesting that it was not something that she wanted to talk about in the public eye.

The sisters have dropped hints about their love lives in their music.

Were Chole Bailey’s Lyrics About Diggy? 

And there was one song from their 2020 album Ungodly that really got people’s tongues wagging. 

Because Metro reported that Chloe was singing about one of her exes, who a lot of fans suspected was Diggy.

In the lyrics of the song Busy Boy, Chloe sings about a guy who is going out with a bunch of different girls at the same time. 

Though there’s been no confirmation that the player was Diggy, the song helped fuel the fire that there could’ve been a fling between him and Chloe at one point. 

It’s no secret that the Bailey sisters write their song lyrics based on the relationships, romances and important moments that they’ve gone through in life.

The Metro report revealed that Chloe once said that what she loved about creating music was that they could put their experiences in the music.

And that was how they’d share their personal lives.

She added that it was fun, because that way her fans could kind of see what they’d been dealing with. 

But that means that there is also a lot of room for interpretation. 

And since the two singers don’t often confirm or deny the gossip surrounding their songs, it’s up to the listener to decide if it’s true or not.

Will Diggy Simmons And Chloe Bailey Make Music Together? 

Diggy and Chloe may have worked together as actors, but the pair have never made any music together.

But it’s reportedly not something that’s off the table either.

In an interview on the Kreative Klout podcast, Diggy said there was absolutely a possibility that he would collaborate with Chloe on music.

He shared that a lot of the Grown-ish cast members were pretty musical, and that they’d always be messing around on set, beatboxing, rapping and banging on tables together. 

So he confirmed that there was a big chance that they’d one day make some music with each other.

Diggy Simmons And Chloe Bailey’s Relationship

What’s not clear is what kind of relationship Diggy and Chloe have now. 

In an interview with Essence, Diggy gave his opinion on the different ways that a breakup can go.

He revealed that when relationships end, people never quite know how they are going to end. 

He asked: “Can you just be cool or is it just this straight up, ‘No, we’re not good. We’ll never be good?’”

Since the rumored fling between him and Chloe, Diggy hasn’t really been seen with anyone else.

Diggy Shares Intimate Details About Type Of Woman He’s Looking For 

When speaking with BET, he gave some pretty intimate details about the kind of person who he was looking to have a romantic relationship with.

He admitted that a dealbreaker for him would be someone who couldn’t navigate through different spaces.

Diggy explained that he would often find himself in different rooms, traveling a lot, and doing different kinds of work. 

Which was why he was hoping to meet someone who he could bring along with him and know that they would be able to get along with people.

When he was asked if long-lasting love still existed, he confessed that he thought that it did.

Diggy said: “I think that if you find the right person and you’re able to focus on them, without having anything come between the two [of you], it’s possible.

Chloe Said, ‘I’m One Thousand Percent A Hopeful Romantic’ 

Funnily enough, Chloe is reportedly still single now, too. 

During an interview with COSMOPOLITAN, Chloe admitted that she was single at the time, and that she hadn’t seen anyone for almost a year by that point.

Her theory for her being single was that she was working on herself.

She explained that when people haven’t mastered the art of loving themselves, they question why others would love them.

Chloe went on to add that she couldn’t expect someone to love her wholeheartedly when she was not there yet within herself.

When asked what she was like when she was in love, she revealed that she was such a mush ball, and she loved cuddles.

She shared: “I want someone to be just as madly in love with me as I am with them. I’m one thousand percent a hopeful romantic.”

Her interview with COSMOPOLITAN wasn’t the first time she’d brought up her single status and understanding the importance of your self-worth

When speaking to E! News in 2022, she said that she was learning that self-love was the greatest form of love that someone could ever receive.

She added: “Any man who is lucky enough to come into my life will have to compete with that.”

Who Is Chloe Bailey Dating Now?

But is there a man in the picture?

The last time that Chloe was linked to someone was toward the end of 2023, when she was seen leaving a club with rapper Tyga, per the Daily Mail.

After they exited the venue, the duo got into a luxe black car together.

But they haven’t been spotted together since. 

Chloe’s love life made headlines in 2022 when she was rumored to have dated Gunna.

According to J-14, she admitted that her song, For The Night, was written about the rapper.

She revealed that she knew she might regret saying it, but she confessed she could live with the secret being out there because it might help the song get streams.

Reportedly, she wrote the song after she heard Gunna speaking on an episode of the Breakfast Club.

In the interview, he denied the rumors that the pair were dating, by claiming that they were just really good friends. 

But the lyrics of For The Night make it sound like they were more than just pals. 

In the song, Chloe sang about laying on a man’s chest in her bed, and how she loved when he called her baby, and made her feel like his lady. 

Chloe Bailey Speaks Out On ‘Boring’ Accusations 

The Washington Post reported that Chloe recently came under fire for her reputation of being ‘boring.’

She addressed the claim by saying that she could never do enough.

She liked to keep her inner circle small and her business to herself.

Chloe claimed that the reason some people labeled her as uninteresting was because she’d keep certain things hidden and private. 

The performer admitted that being boring was a good thing. 

She stated that she didn’t take any illegal substances, or anything scandalous like that, and added that she’d much rather be boring.

The Washington Post also asked her to describe herself.

Chloe shared that she was a melting pot of things.

She said: “I am like this big burst of energy around the ones who make me feel the most safe. And my outlet for any frustration is my art.”

The Tragedy of Michael B. Jordan

Photo credit: Michael B. Jordan/Instagram

Not everyone knows that Michael B. Jordan once came dangerously close to losing his life. 

He was involved in a serious car accident in December 2023.

Michael B. Jordan’s 2023 Car Accident

Luckily, no one was hurt in the crash, but it happened on a busy street in Los Angeles, so it was fortunate that Michael was able to walk away from it unharmed, and that he didn’t hurt anyone else. 

The truth is that it could easily have turned out a lot worse.

TMZ was the first to report that the actor crashed his Ferrari 812 Superfast into a parked Kia SUV while driving on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

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According to the report, both vehicles were pretty badly damaged, but it was the light blue $400,000 Ferrari that took the worst of the collision. 

The right fender of Michael’s car came off, along with the right tire, too.

The LAPD arrived at the scene and determined that the movie star showed no signs of being under the influence or impaired in any way, so they didn’t perform a sobriety test on him.

How Michael B. Jordan Wrecked His Ferrari 

About a week later, the story of the incident became a hot topic online when a video of the crash started circulating. 

In the viral video, Michael’s Ferrari could be seen driving alongside a red one, and just as it overtook his, the blue Ferrari lost control and collided into the parked car on the side of the road.

Another report by TMZ revealed that the video was being used as part of the investigation into the incident. 

The outlet’s sources shared that if the police found criminal culpability after determining the cause of the accident, then they would forward the case to prosecutors.

And they claimed that there was a possibility that Michael could be charged if that were the situation.

It was speculated by those who watched the video that the two ferraris might have been racing each other down Sunset Boulevard. 

Tenshi Speaks Out About Michael B. Jordan’s Car Accident 

By mid-December, more shocking details about the accident surfaced when Entertainment Tonight shared its interviews with the red Ferrari driver and the person who filmed the crash.

Tenshi Angel, the owner of the other Ferrari in the video, told the outlet that he’d just been driving in Hollywood, listening to music, when Michael’s car pulled up alongside him.

Tenshi claimed that he couldn’t see who was driving the car next to his. 

It wasn’t until he saw the story on the news later that evening that he realized he’d been next to a movie star.

They were reportedly just cruising down the road together for about two blocks.

At one point, they began revving their engines a little bit. 

He said that he honked the car horn three times and then drove ahead, which was when the accident happened.

Tenshi insisted that the duo weren’t racing each other. 

He said: “We were revving engines, but we weren’t going fast at all.”

After beeping his horn and taking off, Tenshi alleged that he picked up speed really fast, and when he looked back, he couldn’t see Michael’s car anymore, so he slowed down.

But he didn’t turn the car around because he supposedly didn’t see the crash happen. 

He thought that Michael had just turned a corner or something, so he kept driving on.

The Ferrari owner made the claim that he would’ve stopped to help him if he’d known that he’d crashed. 

He suggested that Michael maybe needed some driving lessons, and after revealing that he’d been driving for a long time, he offered to give some lessons to the famous actor.

Michael B. Jordan’s Car Crash Caught On Camera By Artist

The person who caught the collision on camera is an artist who goes by the stage name Bagchaser Lingo, per ET.

He explained that the reason he was recording was because he was a big fan of luxury cars.

Bagchaser Lingo claimed that it looked like the two drivers were racing each other, because ‘they were side by side.’

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Though he witnessed the accident, he didn’t stop to help Michael because he said that he was late for an event.

He alleged that he caught up with Tenshi further up the road and warned him that the blue Ferrari had crashed, thinking that they were maybe friends, but Tenshi told him that they weren’t.

Bagchaser Lingo said that he knew that “it wasn’t that bad of an impact that he might be hurt.

He added that he was still relieved when he found out that nobody got injured.

Michael B. Jordan Dismissed Of Charges 

Just over a year after the accident happened, TMZ reported that the investigation into the incident had been closed, and that Michael wasn’t going to be charged with anything. 

Despite the video of the crash, the LAPD told the outlet that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove what exactly went down that evening in December.

The crime that Michael could’ve been accused of was street racing, which is considered to be a misdemeanor. 

But in order to prove that, the police would need evidence that Michael was definitely driving the vehicle, but the police only showed up after the crash, and the star couldn’t be seen in the video.

Since the investigators couldn’t tell how fast the Ferrari driver was going in the footage, they couldn’t fine him for speeding either.

So, the investigation was dropped.

What Happened To Michael’s Ferrari After The Car Accident? 

But the story didn’t end there, because something pretty strange happened to Michael’s car after the accident. 

AutoEvolution covered the bizarre journey that the Ferrari was taken on.

Because of the damage to the vehicle, Micahel’s insurance company claimed that it was ‘a write-off.’

In January 2024, the company put the car up for sale in the state that it was in, without any repairs of any kind.

Someone bid for the car, but just two months later, they mysteriously put it on eBay, with a price tag of $198,999. 

The listing was good news for someone who’d had their eye on the car ever since the day of the crash.

James Condon, the owner of the YouTube channel TheStradman, was reportedly hoping that he would get the chance to buy the second-hand Ferrari 812 Superfast.

In his bio, he claimed that he loved supercars and that he lived in Park City, Utah.

According to the article, his friend was there at the scene of the accident and immediately told James about what’d happened.

A year later, he bought the car on eBay for $187,000. 

He then purchased a trailer and drove for ten hours to get to California and collect the wrecked Ferrari. 

He documented his journey with a video for his Youtube Channel that has racked up over a million views. 

How Did Michael B. Jordan Become Famous? 

Luckily for Michael, replacing his luxury car wasn’t something that he would struggle to do financially, given that he is worth $50 million, per Celebrity Net Worth

The actor got his break on the hit TV show The Wire when he was just a teenager. 

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And since then, movies like Fruitvale Station, Creed, and Black Panther have made him a household name.

Michael Said, ‘There’s A Loneliness That I Have …’

But Michael has been open about how being in the Hollywood elite is not all it’s made out to be. 

On an episode of the Jay Shetty Podcast, he said that he didn’t mind some of the challenges a lot of movie stars have to face.

He explained that he loved multitasking and the balancing act that he did.

But he went on to confess that the worst part was the loneliness that came with that.

Michael told Jay: “There’s a loneliness that I have. The responsibility that you have is isolating, and the weight is isolating.”

He continued by saying that the worst part of it all was the feeling that nobody really understood.

When Jay asked him about how his love life was, Michael repeated that it was very lonely. 

He shared that the sacrifice, the compromise that came with a partnership and a relationship, and understanding how to make that all work, would sometimes give him anxiety and pause.

Michael explained that because of his celebrity status, love wasn’t enough to make a romantic relationship work.

He admitted that it would take a very special person to understand and grow with him, and that he had reached the point where he wanted to start a family with someone.

Hopefully, he’ll be able to get there some day.

The Tragedy of Ciara

Photo credit: Ciara/Instagram

Ciara has done some amazing things in her professional life. 

Her first album went to number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 when she was just 18 years old.

She’s received multiple Grammy nominations, and she took one home for her song Lose Control.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, she has a net worth of $20 million. 

Ciara’s Relationship With Future 

But Ciara hasn’t always been as lucky in her personal life.

In 2012, she got into a relationship that would end up changing her life forever.

Her romance with rapper Future was short-lived, and it reportedly ended in a lot of pain for her.

The pair got engaged in 2013, and a year later, they had a baby together named Future Zahir.

But just months after he was born, the brand new parents broke up.

Since they shared a son together, Ciara and Future were forced to stay in each other’s lives, which is something that Ciara has suggested has caused her a ton of problems over the years.

Their issues reportedly started after Ciara gave birth.

Ciara’s Candid Confession 

Fox News reported that on an episode of Red Table Talk, Ciara opened up about how miserable she was toward the end of the relationship.

She confessed that she’d have moments when she would be crying in the shower, crying in the bedroom, and overall crying because she was not in the happiest place.

She was hurt by what she was going through.

In an episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast, Ciara got candid about the moment that she realized that things with Future were over.

She said: “You know it from the head to your feet, from your feet to your head.

She went on to explain that it was sometimes important to look in the mirror and reflect, and to ask if there were things that she could be doing differently in her life.

Then she finished by adding that there was nothing fun about being confused all the time or having someone taking her on the run-around.

Why Did Ciara And Future End Their Engagement? 

When speaking with Huffington Post Live, Future claimed that HE was the one to end the engagement because he claimed that they’d just grown apart.

However, Ciara made it known that she didn’t agree with his statement.

Not long after the article came out, she took to Twitter to defend her reputation.

She wrote: “Some person is so dishonest and ignorant that they don’t deserve a response.”

Though Ciara never went into the details about why they broke up, there was a story circulating that suggested that it had something to do with betrayal.

US Weekly reported that Future allegedly cheated on his then-fiance with his stylist Tyrina Lee.

One of the outlet’s sources alleged that Ciara found out about the affair through multiple sources.

The couple didn’t have to go through the pain of getting divorced.

Ciara And Future’s Legal Battle 

But unfortunately, Ciara did have to go through an uphill legal battle when it came to who would get custody of their son. 

Future Zahir was Ciara’s first child, but her ex already had a bunch of other kids.

Hot New Hip Hop revealed that Future has 7 other kids with 7 other women, and he allegedly doesn’t have great relationships with quite a few of those baby mamas either.

According to documents that the Daily Mail saw, the feud between them got seriously vicious.

Leaked emails from their lawyers revealed that they were accusing each other of all kinds of nasty things like lying, failing to take substance tests, and using too much foul language.

Future Calls Out Ciara 

But it wasn’t just the press that was sharing information about how ugly things had gotten between them.

Future seemed to have no shame in sharing some of the drama that was going on behind closed doors.

He took to his Twitter to let everyone know his personal thoughts on his ex.

He said that he hated that he had to go through his lawyers to see his son.

He explained that he found it ridiculous, considering that he was supposedly paying fifteen thousand dollars a month.

Then he made the claim that Ciara had control problems.

However, an insider for PEOPLE alleged that his accusations weren’t true, and he was just using the media’s attention on him to promote his music. 

The source said that he did not nor had he ever paid $15,000 in child support, and Ciara had never stopped him from seeing his child.

How Ciara Turned A Negative Into A Positive 

When talking to Women’s Health, Ciara got real about how breaking up with her son’s father had a big positive to it.

It really helped her to start prioritizing her own well-being more. 

After the split, she told herself that she had to figure out how to navigate the next chapter of her life.

All the things that she was aspiring to have at the time, including love, made her realize that it was going to happen when it was supposed to. 

Later in the interview, she revealed that she knew that she couldn’t love anybody to the best of her ability if she wasn’t loving herself.

Ciara’s Relationship With Russell Wilson 

In 2015, Ciara’s life changed for the better when she met someone new.

She fell in love with NFL quarterback Russell Wilson. 

Their relationship moved pretty quickly, and in March 2016, they got engaged. 

A few months later, they were married. 

Since then, the couple have welcomed three children of their own together. 

How Future Made It Difficult For Ciara’s Relationship With Russell  

But as happy as Ciara has said that she is these days, there’s reportedly always been a shadow in the background. 

Because according to reports, Future made things difficult for her at every step of her relationship with her new man.

It was pretty clear from the start that he seriously disliked Russell, and he supposedly hated that his son got to spend so much time with him.

An article by the Daily Mail reported on a story that showed just how bad things got for Ciara in 2016.

Why Ciara Filed A Lawsuit Against Future 

That was the year when she filed a defamation lawsuit claiming that Future’s reaction to her new relationship had caused her emotional distress, humiliation, stress, anger, and suffering.

TMZ reported that Ciara was also making the allegation that her ex had repeatedly threatened Russell.

As an example, she shared a social media post where Future shared some weapon emojis facing some football emojis.

She also described his behavior as frightening and socially irresponsible. 

Future Filed Lawsuit Against Ciara And Throws Shade 

But Future didn’t just sit back and take it. 

Instead, he filed a countersuit against Ciara and threw some major shade at her.

His opinion was that his comments couldn’t hurt Ciara’s reputation because her career was already in a pretty bad place.

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Some people thought that this was a diss about how poorly her 2015 LP performed, which his legal team described as a flop.

Nothing really came of the lawsuits in the end, but the relationship between Ciara and her ex reportedly hasn’t improved that much.

Future Disses Russell Wilson 

In 2023, Future took another jab at Ciara’s husband when he rapped on a verse of Quavo’s song Turn Yo Clic Up, per Vulture.

However, Russell has reportedly found his own little ways to get back at his wife’s former fiance.

Atlanta Black Star claimed that he recently posted a photo of him and Future Zahir walking side by side on a football field.

In the caption, he mentioned that he would counsel him with his loving eye on him, which some people thought was a dig at the boy’s biological dad.

Ciara Responds To How Coparenting With Future Is Going

But what is Future’s relationship with his son like? And how has it been co-parenting with his ex?

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In an interview with The Shade Room, Ciara gave a hint at how she thought their co-parenting was going.

When the host Thembi Mawema brought up the topic, Ciara actually started to laugh for 15 seconds straight.

After she was done, Thembi summed up her outburst by saying: “I guess that says it all.

But Ciara has been making the most of her new life with Russell and their kids. 

Are Ciara And Russell Wilson Expecting Twins? 

There are even rumors that the pair might be expecting another child, according to the Atlanta Black Star.

Ciara shared a photo dump of a recent trip to Saudi Arabia.

And her Instagram followers couldn’t resist pointing out that she was wearing loose clothing in all the photos she shared.

One online user commented that they thought that Ciara was pregnant again, but this time with twins, and they joked that Russell needed to get off her.

Another person wrote that Russell was building his own team. 

Somebody else chimed in and said that Future had dropped 3 albums this year, so Russell said that they needed 3 new babies.

However, only time will tell if Ciara is truly pregnant again or not.

The Tragedy of Missy Elliott

Photo credit: Missy Elliott/Instagram

Melissa Arnette Elliott, aka Missy Elliot, is now one of the most highly respected and adored figures in hip-hop.

But behind the glamorous exterior lies a life filled with heartache and struggle.

Missy Elliott’s Rise to Stardom 

From a young age, Missy was determined to make her mark in the music world.

At just four years old, she dreamed of becoming a superstar.

She once declared, “I never saw anything else, never dreamed of doing anything else.”

Today, she is celebrated as a musical genius, known for hits like Work It and Get Ur Freak On.

And she has also created timeless tracks for artists like Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, and Janet Jackson.

Missy Elliott’s Difficult Childhood

Despite her incredible achievements, Missy’s journey has been riddled with challenges that have shaped her into the resilient person she is today.

Missy’s childhood was marked by severe hardship.

Born on July 1, 1971, in Portsmouth, Virginia, she lived in a home that was far from comfortable.

Her father was a member of the military, and after his service, the family returned to Virginia.

They moved into a rundown house with no running water.

The conditions were apparently unspeakable.

Missy recalled, “I remember having mice in the house.”

The family struggled to make ends meet, and the lack of basic necessities also meant that it was a chaotic environment.

In such a difficult situation, music became her safe space.

She would write letters to her musical heroes, dreaming of a life beyond her circumstances.

How Missy Elliott Coped With Childhood Trauma 

But Missy’s early life was further marred by trauma.

When she was eight, she endured an unimaginable experience of being harmed by a family member.

The betrayal left deep scars.

She said, “It don’t disappear. You remember it as if it was yesterday.”

This horrific event added to the turmoil of her childhood.

To cope, Missy turned to music, pouring her emotions into her art.

She found solace in creativity, using it as a way to express herself and escape her painful reality.

Missy Elliott’s Father’s Violent Behavior Toward Her Mother  

Harm was a recurring theme in Missy’s life, as she also witnessed her father’s violent behavior toward her mother.

The physical harm Patricia endured was severe.

Missy once described how her father caused injuries that left lasting psychological effects.

On one harrowing occasion, he threatened them with a firearm.

Fearing for their lives, Missy and her mother made the incredibly brave decision to leave.

At just 14 years old, Missy helped her mother escape, taking only the bare essentials with them.

It was a scary time, filled with uncertainty and danger.

After that, Missy promised to achieve success in music to ensure that her mother would never have to suffer again.

How Music Helped Missy Elliott 

Throughout her youth, Missy found comfort in her imagination.

She didn’t like school, but her classroom became a stage.

She loved making her peers laugh and often entertained them.

However, after getting some pretty incredible results in an IQ test, she was moved ahead in grades.

While this was obviously hugely impressive, it left her feeling isolated.

To cope, she transformed her bedroom into a sanctuary, where she could dream and create.

She said, “My room would become a whole other world once I shut that door.”

It was a safe space where she could write, sing, and escape the reality outside.

Missy Elliott’s Musical Collabs 

In high school, Missy met fellow aspiring musician Timbaland.

Their collaboration would eventually go on to shape the music industry.

They started making music together, and Missy quickly recognized her potential.

She joined a girl group called Sista, where she began to write and produce music.

However, after their initial record, the group disbanded.

The setback could have discouraged her, but instead, it fueled her desire to go solo.

Missy Elliott’s Solo Career 

Although the thought of a solo career frightened her, she eventually decided to embrace her uniqueness and pursue her dreams.

Missy’s early career was not without its challenges. 

Despite her talent, she often found herself sidelined in the industry.

Record executives suggested she stay behind the scenes instead of taking the spotlight.

They critiqued her appearance, saying that she didn’t have the right look.

For Missy, the comments were devastating.

Missy Elliott As A Trendsetter 

She felt her art was being called worthless due to society’s beauty standards.

Despite this adversity, Missy was still determined to forge her own path.

She refused to conform to industry expectations, and this unapologetic attitude actually became her trademark.

On top of this, her groundbreaking style was often ahead of its time.

Missy introduced unique elements to her music, blending different genres and experimenting with sounds.

One of her biggest hits, Work It, featured an unusual hook that was actually a technical glitch in the studio.

Rather than being discouraged, she embraced the mistake and made it work in the final product.

This ability to adapt and innovate set her apart from a lot of other musicians.

How Aaliyah’s Passing Affected Missy Elliott 

But despite all her talent and success, Missy’s personal life was marked with yet more heartbreak.

One of her closest friends, Aaliyah, was a talented artist who rose to fame alongside her.

Their bond went beyond music.

They were like family.

Missy described Aaliyah as her confidant – someone she could rely on.

Tragically, Aaliyah’s life was cut short in a plane crash in 2001.

Missy was devastated by the loss.

In a heartfelt tribute, she expressed how deeply Aaliyah’s passing impacted her life.

The grief of losing such a close friend weighed heavily on Missy, but it also fueled her determination to keep Aaliyah’s legacy alive through her own music.

Missy Elliott’s Health Issues

Health issues also played a significant role in Missy’s life.

After years of success, she began to experience worrying symptoms that led to a diagnosis of Graves’ disease.

This diagnosis came with challenges, including fatigue and other physical issues that hindered her ability to perform.

Despite this setback, Missy refused to let her condition define her.

She made lifestyle changes and sought treatment, allowing her to regain control of her health.

In 2011, she reported that she was managing her condition well, showing her resilience in the face of adversity.

Why Was Missy Elliott Hospitalized? 

The pressures of fame took a toll on her mental health, too.

Ahead of her highly anticipated performance at the Super Bowl in 2015, Missy experienced overwhelming anxiety.

The stress became so intense that she ended up in the hospital with a panic attack just a day before the show.

It was a moment of vulnerability for the superstar, but she managed to push through and deliver an unforgettable performance.

This experience highlighted the challenges faced by artists in the spotlight and the importance of mental health.

Missy Elliott Is A Role Model 

Despite her tragedies, she emerged as a beacon of hope for many aspiring artists.

In 2022, her hometown honored her by naming a street after her, a tribute to her journey from those tough beginnings.

Missy has always emphasized the importance of supporting others, especially young women in the industry.

She understands the struggles they face and is committed to being a mentor and guiding light.

Through the highs and lows, Missy Elliott has shown that it’s possible to rise above adversity.

Her story is something that many who face their own challenges can relate to.

And the lesson she can teach those people might just be her most amazing gift.

Her story reminds us all that, no matter the obstacles, there is always a path forward.

The Truth About Fat Joe’s Kids

Photo Credits: Fat Joe/Instagram

Everybody knows Fat Joe as one of the OG rappers of the 1990s, but he’s also a dedicated family man. He has three beautiful kids- Joey, Ryan and Azariah. But how did Joe get there?

Believe it or not, Joe was just 19 years old when he became a dad for the first time. I think it’s fair to say he wasn’t exactly ready for that kind of responsibility. He had no idea how difficult things were about to get.

His firstborn son, Joey, was born with Down Syndrome, a condition that the doctors warned was not going to get any easier as he got older.

This wasn’t the news that Joe or Joey’s mother wanted to hear. I mean, being teenage parents was difficult enough, but now you’re adding lifelong responsibility on top. It’s a lot.

On top of all of this, Joey’s mom decided that she couldn’t handle the pressure of being a mother to a child who would require this much care. She was already kind of hesitant about the idea of being a teen mom, but this was a whole level of stress.

So she made a decision that Joe never saw coming. She wanted to put Joey up for adoption and move on with their lives.

Joe just couldn’t bring himself to get on board. He turned to his mother for guidance, and she basically set him straight, telling him that the child was his and he should be the one to raise it.

With nobody else willing to look out for his child, Joe decided to step up. He told Joey’s mom that he would be raising Joey, whether she was there or not.

Well, you won’t believe what she did. She decided to walk away, never returning to look after Joey.

And you know what? That’s not an easy decision to make, but she had to do what was right for her and her son.

If she wasn’t in a place to take care of her kids, then I guess she made the right decision. Parenthood is not easy, even with a neurotypical child.

In the long run, Joey’s mother making this choice was difficult for Joe to deal with. Even today, he still discusses it as her decision to ‘abandon’ the family and give up on the son that they brought into the world.

But Joe never even considered giving up on Joey, even when Joey was diagnosed with a second condition. The doctor said Joey had signs of autism, making it even harder for him to cope with the real world.

Lorena Stepped Up as a Parent

The fact that he didn’t have a mother figure in his life was just another problem on top of many others. But Joe eventually would solve that problem.

In the mid-90s, Joe met Lorena Cartagena, who had absolutely no hesitations about the idea of taking care of Joey alongside Joe. She loved him as much as anybody, embracing the same challenges and joys that Joe had been dealing with alone for years.

Even today, Joey requires people to watch over him while he sleeps, which would be a challenge for even the strongest relationship. I mean, how many of us would volunteer for something so intense and complicated?

Lorena didn’t even hesitate. She wanted to be the mom that Joey never had.

Over time, she started to want kids of her own, which was also something that Joe was starting to feel. So Lorena and Joe brought two more kids into their family: Ryan and Azariah.

I think we can all agree this was a massive commitment. I mean, Joey already took up so much of their time that if he didn’t like his siblings, it would have been a nightmare.

They had no idea what was right around the corner. Joe had years where he was struggling financially or was serving time for tax issues. If he didn’t have Lorena, those kids would have suffered without having someone to take care of them.

Honestly, I think this is the reason that Joe and Lorena have had such a strong relationship for so long. The two of them balance each other so perfectly.

If one of them doesn’t have the time or ability to take care of the kids, the other one just swoops in to pick up the slack. It’s like the perfect relationship.

Joey’s Mom Never Visited Him

Honestly, Joe is just the perfect dad. And you know why?

Because he loves his kids. Like really loves his kids.

Every single time he gets asked about his son in an interview, Joe just goes off on long tangents about how proud he is, how much he loves his son, and how glad he is that he never once gave up on the biggest blessing of his life. Joey is treated as a king in his family, Joe even calls him “the Don.”

There’s no question that Joey loves being in this family. He gets to sit at the head of the table, he gets everything that he wants and needs, and he treats his siblings with respect and honor.

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While Joey is fine with it, Joe is still kind of touchy about the whole thing. Whenever he gets asked about Joey’s mom, Joe is always respectful and polite but you can tell that he’s angry about his mom not being around.

Joe has said that he has always kept the door open for her, allowing her to visit Joey whenever she wants to. She just hasn’t.

This is understandably a very frustrating and difficult thing for Joe to deal with. He knows Joey as this happy, lovable kid, someone that his mother wouldn’t even have to take care of. She just hasn’t ever been that interested in coming to see him.

Being a Father Is Joe’s Top Priority

But here’s what I love about Joe and how he talks about this. He never lets this define Joey.

Joey is never defined by his condition or the fact that his mother made this choice, he’s simply Joe’s son. While all of this would easily be some kind of long family tragedy for anybody else, Joe just treats it as ancient history.

Joe’s only priority is being a good father to Joey, Ryan, and Azariah, not raking up old drama just to cause trouble for a woman who’s off living her life somewhere else.

He always said that he never knew how to be a fake father or give up on his kids. He’s shown it over and over again. Even when he’s at his lowest, he’s never once shown any signs of wanting to be away from them.

All things considered, this is just one super strong family. I gotta hand it to them. That’s not an easy thing to do in the celebrity world, let alone with a child who has such specific needs.

Honestly, all of this just makes me have more respect for Joe. It cannot have been easy to go through all of this drama, especially at just 19.

But he’s shown over and over that he’s willing to be the greatest possible father that he could be to his kids. It’s obvious that Joey, Ryan, and Azariah could not have a better dad.

The Truth About Snoop’s Daughter’s Stroke

Photo Credits: Cori Broadus/Instagram

Alright, everyone, brace yourselves. This is some seriously intense news, and it might just catch you off guard! 

We’re diving into the real story behind Cori Broadus, the 24-year-old daughter of rap legend Snoop Dogg, and her recent health scare.

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In January this year, Cori revealed that she suffered a severe stroke. Fans all over the world have been sending all their love and well-wishes her way.

But what exactly happened? How did Cori, at just 24, end up dealing with something so serious? Most importantly, how is she doing now? 

Let’s get into it!

Cori Listened to Her Body’s Warning Signs

First things first, when Cori Broadus took to Instagram and shared the news that she had suffered a severe stroke, fans and followers couldn’t believe it. Cori’s young, vibrant, and seemingly healthy, so how could this have happened?

In her Instagram story, Cori revealed she started feeling the symptoms just a day before the stroke hit. Let’s talk about those warning signs because they’re important to know. 

Cori shared that she had blurry vision, nausea, fatigue, and a “really bad headache” on the right side of her head. Imagine trying to push through your day and suddenly dealing with those symptoms. It sounds pretty scary, right? 

But here’s the thing: Cori listened to her body, and that may have saved her life. She reminded her followers how important it is to pay attention to the signals your body sends you.

We have to give her major props for raising awareness because a lot of people might brush off these symptoms, thinking they’re no big deal. But for Cori, they were the early warning signs of something much more serious, a stroke at 24. While a stroke can technically happen to anyone, it’s always more surprising when it happens to vibrant, seemingly healthy young people.

Here’s what happened to Cori right before her stroke. She shared that her blood pressure was sky-high before the stroke, 170, to be exact. If you know anything about blood pressure, you’ll know that’s a dangerous level, especially for someone so young.

With that in mind, she now keeps a close eye on her blood pressure. She even shared that she’s been logging her levels every day since returning home from the hospital.

Luckily, she updated followers saying that her blood pressure had dropped to a much healthier 118/80, and she couldn’t be more grateful for the progress. Seeing how far she’s come in such a short time is incredible.

Cori Has Fought a Lifelong Battle with Lupus

But here’s the big question everyone’s asking: why did this happen? Let’s not forget, Cori’s health challenges didn’t just start with this stroke.

To those who don’t know or remember, she’s been open about her lifelong battle with lupus, an autoimmune disease that she was diagnosed with at the age of six. Lupus is no joke. It’s a condition where the body’s immune system basically starts attacking itself, leading to a whole host of problems. 

Cori’s been dealing with this for most of her life, and it’s shaped who she is today.

Back in the early days of her diagnosis, both Snoop Dogg and his wife Shanté Broadus were desperate to figure out what was wrong with their daughter. They felt helpless watching Cori get worse without knowing how to help her.

Snoop once told People magazine that he had “no power, no friends” when his daughter’s illness was at its worst. Shanté recalled doctors drawing blood and discovering that Cori had what they described as “old-person cells,” which must have been terrifying to hear when your child is so young.

But the family is strong and they have each other’s backs. Thanks to her parents’ support and her own resilience, Cori has learned how to take care of her health and will fight to live the painless life she deserves.

Cori Is Surrounded by a Supportive Family

Cori has taken an inspiring approach to managing her lupus in recent years. Last year, she revealed that she stopped taking her medications and switched to a holistic lifestyle. 

Instead of relying on traditional medicine, Cori has turned to herbs, sea moss, and natural teas, along with an intense focus on working out and staying hydrated. It took a while for her body to adjust to “the new program,” as she put it, which is understandable, of course. But could her holistic lifestyle have played a role in her recent health scare?

While Cori hasn’t outright said that, it’s definitely a reminder that managing chronic illnesses like lupus is tricky. It’s great to focus on natural remedies, but it’s also important to keep tabs on medical markers, like blood pressure, that can signal bigger issues.

RELATED: All About Snoop Dogg’s Family

After her stroke, Cori got a ton of love from her family—no surprise there. Her mom, Shanté, posted a touching throwback photo of Cori as a little girl, calling her daughter a “warrior.” 

Seriously, talk about mama bear vibes! I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Meanwhile, Snoop Dogg himself gave an update on Cori’s health while attending the Los Angeles premiere of The Underdoggs. He kept things brief, reassuring fans that she was doing “a little bit better.” 

However, Snoop couldn’t hide his emotions when he admitted that the worrying incident had made him see life differently. It’s clear that Cori’s stroke shook her family to the core, but it’s also been a reminder of just how strong and resilient Cori is.

Cori Closely Monitors Her Health

Now, let’s talk about the good news. Cori is safe and happy at home! When she returned, she posted a heartwarming photo of her living room decked out with a “Welcome Home” banner, showing that her loved ones are showering her with love and support during her recovery.

And while she’s happy to be back, Cori is taking this as a learning experience. She’s been open about tracking her health closely and doing what it takes to get better. It’s super inspiring to see someone so young face such a serious health crisis with such positivity and determination.

We also can’t ignore that Cori’s recovery is a testament to the importance of listening to your body. As she said, those early symptoms were her body’s way of telling her something wasn’t right.

While a lot of people might try to sleep it off, she did the right thing and asked for help. By paying attention and getting medical help in time, she was able to avoid an even worse outcome.

It’s scary to think about what could have happened if she had waited longer to get help, but it should serve as a reminder that tragedies can be avoided by reacting quickly.

Not Even a Stroke Could Stop Cori

So, now that the worst is over, what’s next for Cori? As she continues to recover, she’s already making it clear that she’s not letting this setback stop her. 

She’s still running her beauty business, Choc Factory, where she’s the CEO and working on building her brand. Let’s not forget that she’s also an advocate for mental health and self-love, using her platform to spread awareness about lupus and now, stroke recovery.

Cori is living proof that even in the face of health challenges, you can still be a boss and live your life to the fullest. She’s got the love and support of her family, her fans, and her community, and I, for one, can’t wait to see what she does next.

Before I wrap things up, I want to take a moment to appreciate how important it is to have a public figure speak so candidly about the warning signs of a stroke, especially since her followers are mostly in their teens and 20s. Strokes can happen at any age, and the symptoms aren’t always obvious.

Cori’s story is a powerful reminder that if you ever experience things like sudden vision changes, extreme fatigue, or severe headaches, don’t brush them off! Get checked out! 

Cori Broadus is a fighter, there’s no doubt about that. From battling lupus to now recovering from a severe stroke, she’s shown us all what strength, resilience, and a positive attitude look like.

I’m so happy to see her on the mend. I’m sure, that once she’s strong enough, she will do great things.

Remember Bam Bam from Alaskan Bush People?

Photo Credits: Bam Brown/Instagram

Alaskan Bush People was one of the most interesting and widely acclaimed survival reality TV shows on air from 2014 until its ending in 2022. The show followed the Brown family homestead, as they lived their lives away from civilization in the harsh Alaskan wilderness.

Of Billy and Ami Brown’s children, fans still fondly remember Joshua, AKA Bam Bam, as the most educated and well-spoken member of the family. Although, many of his siblings found him difficult to work with.

RELATED: Remember Noah Brown from Alaskan Bush People?

Over the years, Bam Bam has gone through quite a journey, experiencing many personal tragedies. So let’s dive into Bam Bam’s life and see where he’s at now.

Joshua is the second oldest of the seven Brown siblings. He was born in Alaska on September 18th, 2024.

Bam Bam was raised in the Alaskan wilderness, learning how to survive on the homestead alongside his siblings. Of course, when the family relocated to Washington State, Bam Bam joined his parents and siblings. Shortly after moving out to Washington, two great tragedies struck the Bam Bam and the Brown family.

The Brown Family Faced Legal Troubles

But long before that, toward the beginning of Alaskan Bush People, Joshua was caught in a nasty legal dispute. According to Distractify, the entire Brown family was charged on over sixty counts. Of these counts, most were of first-degree unsworn falsification, with other counts of first and second-degree theft in addition to those base charges.

The family allegedly lied on legal documents about how much time they were spending in Alaska. By lying about this, the family was able to get extra money from the government.

This government money comes from Alaska giving its residents yearly oil revenue checks. So if the Brown family lied about spending extra time in Alaska, they could cash more money. It may have been a lie, or it may have been an honest mistake as the family wasn’t “technically” living in Alaska.

Billy and Bam Bam plead guilty to the charges to protect the rest of their family. As a result, they served thirty days under house arrest in a hotel, were required to complete forty hours of community service, and had to pay damages.

In the aftermath of this legal drama, Billy came forward to claim this was all a misunderstanding. With People Magazine, Billy said, “Because of the way we live our lives and the way we often unconventionally travel, I didn’t keep good track of our movements… I accept full responsibility for filing for benefits without confirming that we met the requirements.”

After that legal fiasco, the Brown family seemed to be home free. But a major personal development would soon take place in Bam Bam’s life.

A Producer Caused Bam Bam to Leave the Show

In 2017, Bam Bam actually temporarily exited the show in order to pursue a relationship. It was around this time that Joshua actually ended up dating one of the producers on the show, Allison Kagan.

According to Screen Rant, Allison directed a little over a dozen episodes of the series. She is also known for working on other reality TV shows like Teen Mom 2, and 90 Day Fiance. From 2015 until 2018, she served as one of the main supervising directors on Alaskan Bush People.

Bam Bam first spoke about his relationship with Allison on the show. However, in this initial confession, Bam Bam didn’t share any details about who his girl actually was.

Joshua said that he had fallen deeply in love with what he referred to as a “city girl.” He went on to say that Allison “stirred something inside me and made my soul wake up.”

Despite Joshua’s musings about how well their relationship was going, not everyone was on board. Sources close to the family claim that Bam Bam and Allison’s relationship caused a rift in the Brown family.

Supposedly, the Browns weren’t as welcoming to Allison as they had been to other partners. No one is sure why there was some sort of rift, but it may have had to do with Allison being about ten years older than Joshua.

So, Joshua exited the show briefly in 2017, although rumors had already begun to swirl that Bam and Allison had split up. These rumors proved to be false.

To this day, the couple seems to still be together. Although, no one for sure knows if they’re still together, as Joshua keeps a low profile on social media.

Bam Bam Lost the Compound and His Father

Of course, Bam Bam returned to Alaskan Bush People around 2019, right before two tragedies occurred.

First, in August of 2020, the Washington wildfires made their way to the Brown compound and burnt it to the ground. According to The US Sun, the family was forced to leave their 1.6 million dollar compound after it caught fire.

It was a devastating loss to all in the family, but the greatest loss was still yet to come. In February 2021, Billy Brown, the family patriarch, unexpectedly and tragically passed away. His cause of death was revealed to be a seizure, leading to congestive heart failure complications.

RELATED: Alaskan Bush People Health Update

Billy’s son Bear took to Instagram in order to announce his father’s passing. He said, “We are heartbroken to announce that our beloved patriarch Billy Brown passed away last night after suffering from a seizure. He was our best friend.”

In the wake of both of these tragedies, Bam Bam and the rest of the Brown family were left reeling.

Bam Bam Was Involved in a Tragic Accident

For a while, things seemed to quiet down for Bam Bam. He seemed to be doing well, living off the homestead in Washington state with Allison.

But in mid-2022, things took a drastic turn for Bam Bam after he was involved in a terrible accident. According to The US Sun, Joshua was caught in a car accident that landed him in the hospital.

Luckily, Bam Bam only sustained minor injuries. The other drivers involved were not so lucky.

The accident took place on May 20th, 2022 on a Washington state freeway. Bam Bam’s GMC was involved in a collision with a Camaro driven by Gabriella Garcia Harrison.

Camaro “lost control and crossed the centerline into the opposite lane of travel.” This slight swerve caused a head-on collision with Joshua’s car.

Gabriella’s passenger passed away after the two were airlifted to a nearby hospital. The identity of the twenty-four-year-old passenger was never revealed to the public.

After being struck, Bam Bam’s car swerved off the road and landed in a ditch. Officers at the scene of the crime reported that Joshua was in no way at fault for the horrific accident. It was never revealed whether or not drugs and alcohol played any role in the accident.

Bam Bam Wants to Move Forward

After all of these harrowing events, Bam Bam now seems to be set on a new life path. According to Screen Rant, Bam Bam has been trying his best to be a nicer person in recent years.

In the past, some of his siblings have found Joshua difficult to work with. Many have even gone as far as to call the former reality TV star a know-it-all. But now, Bam Bam says that he’s a nicer person, and is trying to do better.

He’s also moved on from his job as the resident fisherman of the Brown family. Instead, many fans may be surprised to learn that Joshua is now pursuing a career as a photographer.

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From his Instagram page, fans can see that Bam Bam is experimenting with all sorts of photography. Recently, he’s posted a lot of nature photography, including orchid photos, and sweeping landscape photos of the natural beauty of Washington.

While he doesn’t post much about his siblings or Allison, he does post a lot with his mother, Ami. On September 17th, 2024, he revealed that he took a trip to the DMV with his mom. Earlier, the two of them did a meet and greet together at a local farmer’s market.

For now, one can hope that Joshua has been able to overcome all of his personal tragedies and move forward as a successful photographer.

Remember Noah Brown from Alaskan Bush People?

Photo Credits: Noah Brown/Instagram

Alaskan Bush People was one of the most interesting and widely acclaimed survival reality TV shows on air from 2014 until its ending in 2022. The show followed the Brown family homestead as they lived their lives away from civilization in the harsh Alaskan wilderness.

Of Billy and Ami Brown’s children, fans still fondly remember Noah Brown for his exciting escapades and charming personality. After the show ended, however, it was revealed that Noah was no longer living on his family’s homestead. To make matters even more interesting, reports have come out about a rift happening in the Brown family behind the scenes.

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So, what caused Noah to leave the family homestead, and where is he now? Let’s dive into it.

According to the YouTube channel Concealed Secrets, Noah Brown was born on July 18th, 1992 to Billy and Ami Brown. He is one of the middle children of six older and younger siblings. Shortly after his birth, Billy and Ami relocated the family to Alaska, hunting a new adventure.

Growing up in Alaska, he learned how to survive in such a harsh environment. Over the years, Noah grew up to find new and unique ways to fend for himself out in the wilderness.

Rain Tried to Sabotage Her Brother’s Wedding

Noah was also one of the first members of the Brown family to start building a family for himself. In 2018, Noah married his fiance, Rhain, during a small ceremony of about twenty-five people in Idaho.

They were married on August 15th, the exact two-year anniversary of their meeting. Billy, Noah’s father, actually served as the groom’s best man.

Shortly before their wedding, Noah and Rhain expressed their marital excitement with People Magazine. According to People they said, “We are so excited to start our new life together as husband and wife and we look forward to building new memories as our own family.”

While the wedding seemed to be great on the surface, the family drama was on full display. Noah’s sister, also named Rain, made some sort of fuss at the wedding. In an act of protest, Rain wore all black to their wedding, hoping to cause a scene.

But this wasn’t the beginning of the feud between Rhain and Rain; it actually started a year earlier. According to Radar Online, the drama really started when Rhain legally changed her name.

Rhain was originally named Ruth but changed her name legally after meeting the Brown family. Rhain’s mother claimed that from a young age, Noah’s wife had preferred to go by that name. Rain Brown took serious offense, claiming that Noah’s partner was stealing her name.

Noah Made the Family Drama Public

This also came in the midst of drama between Rain and her big brother, Noah. Radar claims that before the Rhain versus Rain drama, Noah and his sister were already at odds.

Rain claimed that she was going through a serious depression after the loss of one of her pet bunnies. Noah took this to social media in order to slam her.

In a Facebook post, he said, “When you are a child, like little Raindrop, you do not have to think about what you are going to eat for dinner or worry about paying bills, because your parents do everything for you and you cannot take care of yourself.”

Despite drama brewing with the family, Noah and Rhain set their sights on their own family. Of course, it wouldn’t be long before the two of them actually started that family.

In November of 2018, Noah and Rhain once again took to People Magazine to announce they were pregnant. According to Rhain and Noah, they weren’t necessarily trying to get pregnant, but they weren’t not trying either. Rather, they ended up letting God take the wheel for them.

Regardless, the couple seemed excited, as did the rest of the Brown clan. When the couple first told Ami they were expecting, she nearly started crying with anticipation for her first grandchild.

Noah and Rhain Welcomed a Son

After bearing the child to term, Rhain gave birth to their son, Elijah, on February 26th, 2019. In another exclusive interview with People Magazine, Noah and Rhain shared the happy news of their son’s birth.

They said, “Rhain and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our son Elijah Connor Brown. Mom and son are healthy and happy — he’s already working on his howl!”

It would seem that things were going well for the new family, with all the Browns coming together to welcome their first grandchild. But again, there seemed to be some drama brewing beneath the pristine surface. Just a few months after Elijah’s birth, things took a turn with the Brown family.

According to Radar Online, Grandmother Ami was becoming a little too overbearing after the birth of her first grandchild. A source close to the family revealed that Ami was trying to tell Rhain exactly how to mother her child.

This was allegedly causing a lot of frustration amongst Noah and his wife. The source also claimed that Elijah’s grandpa, Billy, was also complicating matters.

RELATED: Alaskan Bush People Health Update

The source said, “Billy is insisting that the baby be a part of the show and Noah hasn’t fully agreed with all of that yet. He just wants everyone to chill.”

Things took a more serious turn a few weeks later. Shortly after Elijah’s birth, Ami and Billy transferred the deed of a two-hundred-thousand-dollar home to Noah and Rhain as a gift. The home, located in Weston, Colorado, caused a lot of drama between the family.

Allegedly, Rhain got into a massive fight with Bill and Ami’s daughter, Snowbird. Again, a source close to the family said that Noah and Rhain fled to Colorado to avoid the family drama.

Tragedy Struck the Brown Family

For a while, Noah and Rhain took refuge from their family in Colorado. But, at some undisclosed point, they moved back to their family compound in Washington state.

The drama seemed to quiet down. However, it wasn’t long before two major family tragedies would strike, once again throwing Noah’s world into turmoil.

According to The US Sun, the family was forced to leave their 1.6 million dollar compound after it caught fire. In August of 2020, the Washington wildfires made their way to the Brown compound and burnt it to the ground.

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This forced Noah, Rhain, and their growing family to relocate from the compound. It was a devastating loss to the family, but the greatest loss was still yet to come.

In February 2021, Billy Brown, the family patriarch, unexpectedly and tragically passed away. His cause of death was revealed to be a seizure, leading to congestive heart failure complications.

Billy’s son, and Noah’s brother, Bear took to Instagram in order to announce his father’s passing. He said, “We are heartbroken to announce that our beloved patriarch Billy Brown passed away last night after suffering from a seizure. He was our best friend.”

Noah and Rhain Have Not Returned to the Mountain

In the wake of these tragedies, Noah and the rest of the Brown family were left reeling. But shortly after, new life helped the family come together, and move forward.

In November of 2021, Noah and Rhain welcomed a second child, Adam, to the world. This exciting development was a welcome distraction from the tragedy of the past year.

A little over a year after Adam’s birth, it was revealed that Noah and his family still weren’t living on the compound. This sparked even further rumors that there was some family feud going on. Noah took to the internet to dispel any rumors about his absence from the compound.

On his Instagram, he said, “The mountain is home. North Star Ranch is home. The only reason that we are not on the mountain right now is because Rhain and I personally lost everything in the Palmer Mountain wildfire.”

This seemed to set the record straight, but fans are still wary of what’s going on behind the scenes. One Reddit user pointed out that Noah isn’t following over half his siblings on social media.

At this point, no one really knows what Noah’s relationship with his extended family is like. For now, all fans know is that Noah is living his best life alongside his immediate family.

Garth Brooks’ Family Speaks Out

Photo Credits: Garth Brooks/Instagram

On October 15th, a Taste of Country video asked a shocking question. “Why is nobody in country music saying ANYTHING about Garth Brooks?

US Weekly previously heard from an “exclusive” source. Allegedly, Garth’s second wife, Trisha Yearwood, and his three adult daughters have spoken out on the serious accusations Garth is facing of SA and battery. US Weekly’s source claimed that Trisha and the children from Garth’s first marriage to Sandy Mahl “are sticking by his side.” 

Allegedly, the source “recently worked” with Garth. They said the accusations have “shocked” Music City because Garth “is known to be a very kind and nice man.”

The source told US Weekly that “everyone” around Garth thinks he’s “telling the truth.” They revealed that “this is out of character and something [Garth] would never do.” 

The source also describes Garth as a “family man” who is “very down to earth.” They told US Weekly, “All Garth cares about is his family and his fans.”

Trisha Is Standing By Her Man

US Weekly also claimed to know the real truth about Garth and Trisha. On October 15th, the outlet answered the question, “What’s really going on with [Garth] and [Tricia] amid [the] scandal?

According to US Weekly, Trisha “has made it clear she’s standing by her man.” They offered proof, mentioning an Instagram photo that Trisha posted on October 8th. 

The photo shows Trisha and Garth singing together on stage in Las Vegas. Trisha simply captioned the photo, “Love One Another.” 

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US Weekly talked to an insider who revealed that Trisha “completely believes” in Garth. She thinks the “allegations are false.” Trisha is allegedly “supporting [Garth] 100 percent.”

Garth and Trisha are considered to be among country music’s “golden” couples. US Weekly reported that “the music giants are worth an estimated $400 million.”

Another US Weekly source claimed Garth’s scandal has been “really upsetting to Trisha.” The source said that Garth and Trisha are a “very tight-knit family” with his grown daughters. It’s “been devastating” to all of them.

Garth’s Daughter’s Believe He Is Innocent

US Weekly appears to be sympathetic to Garth and Trisha’s situation, but they did drop one bombshell about Trisha’s home in Nashville. The New York Post reported the same story, claiming that Trisha had “unloaded” her “extraordinary” home in Nashville only “one day before” the shocking lawsuit against Garth went public.

According to the Post, Trisha sold her “Tennessee mansion” for “about a million [dollars] below” the original asking price. Trisha and Garth “sold the house for $3.334 million” after they’d listed it for $4.5 million in May 2023. Trisha bought the mansion “five years before” her third marriage to Garth in 2005.

US Weekly got into the rumor about why Trisha sold the house now. The outlet mentioned the “speculation” going around Nashville that Trisha sold her luxurious mansion well below the initial asking price because of Garth’s scandal. However, an “insider” allegedly set the record straight.

This insider told US Weekly that Trisha’s real estate sale “was not related” to Garth’s scandal. The insider agreed with other US Weekly sources that “[Trisha] and the girls hope the truth will prevail in court.” On October 5th, the Daily Mail reported that Garth’s daughters, Taylor, August, and Allie, all “trust he is innocent,” just like their stepmom, Trisha.

Garth has “staunchly denied the claims” against him. He’s publicly stated it’s an extortion attempt by his accuser to demand “many millions of dollars in hush money.”

Garth Alleges That He Is the Real Victim

People Magazine reported another side to this story on October 10th, and they claimed to have another “exclusive source.” The headline was definitely twisted, with the source alleging to People that “even people who don’t like [Garth] were shocked” by the horrendous accusations he’s facing.

People referred to their source as a “country music insider.” This insider said that Garth’s “ordeal has taken Nashville by surprise.”

It would be crazy to know these “people” in Nashville who allegedly “don’t like Garth.” People’s source didn’t drop any bombshell names.

However, People Magazine did speak to another exclusive “music industry source.” They described the fallout in Music City after CNN broke the news about Garth on Thursday, October 3rd.

The source described Garth and Trisha as “the king and queen of Nashville” and added that Garth “literally” calls Trisha “the queen.” They talked about the “billboards all over town,” which are high-profile promotional marketing for Garth’s bar, “Friends in Low Places Bar & Honky Tonk.” The source claimed that Garth “is popular in the community.”

Daily Mail reported that Garth “filed a preemptive lawsuit” against his SA accuser in September 2024. Garth alleged he is the real victim, and his lawsuit will attempt to set the record straight. Garth claims his accuser is an “extorter who threatened to ruin his reputation” if Garth didn’t agree to her “multi-million-dollar payday.” 

Daily Mail said they “exclusively obtained” a copy of Garth’s lawsuit. The back-and-forth between him and his alleged “extorter” was apparently getting twisted.

Garth filed his lawsuit “anonymously” in a Mississippi federal court. It was Garth’s response to an alleged “demand letter” he’d received from his accuser’s attorney. 

Daily Mail claimed that Garth was “aware” that his accuser “was gearing up to make a civil claim” against him in California. They added that Garth’s complaint told a “very different” side of the story.

Garth’s Accuser Was Previously an Employee

While the accuser, known as “Jane Roe,” accused Garth of committing intimate violence against her “on a work trip to Los Angeles in 2019,” Garth alleged it was all a “money grab.” Garth claims that Jane Roe only sued him because he “declined to give her a salaried job with medical benefits.” Daily Mail confirmed that Jane Roe “worked for [Garth] as an independent contractor for roughly 15 years.”

During her work relationship with Garth, Jane Roe moved to Mississippi and allegedly began encountering “financial difficulties.” Garth’s lawsuit claims that his accuser “asked [him] for financial assistance,” and you won’t believe what else he revealed.

Garth alleged in his lawsuit that he “complied” with Jane Roe’s pleas for financial assistance “out of loyalty, friendship, and a desire to improve [her] condition.” Then, the situation allegedly became a nightmare.

Garth claimed in his lawsuit that his accuser’s “demands for financial assistance only increased.” After Garth denied her request for “salaried employment and medical benefits,” Jane Roe allegedly hatched a “malicious scheme” for “hush money.”

In the Taste of Country video, Billy Dukes claimed that Garth’s “response” told people “everything.” Shockingly, Billy even speculated that Garth “dropped a clue” to his unsuspecting fans and followers that a terrible lawsuit was on the horizon.

Billy referred to Garth and Trisha’s recent interview on a Habitat for Humanity building site. They were wearing their construction helmets, and Garth lovingly called Trisha “one of the greatest singers on the planet.” Still, Garth seemed mysterious during this interview.

He claimed he didn’t know what he was going to do next. Garth added, “We’ll figure out what we’re going to do.” Shockingly, this interview was recorded on October 1st, only two days before Garth’s accuser dropped her bombshell lawsuit in a California court.

No One Is Speaking Up on the Case

Billy also had an opinion on why nobody else was “speaking up” for Garth. It must feel lonely not to get support, but shockingly, Billy thinks the real truth is clear.

While no one in Music City has come forward publicly to support Garth, Billy reminded us that no one has spoken out against him, either. Billy compared it to “crickets from the artist community,” believing there are “two reasons for that.” He mentioned the “exclusive” sources who’d talked to US Weekly and how these sources apparently “insisted on remaining anonymous.”

Then, Billy dropped his own bombshell. Billy claimed, “I don’t want to say that people are afraid of Garth,” but the truth is, Garth is “a really big deal,” and people don’t want to speak up either way “only to be proven wrong later.”

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Next, Billy answered a shocking question. “Does Jane Roe have proof?” While it seems like Garth’s accuser is “light on evidence,” Billy explained that her lawyer, Douglas Widgor, represented “many victims in a case against Harvey Weinstein.” Billy added that Douglas doesn’t just take “cases on a whim.”

At the end of the video, Billy answered the most shocking question of all. If you’re wondering, “Are there other women?” Billy claimed that no additional women had made similar accusations about Garth. As Billy mentioned, other women came forward in the Harvey Weinstein case, but right now, Garth is only facing a single accuser.

Luke Bryan Calls Out Beyonce

Photo Credits: Luke Bryan/Instagram and Beyonce/Instagram

Say it ain’t so. After Beyonce’s smash country-themed record Cowboy Carter got snubbed by the 2024 CMAs, beloved country star Luke Bryan jumped on social media and called her out. The reaction was instant chaos.

Heavy.com reported the crazy chain of events on October 9th. The real truth is that Luke’s newest scandal began on October 2nd when he appeared on SiriusXV Andy Cohen Live, and Andy wanted Luke’s opinion on Queen Bey’s “CMA Snub.”

Luke gave his side of the story alright, beginning with the suggestion that Beyonce should have “come into our world and be country with us a little bit.” He thought it was wise to spell it out more.

Luke admitted that Beyonce “can do exactly what she wants to” since “she’s probably the biggest star in music.” Then, Luke threw a “but” in there.

After he mentioned what a big star Beyonce is, Luke said, “But come to an award show and high-five us, and have fun and get in the family too.” Did Luke actually absorb what he was saying? 

When he finished, he seemed to back off a bit by telling Andy, “I’m not saying she didn’t do that.” The problem was the fallout had already begun.

Luke Called Out the “False Narrative”

Heavy wrote that Luke got into a social media war with the haters late on Sunday evening, October 6th, after he “wrapped up his latest tour.”

He posted on X, starting with a “Hey, y’all,” and expressing how “thankful” he was on the last night of his tour for what an “amazing time” he had. Then, Luke got into the “ridiculous.”

He blasted the “ridiculous nature of the headlines” he was getting over his conversation with Andy. Luke wrote, “I feel, in my heart, I could not let media create a false narrative.” Shockingly, Luke even blamed the “clickbait” sites.

Luke asked fans and critics to “listen to the [actual] interview” with Andy “instead of reading clickbait headlines.” He thinks people will understand his “tone and intentions… were not negative.” 

We believe Luke was telling the truth when he wrote, “I respect Beyonce, and I love how loyal her fans are.” Luke claimed he spends “a lot of time supporting other artists” and wants “everyone to win.”

Luke’s Post Fueled the Online Discourse

His post got over 100,000 views, and the replies were intense. One person told Luke to “shut up” and claimed, “We listened to the interview and read the interview.”

They thought that Luke should have “pushed the conversation to a more positive and less racial place.” Shockingly, they said Luke “promoted the same talking points as other racist people in country” music, and they weren’t finished.

This person admitted that Luke should “stand in what you believe,” but he shouldn’t “start begging because people have an opinion on the ‘BS’ you said.” They wrote, “Country is not [Luke’s] world,” and that “he’s just a small part of it, and that’s ok.”

It was a passionate opinion, and we hope Luke’s mindset isn’t that narrow. If there’s any proof that Luke wasn’t trying to be racially motivated, you need to hear the insane shade that another person threw at him.

This commenter complained that Luke needs to “get right, son.” Unbelievably, they wrote, “If you’re with Beyonce and her fans, ya ain’t for us.” He claimed that hashtag ‘American Citizens’ will figure that out.”

It’s crazy that this person told Luke to “pick a lane” and “do the right thing.” The only thing they wrote that made sense was their plea for the online community to donate to victims of hurricanes Milton and Helene. Sometimes, the people with the craziest opinions get everyone else to come together and tell the genuine truth.

One person replied, “Pick a lane, brother??” And, “If you are with Beyonce and her fans, ya ain’t for us??”

They clapped back, writing, “What kind of crap is that??” “We are all ‘American Citizens!’” 

This person believes what we think, adding, “Thank goodness Luke is not like you!” They signed off with, “Live and let live” and “Peace out!!”

Another person wisely schooled everyone by reminding us that “Country ain’t white, and white ain’t American.” They added, “You’re confused, and Luke don’t have to do Jack.”

We love how they finished this with, “Country is American, not White. Get it? Good.” It wasn’t just good. It was an excellent point.

Beyonce Has Faced Challenges in the Country Music Genre

Heavy mentioned how shade-throwing subreddit groups fired up with debates about Luke. One user remembered what happened to Beyonce years ago when she attempted to join the “country family.” If this doesn’t sound familiar, here’s what happened.

Beyonce performed with the Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks) at the 2016 CMAs. The Chicks raved about it.

Viewers were equally impressed, but the real truth is that Beyonce got hit with some “boos from the audience” that night. Old-time country legends like Alan Jackson got up and walked out because they thought the performance insulted Country Western traditionalists.

Following this year’s CMA nominations, Rolling Stone commented on what happened at the 2016 CMAs and connected the dots. Beyonce described the sad experience in an Instagram post from this past March, explaining how it “motivated her to create her own country-inspired album,” as Heavy.com put it. 

Variety added to the conversation with their report on Luke’s reaction to Beyonce’s snub. The outlet clarified that Andy was probably grilling Luke on the subject because Luke is “a co-host of the 2024 CMA Awards.”

Before revealing more shocking details of Luke’s conversation with Andy, Variety noted that Cowboy Carter was a history-making success on the Billboard charts. Still, only one of Beyonce’s singles, “Texas Hold ‘Em,” managed to crack the “country airplay chart” at “No. 33.”

Luke Defended His Statement

You won’t believe this, but Luke thinks the situation is “tricky.” When Andy grilled him about Beyonce’s snub, Luke said, “It’s a tricky question because, obviously, [she’s] made a country album.” After that, Luke brought up the “fans.”

Luke knows that the BeyHive has “her back.” He discussed Beyonce’s fanbase “[coming] at you, as fans should do.” Andy agreed that the fans have “power,” and Luke claimed that makes it “tough.”

What was really tough to hear was Luke’s ignorance of Cowboy Carter‘s sheer strength in numbers. He said he didn’t know how many albums she actually sold. Luke really put his boot in his mouth when he claimed, “You know, I know she had one song.”

Luke did insist that Beyonce wasn’t a shoo-in for CMA nominations “just because she made” a country-themed album. He claimed to have an excuse.

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Luke told Andy, “Just ‘cause I make a country album,” he might not “get any nominations.” He also said that the CMAs “have their own voting body” and “vote what they think should make it.”

Luke got personal after that. He told Andy that “Country music [is] a lot about family,” and, shockingly, Luke claimed, “We get pissed at each other, too.”

Subreddit users who listened to Luke’s interview with Andy and read his late-night, post-tour tweet thought his “goalpost moving [was] hilarious.” Luke might want to reconsider his idea of the country music family because, as the Redditor explained, “Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, and Linda Martell” are country legends who all graced Beyonce’s album with their musical presence. The user also praised Beyonce for spotlighting “up-and-coming Black country artists” on Cowboy Carter.

Luke’s Position Hasn’t Always Been Consistent

It is crazy that Luke is getting so much heat for calling out Beyonce now. He was singing a far different tune this past April.

WKML 95.7 reported on an on-air interview with Luke, and back in April, he claimed that “having Beyonce in country music is a great thing.”

While he didn’t name “Texas Hold ‘Em” directly, Luke called Beyonce’s single “amazing.” He said he applauded her for getting “a lot of headlines right now.”

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Luke also dropped a hint about “working together.” He told WKML, “The quicker we all intersect and intermingle and work together, the better.”

Luke mentioned Post Malone’s hit collaboration with Morgan Wallen. He said, “When you see artists from all other genres, I think that’s how society listens to their music these days.”

Luke brought up his “nephew’s playlist.” He meant 22-year-old Tilden Cheshire, who lives with Luke and his family. 

Luke claimed you can’t “stereotype” who Til is “by his playlist.” He admitted, “I don’t even know all the rappers” his nephew listens to alongside old-time Conway Twitty and current superstars like Luke Combs.