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Julie Chrisley Cancer Scare in Prison

Photo Credits: Savannah Chrisley/Instagram

Julie Chrisley encountered a serious health scare shortly after she began serving her prison sentence. Savannah Chrisley recently started sharing her mom’s journal entries in a segment called “Prison Diaries” on her podcast, Unlocked

In the second part of “Prison Diaries,” Savannah revealed that last year, her mom was faced with the terrifying possibility that her cancer had returned. Julie wrote on February 2, 2023, that she was pulled out of orientation to meet with the prison’s doctor. 

Julie claimed the doctor told her that her HCG level was 10.2, which was higher than it should have been. She added that HCG is a pregnancy hormone. If her level had been any higher, she could have gotten a positive result on a pregnancy test. 

However, Julie said there was no chance that she could be pregnant, which indicated a much more troubling possibility. Her doctor informed her that a high HCG level could also be a sign of a tumor. 

Julie wrote that when she heard she might have cancer again, she “literally fell apart.” She confessed that while she waited for her lab work and a scan to be scheduled, she wondered how any of it could even be happening. 

Julie Previously Had Breast Cancer

According to People magazine, Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. She had a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy within the next year. She announced in late 2013 that she was finally in remission. 

Julie admitted in her journal that she was terrified and didn’t know if she was strong enough to go through her health issues without Todd by her side. Instead of sharing her cancer scare with family when they called or visited, she kept it completely to herself. 

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A few days later, Julie wrote that her lab work had been done. She was “hoping and praying” that her HCG level hadn’t risen. In an entry, dated the following day, she explained that a correctional officer had driven her to a medical appointment.

The doctor told Julie that she suspected she might have a hernia instead of a tumor. But until the results of her lab work came back, she wouldn’t know for sure. If Julie had a hernia, the lab results would also help the doctor find the best way to treat it.

Though the news of a hernia might seem less serious than the possibility of a tumor, Julie was still overwhelmed. She wrote that navigating her “health journey all alone” was so scary. 

Julie Wrote About the Lack of Health Care for Inmates

In a separate journal entry, Julie revealed that she had gone to a doctor’s appointment earlier in the day to get her flu vaccine. While she was there, she asked to have her blood pressure checked. She was surprised when the doctor denied her request.

Julie added that even if her blood pressure was fine, it was the principle that mattered the most to her. She wrote that it didn’t make sense to her why the doctor had refused to check it. In her other letters and journal entries, she brought up several other concerns. 

Julie mentioned that there wasn’t a psychiatrist on staff and that some of her fellow inmates had been taken off their regular mental health medications without any warning. She also wrote that there wasn’t any Covid testing, even if an inmate was experiencing symptoms.

Savannah claimed that what her mom’s letters and journal entries revealed was “a perfect example of the lack of health care” that inmates receive in the prison system. She was frustrated that she hadn’t been notified of her mom’s cancer scare by anyone at the facility.

Savannah also admitted that it broke her heart to think about her mom being by herself while worrying about whether her cancer had returned. As for the other details on Julie’s potential hernia, we’ll have to wait and see if Savannah shares an update during the next segment of “Prison Diaries.”

The Tragedy of Kourtney and Travis’ Baby, Rocky

Photo Credits: Kourtney Kardashian/Instagram

When Kourtney Kardashian first married Travis Barker, she was convinced that she had found her happily ever after. But now, it’s clear that he’s been avoiding both her and their son, Rocky, which has completely turned her world upside down.

Even though Kourtney is seriously struggling emotionally, the whole situation is even more devastating to Rocky. The truth about how his crumbling blended family rejected him is truly heartbreaking. 

It didn’t take long for Kourtney to fall head over heels for Travis when they first started dating. She was so blinded by the excitement of the honeymoon phase that she didn’t realize Travis had been love-bombing her.

Travis knew that Kourtney had tried for years to make her relationship with Scott work, despite how he treated her. So when he started dating her, he didn’t have to do anything outrageous to impress her. Kourtney was so happy to have a boyfriend who seemed interested in her that she didn’t see Travis’s selfish, manipulative side.

By the time they got married, the thrill of the honeymoon phase had gradually started to fade away. But it wasn’t until Rocky was born that Travis no longer tried to hide his true colors. 

When he made the switch from love-bombing Kourtney to leaving her home alone with their newborn son, it supposedly felt like an absolute nightmare to her. Instead of bonding with their son together, as she had hoped, Travis seemed to have lost all interest in both her and Rocky. But that wasn’t all.

Landon Didn’t Want a Little Brother

On top of being ignored by his own father, Rocky also wasn’t accepted by his siblings. Even before he was born, Travis’s 20-year-old son Landon made it clear that he wasn’t excited about his new little brother.  

In September, he made a guest appearance on The Zach Sang Show, where he made an unbelievable confession. Landon admitted that he was disappointed that he wouldn’t be the only “Barker boy” for much longer.

Landon also mentioned that it was unfortunate that he was going to have a little brother soon. It seemed like his jealousy and disapproval only got worse after Rocky was born. 

What he revealed at the end of November was seriously shocking. People Magazine reported that when Landon appeared on SiriusXM’s TikTok Radio, he made a bizarre confession. 

He said that he had no interest in helping out with his baby brother. He stated that he still hadn’t held “it,” which was a cruel dig at baby Rocky. 

But there’s a strong chance that Landon wasn’t alone in feeling bitter about his little brother. Alabama had been the baby of the family for her entire childhood before Rocky was born. 

Instead of bonding with his big brothers and sisters, Rocky might have to live with the tense family dynamic. Any resentment they may feel toward him isn’t his fault. It’s insane that he’s already been rejected by some of them. 

Even though Rocky is too young to understand, he’s most likely still feeling pretty unhappy lately. After all, his parents’ marriage has been falling apart for months, which has reportedly ruined Kourtney’s emotional state.

Travis Has Always Been a Neglectful Father

Babies learn to interpret the world through their parents’ emotional responses and behavior. Sadly, Rocky hasn’t really had much time at all to actually observe his dad.

According to The U.S. Sun, just days after Rocky was born, Travis started spending most of his time hanging out with his friends and bandmates. Not surprisingly, Kourtney was supposedly seriously devastated by how uninvolved he was with her and their newborn son. At the time, Kourtney shared a few cryptic posts about her depression and anxiety on her lifestyle brand’s social media page. 

In January, things got a lot worse. Shanna Moakler, Travis’s ex-wife and baby mama, appeared on an episode of Bunnie XO’s Dumb Blonde podcast. 

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She completely exposed Travis as an awful dad and revealed that he had a very toxic relationship pattern. Shanna explained that in each of Travis’s marriages, he ended up cheating and distancing himself. She added that he barely ever helped her with their kids, which meant she was almost always caring for them on her own. 

Unfortunately, that sounds remarkably similar to what he’s been putting Kourtney through lately.

Shanna shared that when she and Travis were still together, he hid his substance use issues from her for years. Whenever he went on tour, he allegedly spent a lot of time being under the influence. 

How she finally discovered he had been using substances was truly unbelievable. Shanna mentioned that she realized Travis had kept his habit a secret when he was sent home from a tour early. 

Apparently, he had been consuming so many substances that he couldn’t even play the drums. His bandmates decided he needed help.

Kourtney Joined Travis on Tour

However, the timing of Shanna’s revelations couldn’t have been worse for Kourtney’s mental health. Only one month after the podcast episode was released, Travis was scheduled to leave for blink-182’s string of Australian concerts, which kicked off the start of their global tour. 

Shanna had exposed Travis while on tour. So, Kourtney was probably worried that he would end up partying all night and potentially cheat on her, too. 

Travis had already started to repeat history by acting completely uninterested and uninvolved with his wife and newborn son. But now, Kourtney was worried that he would fall back into the same cycle he had in the past. Would he end up cheating on her next?

Kourtney was supposedly desperate to keep her marriage from failing. She also wanted to keep an eye on Travis when he was on tour. 

According to The U.S. Sun, when he flew to Australia in the beginning of February for his tour, Kourtney made a bold choice. Not only had she decided to tag along with Travis, but she also turned the trip into a family vacation. She brought their three-month-old son, as well as Penelope and Reign, with her across the world, in an attempt to fix her deteriorating marriage. 

But for Rocky, the trip has most likely been extremely confusing. There’s probably little to no routine in Rocky’s life right now since the family is so far away from home. 

According to Baby Center, most experts claim that babies usually start forming and relying on routines between 2 and 4 months old. Rocky was exactly in the middle of that age range when his sleep and feeding schedules were disrupted by his first-ever flight, which was over 15 hours long. 

Kourtney Has a Team of Hired Staff to Help Care for the Kids

That was only the start of how his entire world has been turned upside down. The trip to Australia marks Rocky’s first time being taken out in public as well. His life has been changing on a daily basis. 

A source who recently spoke to The U.S. Sun claimed that even though Kourtney has a team of hired staff with her in Australia to help her, she’s still having a tough time. Allegedly, the trip has been way more emotionally draining than she thought it would be. 

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On top of trying to keep Travis interested by acting clingier than ever, Kourtney has reportedly been struggling to take care of her kids so far away from home. She’s recently been spotted sight-seeing in Australia with Penelope and Reign, but not Rocky, who must be feeling totally overwhelmed. 

While Kourtney and her older kids have been tagging along to a couple of Travis’s shows and hitting up places like amusement parks, Rocky has been excluded. He’s regularly been left behind with his mom’s helpers, which has resulted in a crazy new accusation. 

According to The U.S. Sun, Kourtney and Travis have been accused of being neglectful parents lately. 

Not only is Rocky seemingly out of sight, out of mind, but the older kids don’t appear to have been supervised very well during some of the recent shows.

Rocky Has Very Little Stability in His Life

Kourtney has clearly been stressed out and disappointed lately with Travis’s lack of involvement as a husband and father. But the situation isn’t very fair to Rocky at all. 

He basically has no consistency in his life right now, and he’s been left with caregivers more often than ever before. When Rocky is with Kourtney, her unhappiness and anxiety probably affects his emotions. 

But no matter what she does to try to keep Travis around, she won’t be able to prevent him from repeating history. He’s been falling back into his toxic cycle of being an absent father and husband ever since Rocky was born. 

It’s absolutely heartbreaking that Rocky has experienced so much instability and family tension already. But unfortunately, it seems like things are only going to get more challenging for him. 

Travis has been becoming increasingly distant from his family. Because of his absence and the fact that none of the kids seem to accept their baby brother, Kourtney’s dream of having a happy, blended family has basically been crushed.

Sadly, that means whenever Rocky isn’t being left in the care of Kourtney’s helpers, he’s going to keep picking up on his mom’s emotional turmoil. He’s been suffering the most in this entire ordeal, which might cause him to have trouble forming healthy attachments in the future. Hopefully, the tense family dynamic changes for the better, so that Rocky gets the chance to experience more positivity and happiness. 

Farrah Is Grooming Sophia

Photo Credits: Farrah Abraham/Instagram

Farrah Abraham is no stranger to criticism, especially when it comes to her controversial parenting choices. There’s been a disturbing theme in how she’s treated her daughter Sophia throughout the years.

Since Sophia was a toddler, Farrah has been exposing her to inappropriate content and potentially dangerous situations. The truth about what she’s been doing to her child is shocking, so let’s get into it. 

It’s no secret that Farrah has worked in the adult entertainment industry. She still sells her adult content online, which she has been very open about with Sophia. Even though Farrah claims she’s just trying to empower her daughter, she’s crossed the line many times. 

Farrah has always been proud that she supposedly doesn’t hide anything from Sophia. But not every detail of her life is meant to be discussed with children. What she revealed years ago during a radio show was completely insane.

In May 2013, right after news broke about Farrah’s first adult video, she was interviewed on King Mac Radio. One of the hosts mentioned that Sophia might Google her mom’s name someday and accidentally find out about the inappropriate tape. When he asked Farrah how she would talk to her daughter about that in the future, her response was super alarming. 

She explained that she had made a ‘baby box’ to give Sophia when she turned 13 or 14 years old. In the box, were all of the seasons of Teen Mom on DVD, Farrah’s 2012 memoir, My Teenage Dream Ended, and a copy of her adult video. 

The hosts were stunned that Farrah was planning on showing the tape to her own child. She defended her decision by claiming that she would actually be making Sophia’s life easier by being so open about everything with her. 

Farrah Posted 6-Year-Old Sophia in a Bikini

Farrah didn’t really care about the crazy amount of criticism she received for her plan. That’s one of the most disturbing aspects by far.

Farrah doesn’t appear to be concerned at all about protecting her daughter. It actually seems like she’s been preparing and encouraging Sophia to follow in her footsteps. 

In 2015, Farrah was called out for allowing then-6-year-old Sophia to create a public Instagram page to share photos of herself. According to what she told Ok! Magazine, she didn’t really seem to think it was a big deal. 

Farrah explained that she and Sophia had previously talked deeply about social media. It seemed strange that a parent would feel the need to have a deep conversation with their 6-year-old about Instagram in the first place. 

She claimed that she felt like it was important to give her daughter her own page. Farrah said that she had always shared pictures of Sophia on her social media, but she allowed her daughter to have her own account in order “to keep some things separate.” 

Her other reason was honestly unbelievable. Farrah also mentioned that she had fun on her Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media platforms. She added that she wanted Sophia to have fun, too, so she ultimately chose to let her have her own Instagram account. 

As ridiculous as Farrah’s reasoning was, that wasn’t even the most unsettling part. It wasn’t long before Sophia also had her own Twitter. 

At first, the posts on her accounts seemed to be promotions that had actually been shared by Farrah. But when Sophia was only 7 years old, photos of her posing in a two-piece swimsuit were uploaded to her social media accounts. 

Farrah and Sophia Walk Around Their Home Without Clothing

Farrah was immediately criticized because everyone knew she was behind most of the posts on her daughter’s profiles. She didn’t care and even doubled down by sharing one of the pictures of Sophia on her own account to promote an upcoming season of Teen Mom. 

However, what she did after that was extremely disgusting. According to Radar Online, Farrah used Sophia’s Twitter to promote her career in the adult entertainment industry in December 2017. In a tweet that’s since been deleted, there was a link to Farrah’s inappropriate videos and other adult content. 

In February 2018, Farrah made a creepy confession in an interview with TMZ

She was asked how she felt about Kim Kardashian posting a shirtless photo of herself that had been taken by her daughter. Farrah claimed that she didn’t see a problem with it. 

She explained that she and Sophia, who was 9 years old at the time, regularly walked around their house without any clothing. But that wasn’t all. 

Farrah then admitted that she and Sophia had photos on their phones of one another not wearing any clothes. She even tried to make it sound normal by adding that they were a “mother-daughter crew.” After that, Farrah started posting more photos and videos of herself and Sophia on social media. 

Over the last several years, she’s been repeatedly slammed for wearing revealing outfits around her daughter, sometimes while doing inappropriate dances on TikTok together.

Farrah has also shared videos showing several of her cosmetic procedures on social media. These were recorded by Sophia. Some of those procedures were on very private parts of Farrah’s body. 

Farrah Posted a Photo of Sophia on Her Adult Content Website

Clearly, Farrah doesn’t see anything wrong with making her child film her while she isn’t wearing clothes. But when it seemed like she couldn’t possibly get any creepier, Farrah proved us wrong. 

In November 2021, a post was made on a Teen Mom subreddit that called Farrah out for grooming her daughter. It turns out that she had just shared a photo of Sophia on her adult content website, violating of the site’s rules. 

Even though the photo of Sophia was just a regular picture that seemed innocent, Farrah knew who her audience was when she posted it. The only people who could see her posts on the site were her paid subscribers. Obviously, those people shared a common interest. 

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They wanted to see Farrah’s adult content. So her decision to share a photo of her daughter with them was really alarming. 

The following year, things took another troubling turn. In September 2022, The U.S. Sun reported that Sophia had started her own subscription-based channel on Instagram. She promoted it on her Instagram Story, explaining that subscribers could privately chat with her and see exclusive content. 

The fact that Farrah was allowing her minor child to talk to random people online for money was beyond inappropriate. Sophia was only 13 years old at the time, which made her private chats with total strangers even more dangerous. 

Sophia had more than 800,000 followers on Instagram. It’s safe to assume that some of the people who paid to subscribe to her channel didn’t have good intentions. Why else would they pay to privately chat online with a teenager?

Sophia Wants to Sell Pictures of Her Feet

Two months later, Farrah posted a shocking video to her Instagram Story. In the clip, she was sitting next to Sophia, who had apparently just asked a very concerning question. Farrah claimed that Sophia wanted to know if she should start sending her paid subscribers photos of her feet. 

What made the situation even more troubling was that Farrah was basically advertising it. She mentioned that Sophia had already shown her some of the pictures she had taken. Farrah acted indifferent in the video, but she was obviously supporting and promoting her teenage daughter’s choice to potentially sell illegal content online. 

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It’s downright appalling, but let’s be real. She had been setting Sophia up for that exact scenario for years. Farrah has been grooming her daughter for almost her entire life. 

The situations and content she’s been exposing Sophia to aren’t just inappropriate and morally wrong – some of this stuff is also illegal. Unfortunately, Farrah is the only parent her daughter has, so there’s nobody in her life who’s going to step in. At the very least, hopefully, Sophia stays as safe as possible. 

Bodyguard Exposes the Truth About Usher and Diddy

Photo Credits: The Art Of Dialogue

The disturbing stories about Diddy’s alleged past behavior have continued to flood in. Recently, something crazy came out about his relationship with Usher. You guys will never believe what supposedly happened between them.

In a recent interview with The Art of Dialogue, some shocking claims were made about Diddy’s history with Usher. The claims were made by someone who was extremely close to both men for a long time. 

Gene Deal, Diddy’s former bodyguard, has been known as one of the few who have exposed Diddy’s true nature. In his most recent interview, he revealed details that had not drawn a lot of attention in the past.

What Gene accused Diddy of doing was crazy. He claimed that his former boss had groomed Usher from a young age. This came out on The Art of Dialogue a short time after Usher made an appearance on the Shannon Sharpe podcast.

Gene made it clear that he was pretty shocked to hear Usher give so much praise to Diddy for helping him in his career. He said in his own interview that he and several others knew the truth about what happened between Usher and Diddy. 

Gene said that the pair had what he called a “situation.” He went on to claim that the situation eventually put Usher in the hospital. However, he refused to provide more details, maintaining that it was Usher’s story to tell. 

He expressed how outraged he was that Usher was willing to give props to Diddy after everything Gene knew about his past. Gene basically claimed that Diddy was a dangerous presence in Usher’s life. He was shocked that Usher was happy to give him a pass all these years later. 

Usher Lived with Diddy as a Teenager

Usher has known the disgraced music mogul since he was a teenager. The story behind their meeting explains why Gene was so horrified to know that Usher was defending Diddy. 

Usher was actually sent to live with Diddy as a teen by his mother as he pursued a career in music. On Club Shay Shay, Usher talked about his experience living in Diddy’s so-called Flavor Camp. During the podcast, Usher only had good things to say about what he learned from Diddy during that time.

However, the truth is a lot more disturbing. There is a leaked interview clip from 8 years ago in which Usher shared more details about his experience. 

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During an appearance on the Howard Stern Show, the singer described his time in the Flavor Camp as wild. Usher said that while living with Diddy, he got the chance to see a lot of crazy things. 

He also claimed that Diddy and everyone around him called Usher Baby Boo, and said that Diddy allowed him to be a young man. He didn’t go into much more detail, but the language around the story was pretty suggestive of what Diddy exposed the young Usher to. 

It was made pretty clear later in the conversation what Usher meant. He was asked if he would send his own kids to Flavor Camp. 

When asked, he replied, “HELL NO.” His answer was pretty telling about how suitable Diddy’s lifestyle was for children.

The clip reemerged after allegations about the nature of the two men’s relationship were made in a lawsuit filed by Rodney Jones. Without mentioning Usher’s name, it was clearly alleged that Diddy had pursued a physical relationship with the teenager. 

Many Fans Sympathize with Usher

When the clip resurfaced, fans had a lot to say online. One commenter blamed Usher’s parents, questioning why they would let him stay with Diddy at just 13 years old. 

Another showed a lot of sympathy for Usher himself. They wrote that they felt like the singer has trauma that he will never speak about. 

Honestly, it would be pretty devastating if Usher really does feel forced to hide the truth about his experiences with Diddy. But judging from his words on Club Shay Shay, he isn’t willing to say anything negative about his mentor.

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However, Gene has had no problem describing some of the unsavory things he claims to have witnessed. In the Art of Dialogue interview, Gene recounted a story about an incident in the Swissotel. He said that Usher had been exposed to extremely adult activities in the hotel. 

Gene then repeated that he felt that Usher was sticking up for someone who had done him wrong when he was young. At this time, everything Gene and others have claimed about Usher and Diddy are just allegations. But people who have heard the allegations have been outraged about Diddy’s supposed actions and heartbroken for Usher. 

This is far from the first time Gene has been an extremely vocal critic of Diddy. He was making claims about the producer long before recent developments brought his reputation crashing down. 

Usher Wasn’t the Only Victim

Another interview clip has reappeared on social media of Gene talking about his former employer’s awful behavior. In the clip, Gene made shocking allegations about Diddy’s intentions with his girl group Danity Kane. What he claimed his former employer said was just sinister.

Gene claimed that Diddy told a large group of friends and colleagues in the studio what his plans for the group were. The Bad Boy Records owner allegedly said that he was going to get the singers hooked on substances. Then, he would allow his associates to exploit the young women to make money for Diddy.

Gene went on to say that he confronted Diddy about it. He claimed that he responded to the evil confession by saying that the singers were all somebody’s kids, before walking out of the room. 

In the same clip, Gene revealed more details about Diddy’s relationship with Danity Kane. He believed that some of the group members were among the few artists Diddy signed who refused to sign NDAs.  

Gene said it was extremely common for everyone working with major stars to have to sign non-disclosure agreements. This was what allowed Diddy and others to act however they wanted. According to Gene, Diddy even agreed to give artists their publishing rights in exchange for their silence about scandals he was involved in. 

However, not everyone agreed to the deal. This meant that they were able to talk about anything they wanted to. Gene was pretty sure that at least a couple of members of Danity Kane didn’t sign NDAs, which must have made Diddy feel threatened. 

Aubrey O’Day Has Spoken Out Against Diddy

When the shocking clip resurfaced, it was flooded with comments from people sickened by what they’d heard. One person wrote that they had to thank God that Gene himself had never signed an NDA. Another wrote that Gene had to be protected at all costs. 

A third commenter dropped the name of one of the old members of Danity Kane, who also has been telling the truth about Diddy for a long time. That name was Aubrey O’Day. 

A couple of months ago, the singer came out in support after Cassie dropped her bombshell accusations about Diddy. Cassie made the headlines with her terrifying account of the harm she suffered at Diddy’s hands for over a decade in her civil lawsuit. 

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Although she and Diddy quickly reached a settlement, the news of what she had experienced did not go away. A short time later, Aubrey got herself involved in this with a supportive message on Instagram. She wrote that she had been trying to tell all of us for years. 

Like Aubrey, Gene has been working to expose Diddy for much longer than people realize. One online commenter suggested that people could only take him seriously now that Cassie’s lawsuit has become public knowledge. 

Many also had the same unsettling thought. If this was what Gene and others were willing to share freely, just imagine what might still be getting held back. The idea that Usher is unwilling to tell the truth about his own experiences with Diddy adds an extra element of tragedy to the awful story. 

The Incredible Love Story of Kane and Katelyn Brown

Photo Credit: Katelyn Brown/Instagram

Kane Brown and Katelyn Jae are an iconic country music couple. The two lovebirds even have two precious kids together, and they also collaborate on music. 

But even the sweetest lyrics could never compare to the real story of how they met, fell in love, and got married, which might just be the most amazing love story in the history of country music. 

Weirdly enough, though, their love story almost didn’t happen. It all started in 2015, when Katelyn was working on a music video set. It was the day before Kane’s first-ever show nearby in Florida. 

How Kane and Katelyn Brown Met

Wondering how Kane and Katelyn Brown met? It’s a pretty crazy story. Katelyn was supposed to meet Kane through a producer they shared, and Kane was even going to be in her music video, but a scheduling conflict got in the way.  

That missed connection could’ve been the end of their story. Luckily, it wasn’t. Still, it’s pretty weird to think that had things worked out differently, Kane’s live performance career and future with his wife could’ve started within the same 24 hours. 

A year after the pair almost met, that same producer brought Katelyn to one of Kane’s shows.  Katelyn apparently didn’t even want to go, but the producer insisted.

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So, Kane and Katelyn finally met, but it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. Apparently, they hardly even talked at all, even though Kane definitely liked what he saw. 

He said that she was adorable and that he was looking at her all night. Instead of letting fate let her slip through his fingers again, Kane decided to invite her on a date. 

But it was far from your typical meetup for coffee. Kane asked Katelyn to come to Nashville the very next day, and he actually even flew her out. From there, they hit it off. 

The Couple Kept Their Relationship Under Wraps at First

Kane said that Katelyn just never left. The two were quickly inseparable, and Katelyn hit the road with Kane in his tour bus in 2016. She must’ve been smitten to be willing to deal with the cramped living space. 

Katelyn said that one bus even had about 10 guys on it. She had to share a bunk bed with Kane, and it was a tiny space. They would cram in together with their dog at the bottom of the bed and wouldn’t have room to move all night. 

They lived that way for a whole year. If the first year of your relationship can survive a bunk bed on a bus with 10 other guys, it can survive anything… 

Kane and Katelyn wisely decided to keep their relationship out of the public eye at first. This was probably a smart move, since the pressure of being famous and a subject of celebrity gossip can be too much for many relationships to handle. 

But then, in 2017, Kane decided to risk what they had in private in their tiny bunk bed by sharing their love with the world. Kane went on Facebook to say that a lot has been going on in his life over the past year. 

Even though he had all this amazing success as a musician, he really missed his family and friends. Then, he concluded his post by saying that luckily, he’d found his other half. 

Kane added that he knew some people might be mad that he was in a relationship, but he also knew that his real fans would be happy for him, because he found a real partner. 

Kane Proposed to Katelyn During a Horror Movie

Then, a few months later, Kane had an even bigger surprise to share with the world – something that was a surprise for Katelyn as well. Kane proposed. 

He initially had this huge romantic proposal planned  – the kind that everyone dreams of, with tons of flowers and a lot of thought put into it. But he just couldn’t wait until the next day to go through with it. 

Instead, he decided to ask Katelyn if she wanted to marry him over a movie, and weirdly enough, this movie wasn’t even romantic or lighthearted.  It turns out that Kane actually proposed to Katelyn while they were watching The Amityville Horror movie. 

The only thing this movie had going for it as far as a marriage theme is that it stars some newlyweds. 

But without going into the gruesome specifics, let’s just say that these newlyweds have a pretty terrifying honeymoon when they move into their new house. Despite the absolutely terrifying movie in the background, Katelyn still said yes. 

I wonder if Kane was able to hear her over the sounds of all the screams coming from their TV. The freshly engaged couple then walked their first red carpet together at the CMA awards in 2017. 

Kane posted about it on Instagram, once again sharing their love with the world for everyone to see, and said that Katelyn was the most supportive person in the world. 

Kane and Katelyn finally tied the knot in October 2018 in a beautiful ceremony just outside of Nashville. 200 of their closest friends got to attend the event. 

But Kane, always wanting to share their love with the world, actually also shared some intimate moments from the ceremony in his music video for “Good As You.” 

How Many Kids do Kane and Katelyn Brown Have?

The wedding marked the beginning of the next chapter of their romance. Kane and Katelyn have two daughters and a third baby on the way.

In 2019, Kane announced Katelyn’s first pregnancy by sharing a picture of an ultrasound. In October of that year, the two became parents. Kane shared on social media that they were excited that their love resulted in the birth of this perfect child. 

Then, in 2021, the Brown family surprised us all again with more good news by announcing the birth of their second child. They’d been keeping this baby a secret all the way up until she arrived. 

I guess that after sharing everything throughout their entire relationship, they just wanted to have something that was just for them. It must’ve taken them back to those days in the tour bus bunk beds when no one knew about their relationship. 

In December 2023, they announced that they were expecting their third child. 

Nowadays, Kane and Katelyn have more than just social media posts about their love and children to share with the world. They released a duet together titled “Thank God.”  

The lyrics are exactly what you’d expect from a couple that’s been so honest and candid about their feelings for one another. They both thank the heavens for finding each other, which is weird to think about, considering they almost didn’t. 

If the producer didn’t drag Katelyn to Kane’s show that night, they might’ve never met. It seems like the title of that song really should thank the producer. Either way, their love story is just genuinely sweet.  

Tameka Foster Breaks Silence About Usher’s New Wife

Photo Credits: Tameka Foster/Instagram and Jennifer Goicoechea/Instagram

Tameka Foster recently spoke with TMZ about Usher’s marriage to Jennifer Goicoechea. According to TMZ, Tameka already thought they were married.

During the interview, she was asked what her thoughts were about Usher’s new marriage. She claimed she thought they were married already and then mentioned that Usher had been married a few times.

She doesn’t keep up with Usher’s personal life much anymore. That said, Tameka did have good things to say about her ex-husband. She said he was a good father, which was what really mattered to her. Tameka shares two sons with Usher: Usher ‘Cinco’ Raymond V and Navid Ely.

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She also praised her ex’s performance at the Super Bowl. She asked if the interviewer had seen his performance because it was something amazing.

Usher married his long-time girlfriend, Jennifer, shortly after the Super Bowl while they were in Las Vegas. The ceremony was on February 11 and included family and friends. Two of the guests were their daughter, Sovereign Bo, and their son, Sire Castrello.

Usher and Jennifer Had a Drive-Through Wedding

Usher and Jennifer met in the music industry as far back as 2016. Jennifer is a record executive, which means she and Usher likely brushed elbows a few times before dating.

They were first, officially, pictured together in 2019 during a birthday party for Keith Thomas, a producer. Rumors really started when another picture was taken during the Hollywood Bowl in October 2019. Jennifer was caught kissing Usher’s cheek backstage.

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In 2020, they had their first child together, Sovereign Bo. It was only a year later when they had another child together, Sire Castrello, who they named after Jennifer’s grandfather. Most of their life was kept private, with a few birthdays celebrated publicly.

However, when the news was confirmed that Usher would perform at the 2024 Super Bowl, Jennifer was among the first to break the news to the public. She was at the performance, and then the couple drove off to a drive-thru wedding service with Usher’s mom there as a witness. Afterward, the couple went to a Super Bowl after-party to celebrate their wedding.

The Media Didn’t Support Tameka and Usher’s Relationship

While Usher didn’t have the most romantic wedding with Jennifer, he and Tameka had something a bit more intimate. Usher also met Tameka in the business. She worked as his stylist and fashion designer.

They started dating around 2005. At the time, Tameka was already a divorced mom and had three children.

In an interview with Essence, Tameka talked about her early relationship with Usher. She said that she knew she was a woman with flaws. She was a little older and didn’t have the body she used to have.

Tameka even admitted that she had some attitude problems. Despite her flaws, Usher loved and accepted her.

She said that he was always calling to check in on her and make sure she had everything she needed. When they went out, he’d always open the door for her.

Because Tameka was just a stylist, some fans thought she might be dating Usher for his money. Tameka heard these rumors and stood up for Usher by saying he didn’t need a woman on his arm to help boost his music career.

She knew the media was just disappointed because Usher had chosen someone out of the spotlight. If he had been with an actress, the media would have been more excited since that made a better story.

Tameka also told the story about how Usher had proposed to her. They were in the studio with a friend of theirs, Robin Thicke. Robin started singing a song on the piano, serenading Tameka, and then Usher got down on one knee and proposed to her.

Usher Originally Canceled His and Tameka’s Wedding Ceremony

While the couple had a strong relationship at the beginning, that eventually faded. Two years after getting married, they found themselves getting a divorce.

ABC News reported on an interview Usher did with Oprah about his failed marriage. In the interview, Usher said that there were a lot of people who believed in the marriage and a lot of people who didn’t.

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One of the people who didn’t believe in it was his own mother. She didn’t attend their wedding. He ended up canceling the ceremony, and then he and Tameka got married a few months later.

After their wedding, their relationship started to go downhill. Usher admitted that he had cheated on Tameka because he wanted out of the relationship.

They eventually filed for divorce, and Usher received full physical custody of their two sons. As for Tameka, she’s become the go-to stylist in Atlanta. Despite the rough custody battle they faced, both put their energy toward being good co-parents.

Christie Brinkley’s Scary Health Update

Photo Credits: Christine Brinkley/Instagram

Christie Brinkley revealed on Instagram that she was recently diagnosed with skin cancer. Through a series of posts, Christie walked her fans through every step of her treatment.

It all started with a visit to the doctor for an appointment that wasn’t even hers. She was there for her daughter, who had an appointment to see a doctor. Her daughter needed some moral support, and Christie joined to help comfort her.

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While the doctor was treating her daughter, he also looked at the freckles and spots on Christie. She didn’t intend to say anything at the time, since the appointment was for her daughter, not herself.

When the doctor was about to finish, however, she asked him about a bump she felt near her temple. Christie had started noticing the bump when she applied foundation in the area.

The doctor took out his magnifying glass and inspected the area. The spot troubled him, so he decided to do a biopsy immediately.

Her daughter’s appointment finished, but the doctor wanted to get the spot checked out before Christie left. He took a sample and realized that it was basal cell carcinoma, which is a type of skin cancer.

Christine’s Cancer Could Have Spread to Her Lymph Nodes

This type of cancer is common since you can easily become exposed to it after spending too much time outside in the sun without protection. The sun releases radiation, and while the Earth’s atmosphere protects everyone for the most part, too much exposure can lead to cancer.

The problem with skin cancer is that it can show up late in life. Even though Christie’s cancer showed up now, at 70 years old, it could have initially begun in her 30s or 40s.

According to the Mayo Clinic, basal cell carcinoma can be identified by its appearance. On white skin, the cancer will appear as a bump and take on a skin-like appearance in color or even pink. On darker skin, the bump can look brown or glossy black.

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For Christie, the good news was that she and the doctor caught her skin cancer early. Although it’s rare, this type of skin cancer can spread to a person’s lymph nodes, which becomes an even bigger problem.

It can also lead to the development of other types of skin cancers. So, Christie made the right choice to seek treatment immediately.

After the doctor diagnosed her, he immediately removed the cancer. She explained through her Instagram posts that the doctor made a nickel-sized incision where the bump was located at her temple.

He removed the cancer and then stitched her skin back together. All she needed to heal was a bandage wrapped around the area.

Christie called herself lucky since the doctor’s appointment wasn’t even meant for her. She also gave credit to her doctor, who took action immediately. She said that as soon he saw the bump, he knew he needed to do a biopsy then and there.

Christine Urges Fans to Protect Their Skin

Christie also encouraged her fans to take care of their skin. She called it “creating their own good luck” by regularly seeing their doctor and wearing sun protection.

She encouraged her fans to start wearing sunscreen, as that’s one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer. The model also shared that she was going to take protecting her skin more seriously, too.

Although she admitted that she was a bit late in protecting her skin, she was going to start putting on SPF 30 sunscreen regularly. She was also going to start wearing wide-brim hats and long-sleeve shirts when working outside in her garden.

Her last words of advice for her fans was to have a doctor check their bodies regularly. Fans can check out Christie’s Instagram to see all the photos she took of the operation during and after.

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Christie is best known for her career as a supermodel during the 1970s and ‘80s. Although she was born in Michigan, Christie was living in Paris when she was discovered and quickly set up with a modeling career. She graced the covers of Sports Illustrated and even had a cameo in National Lampoon’s Vacation, but she was best known for being the face of CoverGirl.

Christie also famously had another health scare when she was in a helicopter crash back in 1994. She was skiing at the time, and the helicopter was bringing her up a mountain. When it crashed, she injured her hip and eventually needed to have hip replacement surgery.

Thanks to the quick work of both her doctors, Christie is on the mend and taking her health more seriously.

What Happened to Larry the Cable Guy 

Photo Credit: Larry the Cable Guy/Instagram

Larry the Cable Guy was one of the biggest TV stars of the 2000s. But he seems to have disappeared in the past few years. And the truth about what happened to Larry is shocking. From why his show got canceled to his relationship with his wife, you guys are not ready for this one…

Larry was once a huge part of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour gang. He toured the world with fellow comedians Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, and Bill Engvall. But Larry wasn’t just the third wheel at stand-up gigs. He also starred in movie comedies like Witless Protection and Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector.

In addition, Larry has released an astonishing number of comedy albums. His 10 albums include “The Right to Bare Arms,” which was certified platinum. And when Larry got honored with his own Comedy Central roast in 2009, everyone figured that he would be around forever.

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Where Is Larry the Cable Guy Now?

But fast-forward to now, and it’s like Larry is nowhere to be seen. So, what happened to him? Well, for starters, Larry’s real name is Dan Whitney. And when Dan transformed into Larry, some crazy stuff ended up happening.

In 2011, The History Channel gave Larry a reality TV show. It was called Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy. Larry traveled around the country, doing silly things that his fan base craved. He worked behind the scenes at a circus and rode around with a real biker gang.

He even went digging for gold once. Larry was going everywhere, and his show was a huge hit on television. Then, something happened that shocked millions of television viewers. His show got canceled after just three seasons. Dan would later explain the two reasons why he gave up a super-popular reality show like Larry.

First, he was told that Larry would be attending a music festival in Pennsylvania for an episode of the show. If that doesn’t sound bad, it gets worse. Dan would be posing as Larry at the music festival and would be there to clean the portable toilets.

Dan later told a reporter the details: “I didn’t want to do it. I mean, that was one of the nastiest things on the planet.”When you hear that excuse, you might think that Larry didn’t need another reason to quit the show, but he still had a very valid reason for leaving reality TV.

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Larry the Cable Guy had become really popular, and Dan finally realized that it was negatively affecting his personal life. Not only was Larry touring with his Blue Collar comedian friends, but when the reality show filming got added to his hectic work schedule, Dan often found himself away from home for up to six nights a week.

That’s crazy enough, too. But when you find out how Dan really feels about his superstar success, you won’t believe it either. He started doing stand-up comedy in the early 1990 with one goal in mind: to make enough to pay the bills.

What Is Larry the Cable Guy’s Net Worth?

Before Larry walked away from mostly everything, he was pitching products, starring in movies, filming a reality show, and selling out stadiums doing comedy tours. Celebrity net worth websites calculated Larry’s worth to be a shocking $100 million.

Sources claimed that he’d racked up to $20 million a year just by being a product spokesman. One time in particular, Larry got paid to endorse a pharmaceutical product named Prilosec and reportedly earned tens of millions of dollars for it.

Dan bought a multi-million dollar estate in Scottsdale, Arizona. He also has a main home, a ranch in Nebraska. But while Dan has earned a cushy living by performing as Larry, he’s also confessed some shocking things about Hollywood.

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Dan has revealed that he created Larry to be a country kid that appealed to his target demographic. But in the entertainment industry, Larry has been attacked by some members of the media. Dan says that Larry got stereotyped as a racist redneck. So, Larry has always felt like an outsider in Hollywood.

Who Is Larry the Cable Guy’s Wife?

In his real life, Dan is married to Cara Whitney. Cara grew up in Wisconsin on a cattle ranch. When Larry started touring with the Blue Collar comedians, he did a show in Las Vegas. Cara was working in Vegas as a DJ. They met in Sin City and instantly hit it off.

After a few years of dating and juggling Larry’s crazy work schedule, the two of them got engaged. They got married in Nebraska in July 2005, where Dan grew up, and they both called it their dream wedding. Dan and Cara didn’t exchange vows in a church in Nebraska.

They got married in a field. Dan wore a cut-off sweatshirt, and if you’re picturing Cara in a flowing white gown, you won’t believe this. Cara wore a camp tank top and shorts. After the I dos, there was a laid-back wedding reception. Wedding guests enjoyed reheated lasagna followed by fireworks.

To Dan and Cara, it was perfect — and it only cost them $180 to pull off. Dan has always praised and supported his wife. He’s posted pics on social media with captions poking fun at himself. He likes to joke about how he married a beautiful woman who’s out of his league.

Cara is religious, and she’s published faith-based books and gone on book tours. Dan also loves to acknowledge Cara’s success on social media.

The couple has two kids, Wyatt and Reagan — and Dan is apparently a hands-on dad now that he’s home more. His 180-acre farm in Lincoln, Nebraska, has a dozen horses and lots of dogs and cats. But while life at home has been mostly good for Dan, there have been some challenges, too.

Dan and Cara’s son Wyatt was born with a painful handicap called hip dysplasia. While Wyatt was eventually cured, there were plenty of medical bills. Not only did Dan pay the bills like he’d hoped to when he started doing comedy in the 90s, but he also used his Larry the Cable Guy millions to benefit others in need.

Larry and his Wife Are Philanthropists

Dan and Cara have donated outdoor artwork to his hometown of Pawnee City, Nebraska. He donated money to his old high school for improvements, like new curtains and a soundboard for the gymnasium. Dan and Cara also gave significant donations to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.

In September 2010, they donated $5 million to a children’s hospital financed by the late golfer Arnold Palmer. Dan and Cara also founded the Git-R-Done Foundation to assist veterans and their children. In November 2020, Dan reappeared as Larry for a Netflix comedy special.

When he performs as Larry now, Dan talks about how Cara put him on a diet. He says that his wife lets him have one diet cheat day, or, as Larry jokes, a cheat day is “any time I drive by a fast-food restaurant when she’s not with me in the car.”

In his comedy special, Larry also made cracks you won’t believe about his mother-in-law. The mother-in-law won a hot dog eating contest when she devoured 40 weiners in 10 minutes. Larry also joked about his wife’s favorite show in Las Vegas. According to him, Cara LOVES the male dance revue Chippendales.

Larry joked: “You know why she likes going to the Chippendales? She didn’t marry very good… she married a ‘chunk-endale.” But when he’s not being Larry, people cannot believe one SHOCKING thing about Dan. He didn’t grow up sounding like Larry in real life.

Dan confessed in interview that his southern accent is all an act, and that people get shocked when they hear his voice and midwestern accent. Some people still can’t believe that Larry isn’t real.

While Larry might just be a character, it looks like he hasn’t completely disappeared after all. That should make Larry’s target demographic happy — and Dan sounds happier, too now that his work-life balance is a little better.

Usher’s New Marriage Details

Photo Credits: Jennifer Goicoechea/Instagram

We’re finally starting to learn more about Usher’s unplanned wedding to his new wife Jennifer Goicoechea. He talked to Entertainment Tonight while attending the 2024 NAACP Image Awards.

One of the things he was asked about was his recent nuptials, which he described as an “incredible moment.” The 45-year-old went on to suggest that the celebrations weren’t over yet. He hinted that he and Jennifer were still planning on having a full wedding in the future, which Usher said would be “over the top.” 

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However, they officially became husband and wife on the night of Usher’s Super Bowl Halftime Show appearance. The singer told ET that the couple decided to get legally married that very night, explaining that it felt like the “button on the end of an incredible Las Vegas run.”

Last year, Usher’s residency show in Las Vegas ended shortly before his first performance at the Super Bowl. The news of his impromptu marriage obviously shocked a lot of people around the world. 

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But Usher let us know that it also came as a shock to his own family. He said that both his and Jennifer’s mothers were there, as well as their kids and immediate families. 

Usher continued by admitting that “everybody was surprised” when he told them the wedding was happening right then and there. He laughed when he recalled telling his family that he and Jennifer were “gonna go have Elvis officiate us.”

Jonnetta Did Not Attend Usher’s Previous Wedding

Usher and Jennifer got married in Vegas Weddings’ drive-thru tunnel, known as The Fast Lane. Although they were surprised, his family seemingly were very happy to be part of the spontaneous ceremony. 

Usher’s mom, Jonetta Patton, served as the couple’s witness, according to People magazine. This meant that in at least one way, Usher’s family was more pleased about this marriage than his first one. 

In 2007 it was reported that Jonnetta and Usher had long-standing issues centered around his relationship with his first wife, Tameka Foster. In fact, Jonnetta had not even attended Tameka and Usher’s wedding.

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A source close to Usher’s family talked to People magazine about Jonnetta’s absence from her son’s wedding. The insider said that Jonnetta had instead decided to spend the day at a spa in Atlanta. At the time, this sparked several allegations that Usher and his mom did not get along.

So the fact that Jonetta was the witness at his latest wedding could suggest that she’s much happier with her son’s choice this time around. Usher’s relationship with his mom has had many ups and downs over the years, but lately, everything looks a lot brighter for them.

At the NAACP Image Awards, Usher was honored with the President’s Award. In his acceptance speech, he made sure to thank two of the most important women in his life for their support. He said, “With every strong man is a stronger woman, and for that, I thank my mother and my beautiful wife Jennifer for holding me down.”

No additional details have been shared about Usher and Jennifer’s upcoming “over the top” wedding party.

R-Kelly’s Daughter Speaks Out

Photo Credits: Buku Abi/Instagram

Buku Abi, who was born Joann Kelly, is R. Kelly’s daughter, and like her father, she has a musical career. But that’s about where the similarities end.

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Buku spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about her career and how tough it was to grow up as R. Kelly’s daughter. When she was a child, Buku wasn’t aware of some of her father’s criminal problems. She had no idea that he was misbehaving with minors.

At home, he was just her dad, and her parents did what they could to keep the bad press from entering the home. When she went to school, however, that’s when she started to learn about what her father was involved with.

Buku didn’t go to public school until she was in the fifth grade. By then, she already had her own idea of who her dad was, which was that he was a great musical artist and father. In reality, by this point, R. Kelly was already being investigated for some troubling claims from young women and girls.

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She was bullied at school, and the students were mean to her about her dad. It got so bad that she even considered harming herself. The only thing that saved her was music.

Buku Fell in Love with Music

Originally, Buku didn’t want anything to do with music. That was something her dad did, and she wanted to find her own thing. However, when she had a performance at school that required her to sing, and she took the stage, she called the experience so intense.

She loved it, and she wanted more of it. Buku stopped running from her musical talent and decided to embrace it. She claimed that following a music career is what ultimately saved her from harming herself.

Following a music career meant that Buku was faced with the unique challenge of being R. Kelly’s daughter. She’s called it a double-edged sword.

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There are those in the industry who want to work with her because they believe it’s a way of getting back at R. Kelly. There are also those in the industry who want nothing to do with her because of who her father is.

Buku said she tries not to let those who immediately judge or make assumptions about her get to her because music saved her life. There’s nothing in the world that would stop her from pursuing music because she has such a strong connection to it.

That said, she’s also aware that her music ties her to her dad. They’re both R&B singers, although Buku would likely classify herself as an alternative R&B singer.

His music even inspires her. She said that he’s made mistakes and has some stuff to deal with, but when it comes to his music, she can’t take that away from him. It’s the one area that connects them.

Back when Buku was using the stage name Ariirayé, Buku thought she might mend her relationship with R. Kelly. Part of that process was doing a song together.

Buku Doesn’t Want to Be Judged for her Father’s Choices

The song, Wanna Be There, was about restoring a broken relationship. It debuted on The Buffet, released in 2015.

In the song, R. Kelly sings that he wants to be there to support his daughter. When she finds success, he wants to be there with her, too.

Buku explained that at the time of writing and recording the song, she was trying to fix her relationship with her dad. While she’s glad of the experience and thinks it’s a good song, the process didn’t help her relationship with him. Still, many people claimed that it helped them come together.

R. Kelly has faced and continues to face charges for crimes that involve women and young women. Even Buku’s mother was in a documentary called Surviving R. Kelly, in which the victims of his crimes share their stories. She was there to tell her story of how R. Kelly physically harmed her while they were together.

As for Buku, she tries to stay away from the news about her dad. Since she doesn’t have much of a relationship with him anymore, she doesn’t let his troubles interfere with her life or goals.

Her mom, Drea Kelly, also shared how proud she was of her daughter during an episode of Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta. In the episode, she said that she’s proud of Buku for creating her own music career and making her own decisions instead of relying on her connection to her dad to get gigs.

Buku claimed that the bullying she received as a child helped her grow some armor. Handling the press and what some people say about her and her dad is a bit easier for her because of those experiences.

She just doesn’t want people to judge her for her dad’s problems.