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How Mama June Stole From Her Kids

Photo Credits: June Shannon and alana thompson/Instagram

Mama June just admitted to something crazy. She actually confessed that she used to steal from her own kids. It looks like she doesn’t even feel that bad about it.

Not too long ago, there was a crazy clip going around from the new season of Mama June: Family Crisis. In it, Honey Boo Boo, aka Alana, accused Mama June of something insane. She was in tears when she said that June didn’t even care that she took their money.

Alana basically accused her own mom of stealing from her kids. That was already pretty crazy, but it soon got even more insane.

Mama June didn’t actually even try to deny it. She said that she used it for her substance addiction as if that was a good excuse.

But let’s be honest – that’s not a good enough explanation at all. I mean, she’s their mother. She was supposed to be taking care of her kids and supporting them.

Instead, she apparently stole from them. It was all because she wanted to spend that money on herself and her own issues.

That’s just not okay on any level. It makes her seem like an extremely selfish mom.

It’s especially crazy that she showed no remorse in that clip with Alana. It seemed like she just didn’t care at all. Almost as if she’d moved on from what happened – so she expected her kids to do the same.

But that’s just not how it works. She stole their money. Alana was clearly very upset about it. It was really rude for Mama June to just dismiss her concerns and feelings like that.

Mama June First Stole From Her Kids 10 Years Ago

Then again, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised by any of this. Mama June’s actions and choices over the years have almost always favored her. Even when it meant that her behavior would hurt her kids.

She seems to be the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, even if it’s at the expense of her own children.

What’s also crazy is that it seems like Mama June’s husband might be somewhat involved in all this. On the show, Alana confronted him about knowing about the stealing.

Alana also later said something that was completely fair. She said: “I mean, she’s my mother, but if I gotta put her in jail, I will.”

That seems like a pretty drastic thing to say. But at the same time, I do feel like it was justified.

Mama June’s kids have been through a lot because of her. This is really just one more thing that she did for her own selfish gains.

It’s shocking that she would actually steal from her children. But then again, it isn’t exactly surprising.

We actually first heard about her stealing from her kids about 10 years ago. Back then, it seemed like she stole their reality TV money. She allegedly did it because she wanted to buy her then-boyfriend a car and some other items.

That already sounds super messed up, but it gets worse.

Mama June Dated the Man Who Harmed Her Daughter

You won’t believe who Mama June was dating back then. It was none other than Mark McDaniel. If that name sounds familiar, that’s because he was reportedly the reason why Here Comes Honey Boo Boo was canceled.

Mama June and Mark used to date. Then, they broke up for a while because he went to prison.

Mark pled guilty to harming a child in 2003. As a result of his actions, he had to spend 10 years in prison.

What’s shocking is that his victim was actually Anna Cardwell, Mama June’s own daughter. Anna sadly recently passed away. When she was alive, she had a very complicated relationship with her mom, which makes sense.

After Mark left prison, Mama June did something unbelievable. She actually got back together with Mark once he was free again. Even though this was the same man who’d harmed her own daughter.

That really just goes to show how selfish she can be. Most parents would never even go near a person like that.

Mama June actually got into a relationship with him. Then she allegedly stole from her kids to buy him a car.

This accusation actually came from Anna herself. She said that all of the kids were supposed to have trust funds with over $30,000 in them.

Anna claimed that at some point, that money just disappeared. She said that she called the bank and asked about the funds.

She was told that she didn’t have $30,000 in the account. Instead, there was supposedly only $17 and 90 cents there.

Anna and Mama June Had a Complicated Relationship

Anna accused Mama June of stealing that money for Mark’s car and other things. Which, if true, would just be completely insane. It would mean that Mama June stole her daughter’s money to pay for a car for someone who harmed that same daughter.

It makes sense that Anna and Mama June had such a complicated relationship. Although June actually said that Anna’s claims were not true.

She said that she never bought Mark a car and that all of the money was still there. She claimed that she only took out the money that she gave Anna to live on every month, plus an additional sum to cover cell phone bills.

It’s hard to say what the truth is. But with the more recent allegations, it’s hard to believe that Mama June wouldn’t steal that money from Anna. She literally admitted that she did steal money from her kids to buy substances.

Other than the money, Mama June is currently dealing with another complicated issue. After Anna passed away, everyone wanted to know what would happen to her two daughters, Kaitlyn and Kylee.

Anna’s ex-husband, Michael Cardwell, ended up getting custody of their daughter, Kylee. But Anna’s other daughter, Kaitlyn, isn’t Michael’s biological daughter. She had to go somewhere else.

Mama June is currently looking after Kaitlyn. She and Michael are actually in a custody battle over her.

Despite not being her biological father, Michael is a parental figure in Kaitlyn’s life. He’s fighting for custody of her because he cares about her and wants the two daughters to stay together.

Mama June Wants Full Custody of Kaitlyn

Mama June is fighting back. She feels like she should have custody of Kaitlyn. She also claims that Kaitlyn wants to stay with her.

Mama June told TMZ: “At the end of the day, the girls have lost their mother, so why put them through this.” I mean, I kind of see her point.

But I don’t think Michael is trying to put the kids through anything. I think he’s just trying to look after them.

RELATED: Anna Cardwell’s Husband Speaks Out

He said that Anna always supported him in developing an independent relationship with Kaitlyn – even after they got divorced. He supposedly always visited her, whenever he visited Kylee.

It’s clear that all he cares about is Kaitlyn’s well-being, which honestly explains why he doesn’t want Kaitlyn to stay with Mama June. He doesn’t seem to think that she’s the right person to look after another child.

It totally makes sense. I mean, she couldn’t even raise Alana on her own. Because of all of Mama June’s problems, Alana had to go live with her older sister, Pumpkin.

Shocking Differences Between Kail and Vee’s Parenting

Photo Credits: Kailyn Lowry/Instagram and Vee Rivera/Instagram

Kail Lowry and Vee Rivera from Teen Mom always bond over being moms together. But things between them might not be as nice and rosy as they seem.

Lately, Kail has been acting like she’s jealous of Vee. And it all has to do with Isaac, Kail’s son that she has with Vee’s husband, Jo. 

Kail and Vee’s whole relationship is based on them being mom friends. They even have a podcast together, called Baby Mamas No Drama. 

RELATED: Kail Shares Daughter’s First Photo

If you don’t know, what brought them closer in the first place is that Vee is the stepmom of Kail’s son, Isaac. But it actually took a while for them to become friends. 

After Isaac’s dad Jo got together with Vee, Kail did not like her at all. The two of them were feuding for several years, actually. 

But eventually, they were able to put their differences behind them and become friends. Except things might not be entirely as they seem. Kail’s real feelings about Vee might be a little different from what she shows on the outside. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the two of them aren’t actually friends or anything like that. But over the years, Kail has said some things that make it seem like she might not be completely over whatever problem she had with Vee in the first place. 

Kail Didn’t Want Isaac Calling Vee Mom

At first, she really didn’t like Vee. But it might have been less about her being Jo’s new partner, and more about her relationship with Isaac. 

The thing is, Kail and Jo share custody of Isaac. So when Jo and Vee got together, that obviously meant Vee would be involved with parenting Isaac. 

Vee never seemed to have any problem with that. It’s obvious that she loves Isaac very much. 

She and Kail even talked about this at one point on their podcast. Vee was talking about how you should love your stepkids the same way you love your own kids. It was Kail who started questioning that and was doubtful about it. 

It was also Kail who said that she didn’t want Isaac to call Vee mom. She was pretty stubborn about it, too. It sounded like if he did start calling her that, Kail would make a huge drama out of it. 

Luckily, that’s one thing we never actually got to see. Maybe being so dramatic about your kid calling his stepmom mom might be going a little far. But overall, I can understand how that might be uncomfortable for Kail. 

After all, he already has one mom so things might get confusing. But the thing is, Kail’s stance on this whole issue was actually really hypocritical. 

On the one hand, she was so set on Isaac never calling Vee mom. But at that same time, she was perfectly happy with him calling her then-husband, Javi, dad. 

I mean, there’s no difference at all between these two situations. Isaac already has a dad. 

Kail Wants to Be the Most Important Person to Her Kids

It’s not even like Jo wasn’t present in Isaac’s life or anything. He’s always been just as much his parent as Kail has. 

So if the argument was that he shouldn’t call Vee mom because he already has a mom, then he also shouldn’t call Javi dad. But like I said, Kail had no problem with that at all. 

That whole situation got pretty ugly when she and Javi divorced and he was no longer in Isaac’s life. Isaac actually got really upset about that. 

RELATED: Kailyn Lowry Shared Estranged Mom Update on Her Podcast

He was just a little kid back then, and it was pretty heartbreaking to see him asking for Javi. Especially when we all knew that Javi just wasn’t going to be involved anymore. 

To be fair, Kail has admitted since then that she made mistakes when it came to Isaac’s relationship with Javi. But the fact still stands that she didn’t mind Isaac calling Javi dad at first. 

It just proves that her reasons for not wanting him to call Vee mom are not really rational at all. But with how Kail has always been about her kids, it’s pretty obvious what those reasons might be. 

Kail just always wants to be the number one important person for all her kids. In her eyes, she’s the mother hen and her kids have to be the little chicks and follow her. If they didn’t do that, it seems like that would make her feel really insecure. 

Kail Involved Herself in Teenage Drama

But this by far isn’t the only weird thing about Kail’s parenting. She talks about all of the details on her podcasts, so we know exactly what she’s always up to. 

For example, about a year ago, she brought up this story about something she did that was just wild. It all started when Isaac got into an argument with a girl at school. When Kail heard about that, she decided to text the girl to try and help solve the problem. 

Keep in mind, this was pretty recent. Isaac was already a teenager at that point.

There’s really no reason to believe he wouldn’t be able to solve this kind of thing on his own. So Kail really just stuck her whole head into some teenage drama for no reason. 

What’s worse than that is that she actually thought it was a good idea to text the girl directly. I mean, it would be one thing if she wanted to talk about things with the girl’s mom. She would still probably be putting herself into things that just aren’t really her business. 

Although we don’t know exactly what Isaac and the girl were arguing about, so maybe there could be a reason. But texting the girl herself is just crossing a line, no matter how you look at it. 

Just think of how weird that must have felt for the girl. She was just having beef with a classmate, like normal, and suddenly, his mom was texting her about it, trying to resolve the issue. 

Vee Is Usually the Better-Adjusted of the Pair

Kail said that pretty soon after, the girl’s mom actually contacted her and told her off for texting her kid. Which Kail should have expected, really. 

I mean, imagine being the girl’s mom and finding out that another parent texted your kid about some teenage drama. Then, on top of that, in this case, that person was Kail Lowry from Teen Mom. 

That could make it even more concerning, honestly. Especially because Kail always shares so much about her kids publicly. So who knows if that could also affect your kid now that she involved herself in her business. 

When Kail told Vee about all of this, Vee actually fully took the other mom’s side. She told Kail that it was wrong of her to text the girl and that she definitely shouldn’t do that again. Which is just a reasonable thing to say, really. 

It just once again shows that Vee is just the much better-adjusted one between her and Kail. Although Kail eventually agreed with Vee that it was probably not a good idea for her to text the girl. 

She said that at the moment, she just wasn’t sure what to do and she wanted to help the kids with their problem. When the girl’s mom texted her, she apparently was able to have a productive conversation with her about it. So at least Kail is willing to listen. 

The things she does sometimes might be completely out of left field. But at least she doesn’t then double down on it when people call her out. That would just make things so much worse, in my opinion. 

The Shocking Differences Between Blue Ivy and the Twins

Photo Credits: Beyoncé/Instagram

Blue Ivy Carter and her twin siblings, Sir and Rumi Carter, are arguably some of the most famous celebrity children. With parents like Beyonce and Jay Z, it’s easy to see why.

Although they are being raised together, it looks like the twins are getting a completely different life than what Blue Ivy has been enjoying. And you’re not going to believe just how bad it truly is.

From the looks of things, it seems like Blue Ivy is pretty much being prepared for the throne. Meanwhile, her younger siblings seem to be relegated to the back. It’s heartbreaking.

I mean, it’s hard enough that the twins will have to find their way out of their parents’ shadow – which is really huge, by the way – but having to step out of Blue Ivy’s shadow, too, might be a bit too much for them. And a lot of people seem to be saying this.

It’s pretty obvious that Blue Ivy is getting more celebrity time than the two twins combined. I mean, she even got to share the stage with Beyonce on her Renaissance Tour.

Sure – everyone knows that the twins were backstage and all that. But guess who was front and center on the stage with Beyonce in front of tens of thousands of people, Blue Ivy?

Just when everyone thought it was a one-time thing, somehow, it became a whole lot more. Blue Ivy danced on stage with her mom a few more times while she was on the Renaissance tour. But somehow, the twins still haven’t gotten anything close to this level of exposure.

The Twins Haven’t Gotten the Same Publicity as Blue Ivy

Now, you might argue that this is because of the age difference. But even when Blue Ivy was much younger, she was definitely out in public more than the twins currently are.

I mean, you’d be surprised how many fan accounts Blue Ivy has on just Instagram. Some of them have over two hundred thousand followers.

That shows how much more Blue Ivy has been in the public eye. And she seems to be taking it really well, which somehow often leads to more publicity for her.

But you know who isn’t getting almost any publicity? The twins.

Now, we already know it’s not really because of their age. Almost right off the bat, Blue Ivy started getting a lot of attention from both the paparazzi and fans of her parents. But somehow, the twins are not getting that same kind of love.

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Now, while some people think it’s unfair, others think that Beyonce and Jay Z are finally doing the right thing for their kids. Whether anyone likes it or not, they are still kids.

Sure, their parents are not your regular parents, and Blue Ivy and the twins are not going to have the same old childhood as a lot of us. But they are still kids.

After the backlash Blue Ivy faced almost right after her birth, to the point where journalists were making fun of a baby because of her looks, it looks like all this fame might not be that great for kids, actually. So it’s really no surprise that Jay Z and Beyonce would want to protect the twins from that.

Beyonce Had Complications During Her Pregnancy

But this has also caused a lot of speculation about how shielded the twins are. Some people are starting to suspect that it might be because of something else that has to do with Sir.

Another thing that separates Blue Ivy from the twins is their birth. When Beyonce was getting ready to give birth to Blue Ivy, everything went quite smoothly.

Although, according to Beyonce, she was a bit overweight for her liking. But I think everyone can live with their favorite celebrity putting on weight because of a pregnancy.

Still, Beyonce didn’t like it one bit. She was set on losing the baby fat in three months.

As a precaution to make sure she hit her goals, Beyonce scheduled a mini tour. Nothing like a tour as extra motivation to lose all that baby fat.

Well, Beyonce lost the baby fat, and Blue Ivy’s birth was as smooth a birth as any. But it wasn’t really the same for the twins.

While Beyonce was carrying the twins, she had a major health scare. It was so serious that she had to stay in the intensive care unit.

Toward the end of her pregnancy, Beyonce had high blood pressure and toxemia. It is hard to notice in pregnant women but is dangerous to both the mother and child. Then, to make the health scare even worse, there were a few times when the heartbeat of one of the twins stopped.

Things just weren’t going very smoothly with this pregnancy. But it doesn’t stop there.

One of the Twins Had a Heart Issue

Because when one of the twins’ hearts stopped beating, the doctors decided to do an emergency C-Section. Now, luckily, they were able to save Beyonce and the baby whose heart stopped beating. But after the C-section, it took quite a while for Beyonce to recover from the pregnancy.

According to her, she was in no hurry to return to a standard of what people thought she should look like. This is quite different from what she did after her pregnancy with Blue Ivy.

Still, it’s understandable. With everything Beyonce had been through carrying the twins, she wasn’t really in a hurry to return to the stage after the birth.

What’s interesting is that Beyonce never really said which of the twins almost didn’t make it. So, a lot of people have been speculating which twin it was.

It looks like it was Sir who had the heart issue – or at least that’s what a lot of people seem to think. Now, you might be wondering why Sir and not Rumi.

Well, for starters, early pictures of Sir and Rumi side by side always showed Sir as the smaller child. This was the first sign to a lot of people that he might have been the one whose heart stopped beating.

Fans Believe Beyonce Is Hiding Sir

Some people also speculated that Sir might have some developmental delays. This would also explain why among all three children, Sir has been seen publicly the least. Some people think this has gone beyond Beyonce and Jay Z trying to have a private life to purely just hiding Sir from the world.

Still, not everyone thinks they are hiding Sir from the public. Instead, some think that as much as the public is ready for Sir, Sir isn’t ready for the public. Well, at least not like his sisters.

But then some people took this even further to say that Sir might be on the autism spectrum. Again, it doesn’t help that he hasn’t been to a lot of public gatherings compared to his sisters.

Like recently, Jay Z took Blue Ivy and Rumi to the Super Bowl, but Sir wasn’t with them. When people noticed that Sir was nowhere to be found during the Super Bowl, it looked like his being on the spectrum was starting to make a lot of sense.

Then again, you can’t really diagnose people by watching a few clips of them, and we shouldn’t speculate whether or not Sir is on the spectrum. He might also just be really shy and introverted for all we know.

The Untold Truth About Kate’s Cancer Diagnosis

Photo Credit: Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram

Now that Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis has been revealed, the world is looking back at everything that led to this moment, and the secrets that are surfacing. It’s becoming more apparent that Kate sacrificed herself to protect her family – and the Palace did little to protect her. 

Throughout the conspiracy theories surrounding Kate’s disappearance, arguably the biggest publicity scandal occurred on Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom. 

Kensington Palace shared a photo of Kate and her three children, George, Charlotte, and Louis, on Mother’s Day, but after it was uncovered that the photo had been manipulated in multiple different places, most major news outlets issued a “kill order” for the picture.

Kate Was Used As a Scapegoat

After the fact, Kate issued a statement that she had been experimenting with Photoshop, and apologized for the mistake.

At the time, the excuse drew criticism due to the fact that very few people believed that the future Queen of England would be personally using Photoshop.

But now that it’s been revealed that Kate has actually been struggling with cancer during her mysterious disappearance, the criticism surrounding this excuse has reached an all-time high.

X, formerly known as Twitter, users are calling out the Palace for using Kate as a scapegoat while she was secretly going through cancer treatments.

Many also commented about how this excuse was in line with everything Harry and Meghan have revealed about the Royal Family in recent years, and how “the Firm” will go to great lengths to protect itself, even using a woman dealing with cancer as the reason for its mistakes.

Harry and Meghan issued a short statement about Kate to Us Weekly, saying:

“We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace.” 

But others believe this has more to do with Kate’s selflessness towards her family, specifically her children.

Kate Let the Rumors Swirl to Protect Her Kids

She made a point to say in her statement that they stayed silent to protect her children, and to make sure they had time to process what was happening before telling the public.

It’s now becoming clearer and clearer that she was willing to throw herself under the bus in order to protect her children from the public as they processed the news about their mother.

First, she was willing to take the blame for the Photoshop mishap.

Then, she stood by silently as the British press resurfaced the rumors of William’s affair from years ago.

And now finally, she’s filmed this video, even though she’s ill, to put a stop to the rumors once and for all.

Buckingham Palace spoke out on behalf of King Charles, saying that he is “so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did.”

Along with that, King Charles and Kate were admitted to the same hospital, and the Palace said that he “remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks.”

However, many called out the irony of the Palace not protecting Kate and allowing her to metaphorically crucify herself to protect the Royal Family, only to show support for her diagnosis after the fact.

Tyler Threatens to Divorce Catelynn

Photo Credits: Catelynn Baltierra/Instagram

In a trailer for the third season of Teen Mom: Family Reunion, things between Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell look like they’re on the brink. According to People magazine, fans were even worried that the beloved couple might really be heading towards a divorce. 

But a couple of days ago, some social media announcements tried to put all the rumors to bed. Catelynn posted on Instagram to make it clear that she had no wish to divorce her husband of nearly nine years.

She shared a photo of the couple and she gushed about her true feelings for Tyler. The 31-year-old wrote, “Beyond BLESSED to call you mine.” She described Tyler as a gift who had given her “so much in this crazy world.” 

She went on to thank him for loving her and for being her “rock,” before ending her post saying that she could not have wished for a better partner and father to their kids.

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It didn’t take long for Tyler to see his wife’s post and reply to it in a similar loving fashion. He commented under Catelynn’s post writing that if anyone was a gift, it was her. He also said that he loved Catelynn “beyond measure.” 

The couple’s posts came just a few hours after the trailer dropped. It led some people to believe that they were responding to fans’ reactions to what they saw. 

In the trailer, Tyler could be seen getting angry with Catelynn during an argument. He went on to tell his wife that she made him feel “unworthy”, before giving her an alarming ultimatum. 

He told Catelynn, “If I don’t get my needs met, we’re divorced.” The shocking statement threatened to bring a relationship that started in middle school to a crushing end. 

Tyler and Catelynn Have Been in the Public Eye Since 2009

Fans caught their first glimpse of Tyler and Catelynn in the reality show 16 & Pregnant in 2009. At the time, they were expecting their first child, Carly, who they now have an open adoption relationship with. After Carly, they went on to have three more children. 

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Before their recent relationship drama, they had already gone through plenty of ups and downs. In 2018, they made the decision to live separately while trying to figure things out between them. E! Reported that they had set themselves a “30-day self-reflection” period, and were not intending at that time to separate. 

Although they were living apart, they continued to have fates and dinner nights together. Catelynn even revealed that Tyler would sometimes spend the night. But they also used the time alone to “dive into therapy” in order to work on themselves and their own mental health. 

The following year, they opened up about how the separation period had helped them. Catelynn told E! News that going through bumps had made them “stronger” as a couple. Although the recent trailer for Family Reunion suggests otherwise, the couple has made it clear that this is still the case.

Sara Evans Calls Off Divorce

Photo Credits: Jay Barker/Instagram

People.com published a shocking exclusive on March 22nd. Sara Evans has reportedly gotten back together with her husband, Jay Barker, after they filed for divorce in August 2021.

Sara says in the article that she knows “people are going to be mad” that she’s calling off her divorce. She’s also asking for the “benefit of the doubt” from fans and followers. She knows they’ll question why she’s reconciling with Jay after shocking incidents between them that People called a “difficult stretch” in their marriage.

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The strangest incident happened in January 2022, and it resulted in Jay getting arrested in Nashville. People.com reported the details on January 16th of that year. The article was titled, “Sara Evans’ Estranged Husband Jay Barker Arrested for Allegedly Attempting to Hit Her with His Car.”

According to the People write-up, Jay — referred to as a “former NFL player” — was placed on a “12-hour domestic violence hold at Davidson County Jail in Tennessee.” Jay’s arrest report stated that his bond was set at $10,000. He was released on bond after the 12-hour hold ended.

Jay Attempted to Have a Football Career

People described the “alleged incident” that happened on Norwood Drive in Nashville, the neighborhood where Sara lives. She was at a party in the area, and Sara was hitching “a ride with a friend” back to her house. 

When they got to Sara’s driveway, People wrote that Sara “spotted Barker parked there.” That’s when this incident got dangerous.

Sara and her “friend” watched as Jay allegedly backed up “his vehicle at a high rate of speed attempting to hit them but missed.” Then Jay allegedly “fled.”Sara contacted the police, “who arrived on scene around 1:30 a.m.”

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People confirmed that Jay “eventually returned to the scene” and was “ultimately arrested.” Sara and her “witness informed police that they believed Barker was intentionally attempting to hit the car they were riding in.”

Prior to his arrest in January 2022, Jay was co-hosting a self-titled radio show on 100.9 FM. According to People, Jay had “attempted to make himself a career as a football player. Despite his efforts, [Jay] did not play a single NFL game in two years with the league.”

However, Jay played three seasons in the Canadian Football League followed by a year with the XFL.

Sara Will Be Releasing New Music

In a People.com article from March 21st, Sara claimed she and Jay are back together, and “we’re so happy now.”

Sara revealed the status of her marriage during the first episode of her podcast, Diving in Deep with Sara Evans. Here, she made a very candid confession.

Sara didn’t want anyone to think it’s okay to stay in a relationship “Where you are ever, in your gut, you know that you need to exit the situation.” According to Sara, “Every woman needs to follow her gut on that and do what is best for her. I believe, and I hope that I’ve done that.”

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In addition to her new podcast, Sara is releasing an album called Unbroke on June 7th. It will be her first new music in seven years. The single “Pride” is an emotional song for Sara because it describes her “difficult journey” with Jay from their “first separation to their eventual reconciliation.” 

People talked with Sara about the music video for “Pride.” They wrote that “her calm, cool demeanor” cracked, and she teared up when she described what the song and video meant to her.

The song is “a searing ode to a woman’s strength and resilience in the face of a partner’s attempts at making her feel small.” People claimed it was “a page ripped from [Sara’s] diary.”

Jay Has Undergone Extensive Therapy

But Sara alleges that Jay is taking ownership of his past mistakes. She told People that Jay had watched the video with her “many, many times.” Sara then went on the defensive a bit.

She assumes that people will judge her and say, “Why do you feel sorry?” for Jay. Sara argues, “I know what he’s feeling,” and she claims that Jay is feeling shame.

But she also claims that Jay is “being brave and being like, ‘Yeah, that’s the truth. I did that.”

The People Exclusive also alleged that Sara’s daughter was involved in the “altercation” that led to his January 2022 arrest. Shockingly, Sara even confessed that she “lied to her children about being in contact with Barker” after they filed for divorce. Sara claims that was “the worst thing” she ever did.

But now, Sara alleges that Jay “has changed his ways, thanks to extensive therapy both individually and in marriage counseling,” and she’s just hoping that people will “hear her out.” Sara’s first marriage to Craig Schelske ended in a nasty public divorce, and when she married Jay on a Tennessee farm in 2008, People called it a “new beginning.” Sara’s three kids called him “Daddy Jay,” and hopefully, this family can enjoy a brighter future.

Kate Middleton Diagnosed with Cancer

Photo Credit: The Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram

After months of speculation about Kate Middleton and her disappearance from the public eye, she has announced that she has cancer.

This news comes as an unexpected shock to fans who have followed the story since January, when it was announced that she had undergone a scheduled, major abdominal surgery.

In that announcement, it was also revealed that she would spend two weeks in the hospital and then would not return to her public duties until Easter.

Conspiracy theories ran wild, with people questioning what was going on.

Now, just one week before Kate was scheduled to return to her public duties, she has released a video explaining what has truly been going on with her.

Kate Said Her Cancer Diagnosis Came As a Huge Shock

In the video, she explained that the cancer diagnosis came as a huge shock to both herself and Prince William, and they’ve been trying to deal with it privately.

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She detailed what happened after her major abdominal surgery, and said that while the surgery was successful, they found through testing that cancer had been present after the fact.

She did not reveal what kind of cancer she’s been diagnosed with at this time.

She did, however, explain that her medical team recommended that she started preventative chemotherapy, which she is currently doing.

She revealed that she’s in the early stages of preventative chemotherapy, because first she had to recover from the surgery and get strong enough to start chemotherapy.

At the time of the original announcement regarding Kate’s surgery, Kensington Palace said that the situation was non-cancerous. She revealed that while she believed that at first, it was confirmed after the surgery that that was not the case.

Kate Wanted to Explain Things to Her Kids Before Speaking Out

In her video announcement, Kate explained that she stayed silent about her diagnosis so that she could explain it to her children first, saying:

“It has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that I am going to be ok. As I have said to them; I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal; in my mind, body and spirits.”

She also explained that her husband, Prince William, has been by her side and a big support throughout her surgery and chemotherapy journey.

Kate also explained that she will now not be returning to her public duties until she has been cleared by her medical team.

This news comes on the heels of Kate’s father-in-law, King Charles, announcing that he was also diagnosed with cancer.

While he has also not revealed what kind of cancer he was diagnosed with, it was discovered after he was treated for an enlarged prostate and his medical team said that they caught it early.

Kate, meanwhile, said in her video that she is “well and getting stronger every day.”

It’s currently unclear if she plans to make a public appearance for Easter now that her diagnosis has been made public.

Kobe Bryant’s Father Auctions Off Kobe’s First Championship Ring

Photo Credits: Kobe Bryant/Instagram and Goldin

Yesterday saw the most prized possessions of late NBA legend Kobe Bryant put up for sale. His father, Joe Bryant, was reported to have auctioned off, among other treasures, Kobe’s very first NBA championship ring. 

According to Page Six, Kobe gifted his ring, which he won back in 2000, to his dad before he passed. The 14-karat gold band also contains around 40 diamonds, including 5 which spell out the word Lakers, Kobe’s championship-winning team. It is also said to come with a letter of authorization from Kobe’s mom, Pam Bryant, to verify its authenticity.

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Some fans will be outraged to discover that Kobe’s family would even consider selling the athlete’s prize to a stranger. But they don’t have to worry, as that isn’t exactly what’s going on. 

The truth is the ring Kobe gave his dad is not the same one he won during his first championship with the Lakers. Kobe reportedly had an incredibly accurate replica made that he could give to Joe while keeping the original for himself. 

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The auction site where the ring was placed stated, “Obtained directly from the Bryant family, this ring is a true one of a kind…” The site went on to assert that it is “the only championship ring ever given by Kobe to his father.”

Although it sounded pretty impressive, the description actually leaves a lot of unanswered questions about what exactly was for sale. Were there more replica rings that Kobe had made? The site only claims that this was the only one Kobe gave to Joe. 

Kobe’s Parents Have Tried to Selling His Possessions Before

Whatever the truth is, the auction site and Bryant family feel confident that the ring has a lot of value. And it looks like they were right.

Page Six reported yesterday that, so far, bids for the replica ring had reached an insane $141,000. Despite the huge amount of money Joe and Pam can expect to earn from the sale, it seems a little odd that they would be comfortable giving away a gift from their late son. 

But the truth is that Kobe and his parents had a strained relationship for years before his passing. Reports that they had fallen out first started to pop up at the time of his engagement to Vanessa Laine. It was even confirmed that neither Kobe’s mom nor dad attended his wedding to Vanessa in 2001.

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In 2003, Kobe talked publicly about his parents’ problem with him for the first time. He made the huge claim that Joe and Pam allegedly had an issue with the color of his fiance’s skin.

Their relationship deteriorated even further after Kobe realized that his parents tried to make more money from his incredible career. Apparently, the most recent auction of Joe’s replica ring is not the first time they have considered selling Kobe’s belongings. 

They attempted to auction off a large collection of memorabilia that included Kobe’s high school uniforms. When Kobe found out, he sued his parents, stating that he had not given permission for the sale of his items. But now, it looks like Joe and Pam will be able to sell whatever they want with no one around to stop them.

Christine Films Video About Garrison

Photo Credits: Christine Brown/Instagram

Christine Brown has spoken out about Garrison on video for the first time since his passing. She has made multiple statements since his passing, but this was her first time talking about the tragedy on video.

Christine began the video by saying that it had been two weeks since Garrison’s death, before pausing and saying “That’s never easier to say.” She explained to her followers that she has to keep working because it’s what she knows how to do.

RELATED: The Tragedy of Garrison Brown

She went on to discuss how she’s coping with the loss, saying: “It’s a terrible thing to lose your son, terrible and we’re gonna miss him all the time, every single day for the rest of our lives so we gotta just keep moving forward.” Christine also shared a video of herself cleaning her house for the first time since his passing.

Savanah Also Shared a Tribute

She isn’t the only member of the family speaking about how they’re coping with the loss, though. Two more of Janelle’s kids, Garrison’s full siblings, have shared dedications to him on social media.

Savanah, Janelle’s youngest child, wrote in tribute: “Two weeks ago, on Tuesday, March 5, my older brother Garrison took his own life. He was 25. I’m having a hard time understanding it. But I know now, more than anything, that my brother Garrison is no longer in any more pain.”

RELATED: Janelle Brought to Tears Over Support for Garrison’s Passing

“Every time I see a car that looks like his on the road, I briefly wonder if it’s him on his way home from work before I am reminded that he is gone. When I make PB&Js, I am reminded of him. When I look up at the night sky, he is there.”

“I deeply hope that anyone who may be reading this never underestimates how big of a hole their loss would leave. Persevere, for the sake of your family, for the sake of your friends, for the sake of the ones who love you.”

She ended the post by sharing the suicide prevention line phone number.

Garrison’s Older Brother Finds Comfort in the Memories He Left Behind

Logan, Janelle’s oldest child, also shared a tribute to Garrison, writing: “Love you Garr. The world is darker and less funny now, and I miss you terribly. But I am comforted in the memories, jokes, and love you left behind.”

“I like to think you are driving down Fiddler’s Greene in a Bradley named “Cat Daddy,” wearing a Roman Centurion’s helmet, but only in the gunner’s seat as you are a god awful driver. Or maybe you’re at the top of Mount Olympus, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and taking pictures of the cosmos that would make gods and mortals weep. You were a top-notch brother, soldier, son, uncle, cat dad, and friend to all. A rowdy gentleman and a scholar.”

“I often wonder where you may have gone; are you just exploring parts unknown beyond the Frozen Pines? Did the Valkyries take you, or did you find yourself riding on the green fields of Elysium? Did you meet a man that called you “brother” in the Kingdom of Heaven?”

“Or perhaps you’ve realized that life is simply a dead-end joke… but you’ve figured it out, and are excitedly waiting for us to get there so you can tell us all the punch-line? Whichever it is, I hope you found your peace. Wherever you are, save some space for us that are still here. It was an honor and a privilege to be your older brother.”

He went on to quote the Gladiator movie, writing: “I will see you again… but not yet. Not yet.” The show frequently discussed how close Logan was with his younger siblings. He often played a father figure or parent role in his immediate family in Janelle’s house when Kody was absent. 

If you or someone you know is in emotional distress or considering suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Paris Hilton Exposed by Nicky

Photo Credits: Paris Hilton/Instagram and Nicky Hilton/Instagram

Paris Hilton was called out by her own sister, Nicky, in a recently resurfaced clip that was posted on TikTok. She had been complaining about her busy work schedule and how stressed out she was feeling because of it, so Nicky suggested taking a break.

Video Credits: @constantteaa/TikTok

Without even hesitating, Paris explained why she couldn’t go on a vacation. But that’s when Nicky exposed the real reason her sister’s schedule was so overwhelming. 

Even though Paris claimed that she wasn’t greedy, the way she looked away and smiled made it seem like she knew that Nicky was right. Sadly, that’s not exactly surprising. 

It’s becoming increasingly clear that Paris prioritizes making money over spending time with her children. Ever since she became a mother, she’s been showing the world what really matters most to her in so many unbelievable ways. 

Paris and Her Husband Used Surrogates for Their Pregnancies

In an interview with Romper last December, Paris explained why she and Carter chose to use surrogates for their pregnancies. It turns out that her PTSD diagnosis from the trauma she experienced in boarding schools wasn’t the only deciding factor. 

There’s another reason why she wanted to go the surrogacy route, and it’s seriously insane. Paris revealed that due to her hectic work schedule, she wouldn’t have had the time to carry her babies herself. She claimed that it never would have worked out if she hadn’t chosen surrogacy because “there’s literally no time to do anything” in her life. 

If Paris knew that she wouldn’t be able to take enough time away from work to carry her own children, what did she think would happen once they were born? And for some reason, she also decided to have her babies basically back to back. 

Paris admitted during her interview with Romper that she also hadn’t taken any type of maternity leave with either of her kids. Her excuse for not taking any time off work to bond with her babies was honestly ridiculous.

Paris said that because she and Carter wanted to keep the babies a secret until they were ready to announce their arrival, she couldn’t take maternity leave. She claimed that if she stopped planning engagements or booking gigs, people would start to get suspicious. Apparently, it was more important for Paris to make sure that people didn’t discover she had a child than it was for her to actually spend time with her babies. 

Only a couple of days after her son Phoenix was born, her work schedule was just as crazy as ever. Instead of bonding with her newborn son, Paris hopped on a plane to attend a photoshoot and interview with Glamour UK. 

Nicky Told Paris to Learn to Say No

A few days later, she made appearances at events in Orlando, Florida, where she had booked a DJ gig as well. But she definitely doesn’t need to be working so much, which Nicky brought up to her. 

In a season two episode of Paris in Love, Paris asked her sister for parenting advice. Nicky told her to learn to say no to job offers because Phoenix should be her priority instead of work.

When Paris said that it was hard for her to say no to work, Nicky immediately responded by calling her greedy. For her to make the same remark on at least two separate occasions, she must really mean it. 

But honestly, her tough love was completely justified. It really is greedy of Paris to ignore her babies, just so she can work constantly and keep adding to her hundreds of millions of dollars. Based on other scenes from Paris in Love, she doesn’t have any actual interest in changing her chaotic work schedule. 

In one scene, Paris’s therapist asked her how much time she was able to spend with her son each day. But even the way she worded her response was seriously shocking. 


As a psychoanalyst, it’s understandable that the traumatic events of a person’s past cast a shadow on their present relationships, including the precious bond with a child. The fear of loss and the expectation of negative outcomes are often rooted in unresolved trauma. It might reflect a deeper conflict about control and the desire to protect against any potential harm. It’s important to consider how these dynamics are influencing the ability to fully engage in the maternal bond. Join me as I sit down with @parishilton in the new season of Paris In Love on @peacock #beverlyhillstherapy #beverlyhillstherapist #beverlyhills #parishilton #parisinlove❤️ #parisinlove #peacocktv

♬ original sound – Dr. Bethany Marshall
Video Credits: @drbethanymarshall/TikTok

However, her so-called “visits” with Phoenix weren’t a very big part of her day at all. It was painfully obvious throughout season two that Paris relied so heavily on her nanny. It seemed like she expected the nanny to basically raise Phoenix, instead of just helping out here and there. 

Sadly, she didn’t appear to even have a genuine connection with her son. She cared more about making money than bonding with him. 

Paris Left for New York Just Days After the Birth of Her Second Child

In another scene, Nicky and the nanny had to help Paris figure out how to change Phoenix’s diaper. She claimed it was the first time she’d ever changed him. He was already a month old!

But apparently, Nicky’s advice about working less didn’t mean anything to Paris because it was the same exact situation when her second baby was born. Just three days after her daughter London’s arrival in November, Paris flew to New York City to do press for season two of her reality show. In December, she returned to New York to make some appearances, before jet-setting to Mexico for an event. 

But what she revealed just weeks later was truly unbelievable. During a recent interview with CNN, Paris explained that she had made an unexpected change to her work life. 

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But judging from her recent social media posts, there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference in her schedule. She’s still traveling all the time and always seems to be promoting a new brand partnership or project. 

In the same interview with CNN, Paris seemed more proud when she talked about her many business ventures than when she spoke about her children. She also shared that she’s working on her own babywear line and children’s furniture collection. 

Aside from all of that, she mentioned that she’s been busy producing more content with her media company, alongside her many side projects. Clearly, Paris is still incredibly busy with work. 

It’s really hard to believe that she’s actually been turning down job opportunities and that she’s been spending quality time with her kids. What she recently announced makes her claim about working less seem even more doubtful.

Paris’ Work Schedule Has Not Slowed Down

In the beginning of February, Paris made an appearance on the Grammys red carpet. When she was interviewed by Access Hollywood about the 2024 Summer Olympics, she made a shocking revelation.

It turns out that she’s scheduled to DJ at the Summer Olympics, which will be held in Paris, France. Although it’s a major gig with a super hectic schedule, it’s only one of the many stops on her international summer DJ tour.

In several other interviews that she gave that night, Paris revealed a bizarre detail about her DJ gigs this summer. Surprisingly, she claimed that she’s going to bring her babies on tour with her, even though she’s going to be hosting parties and in work mode the whole time. If she actually does bring her kids on tour, they’ll most likely spend the majority of the summer with their nannies. 

Paris has been working constantly ever since they were born, despite how extremely wealthy she’s been for her entire life.  If money weren’t an issue, most parents would probably want to bond with their children over some fun summer activity. It’s highly unlikely that they would choose to drag their toddlers on a chaotic work trip, where the scheduled stops are parties at nightclubs.

What makes Paris’s greedy priority even worse is that she’s continuously made it seem like she has no choice but to work all of the time. She’s even used that as an excuse for why she hasn’t been interacting much with her babies. 

In reality, she’s extremely privileged. Paris and her husband are both so rich that she could have easily taken a few years off to spend with Phoenix and London. What that shows about her true colors is absolutely outrageous.

Paris’ Therapist Encourages Her to Be More Involved with Her Son

Paris’s choice to keep raking in more cash that she doesn’t even need only proves how money-hungry she really is. She’s very fortunate in her financial situation, so it’s insensitive for her to act like she can’t take more than an hour a day off work to spend with her kids.

By choosing to spend her time working so much and only seeing her children occasionally, Paris is exposing herself as greedy and selfish. She doesn’t seem to realize – or care – that her absence from her babies’ lives will have a truly devastating impact.

In a season two episode of her reality show, Paris was confronted by her therapist about her lack of involvement in her son’s life. She admitted that her friends and family members had been taking their kids to music classes and other activities. But her excuse for why she hadn’t taken Phoenix to anything like that was unbelievably frustrating. 

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Paris’s therapist suggested that she could host some “Mommy and Me” activities and classes at her home so that Phoenix could at least play with other kids. But unsurprisingly, Paris had another ridiculous reason for why she didn’t want to do that. 

It would have been easier to take her health concerns seriously if she hadn’t been constantly traveling and socializing with countless people for work. It really seemed like Paris didn’t see anything wrong with Phoenix being isolated in his nursery.

Since it was obvious that Paris’s priority was making money, her therapist tried a more direct approach. She explained just how crucial it was for Paris to even simply interact with Phoenix, and how that would benefit him.

Paris Has Not Reached Billionaire Status

Her therapist kept breaking down how important it was for her to work on forming a real connection with her son. But Paris was almost completely silent. She didn’t sound or look very happy with what she was being told, maybe because she wasn’t getting a paycheck for being a parent.  

It was honestly pretty sad that the therapist had to encourage Paris to interact with Phoenix on such a basic level. But what’s even more heartbreaking is that Paris’s priority doesn’t seem to have changed at all. 

Even after it was very clearly explained to her how important it is to be present in her children’s lives, she has continued to spend most of her time working instead. Paris knows that being an involved mom would benefit her babies, but still chooses to ignore them while she makes more money. It’s probably not going to change anytime soon. 

In her 2020 documentary, This is Paris, she made a crazy revelation. Paris’s wealthy family background and her decision to constantly work have resulted in her having an insane amount of money, but she hasn’t reached billionaire status yet. 

According to Celebrity Net Worth, she currently has an estimated net worth of around $300 million. So unless Paris has an unexpected change of heart, it looks like she has $700 million to make before she’s willing to spend quality time with her kids. 

Unfortunately for her children, her money-hungry ways might never allow her to be a more involved parent.