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Exposing the Truth on Prince William’s Mistress

Photo Credits: The Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram and Houghton Hall and Gardens/Instagram

Rose Hanbury spoke out and addressed rumors that she had an affair with Prince William. She made a statement through her lawyers and said that “the rumors are completely false.” Meanwhile, Kensington Palace denied to comment.

If you didn’t know, many people believe that Rose, the woman Prince William has allegedly been having an affair with for years, is the reason Kate disappeared.

Everything seems to be falling apart for Prince William these days. Now that Kate has been missing since Christmas due to her alleged abdominal surgery — not to mention the drama surrounding the edited picture of her and her children on Mother’s Day — everyone’s wondering what the real reason for her disappearance is. And despite the fact that Rose has shut down infidelity rumors, people are not convinced.

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So, who is Rose Hanbury? Supposedly, she was once Kate’s best friend. You’ll never believe all the spicy details about her, or why she’s allegedly the real reason behind Kate’s disappearance.

At this point, it seems like almost all the marriages in the royal family are just destined to fail. Next on the list is apparently William and Kate’s relationship. 

The rumors about William’s affair have been floating around for years. It finally seems like the palace just can’t keep them from spreading anymore.

The woman that William is allegedly cheating on Kate with is named Rose Hanbury. She’s actually William and Kate’s neighbor! From 2015 to 2017, William and Kate lived mainly at their country house, where they became friends with Rose and her husband.

Rose and David Have Always Been Linked to the Royal Family

At first, it was actually Kate who got really close to Rose. Because their houses were so close together, it just made sense for the two of them to become friends. Reportedly, at one point, they were actually pretty much best friends.

Since then, everything has obviously changed. Rumor has it, that when Kate learned about William and Rose’s alleged affair, she cut Rose off completely. She allegedly even banned her from attending royal events. 

Rose and her husband, David Cholmondeley, have always been linked to the royal family. David used to hold a pretty high position in Queen Elizabeth’s court. So, the two of them were always getting invited to royal events. 

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This is another thing that brought them closer to William and Kate. All of that is allegedly over now. 

Obviously, it’s not been officially confirmed whether or not William is actually cheating on Kate with Rose. If he is, that would be a story straight out of a movie. Cheating on his wife with her best friend really is another level of cheating. 

Kate isn’t just getting betrayed by her husband. Her best friend is betraying her trust, too. If these rumors are true, it really seems like Rose was a fake friend to Kate all along. A real friend would never do that kind of thing. 

It really seems like when Kate found out about it, she allegedly cut Rose off without mercy. Since Kate obviously has a much higher position in the royal family, if she doesn’t want Rose at a royal event, that means that Rose can’t come. 

Rose Attended the Queen’s Funeral

Although that apparently doesn’t apply to the Queen’s funeral. Rose actually did attend that, along with David. I guess it makes sense that they would come to that at least. 

David was a really important member of the Queen’s court. So, obviously, even if Kate didn’t want his wife at the funeral, paying respect to the Queen is more important than that.  

The thing is, neither William and Kate nor Rose and David have publicly spoken out about these rumors. They actually seem to be doing their best to stop them from spreading.

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According to a source close to them, Kate and Rose actually even seriously considered suing The Sun for spreading false rumors about them. They didn’t end up going through with it, but it’s obvious that they want to fight the rumors. 

The thing is that none of this is actually official or confirmed. Some sources even say that there’s probably nothing going on between William and Rose. I mean that might have been believable for a while, but recently, another new rumor came out about them.

Rose and David Were Spotted Without Their Wedding Rings

This time, William and Rose allegedly spent Valentine’s Day together. There aren’t any pictures of it, but they were apparently seen having a romantic dinner together. William even allegedly gave Rose a pearl necklace as a gift. 

At this point, I really feel like it’s just super unlikely that there is nothing going on between them. Their affair has been causing a rift in Rose’s marriage as well. She and David allegedly even got divorced because of all this. 

This is another part of this whole story that’s not actually confirmed. You would think that it would be pretty easy to just check if they’re divorced or not.

So, maybe the fact that there is no evidence means they might not be officially divorced – at least not yet. They could still be separated.

Either way, they have allegedly not been together for four years now. That’s since 2019 – the same year the affair between William and Rose allegedly started. 

That would be a huge coincidence – if the two of them got divorced back then but the alleged affair wasn’t connected to it at all. However, both the affair rumors and the divorce rumors could be connected while also being false. 

The rumors about their divorce actually started when Rose was spotted not wearing her wedding ring at an official state dinner in 2019. That’s pretty weak, as far as evidence goes, but two years later, in 2021, David was also spotted without his wedding ring at an official function.

Obviously, just because someone doesn’t wear their wedding ring to a function doesn’t mean that they definitely got divorced. There could be a bunch of different reasons why the two of them didn’t wear their wedding rings.

Rose and David Rushed Into Marriage

At the same time, the fact is that at this point, both of them have been spotted without it, albeit at different points in time. It’s just another small detail on top of everything else.

Rose and David actually have three kids together, just like William and Kate. Their daughter Iris is actually the same age as Princess Charlotte. That’s apparently another thing that made the two families bond together really well. 

It’s actually Iris’s older brothers whose story is really interesting because the two of them might actually be the reason Rose and David ever got married in the first place. The twin boys are Rose and David’s eldest kids. 

Rose actually got pregnant with them before she and David got married. The pregnancy was actually announced just two days before their marriage. It all just seemed really rushed and quick.

They barely even announced the engagement before announcing the pregnancy. So, it really looks like Rose got pregnant, and they had to rush the wedding because of it. 

They got married in a very low-key ceremony that was not typical for the English aristocracy. It all makes me think that maybe if she hadn’t gotten pregnant, the two of them might have never gotten married.

At the same time, it’s not like this was a one-night-stand situation. Rose and David had been dating for six years before they got married.

David is actually a lot older than her. There’s a 23-year age gap between them, so Rose was only 19 when they met. 

She actually used to be a model back then. She was even signed with the same agency as Kate Moss.

Is Rose the Next Camilla?

But now, it looks like she might be the new Camilla, 30 years later because the whole affair is really starting to sound like a story we’ve already heard before. Camilla was once also the other woman in a marriage of the future king, although there are a bunch of differences between her and Rose.

First of all, it all started out differently. Charles and Camilla actually dated before he married Diana, and he might have even married Camilla if he had been allowed to. 

There was always history between them. Their affair was basically a continuation of their relationship from before.

That’s not really the case with this alleged affair between William and Rose, at least not as far as we know. It really seems like he and Kate only really started talking to Rose because she was their neighbor. 

They probably knew each other from before because of David’s position in court. At that point, William and Kate had already been dating for years. Rose and David had also been together for years before getting married. 

So, it really doesn’t seem like there was ever anything between Rose and William before both of them were already married. Still, we all know how the affair with Camilla ended.

Exposing Kate Gosselin’s Affair

Photo Credits: TLC

When Jon and Kate Gosselin split up, everyone believed that their marriage ended because Jon had been unfaithful. But now, it looks like it was actually Kate who had been the cheater in the relationship.

After their breakup in 2009, Jon and Kate went their separate ways. Jon went on to date a string of different women, including Michael Lohan’s ex Kate Major. Kate made it clear that she was not interested in pursuing a relationship and was focused on raising her kids. 

However, around the time of her split from her husband, there was another man in her life. This fuelled all kinds of rumors about Kate. That person was her bodyguard, Steve Neild.

Steve even made an appearance on a TLC special to explain why exactly Kate needed a bodyguard. Kate had apparently been the victim of a lot of hate mail and threats since becoming a reality star. 

To keep herself and her children safe, she hired Steve. However, the decision also led to more unexpected drama. 

After their divorce, Jon repeatedly made suggestions that there was something more than a professional relationship between Kate and Steve. He told InTouch Weekly that they would even share hotel rooms during trips, with the kids in one room and Steve and Kate in another. Jon said that he had always thought that Steve and Kate were actually together. 

Jon Wasn’t the Only One to be Suspicious of Steve and Kate

A few years later, this story seemed to be backed up in the craziest circumstances. 

In 2015, Kate appeared on The Celebrity Apprentice. Among her co-stars in that series was The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kenya Moore. 

After the season ended, Kenya made similar comments about Steve and Kate’s relationship. She stated that Steve and Kate really did share a room, which she found very interesting. 

However, Kate denied the accusations her husband made against her and even turned them around on him. She claimed he was using her to clear his own name. She said that it suited him to take the spotlight off his own bad behavior. 

A couple of weeks before rumors about her and Steve hit the headlines, there were similar stories surfacing about Jon. He came under fire for allegedly having an affair with Deanna Hummell, a then 23-year-old school teacher. 

Kate told People in an exclusive interview that Jon insisted that he and Deanna were just friends. However, she added that he would often apologize to Kate for what she called his “late-night interactions” and would say that they showed “poor judgment.”  

ABC News reported that Jon and Deanna allegedly met after buying each other shots at a bar in Reading, Pennsylvania. Deanna eventually spoke out herself about the accusations, repeating Jon’s line that they were just friends. 

She also said that it was absurd for anyone to think otherwise, as Jon was married with 8 kids, while she was single. However, plenty of people still believed that Jon had been cheating on Kate. That made it all the more shocking when rumors suggested it was the other way around. 

Steve Was Married When the Affair Rumors Spread

One of the big differences between the two cheating stories was that Kate’s alleged lover, Steve, was also a married man himself. He has a wife named Gina as well as two sons, according to Nicki Swift. 

Gina’s social media is still full of pictures of the happy family, and she has never publicly commented on the rumors about her husband and Kate. However, Kate herself told People that Gina had assured her that they were “fine” when Kate called to apologize for the effect the stories had on their lives.

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Following the allegations, paparazzi arrived outside Gina and Steve’s house. Although Gina was apparently fine, Kate was horrified by the rumors. She described them as disgusting and unthinkable and said that the people who put the story out there were animals. 

Kate went on to say that Steve’s family absolutely loved her and her kids, and they had even spent holidays together. However, after a few years, Steve decided to put more distance between himself and Kate. He quit working for her in 2014, never publicly explaining why. 

However, an unknown source who spoke to RadarOnline said that the real reason was down to Gina. The source claimed that she had given her husband an ultimatum.

He had to decide if he was going to keep working for Kate, even though Gina allegedly told him it was making his family miserable. Steve apparently chose his family. 

Steve and Kate Were Spotted Together Again

However, the story did not end there. In 2016, RadarOnline reported that Kate and Steve had been spotted together at a Chicago block party. 

They were reportedly seen together in a selfie a fan took with Kate that was then tweeted. Steve was supposedly standing in the background of the photo. Since then, there have been no further sightings of Kate and Steve together. 

However, that hasn’t stopped Kate’s ex-husband from keeping the allegations in the conversation. In 2022, Jon did an interview with Entertainment Tonight in which he doubled down on his conviction that Kate cheated on him. 

He said that the reason for their divorce was “because a certain person left me for a certain somebody.” Although he didn’t mention Steve by name, fans following the story of Jon and Kate’s split were pretty sure they knew who Jon was talking about. 

It was clear from Jon’s interview that in all the years since their breakup, the former couple have not managed to heal old wounds. In fact, things have really only gotten worse. 

Jon has claimed that he would absolutely be open to a TV reunion of sorts with Kate and the kids. However, according to him, Kate quickly shut down the whole idea. 

Jon told ET that Kate had alienated him from most of his kids, which he called a poor decision. He had allegedly tried several times to contact his kids by text, only to receive no response. 

Hannah and Collin Live with Jon

However, since 2018, he has had a relationship with two of his kids, since they decided to leave Kate’s care. Hannah and Collin chose to live with their dad full time, while the other four sextuplet siblings stay with Kate, and the two oldest kids are away at college. 

At first, Kate had custody of all of their kids, but in 2018, their son Collin moved in with Jon. He was followed by Hannah the following year. 

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Hannah explained that she had always had a good relationship with Jon, whom she’d always been closer with. She went on to say that in a house full of kids, it was difficult to get a lot of one-on-one attention from a parent. 

Although it was apparently a difficult decision to leave her siblings behind, Hannah claimed that she experienced unfair treatment in Kate’s home. An inside source later told Us Weekly that Kate had “definitely spent a lot of time making sure the kids don’t spend time together.”

They went on to add that Kate was “really upset Hannah chose to live with Jon.” However, Hannah stated that she still maintains regular contact with Kate. 

Now that all the kids are over 18, Jon seems willing to tell them more about what really drove their parents apart. He told ET that they were going to learn all of that and how that all transpired and figure out who their parents are.  

But with both of them still denying that they had ever been unfaithful to the other, this will probably be a tricky conversation. It doesn’t look like it will help Kate and Jon bury the hatchet anytime soon. 

Janelle Brought to Tears Over Support for Garrison’s Passing

Photo Credits: TLC and Robert Brown/Instagram

Janelle Brown is revealing exactly how she’s feeling after the tragic passing of her son, Garrison, last week. After Garrison suddenly and tragically passed away last week, fans of Sister Wives and members of the TLC Sister Wives subreddit community began donating to two animal shelters in which he was heavily involved.

Garrison had three cats, Catthew, Patches, and Ms. Buttons. He adopted them from two different animal shelters in the Flagstaff area. He adopted one of them just days before his unfortunate passing.

One of the shelters, High Country Humane, shared a tribute post to him, writing: “Today, we remember and celebrate the life of Garrison, a friend and an extraordinary cat lover, whose kindness touched the lives of all who knew him, both two and four-legged. Garrison’s unwavering love for cats was a heartfelt passion.”

They even went on to explain just how many donations they had received in his memory, saying: “It has been heartwarming to see the donations in his name that continue to pour in. Donations are totaled at nearly 13k and growing thanks to your support. With your generosity, we will be able to feed and care for the over 150 homeless animals we currently have at the shelter.”

Lastly, they explained that they were renaming the cat adoption room in honor of Garrison and his three cats. They’ll also be sponsoring all cat adoptions for March in his memory. While this has happened over the last week, it seems Janelle was just made aware of the donations more recently.

Garrison’s Cats Are Living With His Siblings

She shared two posts about just how much it meant to her, with the first saying: “I have been brought to tears again. I’m being told about everyone’s donations to @highcountryhumane @arkcatsanctuary in Garrison’s name. Thank you all for your generosity. It means so much. The cats he adopted from both agencies were so important to him. He loved being a cat dad.”

She later clarified in the comments that all three cats were readjusting in the homes of his siblings. Janelle didn’t say which of his siblings had adopted them.

She also shared the High Country Humane post later on. On her Instagram story, she shared that she had been moved to tears upon finding out how the Sister Wives fan community had come together to donate to causes that were so important to him.

Garriosn’s Family Has Continued to Honor His Memory

She’s not the only member of the family who is continuing to speak out about Garrison, though. Kody Brown has not said anything publicly beyond his initial statement with Janelle. Both Christine and Meri have said more in the recent days since his passing.

Christine Brown shared a video featuring childhood pictures of Garrison as well as a family picture from Gwen’s wedding with the caption: “Every photo with Garrison in it is now infinitely more important than ever before. I am scrambling for just another glimpse of such an incredible man, brother, son…#alwaysbemissed #missyou #notenough”

Meri posted a photo of her mom on what would’ve been her birthday. She explained how she was a grandma to all the Brown kids, including Garrison.

She wrote: “She loved every one of her grandkids, no matter how they came into her family. They were all hers, and all of our kids lovingly called her ‘Grandma’. I have a little more comfort this week knowing that she was likely on Garrison’s welcoming committee, smiling that perfect smile at him and holding his sweet face in her loving hands.”

The entire Brown family is continuing to struggle to come to terms with this devastating loss. This is especially true for the three women who raised him: Janelle, Christine, and Meri. Even so, they all seem to find comfort in his positive impact on both animal shelters after his passing.

General Hospital Star Robyn Bernard Found Dead

Photo Credit: ABC Photo Archives

General Hospital star Robyn Bernard was found dead in a field on Tuesday, March 12. She was 64 years old. According to a press release from the Riverside County Sheriff, her body was discovered in “an open field behind a business” in Jacinto, California. The local sheriff’s station is currently investigating the case. 

According to TMZ, the Riverside County Coroner says that the cause of death has not been determined yet. An autopsy was reportedly performed on Wednesday, March 13, but toxicology reports can take weeks to process.

Robyn Was Famous for Playing the Role of Terry Brock

Robyn was famous for playing the role of aspiring singer Terry Brock on the long-standing soap General Hospital between 1984 and 1990 – for a total of 145 episodes. Her character developed a drinking problem as the storyline evolved.  

General Hospital was Robyn’s big break, but she ended up disappearing from the spotlight and living a private life not long after that. US Weekly reports that her last acting role after the show was in the 2002 movie Voices From the High School

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Robyn is survived by her sisters, Crystal Bernard and Scarlett Bernard, and her dad, Jerry Wayne Bernard.

Robyn was born on May 26, 1959 in Gladewater, Texas. She started singing and acting at an early age and she and her younger sister Crystal got their start singing gospel songs. Her first credited role was in the 1981 French film Diva, and she occasionally acted in French productions after her time on General Hospital. Crystal later starred in the 1990s TV Series Wings. 

There Have Been Several General Hospital Tragedies In the Past Year

Despite stepping away from acting in the past couple of decades, Robyn is remembered fondly by fans. “Remembering Robyn Bernard with my favourite song she sang on General Hospital as Terry Brock, ‘You and Me Against the World’. May she rest in peace,” wrote a fan on X. “She was the life of the #GH party,” added another X user.  

News of Robyn’s passing comes several months after two other General Hospital tragedies. In January 2024, David Gail, who starred in the Port Charles spinoff of the show, died at 58 following a sudden cardiac arrest. 

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Actor Tyler Christopher, whom viewers remember from his portrayal of Nikolas Cassadine and Connor Bishop from 1996 to 2016, passed away at 50 in October 2023. His cause of death was later revealed as “positional asphyxia due to acute alcohol intoxication,” according to TMZ. 

In May 2023, General Hospital Jacklyn Zeman died at 70 from cancer. She played the iconic role of Bobbie Spencer on the series for 45 years.

The Beefs Of Bhad Bhabie

Photo Credits: Bhad Bhabie/Instagram

Internet sensation Bhad Bhabie, AKA Danielle Bergoli, has been a magnet for controversy since she first became a public figure. With all the attention Danielle pulls her way, it’s no wonder she‘s gotten tangled up in some messy feuds with other famous names. While the list of Danielle’s celebrity run-ins seems almost endless, here are some of her most talked about beefs.

One of the most famous artists that Danielle has publicly fallen out with is Billie Eilish. The pair actually have a pretty complicated relationship that started as a friendship. 

In 2020, Entertainment Tonight talked to the Cash Me Outside star about what happened between her and Billie. Danielle had previously told ET that she and Billie first met online and started chatting over DMs. 

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The first time they physically met was under really tragic circumstances. Danielle revealed in 2019 that they met the day after rapper XXXTenacion passed away. 

Danielle said that Billie “came to my house and we just listened to his music all day.” She added that they had been “real tight” since that meeting. 

However, a year later she painted a different picture of their friendship. Danielle was asked by ET why her fans were always asking if she and Billie were still friends. 

She suggested that although there was no real problem between her and Billie. It had been the Bad Guy singer who had decided to distance herself from Danielle. 

Danielle Insisted That There Was No Beef with Billie

She told ET, “People always want to act like we have problems or we have beef. No.” However, she added that she felt like “someone got into her ear about me and made her think that I was a bad person.” She continued by suggesting, “Or she was getting too big to where she didn’t want to associate herself with my brand.” 

Danielle then opened up about how that possibility made her feel. She said, “And that’s perfectly fine, I understand that, but it sucks to have a friend and they just disappear.”

Despite this, Danielle maintained there was no bad blood on either side. She said, “I’m not mad at her, she’s not mad at me. It is what it is.”

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However, a few months later, it seemed like Danielle was not so okay with Billie’s recent behavior. 

In early 2021, Buzzfeed reported that Danielle answered a question about her and Billie’s friendship on Instagram Live. And she was not as careful with her words as she was in her ET interview. 

She said “I think I’m friends with Billie. I don’t know if Billie is my friend. Every time I DM her and give her my number, she just doesn’t text me.”

She went on to suggest that this was just “what happens” when people get to a certain level of fame. She finished by stating, “I know who my real friends are.” 

Bhad Bhabie vs Skai Jackson

From pop stars to Disney stars, another of Danielle’s most serious beefs was with Jessie star, Skai Jackson. The feud between these two got so out of hand that Skai eventually felt forced to take legal action. 

It all seemed to stem from one shady comment back in 2018. On her Instagram Stories, Danielle shared a post saying, “Lil Miss Disney better stop the sneak dissing.” Although no names were mentioned, the target of the post was thought by many fans to be Skai. 

The rumors were later put to Skai. According to Distractify, Skai claimed that she and Danielle were “cool.”

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Things seemed to settle down for about a year until Danielle suddenly took to social media again. She wrote “still can’t keep my name out of her mouth” before referencing a woman who worked for Disney. 

In a livestream, Danielle claimed that she and Skai had fallen out over her ex-boyfriend, NBA YoungBoy. Soon after, Danielle claimed that Skai had blocked her on social media on her Instagram Story. She also told Skai to send her her address. 

For her part, Skai’s only apparent response to Danielle’s rants was to share a post listing all her recent accomplishments. At the bottom of a list that included her makeup deal and Netflix animated series, she added that she had no time for negatives. 

Skai Filed a Restraining Order

Despite Skai seeming to want no part in Danielle’s drama, things soon escalated to the point where both women’s mothers got involved. After Danielle commented on Skai’s mom Kiya Cole’s page, she responded by demanding to have a conversation with Danielle’s mom. 

Danielle’s mom was quick to respond online, writing to tell Kiya that she should tell her daughter to “stop speaking on mine.” But things really got serious after some horrible threats Danielle made against Skai resulted in the actor filing for a restraining order against the rapper. 

In her filing, she claimed that she was afraid to leave her house alone, according to Distractify. Skai’s restraining order was granted, preventing Danielle from contacting her in any way. 

Danielle responded to the news on her Instagram, writing, “Go get your restraining order, Imma go get checks.” This proved to be one of the most serious arguments Danielle has involved herself in, seeing as it actually reached a courthouse. 

However, it was by no means the last time Bhad Bhabie stirred up trouble with another celebrity.

Where is Kate Middleton?

Photo Credits: The Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram

Ever since the royal family announced that Kate Middleton had abdominal surgery in January, it’s like she’s disappeared. There also haven’t been any real updates about her health, and William recently did something that seemed pretty concerning.

It’s been almost two months since Kate has made a public appearance. In January, she attended a service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk, England.

Then, on January 16, she had her supposedly planned abdominal surgery. After the surgery, Kensington Palace informed us that Kate would be recovering until about Easter. But since then, it’s been pretty much radio silence.

We know she’s back in Windsor now, but she has yet to make a public appearance, which is concerning.

This is the same Kate who left the hospital just a couple of hours after giving birth. Even though she must’ve been really exhausted, she was seen in public, looking really put together.

But this time around, we didn’t even see her leave the hospital at all. The Palace said they would update us if there was any significant new information to share. But can we really trust that?

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Charles Was Recently Diagnosed with Cancer

Just recently, William did something that raised a lot of red flags. There was a memorial service that he was supposed to attend.

This was a really important event because King Constantine of Greece passed away. Constantine was a really close friend of King Charles. So much so that Charles even made him William’s godfather.

So, you’d think that they would both go to his memorial service. But in reality, neither Charles nor William attended.

It’s obvious why Charles wasn’t there. He was recently diagnosed with cancer, so he’s been taking it slow.

William’s absence was honestly shocking. However, he said he had a personal reason for not attending but didn’t specify.

Many people believe it might’ve had something to do with Kate. I can’t imagine he would’ve skipped the memorial service for something small and unimportant. This was the King of Greece and his godfather who passed away, after all.

Since we know that Kate is still recovering from surgery, it would make sense if that was the reason. But what does that mean? Should we be worried that something has gone wrong with her recovery?

Obviously, we don’t actually know the answers to these questions.

It’s also possible that William stayed behind because of his father. Charles is dealing with his own set of serious health issues right now. So, it could be that there was an emergency – but it was Charles who was struggling, not Kate.

Then again, Queen Camilla actually attended Constantine’s funeral. I feel like if something was wrong with Charles, she would want to stay by his side even more than William. So, it does seem more likely that if there was a medical emergency, it was Kate’s.

Kate Was Removed from the “Trooping the Colour” Event

That being said, we don’t even know if there was one to begin with. Maybe William’s personal reason was about something else entirely. Given that we also haven’t seen Kate in almost two months, it does all seem kind of suspicious.

Because of this, rumors and conspiracy theories have started spreading online about where Kate could possibly be. It got so bad that a spokesperson for Kate actually decided to address the situation.

They confirmed that she would be out until after Easter, and repeated that they would only share updates if something significant happened.

A source from the Palace also recently told The Independent that Kate was doing well. But is that actually true? Recently, something else that was really suspicious happened.

The British Army deleted something about Kate from their website. Before they removed it, there was a statement on the website that said that Kate would be attending the annual “Trooping the Colour” event on June 8.

But now, that claim is gone. Apparently, the Army removed it because Kensington Palace said that they had not confirmed her attendance.

Normally, this wouldn’t really be cause for concern. Kensington Palace usually only confirms the royals’ attendance closer to the date. But given everything that’s been going on with Kate, it does seem a little suspicious and worrying.

The event is supposed to take place in June. That’s over two months after Easter. So, is the Palace worried that Kate won’t actually have fully recovered by then?

This could all just be nothing. Maybe the statement was only taken down because the Palace doesn’t usually confirm these things this long in advance, and that’s it.

William and Kate Are Usually Open About Their Lives

It’s all just very strange. Especially since before all this, William and Kate were known for being pretty open about their health issues.

William has previously spoken about mental health, and Kate was always super open about her pregnancies and the difficulties she faced during those times.

So, why are they being so secretive now?

Royal historian and author Clare McHugh talked to Time about this. She said that usually, Kate and William would be open about these things for a specific reason.

Clare stated: “It’s better for them to be candid up front rather than let internet rumors fly,” which makes a lot of sense.

It also makes Kate’s recent surgery seem super suspicious. How they have been dealing with the situation just seems really unusual for them.

As a result, there HAVE been a lot of crazy internet rumors going around. Some people suggested that Kate might’ve even passed away.

But that’s definitely not true. Because, first of all, why would the royal family have to hide this?

It’s not like they could keep this kind of thing a secret for very long. Plus, they keep promising that she’ll be back after Easter.

Kate Was Spotted by Paparazzi

So, this theory just doesn’t make a lot of sense. What would happen once Easter came, and she was still nowhere to be seen?

Here’s the thing – While Kate hasn’t been officially seen in almost two months, she was actually just spotted in some paparazzi photos. In the photos, she was seen in a car with her mom, Carole. They were near Windsor Castle.

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So, we know that Kate is very much alive. But this just raises even more questions and conspiracy theories.

If she’s fit enough to get in the car with her mom and go somewhere, then why all the secrecy? Why did William skip his godfather’s memorial service?

One conspiracy theory about all this stands out among the rest. That’s that maybe, Kate never actually had surgery at all. Maybe something else is going on.

William Allegedly Cheated on Kate

Some people theorized that she could be in the middle of trying to divorce William. It’s alleged that William hasn’t exactly been faithful to her throughout their marriage.

Some people believe that maybe, Kate’s had enough and now wants to leave William. She’s finally filed for divorce.

Except the timing is really bad. Because obviously, Charles just received his cancer diagnosis. So, maybe the Palace is trying to keep the divorce a secret until Charles is better.

They don’t want to deal with the scandal of William being unmarried while his dad’s life could potentially be in danger. William is next in line for the throne, and the UK can’t have an unmarried King.

So, maybe they told Kate that she couldn’t divorce him just yet, but she wasn’t happy about that. So, she agreed that she would wait. She could have been unwilling to do all those fake public appearances with William anymore, which is why the Palace came up with the surgery excuse.

This theory is pretty far-fetched, too. It does seem more likely that Kate just needs some time off. Lying about her having surgery would be a pretty crazy move from the Palace.

I honestly think that the most likely scenario is that Kate did have surgery, and she just wants to keep the details of what it was and how she’s doing to herself. That being said, the royal family can’t be surprised that people want to know what’s going on, especially since Kate always used to tell people about these things. Her current behavior just seems a little odd.

Spanish Press Exposes Kate’s Coma

Photo Credits: The Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram

A new, inexplicable development in the Kate Middleton saga has just been revealed. According to Concha Calleja, a Spanish journalist, things are truly dark and twisted regarding Kate’s health and marriage.

Buckingham Palace has denied her claims, but that has not stopped her from doubling down on the alleged information she claims to have received. According to Calleja, Kate’s surgery was much more severe than the Palace let on. It was allegedly considered to be an emergency surgery.

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Even further, Calleja claims Kate was in a coma due to severe post-op complications, and almost passed away. The doctors were allegedly forced to make emergency, life-altering decisions for Kate’s health and wellbeing. The Palace denied these claims.

Calleja spoke out in defense of her source, saying, “I fully trust my source, and what happens is that they feel upset because we have discovered the truth.” Calleja also claimed that the UK press was forced to stay quiet about this information.

Olive Press, a Spanish media source focused on UK news, took the Kate Middleton gossip one step further. They revealed that Rose Hanbury, Prince William’s longtime alleged mistress, is allegedly getting divorced from her husband, David Cholmondley. According to the Uruguayan version of the Spanish newspaper El Pais, Kate is requesting a divorce from Prince William for the same reason.

Worse yet, according to El Pais, Prince William and Rose Hanbury allegedly spent Valentine’s Day 2023 together. None of these sources have proof of their allegations, but all claim that these are the legitimate reasons for Kate’s bizarre disappearance.

The Conspiracies Peaked on Mother’s Day

After Kate was not seen for more than two months, conspiracy theories began to run rampant on the internet. Things peaked on Mother’s Day in the UK when the Palace shared a photo of Kate and her three children that was suspiciously doctored.

According to the original post, the photo was taken by Prince William. However, there were multiple editing errors that had the world questioning if the photo was legitimate. The speculation became legitimate enough that multiple news sources pulled the image from their websites since it was doctored.

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This led the Palace to share a statement from Kate, saying: “Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C.”

This is an unprecedented move from the Royal Family, who usually abides by the rule “Never complain, never explain.” Conspiracy theorists exploded with outrage at the accusation that the future Queen of England would be editing her own photos.

These two new theories from the Spanish press add fuel to the fire about what is truly going on with Kate Middleton. But as of right now, there has been no proof behind either of these theories.

Ne-Yo Responds to Ex-Wife’s Post

Photo Credits: Ne-Yo/Instagram and Crystal Renay/Instagram

Ne-yo has sparked controversy after commenting on his ex-wife’s Instagram post. Ne-Yo and his ex-wife, Crystal Renay, were officially divorced in 2023.

In a recent interview with PEOPLE, Crystal revealed that she was taking time to focus on herself. She publicized the article on her Instagram by posting a picture of it, and she captioned it with the following- “With grace and gratitude! I Choose Me…Everytime.” Page Six reported that hundreds of people praised Crystal in the comments section, and left messages of support.

Ne-Yo also decided to leave her a comment, but according to the news outlet, it sounded less sincere than the others. He simply wrote ‘Congratulations’ to his ex-wife, which Page Six described as blunt and savage.

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His comment quickly racked up over a thousand likes as well as hundreds of other comments. A lot of the replies were from people calling him out. One online user said he was a bitter baby daddy, and another commented that it was exactly why God wouldn’t restore his hairline.

Crystal was also among the people who replied to him. She wrote “Thank you for the support BD”, and finished with a heart emoticon. Someone later commented on her reply and told her that saying thank you was insane.

But another user pointed out that in her thank you message she referenced him as BD and didn’t give him the respect of what their relationship was. They called it a classy comeback.

Crystal Chose to Stand Up for Herself and Leave the Marriage

The ex-couple was married for 6 years. After 4 years of marriage, E! News reported that they’d separated. 

But the couple reunited in 2020, Ne-Yo proposed to Crystal again, and they renewed their vows in April 2022. Later that year, Page Six revealed that she’d filed for a divorce.

In her most recent interview with PEOPLE, Crystal explained that sometimes people couldn’t see the bigger picture and what may or may not be for them. In her situation, it wasn’t a place for her to be in any longer, and she was OK with that.

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Crystal shared that she was happy for herself because she chose her self-worth. She chose to stand up for herself and walk away from something that just wasn’t serving her any longer.

When referring to Ne-Yo in the interview, she described him as an amazing father and said that their main goal was the well-being of their kids and their happiness. They have three children together: 7-year-old Shaffer Chimere Jr., 5-year-old Roman Alexander-Raj, and 2-year-old Isabella Rose. Crystal also mentioned that when it came to her ex-husband, she didn’t drag him or talk negatively about him.

Crystal Accused Ne-Yo of Cheating

A few years earlier, she’d used her social media platform to open up about something very personal about their relationship. Days before reporting the news of the couple’s divorce in 2022, Page Six revealed that Crystal had posted a statement on her Instagram in which she accused Ne-Yo of infidelity.

She described her relationship as 8 years of lies and deception. 8 years of unknowingly sharing her life and husband with numerous women. The news outlet also claimed that in the divorce documents they’d obtained, the 36-year-old actress also said that Ne-Yo had recently fathered a minor with his paramour.

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According to PEOPLE, the same year that their youngest daughter Isabel was born, Ne-Yo also fathered a child with social media influencer Sade Jenea Bagnerise, named Braiden. In 2023, he had Brixton, his second child with Sade.

Crystal wrote in her 2022 Instagram statement that to say she was heartbroken and disgusted was an understatement. She stated that she would no longer lie to the public. She finished by saying that with no hate in her heart, she wished her ex nothing but the best. 

In response to her statement, Ne-Yo wrote on Twitter that for the sake of their children, he and his family would work through their challenges behind closed doors, and added that personal matters were not meant to be addressed and dissected in public forums.

Police Called To Jenelle Evans’ Home Multiple Times

Photo Credits: Jenelle Evans/Instagram

In the last few days, Jenelle Evans has had multiple visits from police officers at her home, known as The Land, according to a police report obtained by The Ashley. This is reportedly because the Teen Mom 2 star has made several calls to the local sheriff’s office since her split with David Eason. The Ashley first reported that officers were called to Jenelle’s place to deal with “family issues” between her and David. 

In one police report from last week, Jenelle called the cops claiming that several personal items had been stolen. She seemingly alleged that the items had been stolen by David in February.

The report stated that Jenelle called the authorities alleging someone had taken her driver’s license, wallet and several of her credit cards, and was refusing to return them. Jenelle told the police that she had been the victim of “larceny.” 

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Although she didn’t name David, her description of the alleged thief matched his description, according to The Ashley. In the police report, the offender is listed as a 35-year-old white male resident. 

Police were again at Jenelle’s home following what was called Family Offenses. The suspect was listed as having the exact same description, once again allegedly resembling David. The Ashley reported that both incidents at Jenelle’s home are currently listed as “active.”

Jenelle has been making a lot of accusations about David’s behavior since filing for separation last month. In a video posted on TikTok, she claimed that she had been subjected to harassment by her ex. She said in the video, “He can continue to harass me, try to show up to my house every day with cops, text me horrible mean things every day, take my things.”


Replying to @Selene not ruining my sleep at night 🙃💯

♬ original sound – Jenelle Evans
Video Credits: @jenellelevans/TikTok

David Accused Jenelle of Cheating

Jenelle isn’t the only one who has contacted the police since the relationship ended. David has allegedly called the cops at least once in the last few weeks. Incident reports obtained by The Ashley show that he had asked officers to assist him with retrieving scuba equipment from Jenelle’s house. 

Like Jenelle, David has also taken to TikTok recently to air some of the ex-couple’s dirty laundry. He claimed that the reason that he and Jenelle separated was really all about her. 

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David said, “Why did we split? Because Jenelle cheated on me. She’s been cheating for years actually.” He also said that since the end of their marriage, he has been “so happy” to have his friends back after Jenelle allegedly “pushed” them out of his life. 

For her part, Jenelle reportedly filed for legal separation because of what she called “concerning and disturbing behavior” from David. She also accused him of excessively spending her money, refusing to find work himself. David and Jenelle were married for 6 years following 2 years of dating and had their first child shortly after their wedding. 

Luke Bryan Speaks Out On Missing Man

Photo Credits: Luke Bryan/Instagram and Country Now

A college student on a school break went missing after visiting Luke Bryan’s 32 Bridge Bar in Music City. Now, Luke has spoken out about the disappearance.

Country Now reported on March 12th that Riley Strain, a 22-year-old student at the University of Missouri, went missing on Friday evening, March 8th. Sources alleged that Riley got “kicked out” of Luke’s bar on Broadway and has not been seen since.

Luke posted a white-on-black message on his Instagram, beginning in capital letters: “Y’all, this is scary. I’m praying for his safe return.” 

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On March 11th, the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) posted two alerts about Riley on the X social media platform. Nashville PD wrote that Riley was last located at “9:52 p.m. on Friday,” when he was seen downtown on Gay Street “after drinking.”

Nashville PD confirmed that an MNPD helicopter had searched the area on March 11th. MNPD detectives had also completed a ground search, but the alert noted it was to “no avail.” However, MNPD confirmed that the investigation into Riley’s whereabouts was still “active.”

The second MNPD alert confirmed that Riley is visiting from Missouri. Riley is described as 6 feet 5 inches tall with “a thin build, blue eyes and light brown hair.” But Riley’s stepfather told a media outlet that Riley is 6 foot 7 inches tall.

Riley Was Officially Reported Missing on March 9th

WSMV Channel 4 in Nashville reported on March 12th that Riley’s college friends called 911 for assistance after he’d been missing for 16 hours. WSMV confirmed with local emergency services that the call was placed at about 1:40 p.m. on Saturday, March 9th. Riley was officially reported missing following that call.

Channel 4 also obtained the audio of the 911 phone call. One of Riley’s friends told the 911 dispatcher, “We’re here on a fraternity formal trip.” The friend added that Riley was “one of his good buddies.”

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Nashville PD released a video to social media before noon on March 12th. It was taken from a traffic camera at the intersection of Gay Street and 1st Avenue North in the downtown core. MNPD stated that the video showed Riley “wearing a 2-tone shirt” and crossing 1st Ave to Gay Street “right to left” at 9:47 p.m. on March 8th.

MNPD wrote, “Have info about him?” and included a hotline number for anyone with further information about Riley’s whereabouts. WSMV Channel 4 interviewed Riley’s mother and stepfather on March 11th and updated their report the following day.

Michelle Whiteid and Chris Whiteid are Riley’s mom and stepdad. They told WSMV that they are “facing their worst nightmare.” Michelle added, “It’s so hard. I just need to know where my son is.”

Chris told Channel 4 that Riley’s group had taken a bus to Nashville, and he had taken the same trip before. Riley’s friends told Michelle and Chris that Riley was allegedly heading back to their hotel after he got kicked out of 32 Bridge.

This Is the Longest Riley’s Mom Has Gone Without Talking to Him

After Riley got separated from his friends who remained in the bar, his friends allegedly called him. Riley said, “I’m walking back to the hotel.” That hotel is the Tempo Hotel, located six blocks away from the bar.

When Riley’s friends returned to the Tempo, his room key was inside, but Riley was missing. They allegedly tried to call Riley again, but “his phone was dead.”

Riley’s friends claimed they searched for him “for hours” and checked his SnapChat locations. At first, they thought he might have gone to sleep in one of the 30 rooms booked at the hotel by their fraternity group. After checking every room, Riley was still missing. 

At this point, Riley’s friends called Michelle and Chris. Channel 4 said Riley’s parents “jumped into their car and drove straight from Springfield, Missouri to Nashville.” Michelle told Channel 4 that she’s always talked to Riley “every day, multiple times a day,” and added, “This is the longest I’ve ever gone without talking to him.” 

Luke’s Instagram message included a statement the TC Restaurant organization released earlier. TC owns and operates the 32 Bridge Bar, to which Luke sold his branding rights.

The statement read: “TC Restaurant Group, operator, and owner of Luke’s 32 Bridge is continuing to work closely with the Metro Nashville Police Department to provide security camera footage and any other potentially helpful information to aid in the search for Riley Strain. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones for his safe return.”

Michelle also said to WSMV, “Oh God, bud, we love you so much, and we’re all looking for you, all of us. If anybody knows anything, please, just call the police.”