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The Disturbing Truth on Why Jana Can’t Get Married

Photo Credit: TLC

For years, the whole world has wondered why exactly Jana Duggar hasn’t gotten married. She’s 33 years old, and she’s the only adult Duggar daughter who isn’t married. Conspiracy theories have gone wild for years. But now, two of her sisters have accidentally revealed why she hasn’t gotten married yet — and the story is truly dark and twisted.

It all started a few months ago, when a few BIG things happened with the Duggars. First, Jinger released a book called “Becoming Free Indeed,” which exposed a lot about just how toxic the religion that she and the rest of her siblings were brought up in.

Mostly, it exposed just how horrible the leader of their religion, Bill Gothard, truly was. But it was something that happened on her press tour that truly opened up a lot of questions about Jana’s marital status. Jinger talks about how Bill Gothard highly encouraged big commitments.

Why Jana Duggar Isn’t Able to Get Married

She said that he asked young women to make vows to God that they wouldn’t get married for 10-15 years. And almost immediately after the interview came out at the end of May this year, people raised a lot of eyebrows, mostly because there was someone who fit that description almost perfectly.

A woman who hadn’t gotten married for over a decade, and who was now considered too old for marriage by their religion’s standards: Jinger’s sister, Jana. The questions and conspiracy theories surrounding Jana’s marital status were some of the most talked about things in the Duggar world for years.

Some people thought that she was a closeted lesbian or that she didn’t want to have a million kids, so she was waiting to get married until she was older — or even that she was tired from raising her own siblings and didn’t want to start over again with her own family.

But this little slip that Jinger made brought an entirely new conspiracy theory to the table — Jana may have made a vow stating that she wouldn’t get married for years, which meant that she literally couldn’t get married this entire time. The only issue was, there was no proof of this.

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For months, people wondered if Jana could’ve possibly been one of the girls that had made a vow to God because of Gothard, but there was no direct connection between Jana and Bill Gothard. But then a documentary called Shiny, Happy People came out in June of this year, and that really exposed just how sick and twisted Gothard was.

According to the documentary, Bill Gothard had a group of young girls, as in, minors, who he had follow him around, and help him, and work for him. They made similar vows to the one that Jinger spoke about in the podcast interview, and many of the girls came forward in the documentary and said that Gothard had SA’d them.

Now this isn’t new information. Gothard was kicked out of the IBLP, the religion that he started himself, in 2014 when these accusations originally came out, but it was the first time that the public knew the full extent of just how creepily intertwined he was with minors.

Jana Duggar Worked for Bill Gothard

And even still, we had no proof that he was directly connected to Jana in any way. Until her sister Jill released her own book.

And even though she didn’t have a ton to say about Bill Gothard or the IBLP, especially compared to Jinger’s book and the Shiny Happy People documentary, she did mention one thing about Bill Gothard and Jana that had all the puzzle pieces come together for a lot of people.

In the book, she says that Jana was considered a quote unquote “Gothard Girl” and that Gothard liked her because she had blonde hair — and he always preferred blondes. Yes, this was something that the family joked about, and this was something that a lot of former Gothard girls also said about him.

Jill also confirmed that Jana had been sent away to work for him in Chicago. It’s never been clear for how long that was or how old she was at the time. Because when you consider how long they’ve been on TV, it’s hard to remember a time where she was ever off of the show or away from home.

But that’s what Jill said in the book. Obviously, we have no way of knowing if Jana was a victim of Gothard, but when you combine all of these things together…

Between Jinger’s statement about young women making 10-15 year vows of singleness to God because Bill Gothard told them to, and Jill’s passage about Jana being a Gothard girl. you have to imagine that this is the real reason why Jana has never gotten married.

I mean, think of it this way. If Jana did make a 15-year vow at the age of 20. She’d still be bound to her vow. It would mean that she has two more years before she can even get married. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely possible that it wasn’t a 15 year commitment. Maybe it was shorter, and it’s done, but she just hasn’t met the right guy yet.

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But considering how weird the family always has been and still is when it comes to Jana getting married, that wouldn’t surprise me. But what purpose would this vow even serve? Because we all know that based on how sick and twisted Gothard is, it has nothing to actually do with God.

No, it most likely was something that he came up with either for his own benefit, or for the fathers of the girls that were making these vows. The way that I see it, Gothard either wanted the girls to make a vow of singleness so that they wouldn’t be taken away from his supervision.

Why Gothard Encouraged Girls to Make This Vow

Because while their fathers may have sent them away to Gothard, their husbands most likely wouldn’t have been okay with that. And Jill even says in her book that it was expected that a daughter is passed off from the authority of the father to the authority of the husband at the time of the wedding.

But it also could be for an entirely different reason. One of Bill Gothard’s biggest teachings was to encourage people to have as many children as possible, which meant that almost all of his adult followers had their hands full with their dozens of children.

Almost exactly like Jim Bob and Michelle…And we all know that there’s no way Michelle, or any woman for that matter, could handle all that childcare by herself. But in Jana’s situation, she has essentially been helping to raise her siblings since she was still a child.

It’s definitely possible that Gothard encouraged one daughter from each family to make this vow, because he knew that the parents needed help with childcare, and that’s just something that they wouldn’t get for free if all of their daughters got married and left home.

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And if you’re just having a hard time believing that this is true. A former member of the IBLP on Reddit came forward and confirmed that this was something that was asked of them frequently.

“Yes this was a thing Gothard promoted. I was at girls conferences where we were encouraged to make a vow for a certain amount of years to be celibate and not pursue relationships with guys. I thought it was dumb so I never did. I don’t know that it was ever a Duggar thing but it definitely was a Gothard thing,” the Redditor said.

So again, if Jana made that vow, she might still be bound to it all these years later, and we might finally have cracked the code to why she’s the only Duggar daughter who isn’t married. It seems like now that we have confirmation that she was the closest to Gothard out of all of the Duggar girls.

The Dark Side of Christine Brown’s New Husband

Photo Credit: Christine Brown/Instagram

Christine Brown’s new husband could be hiding a dark secret that most people have no idea about. His new life with Christine seems to be all sunshine and rainbows, but the story of his first marriage is nothing like that. So, what exactly happened with his first wife? And does this mean that things could take a dark turn with Christine too?

Christine and David Woolley look super happy together. They’ve been all cute on social media, calling each other king and queen. And they even got married just recently. All in all, things seem to be going great for them. But behind the scenes, David has been hiding a dark secret from his past — and it all has to do with his first wife.

David Wooley Was Married Before He and Christine Met

If you didn’t know, David was already married once, a long time before he and Christine met. Now, obviously, there’s nothing wrong with that. After all, Christine was married before, too, to Kody, and that relationship was a complete mess, too.

But honestly, that was nothing compared to what happened with David’s first wife. That story is actually really serious and dark. Because, unlike Christine, David actually never got divorced. The reason he’s not married to his first wife anymore is because she sadly passed away, and it actually happened in one of the worst ways possible. [TRIGGER WARNING: suicide and domestic violence].

Because she actually ended up taking her own life. Her name was Margaret Lucille Suliin. And when she tragically passed away, she and David had been married for over 20 years. From the outside, their relationship may have seemed beautiful and harmonious.

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They got married in the ’90s and started building a big and happy family together. They ended up having eight kids and things were looking pretty good for them, but that was until everything came crashing down. And the thing is, Margaret actually left a note with her last message to everyone.

And what she said seems to reveal a dark truth about her and David’s relationship. From her note, it seems like their relationship was never actually beautiful and happy. And it seems like she even accused David of some pretty serious things.

The Tragic Story of David’s First Wife

She didn’t say anything specific exactly, but it sounded like she might have been talking about DV. And that might have even been what ultimately made her decide to end her own life. Because she was unable to find help from anyone. One day, in June 2012, she just disappeared out of nowhere.

Neither David nor anyone else knew where she was, and they started looking for her pretty much immediately. But by the time they found her, it was already too late. Margaret was actually staying at a hotel, and her body was found by the maid who came to clean up her room.

By that point, her friends and family were already really worried about her, mainly because she made it really obvious that something was very wrong. For one, she left her home and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, but then she also started sending some really worrying texts to her friend.

From the texts, it was obvious what she was planning to do. So her friend got really worried and contacted the police, as well as David, but nobody knew where Margaret was, and in the end, they were unable to stop her from taking her own life.

The police knew she was missing, and they also knew about the texts she had sent to her friend, and David was apparently trying all night to reach her on the phone. But there just hadn’t been enough time to actually find her and prevent the tragedy.

Margaret checked into the hotel for one night only, and the next day, she was found surrounded by pills and empty bottles. It seems like she took a bunch of substances and combined them. That’s also what the police investigation concluded.

Is Christine’s Husband David Hiding a Dark Side?

But of course, along with Margaret’s body, they also found her last note — and the things she had to say were just heartbreaking. She basically said that nobody had helped her when she needed it. The note actually implied that there was a harmful situation going on in her life.

And there’s reason to believe David had something to do with that. It seems like she was trying to show signs to people of what was going on, but in the end, nobody actually helped her and everyone just turned their backs on her. Then she also left moving goodbye messages for her kids.

She said sorry to them for leaving them like this. But her message for David was actually not positive at all. She said he had been controlling and manipulative to her, and that it made all the good parts of her break under pressure until she had nothing left.

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She didn’t actually make any more specific accusations, but this is some pretty serious stuff, because it seems like to her, David was the main cause of unhappiness in her life. But the reality is, what happened wasn’t just David’s fault. Margaret had been struggling with her mental health for a while at that point.

According to David and her friends, she was actually battling depression. In the end, her mental health issues just got too hard to deal with, and that part really couldn’t have been David’s fault. But it’s possible that he could have been actually making things worse by his behavior in the relationship.

The thing is, it’s impossible to know what was really going on between them, because sadly, Margaret is no longer around to talk about it. But it’s clear that she at the very least felt like something was not right in their relationship. It could just be that they had some pretty regular marital issues, and it was all just very difficult for her to deal with because of her fragile mental health.  

But it could just as well be that David did some really bad things to her. Although I have to say here that Margaret’s last note is the only evidence of that we have. David never got in trouble with the law because of DV, which obviously doesn’t actually prove that he never did anything like that.

Should Christine Be Worried About David?

But the other big sign that I can see is that his kids seem to all be on pretty good terms with him. Earlier this year, David made an Instagram account after he and Christine got engaged, and in his introduction post, he talked all about his family, his kids and grandkids.

He even made sure to ask everyone if they were okay with being on his Instagram, and he censored everyone’s face who didn’t agree, which is definitely the right thing to do and it shows that he understands boundaries and will respect them.

It also looks like his kids are generally on good terms with him, and I think that might not have been the case if he had been openly really bad to their mom in the past. But still, this is obviously not proof of anything… 

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At the end of the day, there’s really no way for us to know what was really going on between him and Margaret. But the question that everyone is probably asking is this. If he is actually someone who inflicted DV on his first wife in the past, will the same thing happen to Christine now that they are married?

And I mean, the circumstances of the two relationships are very very different. Both Christine and David are older now, and their relationship will work differently, but the way they got so serious so quickly might be a cause for concern. They got married less than a year after announcing that they were dating.

So there’s no way that Christine knows him well enough and can be sure that he’s actually going to be good to her, especially with her troubled history with Kody. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens… 

How Leon Brown from Sister Wives Came Out as Transgender

Photo Credit: Leon Brown/Instagram

On June 28, 2022, Meri and Kody’s only child, Leon Brown, shared something pretty personal on Instagram. They actually came out as transgender. 

In the lengthy post, they said that from now on, people should only refer to them with they/them pronouns. But that’s not all. They also announced that they had changed their name to Leon or Leo — they like both versions equally.

The whole Instagram post was pretty emotional. Leon started it by saying that someone recently told them that they didn’t have to have everything figured out before they shared themselves with the world. And that advice was why they decided that it was time to finally come out – even though they didn’t have everything figured out just yet. 

They posted two photos of themselves in front of a big door – in one of the photos, they have a huge smile on. They seem really happy, which definitely comes across from what they wrote. 

Leon Brown Knew Early On They Didn’t Identify As a Girl

In the caption, Leon explained that they’ve always felt this way. They were pretty young when they first realized they weren’t a girl. But since they were raised in a very gendered and restrictive society, they were still socialized as a girl and, later, a woman. 

Despite that, they were now finally ready to come out and be their true self. They announced that they were genderqueer, trans, and unapologetic about it all.

From the post, it seems like this coming out has been a long time coming. They said that being queer and trans were some of their favorite parts of themselves. They were clearly happy to finally be able to share it with the world.

At the same time, Leon did admit that there were still many things that they needed to learn to love about themself. This coming out process has apparently been helping them gain more confidence – but they still feel like there’s more they need to learn. 

They’re still getting to know themselves, and they will continue sharing themselves and evolving to be the person they know they are. 

This wasn’t the first time Leon had to come out to people. You might remember that back in 2017, they came out as gay. This was during season 11 of Sister Wives. 

Was Meri Supportive of Leon’s Transition?

Back then, Meri struggled with Leon’s coming out. She did say that she was happy that her child knew who they were. Still, it clearly wasn’t easy for her. 

But it seems like she’s taking it much better this time around. We obviously don’t know when Meri found out about Leon’s gender identity. It might’ve taken her a while to get used to it, but she does seem super supportive now. She actually shared Leon’s coming out post to her Instagram stories and said that they were her sunshine. 

Meri and Leon do seem to have a pretty good relationship. Just recently, during Mother’s Day, Meri also gushed about them. She said that she loved this kid that made her a mom – it was actually pretty sweet. 

As for Leon and their father Kody, the U.S. Sun reported that they are estranged and that Kody does not support Leon’s transition. A source told the outlet that Meri picked her child over Kody: “Leon is her only child, and she wasn’t going to disown them. She will pick Leon over Kody every day.”

Meri wasn’t the only person showing support to Leon. There were many others that have commented under their coming out post – including Audrey Kriss, who was Leon’s fiancée at the time (they are now married).

Audrey commented under Leon’s post to say that they loved them and were proud of them. They also shared the post to their stories. And just recently, Audrey also posted a photo of the two, wishing everyone happy Pride. Leon actually published their coming out post during Pride month, which was in June. They probably felt that the timing was right because of that.

Leon Continues to Inspire Others to Stay True to Themselves

But there was another reason why they decided to come out now. They said that they wanted to share this part of themselves to let people in – but also to set some clear boundaries.

They said that everyone should respect their new name and pronouns. If someone chooses not to use their correct name and pronouns, they should not speak to or about them at all. 

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They ended the whole post by asking once again for people to only use they/them pronouns and either Leon or Leo as their name. They do not want to engage with people who don’t respect who they are. Since then, Leon has been sharing their journey on Instagram and inspiring others to stay unapologetically true to themselves.

Leon and Audrey got married on October 29, 2022.

Teyana Taylor Exposes Divorce Drama

Photo Credits: Teyana Taylor/Instagram and Iman Shumpert/Instagram

The news about Teyana Taylor’s divorce from Iman Shumpert just keeps getting crazier. We found out about their separation in late 2023. Since then, it’s just been one insane headline after another.

But Teyana recently spoke up about how she’s sick of the media manipulating information about her divorce. The way she reacted to the disturbing story about her latest drama is beyond shocking. 

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Divorces, in general, are never pretty. When it comes to famous divorces, we have to question how much of the ugliness is actually because of the divorcees themselves and how much of it is being exaggerated by the press. Some news outlets like to throw gas on the fire and churn out stories with a little extra drama.

In January, Teyana got wind of a story that really upset her. Honestly, the story was pretty jaw-dropping.

Iman Wasn’t Paying Child Support

TMZ reported that they had documents from a court filing that allegedly exposed some crazy behavior on Iman’s part. Apparently, he was shutting down the utilities in his ex-wife’s home, where she was still living with their two children. The document claimed Teyana suddenly discovered that her WiFi, cable, and water had been cut off.

TMZ also reported that Iman had moved out of the house in October. His brother is the one in charge of his personal affairs. The news outlet claimed that he told Teyana her ex had plans of shutting off her power, too.

And the story just kept getting worse and worse. According to the alleged documents, Teyana told her lawyer that Iman hadn’t been paying child support or helping to cover their daughters’ expenses.

On top of that, TMZ also reported that Iman left his ex to cover the costs of the renovation of their home. The total of which was allegedly 200,000 dollars! 

TMZ concluded that Teyana had the funds to cover all those costs. But the content of the court filing suggested that she was trying to hold her ex accountable. If all of this is true, then I think it’s honestly pretty disgusting behavior from Iman.

When the story came out, everyone had an opinion about it. According to Pinkvilla, a source close to Teyana said it was a low blow for someone to do that to their family. Cutting off the water like that when there were young kids in the house was beyond inconsiderate.

Teyana’s lawyers also had some harsh words to share. She reportedly said no matter how angry one parent may be, endangering the health and safety of children was unacceptable. 

Teyana Called Out TMZ

They weren’t the only people who were shocked by TMZ’s report. Like I said before, Teyana saw the news and just blew up when she found out. Not long after the report was published, she took to Instagram to set the record straight.

You could tell she was mad at TMZ and wanted to shame the news outlet for spreading misinformation. She shared a super long, super angry message directed at them in one of her Instagram stories.

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She began by saying that TMZ had taken it too far with their misleading headlines and that she was tired of it. Then she explained that every time she turned around, she’d find either half-leaked and made-up stories or words being twisted for clickbait. She told TMZ to mind their own business and to respect her and her family’s privacy. 

But she didn’t stop there. She even switched to capital letters in her message to show just how ticked off she was. Teyana continued by insisting that she’d been very graceful, cordial, and protective of all parties involved in the whole process.

But then her tone shifted, and she started calling the press out again. She shared that the same kind of energy that she’d put out had not been reciprocated at all. Yet, she said that she still walked in grace. 

Teyana Discredited the Stories About Her Family

Teyana highlighted that from day one, she’d never said anything to anyone. In an eye-opening admission, she revealed that she’d filed for divorce under initials and that she’d kept the matter private for almost a year. That is until someone decided to file a motion using their full names, making their divorce proceedings public.

She finished by letting everyone know that the utilities in her home were on the same day TMZ’s story came out. She and her kids were never going to be sitting ducks.

But now the question is- What exactly is the truth?

In her wall of text, Teyana claimed that websites like TMZ were taking information from her original court complaint and combining it with other court documents to create fake narratives that sounded more scandalous than reality. If what she claimed they’re doing with her court documents is true, then it would make total sense that she’s sick of reading stories about her life.

Let’s say that the story about Iman shutting off the utilities was just made up. What else from what we’ve heard about the divorce so far has been made to sound worse than it is? Because we’ve heard a whole lot of bad stuff about Iman over the past few months.

The Daily News reported that according to leaked court documents, Teyana was actually concerned about the well-being of her children when they were in Iman’s care. She reportedly said that he consistently demonstrated a clear disregard for the safety of their minor children. Teyana allegedly accused him of being under the influence when he was supposed to be caring for their two daughters, Junie and Rue. 

Teyana Felt Alone in Her Marriage

Vibe revealed that in the divorce petition, she’d accused him of emotional and mental harm toward her and of being involved in multiple cheating scandals.

According to Pinkvilla, Teyana had previously opened up about her struggles in a 2021 interview. She reportedly confessed that she was just tired of crying, tired of being stressed, and tired of feeling alone.

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She shared that she needed help and wasn’t getting it. Pinkvilla claimed that insiders said Iman was not there for his wife during her difficult moments and that his lack of support was what really began to negatively affect their marriage.

 It was in early 2023 that Teyana was first spotted without a ring. Because she decided to keep the divorce procedures under wraps, we only officially got the news of their separation back in September. 

Exposing Dog the Bounty Hunter’s New Wife

Photo Credits: Duane Lee Chapman/Instagram

It was shocking enough that Dog ended up getting married two years ago. But now, the real truth about his wife has been exposed. And it’s crazier than you might think.

Kevin Frazier of Entertainment Tonight sat down with Dog and Francie Frane shortly after they met. Kevin asked Dog to introduce him to Francie. Dog’s confession in that TV interview caused fans to throw major shade at him.

On September 2, 2021, Dog got married for the sixth time. According to Page Six, plenty of family drama went down behind the scenes. But the drama spilled over onto social media when Dog shared National Enquirer photos of his wedding to Francie on Instagram.

A follower commented: “Never gonna be another Beth.” Shockingly, other commenters asked, “Why is she trying to look like Beth,” and “Don’t you want to be different than Beth?”

Dog responded to the haters, and what he said was crazy. The first thing he did was blast all his critics on social media. 

Dog wrote: “Some of you are saying she is trying to look like Beth.” Then, Dog made a list of how Francie is different. 

He wrote that Beth had “platinum blonde” hair and alleged that Francie is a “natural blonde.” Dog wrote that Beth was 5’4, and Francie was 5’10.

But the measurements didn’t stop there. Shockingly, Dog even compared Beth’s weight to Francie’s when he wrote that Beth was 160 lbs and Francie weighed 135 lbs.

Dog also said that Beth had brown eyes while Francie had blue eyes. He warned, “Just like Beth, watch what you say about Francie, got it?”

Dog’s Oldest Daughter Approves of Francie

Dog sounded pretty sure of himself when comparing his late wife and new wife, but is Francie really just controlling him behind the scenes? Sources with inside knowledge claim that Dog has become super-religious because of Francie.  

When their relationship went public, Dog tried to set the record straight on how he got Francie to go out with him. Allegedly, Francie only agreed if Dog went to church with her.

Hollywood Life alleged that Dog’s oldest surviving daughter, Lyssa, approved of Francie. Lyssa said that Dog and Francie “go to church three times a week, and Dad is trying to give up smoking.” Lyssa also claimed: “She is a good woman for my dad.”

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But inside sources claim that there’s still a lot of drama between Dog and his daughter Bonnie, Beth’s biological child. 

When critics threw shade at Dog for getting engaged to Francie so quickly, it was shocking that Bonnie initially came to his defense. She wrote on Instagram that Dog had been through so much this past year without her mother. 

Bonnie added: “It’s been extremely difficult to see one parent pass and the other so intent on following.” She said, “My father deserves to be happy.”

Bonnie Exposed Francie and Dog

But E! News Online reported in August 2021 that Dog and Francie had not invited Bonnie or her younger sister, Cecily, to their wedding. You won’t believe who told Bonnie that she wasn’t coming.

TMZ talked to Bonnie about the wedding snub, and Bonnie also discussed a conspiracy theory on social media. Bonnie wrote on Facebook that she’d received a text from Francie, and allegedly, Francie’s text confirmed why Bonnie wasn’t invited to the wedding.

Bonnie believed she got snubbed because she’d chosen to participate in social justice and BLM protests. She had also accused Dog of racism in a shocking social media post – although Dog has denied her allegations.

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But Bonnie’s allegations didn’t end with racism. This sounds unbelievable, but Bonnie even accused her dad of cheating on her mom and threatening physical harm. Bonnie wrote, in part: “I will no longer back down.”

She also directed serious allegations at Francie. She claimed that Francie had gotten COVID-19 in December 2020 but was still flying to “speaking events knowing she had COVID.” Bonnie also stated that Francie “didn’t seem to care about the thousands of people she could have infected.”

Dog released a statement to E! News denying all of Bonnie’s allegations, and he accused Bonnie of making a misguided attempt to derail their wedding. Although Dog admitted to E! News: “I’m not perfect and have made some mistakes.”

Francie Looks Unrecognizable Since Marrying Dog

Francie claimed from the beginning that she and Dog “understood the pain that the other one was feeling” because they had both lost their spouses. They “helped each other stand up.”

But being Dog’s wife has helped Francie in a few other ways. Even though many of Dog’s fans and followers threw shade at Dog for marrying again after Beth, Francie’s Instagram followers grew to over 47,000 after she became Dog’s sixth wife.

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Francie had insisted that she didn’t know who Dog was before she married him. She’s making up for lost time with gushing tributes to Dog on social media like “This Is My Man: From ExCon To Icon, The Man The Myth The Legend, Dog The Bounty Hunter, I am madly in love with you!!”

In March 2023, Francie and Dog appeared on the Faith With Katie podcast, hosted by Katie Souza. The first thing about their podcast appearance was how different Francie looked in 2023.

The U.S. Sun went as far as to say that Francie looks unrecognizable now. There was also a recent Instagram photo of Dog and Francie in their article, and while Dog looks like he’s frowning behind his sunglasses, Francie has a pretty interesting smile.

Francie and Dog were celebrating their second anniversary, and the photo shows her with sleek, straightened hair. Francie also wore a piercing on her upper lip, which was new.

Dog and Francie Are Working on Several Upcoming Projects

The Naples Daily News reported another side of the story in March 2023. Naples Daily News said that Francie and Dog were moving to Marco Island in Florida. Katie had mentioned on the podcast that Francie and Dog were her new next-door neighbors.

According to Francie, Dog wasn’t used to cold Colorado winters after living in Hawaii, so they decided on Florida. She claimed they were heavily involved with “various churches throughout Naples.”

Francie also discussed an important project that she and Dog are allegedly working on called the “Houses of Bounty.” They are reportedly purchasing five acres of land in Naples to build houses for women in need.

Shockingly, Francie said that she’s been in that situation before. Francie alleged that she was physically harmed in two previous relationships. 

She claimed that “amazing people” finally helped her “get a place to live” and helped her “start getting into counseling and start getting some healing.” Now that they’re living in Marco Island, Francie said: “It is my passion and my heart to be able to do that for other women.”

According to Francie, Dog is working on a “brand new book and a podcast” that he wants to call “Dogcast.” Francie believes that God brought her into Dog’s life “to help him.”

She said: “I didn’t realize at first that it was this.” She claimed that God is “using us to change people’s lives. It was this love story that God brought us together.”

Exposing Kelly and Mark’s Breakup

Photo Credits: Kelly Ripa/Instagram

Kelly Ripa and her husband, Mark Consuelos, have always presented themselves as having the perfect marriage. But it turns out that not everything was great for them, as they broke up just days before they eloped in 1996. You’ll never believe just how fast everything happened and how Mark would stop at nothing to get her back. 

It took Kelly and Mark a while before they admitted that things weren’t exactly paradise between them. In an episode of Live with Kelly and Mark, they revealed that they did break up all those years ago. Kelly said that when Mark broke up with her, he didn’t do a very good job of it. 

During the episode, they said they always remember December 11th as their break-up day. The couple talked about why a lot of people tend to break up around this time of the year, speculating that it could be due to the pressure of the holidays. 

In an interesting turn of events, Mark encouraged everyone watching the show to just break up with someone if they were thinking about it.  While he bragged that he was good at breakups and would be a great resource, Kelly reminded him that she was technically the last person he broke up with. And it all happened just three days before they got married. 

Mark and Kelly Didn’t Plan Their Wedding

The whole story is strange when you think about it. It’s interesting that they still went through with getting married in the end. 

Looking back, it seems like they made the right decision, considering their long marriage. But the fact that they aren’t open about why they broke up is suspicious. You’d think they would have announced the reason on their show, but they just quickly changed the subject. 

It’s also important to note that Kelly and Mark didn’t have a whole wedding planned out. The pair eloped in Las Vegas pretty much immediately after they got back together. 

Despite their secrecy, Mark did admit on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen that Kelly drove him crazy with her lack of communication. According to Mark, once they broke up, he didn’t hear from her. He joked that he had to stalk her to talk to her the day before they got married. 

He said that he and Kelly were set to do an appearance on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee. While they were in the room together, Kelly wouldn’t talk to him. After that, he said he followed her to Central Park before they finally went back to his place. 

The whole thing is super strange, especially when you look at how quickly everything happened. Despite that, Mark said that it was good for their relationship since it made their love even stronger. 

Their marriage was so hasty! They eloped because they had a couple of days off from work at the same time and figured it would be fun. 

They were also experiencing a record-breaking snowstorm at the time. The couple saw that it was warm and sunny in Las Vegas, so they wanted to go.

Those are definitely pretty strange reasons to get married.

December 11th is Like a Holiday for the Couple

They may never admit what caused their breakup in the first place. But it’s possible that they were afraid that something could come between them again. They might have been scared of another breakup and felt that a marriage would be a more solid commitment. 

On the other hand, it’s possible that spending a couple of days apart made them realize just how much they actually loved each other, and they just couldn’t wait any longer. But either way, I feel like their attitude about all this is kind of weird.

Even though they were joking that December 11th is their breakup day, it’s still a dark thing to celebrate. It seems like the two of them can’t help but think about this situation even though it’s been more than two decades. 

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While Mark thought it was funny that he had to stalk Kelly, it’s not actually all that funny at all. There could have been a much deeper reason behind Kelly refusing to talk to him. It seems like this issue could still be a sour spot in their marriage. 

Despite this, we can’t deny that their marriage has seen at least some level of success. We don’t know what really goes on behind closed doors. The simple fact that they’ve been together for as long as they have is definitely worth noting. 

Kelly and Mark might eventually open up even more about why they broke up all those years ago.

The Truth About Kelly Ripa’s Son

Photo Credits: Kelly Ripa/Instagram and Michael Consuelos/Instagram

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos have always spoken about not letting their children rely on fame to get them places. But it seems like that may not actually be the case.

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Their oldest son, Michael, has landed two high-profile jobs in franchises very close to his parents. You’ll never believe what he does for work and how suspicious it is that he got these jobs.

Michael Stars in Riverdale alongside His Dad

In 2018, Kelly and Mark’s son Michael got his first real role in the entertainment industry after he was cast on the hit show Riverdale. Mark plays a recurring character on the show. Interestingly enough, Michael played a young version of his dad’s character. 

While it makes sense as a casting decision to get someone related to Mark to play a younger version of himself, it’s clear that Michael got this role purely because of his dad. Although he might be a decent actor, his credits before his role on Riverdale consisted of voiceover work for just a few episodes of children’s shows when he was younger. 

It seems almost impossible that he would have landed this role just based on merit, meaning that the producers likely only reached out to him because of his relation to Mark. The character that his dad played in the show was highly integral to the entire plot and was a major character, so it just seems strange that they would have cast someone with almost no experience.

Because he’s Mark’s son, it’s possible the showrunners did everything they could to make their casting decision work. It’s likely that even if he wasn’t an amazing actor, they would have cast him in that role anyway. 

Being on such a show is an honor, as the main cast has gone on to have extremely promising careers. Having the show on his resume is an accomplishment, but not one that he got on his own. 

Kelly Claims Her Son Lives in “Extreme Poverty”

This directly contradicts what Kelly and Mark have stated about their parenting style when it comes to their children. 

Kelly told Access Hollywood that she and Mark make their children hold jobs to understand the importance of work. She’s even said that neither she nor her husband grew up privileged, so it was important to them that their kids knew what it meant to work hard. 

There’s no denying that Michael may have worked hard while on Riverdale. But there is still a huge presence of privilege that it seems the whole family is just glossing over. Michael had also moved out of his parents’ Upper East Side home to live in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

In her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kelly said Michael enjoys the freedom of living on his own but hates paying rent. She said he’s chronically poor and that she doesn’t think her son has truly experienced extreme poverty like he is experiencing now. 

It seems clear that Kelly doesn’t know what extreme poverty actually looks like. Even if Michael was living paycheck to paycheck, it’s obvious that he is able to provide for himself comfortably. He seemingly has all the necessities, and even if he doesn’t, he always has his extremely rich celebrity parents to fall back on. 

Actual poverty certainly doesn’t look like that, and it’s shocking that she would even compare the two situations at all. The comment was extremely out of touch.

Michael is Now Working Behind the Camera

Things only get worse when you look at the job Michael has now. In 2023, it was announced that he would become a part of the Real Housewives franchise. 

Andy Cohen, a close friend of Mark and Kelly, announced that Michael was working as a producer behind the scenes. He’s not just working on one of the shows. He’s working on multiple, playing a role in The Real Housewives of Miami, New York, and Jersey. 

Again, Michael is only 26 years old and has next to nothing on his resume. There’s no way that he has the experience or knowledge to produce a franchise as big as The Real Housewives, let alone to be promoted by the one and only Andy Cohen. Andy even confessed that he has a close relationship with Michael, often texting him to pick his brain. 

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It was also revealed that Michael was a recent New York University graduate. This means that this is his first job out of college, aside from his role on Riverdale. Considering how difficult it is for young adults to find employment after graduation, this hand-out is hard to swallow. 

While Michael may be a competent and smart guy, that just doesn’t take away from the fact that he most likely didn’t get any of this based on his hard work. It’s extremely hypocritical of Kelly and Mark to act like he did it all on his own without their help.

Even if they didn’t have a direct hand in getting him these roles, being their son has given him opportunities. The connections that they have in the industry are priceless. There’s also no denying that he’s making a decent amount of money with it all, too. 

Dolly Speaks out on Beyonce

Photo Credits: Beyoncé/Instagram and Dolly Parton/Instagram

Beyonce made country music history in February 2024. The country legend herself—Dolly Parton—has spoken out about Queen Bey’s chart-topping country hit, “Texas Hold ‘Em.” As the first Black female artist to hit #1 on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart, Beyonce received congratulations and well wishes from Dolly on social media.

Entertainment Tonight reported that Dolly posted her sweet message to Beyonce online on February 22nd. She told her fans and followers that she’s a “big fan of Beyonce and very excited that she’s done a country album,” and then Dolly did a shout-out right to Beyonce. She wrote, “So congratulations on your Billboard Hot Country number one single. Can’t wait to hear the full album!”

Beyonce has faced criticism in the industry for her choice to record country music. But Dolly Parton is no stranger to controversy, and she’s spoken out for other artists in trouble, most notably Britney Spears. In July 2021, Dolly appeared on What Watch Happens Live With Andy Cohen. She discussed Britney’s conservatorship battle and revealed some eye-opening things.

While Dolly claimed, “I try to not get involved in other people’s business,” she also admitted, “I understand all those crazy things. I went through a lot of that myself through a big lawsuit in my early days with Porter Wagoner trying to get out on my own.” Dolly told Andy, “I hope that all turns out the way that it should” for Britney.

KYKC Refused to Play Beyonce on Their Station

The country music controversy with Beyonce started at the radio station KYKC in Oklahoma. A user on X reported that they had requested “Texas Hold ‘Em,” and they received an email back from KYKC stating, “We do not play Beyonce, as we are a country music station.”

Credits: @jussato/X

Once the Bey Hive heard about it, KYKC got swamped with angry phone calls and messages on social media. Entertainment Tonight spoke with Roger Harris about the controversy. 

Roger is the GM at KYKC’s parent company, South Central Oklahoma Radio Enterprises. He told ET that when the song request came in, Beyonce was not considered a “country artist.” He added, “It would have been the same situation if someone had asked the station to play the Rolling Stones.”

But Roger also claimed that the station “didn’t know” Beyonce would be dropping “country songs” after the Super Bowl, and he said, “We did not have access to these songs since we are a small market station.”

Roger insisted, “We are a minority-owned station. We have supported Beyonce for as long as she’s been around.” He said that KYKC is now playing Beyonce’s country songs, and they “have nothing against Beyonce. We love Beyonce.”

Beyonce Has always Celebrated “Cowboy Culture”

Beyonce fans weren’t surprised that she’s putting out a country album. As a Texas-born-and-raised singer, writer, and performer, Beyonce has displayed her love of the genre before on songs like “Daddy Lessons” from her Lemonade album. 

Tina Knowles Lawson is Beyonce’s mom and business partner. She spoke out about the controversy online and revealed her family’s long-time love of cowboy culture. 

Tina’s message on social media read, in part, “We have always celebrated Cowboy Culture growing up in Texas.” She added, “We also always understood that it was not just about it belonging to White culture only,” and Tina reminded everyone that there is a “huge Black cowboy culture” in Texas. 

Tina also asked, “Why do you think that my kids have integrated it into their fashion and art since the beginning?” She wrote, “It’s really funny,” and claimed she laughs when people ask her why Beyonce wears cowboy hats because the family has been going to rodeos and dressing up in Western fashion since Beyonce and her sister Solange were kids.

Tina wrote that Solange “did a whole brilliant Album and Project based on Black Cowboy Culture. It definitely was a part of our culture growing up.”

Beyonce’s country-themed album, Renaissance: Act II, will be released on March 29th. But “Texas Hold ‘Em” isn’t her first song to chart on Billboard’s Hot Country list. Beyonce’s “16 Carriages” hit the top 10 on Billboard’s Hot Country Chart when it landed at #9.

How Kate Gosselin Stole from Her Kids

Photo Credit: Jon Gosselin via Instagram/TLC

Kate Gosselin has been getting called out for being a controlling, toxic mom for years, but she might be even more manipulative than anyone could have predicted. Last year, her ex-husband Jon publicly accused her of secretly taking an outrageous amount of money from their kids.

Between the exes’ legal battle over the missing funds, Kate’s bizarre side of the story, and the details of her alleged theft, this scandal is honestly insane. After Jon and Kate called it quits in 2009, they spent over a decade battling in court over custody and child support.

But even after the sextuplets turned 18 years old in May 2022, their parents’ legal drama was far from over. Just three months later, Jon dropped an unexpected bombshell. In an interview with The U.S. Sun, he revealed that after he was granted full custody of Collin and Hannah in 2018, he made a seriously shocking discovery.

Jon claimed that Kate had dipped into Hannah and Collin’s trust funds without their approval or even their knowledge. She had reportedly made huge withdrawals from their accounts that added up to over $100,000. Not surprisingly, the kids were extremely upset.

Collin and Hannah Confronted Kate About the Money

Jon admitted that both Collin and Hannah had recently called Kate to confront her about taking so much of their money, especially without their permission. But unfortunately, she didn’t really care and they were angry with her, which is actually pretty disturbing.

Before Jon and Kate’s marriage completely crumbled, they had set up trust funds for their children. All eight kids were making money from appearing on reality TV and from attending promotional events, and their parents wanted to be able to help keep all of it safe.

Just like everyone else does with their kids’ trust funds, the Gosselins created the accounts to protect their children’s finances. The kids wouldn’t be able to access their trust funds until they were 18, so the fact that Kate supposedly took tens of thousands of dollars from Collin and Hannah’s accounts when they were only 14 is absolutely terrible.

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Hannah and Collin were the only kids who lived with Jon. Over the years, the other six children ended up cutting off contact with their dad, which he chalked up to Kate’s manipulation and twisted narratives. Sadly, Collin and Hannah’s siblings later turned against them as well.

Jon also told The U.S. Sun that he wished he could tell his children who were living with their mom about what she had done. However, he had basically no way of knowing if Kate had stolen money from their trust accounts, too. But what an inside source revealed next was honestly unbelievable.

Kate Took $100,000 From Her Children

According to what an insider shared with In Touch Weekly, Kate had allegedly left Collin and Hannah’s trust accounts extremely low in funds. And for her to take $100,000 from the two kids who had recently moved in with Jon seemed like more than just a coincidence.

Kate seemingly always wanted to have complete control over the kids, and she never wanted to have to pay Jon any child support. So when Collin and Hannah started spending more time getting to know their dad, it seemed like their mom became super spiteful.

It’s a little suspicious that Kate took such an enormous amount of money from Collin and Hannah, right before Jon was granted full custody of them. It doesn’t make a lot of sense why she would withdraw so much, just from the two kids who wanted to live with their dad.

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Meanwhile, the trust funds of the children living with Kate either went totally untouched, or the kids were just too nervous to bring it to anyone’s attention. And who could really blame them if they were too scared of her possibly retaliating to speak out about it?

Kate already had a well-known history of pushing her kids to do whatever she wanted, just so she could keep exploiting them. The In Touch Weekly source even explained that that’s one of the reasons why Collin and Hannah weren’t just outraged, but hurt as well.

They supposedly felt so devastated by their mom’s shady actions because of what the missing money actually meant to them. They had been forced by Kate to appear on her reality show and its spin-offs, despite how much they didn’t want to be a part of it.

The Gosselin Kids Were Pressured to Be On TV

None of the Gosselin kids had ever been given the choice to be on TV or not, but Kate wasn’t about to simply let them walk away. Instead of risking a huge pay cut from TLC by allowing the kids to leave the show, she just continued pushing them into participating.

Collin and Hannah had supposedly been pressured into filming for a big part of their lives. At least they could look forward to having all the money they’d made over the years when they turned 18, but after Kate reportedly stole their earnings, they were understandably crushed.

A few days after Kate’s alleged theft made headlines, another source shared a shocking detail with In Touch Weekly. Thankfully, Jon had already taken matters into his own hands and filed a legal complaint against Kate.

It turns out that he had actually gotten the court involved in 2018, more than four years before he went public with his startling accusations. But the reason why he waited so long after filing to expose his ex-wife’s selfish, appalling behavior was truly insane.

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Apparently, the sextuplets’ 18th birthday was a major turning point in the whole ordeal. Since Hannah and Collin were legally adults, Jon couldn’t keep trying to take legal action against Kate to try to get the missing money back for them. If Collin and Hannah wanted to even attempt to get the stolen funds back from their mom, it wasn’t going to be easy.  

They would both have to file their own civil lawsuits against her, which is obviously pretty intimidating. Despite the fact that Hannah and Collin have each taken a stand against Kate in the media, going head to head with her in court is a totally different story.

Especially since her version of what happened with the money from their trust accounts is absolutely bizarre. According to legal documents obtained by The U.S. Sun, Kate confessed in a 2019 court hearing that she had withdrawn $100,000 from her kids’ trust funds.

Kate Said That she ‘Borrowed’ the Money to Survive

But she described the money as a loan that she had “borrowed” for a shocking reason. Kate told the judge that she had only taken money from Collin and Hannah’s accounts in order to survive. She reportedly made two separate withdrawals of $50,000 each, just so that she could afford to pay for the children’s basic necessities and daily expenses.

But the same year that she took the money, she also made an unbelievably massive purchase. Kate managed to buy a big, luxurious North Carolina lake house for $750,000, so she must not have been struggling TOO badly. But her claim about using the stolen money to survive wasn’t the only ridiculous thing she said.

The court documents also revealed that Kate apparently had no plan to stop “borrowing” money from her kids. She confessed that she was going to have to continue taking loans from their accounts just to get by, but she honestly didn’t seem to feel sorry at all, and the reason why was seriously mind-blowing.

Believe it or not, Kate claimed that even factoring in the $100,000 she used, her children were actually in debt to her. She acted like she was doing them a favor by not taking $387,000 from them, which she said they owed her for their private school tuition.

Kate decided where to send the kids for school, not the other way around. They didn’t choose to attend a super expensive school. But let’s be real, even if Kate they had suggested it, why does Kate think it’s her children’s responsibility to pay for their schooling?

Not only did Kate fail to get permission to take money from Collin and Hannah’s trust accounts, but she also never made a plan to repay them. After they turned 18 and Jon could no longer lead the fight for them in court, she basically dismissed the entire thing.

It’s no wonder Jon accused Kate of living off of her children’s money. Especially since she genuinely thought that they owed her for their school tuition. Unfortunately, Kate still hasn’t paid back Collin and Hannah, and it doesn’t look like either of them have any active court cases against her.

Teen Mom’s Ryan Edwards Living with New Girlfriend

Photo Credits: Amanda Conner/Instagram and Ryan Edwards/Instagram

Teen Mom star Mackenzie Edwards has let slip some updates about her estranged husband Ryan Edwards

The US Sun reported this week that 28-year-old Mackenzie revealed Ryan’s new living situation in an alleged 911 call to the police last month. Mackenzie claimed Ryan is now living with his new girlfriend, Amanda Conner. 

The Sun reported that Ryan had gone to the home he once shared with Makenzie and their kids to grab something. He reportedly arrived accompanied by police officers in order to avoid any potential confrontation with the Teen Mom alumni. 

However, the plan did not seem to work. Upon Ryan’s arrival, Mackenzie reportedly accused him of sending her threatening messages. According to Mackenzie, this happened after Ryan had left their marital home. The Sun went on to report that they had obtained phone calls Mackenzie had previously made to police. 

In the first of these alleged calls, Mackenzie told the operator, “I need to speak to an officer. My ex-husband tore up my house almost a year ago.” She reportedly added, “He hasn’t lived here in a year, and he’s trying to come over and get some things. I don’t want him here.”

In a later call, the dispatcher had asked Mackenzie if Ryan had the former couple’s two children in his care. Mackenzie responded, “His mother does. He does not even see them, no. He lives with his girlfriend. She has them to spend the night because that’s their grandmother.”

Amanda Shared a Picture of Ryan in Their New Home

For his part, Ryan alleged that he was “trying to get something out of the garage of mine where I live” before requesting an officer to come with him to the house. He also allegedly told a police dispatcher, “We’re just in the process of getting divorced right now. I don’t think it’s a good idea if I show up without an officer because she is armed.”

He also claimed that his ex-wife had previously “told” him to “bring a police officer” with him. She went on to describe him as being “out of his freaking mind.” 

Police wore body cameras when they came to meet Ryan at a nearby gas station before approaching the house. The footage showed Ryan saying to them, “Won’t bother her and hopefully she won’t bother me.” He also told officers that Mackenzie made him “nervous.” 

A couple of weeks after Mackenzie revealed that Ryan had moved in with his girlfriend, the news was confirmed by Amanda herself. Last week she posted a picture of Ryan hanging up a TV. She followed this with a post showing a photo of hardwood floors, with a caption reading, “Our new home.” 

Mackenzie and Ryan’s relationship troubles surfaced early last year after he accused her of cheating. With all the recent tension threatening to boil over, it’s probably best that they keep their distance for the time being.