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All About Toby Keith’s Wife

Photo Credits: Toby Keith/Instagram and Stelen Keith Covel/Instagram

After Toby Keith’s passing on February 5th, fans and followers wanted to know more about his wife, Tricia.

The last television interview that Toby Keith ever did was in January 2024. He spoke with reporter Robin March of News 9 in Oklahoma, and Toby revealed a great deal about Tricia. He claimed he found  “unexpected blessings” throughout his cancer journey, including a “deeper appreciation” for Tricia and his entire family. 

Toby described the time he and Tricia went to the hospital to begin his cancer treatment. The hospital was in Houston, Texas, and Toby revealed that Tricia “stepped right in, and she just took control.”

He called Tricia “the best nurse.” Toby also said, “She’s been a trooper,” and Tricia had told him, “We’re going to get this, and don’t worry about it.”

But even though Toby did not win his battle with cancer, he and Tricia were strong in their faith until the end, and he mentioned this during the News 9 interview. Toby admitted, “Cancer is a roller coaster. You just sit here and wait on it to go away—it may not ever go away.”

Toby and Tricia’s Love Story

Daily Mail described the love story of Toby and Tricia from their first encounter in 1981. Toby was 20 years old and a recent high school graduate. Tricia was 19 and had a young daughter named Shelley from a previous relationship.

People.com also revealed that Toby followed in his father’s footsteps and took an oil field job after graduation. Toby called the work “typical roughneck stuff,” although he earned $50,000 a year back then. Tricia was working as a secretary for an oil company, but she didn’t meet Toby at work.

Toby’s real passion was country-rock music, and he started a local group called the Easy Money Band. While the location was never named, Tricia met Toby at an “Oklahoma nightspot.”

Later, she told People magazine, “He was just one of those larger-than-life guys, full of confidence.” Years later, an article in The Boot revealed that Toby said he danced with Tricia the night he met her and thought “she was great.”  

Tricia and Toby dated for three years and got married in 1984. Toby adopted Shelley, and they also had a daughter named Krystal in 1985 and a son named Stelen in 1997.

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In His Early Days, Toby Only Made $35 Per Gig

Toby was still working in the oil fields early on in his marriage, and The Boot reported that it could be a dangerous job—once, Toby even witnessed a fatal injury on the oil field. When “the oil fields went bust,” as Toby described in an interview with People, he began concentrating on music full-time. Tricia said that Toby told her, “One of these days, my time is coming. Hang in there.’”

But in the early days of Toby’s music career, he barely made enough to support his young family. The Boot reported that Toby and his Easy Money Band often made only about $35 per gig—plus free beer. So, while Tricia raised their children, People revealed that she also had to juggle the creditors.

According to The Boot, Toby once told Country Weekly that “dozens of people told Tricia, ‘You need to go tell your old man to get a real job.’” But Toby also admitted, “It took a strong-hearted and loving woman to say, ‘He’s good enough at music that I’ve got to let him try,” and Tricia also told the naysayers, “It’ll be a great shot for both of us if he can make it work.”

When Tricia was interviewed by People earlier in Toby’s career, she revealed what Toby was like as a husband, and Tricia also revealed something about herself. Tricia said it was nice “to get a bouquet of flowers” from Toby. But she told him, “Save the money. Roses die in five to seven days; buy me an outfit or take me to dinner,” instead. 

The Couple Donated Their Time and Money to Help Children with Cancer

Tricia is also a dedicated philanthropist, and it’s interesting to note that she’s raised funds and awareness of childhood cancers. She and Toby started the Toby Keith Foundation in 2006, and their mission was to help children with cancer and their families. 

Tricia and Toby did a video interview in 2014, and they talked about a lodging facility called the OK Kids Korral that houses families with kids getting treated for cancer in the Oklahoma area. Toby called the OK Kids Korral a mix of “a Ritz Carlton and Disney;” Tricia said that walking into the OK Kids Korral gave her goosebumps. She added, “One of the best things is when you go and see a smile” on the kids’ faces because they didn’t have to stay in a hospital room. 

Toby and Tricia also enjoyed some free time during their marriage. He told People once that he and Tricia loved to play golf, although he joked that they were “not the best at the sport.”

Toby definitely made it work. In 2021, before his cancer diagnosis, his career earnings were estimated to be $500 million, according to The Boot. 

In March 2021, The Boot reported one of the sweetest things that Toby ever confessed about Tricia and his personal life. Toby said, “I absolutely love performing and writing songs but being at home with my wife, Tricia, and my three kids is the best feeling of all.”

All About Toby Keith’s Kids

Photo Credits: Stelen Keith Covel/Instagram

Since the tragic passing of Toby Keith was announced, everyone is wondering just who his children are exactly. Toby Keith and his wife, Tricia Lucus, had three children together. This includes Tricia’s daughter, Shelley, whom Toby adopted after he married Tricia in 1984.

According to People.com, Toby Keith wasn’t just an “iconic country star. He was also a “doting father.” Toby and Tricia’s middle child was a daughter named Krystal, born in September 1985. Their son, Stelen, came along in April 1997.

In 2010, Toby revealed more about his family in another People interview. Toby claimed, “Everybody in the family is good,” which was even more important to Toby because the kids had to grow up “in the spotlight,” and they’d never gotten “hooked on that part of the business.” He also said, “I was raised by good parents, and I have great kids. They don’t have any issues at all—none.”

Toby’s Daughter, Krystal, Is a Singer as Well

Tricia gave birth to Shelley in 1980 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Shelley allegedly works with her mom and sister on a line of eco-friendly golf apparel for women called SwingDish

Shelley is a private person, but her relationship status on Facebook revealed that she started dating Brian Skaggs in 2016. According to one media outlet, Brian is a professional rodeo rider, and Brian and Shelley celebrated their marriage in March 2018.

Shelley also has children. She posted a family photo with her baby at the White House in 2021. People.com reported that Krystal Keith goes by her father’s stage name and not by Toby’s real last name, Covel, as her sister and brother do.

Krystal has also pursued a music career after singing on Toby’s song “Mockingbird” in 2004. In 2013, Krystal released the album Whiskey & Lace, which included a hit song called “Daddy Dance with Me.” 

The song was special to Krystal because she’d performed “Daddy Dance with Me” for the first time in 2010—on the day she married Andrew Sandubrae. Krystal later told Nashville Gab that she wrote the song for the “father-daughter dance at my own wedding.” She also called it “an amazing experience.”

Krystal graduated from the University of Oklahoma, and she and Andrew have two daughters named Kirby and Hensley. According to People, Krystal’s family loves to ski together and celebrate holidays with their extended family.

Today.com reported what Toby said about Krystal’s personal life and career in 2017. Toby recorded a video interview with Taste of Country, and he said, in part, “She loves to sing, but she loves being a mother, and she’s so busy with those kids.” Later in the interview, Toby admitted he’d heard Krystal sing at an event and said, “She’s still got the pipes.”

Stelen Is Just Like His Father

Stelen is Toby and Tricia’s son and their youngest child, and Stelen claims he’s always heard he was similar to his dad “in many ways.” He made this claim on Instagram when he posted an old photo of him and his dad with the caption, “Tell me where I get it from. Man, they always wonder who, then they meet my pops and tell him, ‘Stelen’s just another you.’”

People reported that Stelen graduated from the University of Oklahoma, like his sister, Krystal, and his studies included venture management and entrepreneurship. Stelen has put his education to work as the co-owner of “multiple businesses,” according to People. Stelen is currently a part owner in the 405 Burger Bar, Tequila Chulos, Hollywood Corners, and a local sports reporting news network in Oklahoma called Sellout Crowd.

In November 2021, Stelen and his fiance, Haley, were married in Las Vegas. Stelen’s parents and sisters were among the guests. Stelen later posted a wedding photo and message on social media.

Stelen’s social media message happened the day after Toby announced his cancer diagnosis. Stelen thanked “you all for the kind words and prayers regarding my dad’s announcement yesterday.” Stelen added that Toby is “a fighter, has done all the measures to mitigate it, and needs rest to get back to his self.”

The Family Has Received an Outpouring of Support

On February 6th, a Hello! US report appeared on MSN. The report said that “sympathetic fans” had been flooding Stelen’s social media after Toby passed, and many fans were responding to an emotional message that Stelen posted in honor of his dad last December.

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Stelen had included a happy picture of his family. Toby was in the middle of the photo, wearing his signature cowboy hat. Stelen wrote, “Rodeo king @tobykeith,” and Stelen received heartfelt comments after Toby passed away.

One of Stelen’s followers said, “Hope this doesn’t offend you, but I truly am deeply saddened by the news that came overnight.” Then the follower wrote, “Your Dad was loved by so many around the world. I feel like I’ve lost a family member.”

What Happened to Giuliana and Bill Rancic?

Photo Credit: Bill Rancic/Giuliana Rancic/Instagram

Giuliana and Bill Rancic were two of the most popular reality TV stars in the early 2010s, until everything came crashing down for them in 2014.

The two married in 2007 in Italy, when Giuliana was a successful reporter for E! News, and a few years after Bill Rancic won the first season of The Apprentice.

Shortly after their wedding, the couple signed on to a reality show on The Style Network, called Giuliana and Bill, that followed their lives as they tried to have a baby, start new businesses, and split their lives between Chicago and Los Angeles.

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The show was wildly successful, because people loved to see two celebrities who were from normal backgrounds, and who had fairly normal lives despite their crazy careers.

Fans especially felt for Giuliana during her scary breast cancer diagnosis, and the couple’s fertility journey, which ultimately ended with the two having a baby via surrogate in 2012, Duke Rancic.

During the show, their lives were wild, and featured a crazy amount of jetsetting around the country. Giuliana was on E! News and Fashion Police, and started a clothing line with HSN. Bill was opening many restaurants all over the country, they wrote a book together, and their son was growing up quickly.

The Comment That Ruined Giuliana Rancic’s Career

However, everything came to a screeching halt in January 2015, when Giuliana famously made comments that put her in hot water about Zendaya on Fashion Police.

The “joke” was widely condemned by the internet, Giuliana’s Fashion Police co-hosts, and even Zendaya herself.

Giuliana made a statement, apologizing and saying that she was using the experience as a learning experience.

She also stated that she believed that the joke was edited to come off as having bad intent, but when watching the unedited version, it was clear that that was not the case.

The unedited version was obtained, and many believe that she was correct in saying that her joke did not have bad intent.

However, many people believed that she was trying to channel Joan Rivers, who had died a few months prior to the scandal.

Whatever happened, it wasn’t good for Giuliana and Bill’s careers.

The couple’s reality show ended abruptly in 2014 after seven seasons.

Giuliana made comments that they had decided to end the show due to their son’s age. They believed that he was getting to an age where all of his firsts shouldn’t be filmed and displayed on TV.

However, many believe that the show would’ve been renewed for an eighth season, but was ultimately canceled following her controversial comments about Zendaya.

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Her longtime career as an E! News lead anchor ended shortly after as well.

In August of 2015, just eight months after the Zendaya controversy, Giuliana announced that she was leaving the job that made her a star, and that she was leaving E! News and the E! Family.

This didn’t come as too big of a shock for people who had been following the controversy over the previous eight months. 

After her comments about Zendaya, insiders believed that it would blow over and she’d go on with her career as normal. However, that wasn’t the case, and her career continued to plummet.

Giuliana claims that her decision to leave E! was entirely her own. She says that she wasn’t secretly fired, or forced out. However, from the outside looking in, that’s hard to believe.

It’s been six years since Giuliana first left the show that started it all for her. So, just what are Bill and Giuliana up to these days?

Where Are Bill and Giuliana Now?

Photo Credit: NBC

The couple seems to live a more “normal” life than her days of hosting E! News. Their son, Duke, is 9 years old, and the family appears to now live full-time in Chicago.

Giuliana and Bill were still splitting their time between Los Angeles and Chicago until October 2020, when they sold their Brentwood mansion for $10.7 million, which was $3 million more than they paid just a few years before.

After selling their Los Angeles home, they were left with two residences: their home in Chicago, and their vacation home in Idaho.

And as for more children, Giuliana’s said that the dream is still there — but she’s focused on Duke right now.

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The couple unfortunately miscarried their remaining two embryos in 2014. At the time, Giuliana and Bill said that they were so grateful for Duke, and focused on him, especially because of how hard they fought to have him.

Surprisingly, Giuliana’s retirement from E! News in 2015 wasn’t the end of her career with the popular channel.

She had previously been doing award show and red carpet coverage after her departure, but decided to come back full-time and host with her former co-host, Jason Kennedy, once again, in June of 2018.

Giuliana took over for Catt Sadler, who famously left E! News in 2017 after learning that she was getting paid considerably less than her co-host, Jason Kennedy. 

Giuliana’s Return to E! Was Short-Lived

However, Giuliana’s return was short-lived.

In 2019, E! announced that the filming of E! News would be moving to New York City. She later announced that because of the move, she would be leaving the show. 

Giuliana made a statement about focusing on her family, but fans took note of something interesting in her announcement. She said that nothing is more important than family, and that they were hoping to grow their family soon.

Unfortunately for the couple, that was two years ago, and Giuliana and Bill have not had another child yet. 

As for what the couple’s up to now, it’s hard to say with certainty.

The famously public couple has been increasingly private in the past few years.

Giuliana and Bill have pulled back their social media accounts considerably.

Both used to post very frequently, but now only post a couple of times a month. It appears that they’re choosing to live life out of the spotlight as their son, Duke, continues to grow up.

While she no longer appears on E! News every night, Giuliana and Bill do still make appearances on various talk shows.

Most often, they appear on Rachael Ray, where they share their tips for raising a family, balancing work, and having a successful marriage.

Along with their Hollywood aspirations, they also own several restaurants. They co-own RPM Italian in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Washington DC, and RPM Steak and RPM Seafood in Chicago. They also co-own Giuliana Prosecco, a wine company that’s stocked all over the country.

They recently made headlines last fall, when their entire family unfortunately contracted Covid-19, including their son Duke.

Giuliana unfortunately tested positive when preparing for the E! News red carpet coverage of the Emmys.

Bill did an interview via Zoom on the popular daytime talk show, The Doctors, shortly after the family’s diagnosis.

He said that the three of them had been secluded together at their family home in Idaho since March, and they unfortunately contracted the virus from a family friend who was in their “pod.”

Fortunately, he shared that while he had body aches and some respiratory problems, Giuliana had even fewer symptoms. He said that they were worried about her symptoms due to her breast cancer diagnosis in 2011.

Since the family’s unfortunate diagnosis, Giuliana’s career has changed once again.

In May of 2021, she announced that she was leaving E! once and for all.

While she remained on the team doing red carpet coverage previously, in May of 2021 she announced that she was stepping down for good, after hosting the red carpets for hundreds of award shows over the course of 20 years.

Her announcement came just weeks after her co-host, Ryan Seacrest, announced that he would also be stepping down from red carpet coverage with E!. He had been in the role for 14 years.

Fans were shocked by both announcements, but it doesn’t seem like Giuliana will be completely stepping away from the spotlight.

She announced that although she was stepping down as a red carpet correspondent, she had signed an exclusive deal with NBC to produce television rather than host it herself.

Giuliana and Bill Have Remained Together Through It All

It’s still unclear what exactly Giuliana will be producing, but her fans are excited to see what she brings to television screens with this new deal.

Giuliana and Bill have had two of the most varied careers in the history of reality TV. It seems like they’ve done it all, from books, to restaurants, clothing lines, and multiple TV shows. 

While their navigation through stardom and fame hasn’t always been easy or without controversy, they’ve managed not only to remain successful, but to stay together and maintain a healthy marriage while doing it.

Their 14-year marriage and 20 years together is virtually unheard of when it comes to reality TV stars.

While we can’t predict the future, we can only hope that Giuliana and Bill will come back to the reality TV world and keep gracing our TVs for many years to come.

Where Are Angela and Vanessa Simmons Now?

Photo Credits: Vanessa Simmons/Instagram

We first met Vanessa and Angela Simmons as kids on their famous dad’s TV show Run’s House. Since the show ended in 2009, the girls have grown up a lot.

Almost a decade after the end of Run’s House, Angela learned of some devastating news. In November 2018, her ex-fiance Sutton Tennyson lost his life after getting attacked in his own garage.

By the time the police reached Sutton’s house, it was already too late. He passed away from his injuries at the age of 37.

Three months later, details of the attack on him were released. Police told TMZ that Sutton was seen talking in his driveway with the other man before a weapon was pointed at him. The suspect was said to have then “sped away from the scene in a car.”

Less than a week after the attack on Sutton, the identity of the man who did it became known. Atlanta native Michael Williams turned himself in at a local police station. Four years later, he was sentenced to life in prison, with an additional 15 years for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Angela was quick to share her reaction to the sentencing. She posted photos on Instagram of her late fiance carrying their young son on his shoulders and hugging her baby bump when she was pregnant. She wrote alongside the pictures that “justice was served that day.”

The couple had actually split in 2017, two months after their son’s birth. Angela had even allegedly requested an order of protection against her ex-fiance. After his attacker’s sentencing, Angela spoke of how “excited” Sutton was to be a present father in his son’s life.

Vanessa and Angela Have Both Found Love

About a month after Sutton’s passing, Vanessa talked to Essence magazine about how Angela was holding up. She said: “It’s been hard, but she’s very strong just like we were born to be and raised to be.”

According to Vanessa, Angela was doing well eight months after losing Sutton. The reality TV star told Hollywood Life that Angela was “good,” and that she was out in LA, which was exciting for Vanessa. She said that she was “looking forward to having their kids get together in the summer.”

Vanessa was then asked if Angela’s reaction to Sutton’s passing would feature in the next season of Growing Up Hip Hop. Angela and Vanessa have both starred on the show since it first aired in 2016.

Although Angela was part of the main cast from the start, Vanessa initially only made some guest appearances. By the time the third season came around, she was also a major presence on the show.

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Vanessa and Angela got a chance to spend some time together during an interview with People. Their younger brother Jojo was also there. The sisters talked about crying “like babies” at their brother’s recent wedding.

In January 2023, Angela made her relationship with rapper Yo Gotti Instagram official. They shared a few pictures of their time together while celebrating New Year’s Eve.

Along with the pictures, Angela wrote a caption in which she gushed about her love for Gotti. She wrote that she was “happier than she had ever been.” She posted on Instagram saying that she was “pretty sure that she had the best man in the world.”

Vanessa has also found love with actor Mike Wayans, whom she started dating in 2005 and with whom she shares a daughter, born in 2014. 

The Sisters Are Successful Entrepreneurs

But the sisters have kept busy in their professional lives as well as their personal lives.

Vanessa has dabbled in acting, appearing on shows like Guiding Light and movies like Boogie Town. She also hosted shows like Project Runway: Threads and the talk show Asking for a Friend. She briefly also worked as a model, making it onto Maxim Magazine’s Hot List in 2006.

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As well as an actor, Vanessa is a successful entrepreneur with three businesses and an alleged estimated net worth of $8 million. She owns the skincare line Sugar Me, clothing brand Glitter and Lace, and co-owns the footwear line Pastry with Angela. 

In 2021, Pastry was named the number-one dance sneaker in the US. The brand partnered with 22 NBA dance teams and 15 NFL teams. Angela runs a faux fur line called Foofi & Bella, as well as Pastry.

Despite being born into wealth and fame, the sisters have wasted no time in carving out their own paths and living their own lives.

Where is Diggy Simmons Now

Photo Credits: MTV

Most people know Daniel ‘Diggy’ Simmons from his famous dad’s reality show on MTV, Run’s House. Daniel is Rev’s first child with his second wife, Justine. He is now in his late 20s.

Like his brother Jojo, he decided to pursue a rap career. He started performing under the name Diggy. Despite some doubts from the hip-hop world, Diggy proved himself to be a talent in his own right. 

According to Paper Magazine, he released his first mixtape, The First Flight, when he was just 14 years old. He also managed to go viral by performing a freestyle of Nas’ Made You Look. According to Paper, this even managed to receive co-signs from the likes of Kanye West and even Nas himself. 

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He continued to work on his craft, releasing a string of further mixtapes and music videos. By age 16, Diggy had scored a spot on XXL’s Freshman Class. He also appeared on Billboard’s Artists to Watch list. 

In 2011, he was nominated for the BET Hip-Hop Rookie of the Year Award. The next year, he released his first album, Unexpected Arrival. His second album, Lighten Up, came out in 2018.

According to Paper magazine, the young rapper has already collabed with stars like Bruno Mars, Pharrell, and Jeremih. He was also reported to be the youngest member of All City Chess Club, the rap collective headed up by Lupe Fiasco.

Diggy’s Sucess Spans Across Several Industries

While his first love has always been music, he’s also tried his hand at acting – with some pretty unexpected success. His role on the Black-ish spinoff show Grown-ish was only supposed to be a one-time walk-on role. However, his charming on-screen persona and acting skills saw him become a recurring character for the first two seasons. 

In seasons 3 and 4, he actually became a main character. His character’s stories have started important conversations among young people; these have ranged from activism and allyship to colorism and toxic masculinity. In interviews, Diggy has reportedly talked about his pride in the role, which he said was cool and a dream come true.

Alongside music and acting, Diggy has even worked as a model, having been employed at high-end brand Dolce & Gabbana. Despite the trajectory of his career, Diggy has said that he wasn’t always sure about chasing a career in the entertainment industry.

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In an interview with Paper, he was asked if he ever considered avoiding show business. He said that he did when he was “way younger.” 

He explained: “I just got this kind of attitude… where I just wanted to be an individual. I didn’t want anybody to attach me to my family.” He continued: “So I strayed from it and decided I wasn’t going to rap ’cause, you know, that’s like what my family’s known for.”

But then he had a change of heart as a teenager. Diggy said, “Around 13 or 14, I just started doing it just for myself. I just started writing. I was just recording myself on GarageBand on my computer.” He described the process as “joyful” and never something that he cared about as a career.

Diggy Feels That Rap Is All About Authenticity

When talking about his second album, Diggy was asked what his dad thought of it. His dad said that he really loved it and was proud. 

Diggy also talked about the positive influence his dad has had on him away from music. He said: “We more just talk about how I should approach day-to-day life, experiences, relationships.”

Although Diggy has been able to turn to one of the greats for advice about rap, he has always formed his own opinions on the art form. For him, it’s all about authenticity. 

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He explained in his interview that: “It’s about being honest and talking about what you’ve really been through, whatever that is.” He added: “So as long as it’s coming from a place, where it’s genuine… it’s whatever is truly real to you.”

Diggy went on to list some of the rappers who he feels live up to that standard. Some of his favorites included Kendrick Lamar and Drake, while he also gave a shout-out to Nas’ 2018 album, NASIR.

After a string of releases at an extremely young age, Diggy took a short break from rapping to work on his interests in fashion and acting. However, he has always maintained that music is his “number one”, so it might not be long before we hear from him again.

All About Snoop Dogg’s Family

Photo Credits: Shante Monique Broadus/Instagram and Julien Broadus/Instagram

Snoop Dogg has always kept his family life off the front pages. But the truth is that he has been kept busy as the father of four children.

Snoop has previously talked about what he is like as a parent in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. He told her: “I’m hard. I cuss ‘em out. But my philosophy is, I pick on them, and then I pick them up.”He added: “That’s what I do, to let them know that I expect more out of them because they’re better than that.”

With such high expectations on them, Snoop’s kids seemed destined to aim high in their lives.

Corde Fathered Snoop’s First Grandchild

His eldest child, Corde, was born in 1994, and he went on to pursue a career following in his dad’s footsteps. According to People Magazine, the 29-year-old now performs as a rapper under the name Kalvin Love. 

Corde was also the first of Snoop’s children to make him a grandfather. Corde had his first son, Zion, with his former girlfriend, Jessica Kyzer, in 2012. 

Since then, he has gone on to have more kids with his partner, Soraya Love. They have two children, Leo and Elleven. The couple also welcomed another son, Kai, who tragically passed away shortly after his birth. 

A few days after the heartbreaking news broke, Corde wrote a tribute to his baby son on Instagram. He wrote: “My son did all he needed to do in his 10 days here on earth. He has now graduated and continuing to do work.” Corde told his followers: “Kai wants all of you to know he’s doing great and wants to continue to inspire those whose light is dim.”

Despite the tragic loss, Corde has continued to support his family unit.

Snoop & Son Followed Cordell’s College Football Journey

Snoop’s second son with wife Shante Broadus, Cordell, is now 26 years old. Cordell has been at the center of attention from a young age, thanks to his talents on the football field. After playing through high school, he went on to play for UCLA in 2015. 

His journey to college football was followed by a documentary miniseries on ESPN called Snoop & Son. Father and son both starred in the series, which chronicled his recruitment process, with Snoop frequently coaching from the sidelines.

He decided to quit football to chase other dreams. However, Cordell was more interested in pursuing his passion for movies. He started his own company called Film School Productions and starred alongside his dad and Wiz Khalifa in Mac & Devin Go to High School.

Cordell also has an interest in fashion, having already debuted his own clothing line at the age of 20. In addition, he has released a music video for his song Bron and Bronny, featuring his dad, and has his own record label called Real Queen Sound

Despite working on several creative projects all at once, Cordell has also found time to become a dad like his older brother. He has two children with his longtime girlfriend, Phia Barragan. The kids were born in 2019 and 2021. 

Julien Has a Colder Relationship with His Father

While Cordell has built a high profile for himself with his many creative ventures, Snoop’s third son has kept more under the radar. Julian was welcomed in 1998 by Snoop and his former partner Laurie Helmand. 

According to Distractify, Julian has talked openly about growing up with less attention from his father. This was reportedly because Snoop’s relationship with Julian’s mother “went sour rather quickly.” 

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Distractify reported that in several interviews, Julian explained that he had to establish himself on his own. He is now reportedly a luxury real estate agent, and according to People, he is also the executive director of promotions for an NFT and gaming company. 

Despite a reportedly frosty relationship, Julian supported his dad at his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony in 2018. 

Cori, Snoop’s Only Daughter, Suffered a Stroke in January

Snoop’s youngest child and only daughter, Cori Broadus, was born in 1999. Like her siblings Corde and Cordell, she has chosen to walk the same path their dad did by entering the music business. She also started a beauty company called Choc Factory with her fiance Wayne Deuce. 

However, Cori has had to deal with more than her fair share of hardship at such a young age. When she was 6, she was diagnosed with lupus. And just a few weeks ago, People reported that Cori had suffered a stroke. 

She revealed the news in a post on her Instagram Stories. She wrote: “I had a severe stroke this a.m. I started breaking down crying when they told me.” Later that month, Snoop told People that his daughter was “doing a little bit better” after a week-long stay in hospital. 

Although this was a tragic thing to happen, Snoop and his kids have gone through tragedy in the past. At least Cori knows her family will stand by her through everything that she has gone through.

Country Singer Toby Keith Dead at 62

Photo Credit: Toby Keith

Country music Toby Keith has died, according to a statement released on his website and social media accounts. 

He was 62. 

“Toby Keith passed away peacefully, last night on February 5th, surrounded by his family. He fought his fight with grace and courage. Please respect the privacy of his family at this time,” read the statement. 

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Toby announced that he had stomach cancer in June 2022. At that point, he had been battling the disease for six months. 

Toby Kept His Cancer Diagnosis a Secret for Six Months

“Last fall I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I’ve spent the last 6 months receiving chemo, radiation and surgery,” he told fans on X.  “So far, so good. I need time to breathe, recover, and relax.”

“I am looking forward to spending this time with my family. But I will see the fans sooner than later. I can’t wait. -T.” 

Toby continued to work and received awards while undergoing treatment. 

Toby Continued to Work During Treatment

Last September, he was honored with the “Country Icon Award” at the People’s Choice Country Awards, where he also performed. 

Last June, he hosted a live auction event to raise funds for the Toby Keith Foundation’s OK Kids Korral, which provides free lodging for children and their families seeking cancer treatment in Oklahoma City.

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“I’m feeling pretty good. … I’m about another eight weeks from my last scan. So, I expect next time I look for that tumor to be even less — and I’ve only got one that’s shown up,” Toby told The Oklahoman at the time. 

“Basically, everything is in a real positive trend. You never know with cancer, so you have to prepare. But my goal is, I feel better; I’ve got more wind. And I’m thinking about bringing the band in and setting up, playing two or three days somewhere just to see if I can get through two hours,” he added. 

He made his return to the stage in Las Vegas in December 2023. “3 sold out shows in Vegas was a damn good way to end the year,” he wrote on Instagram.

Toby Is Remembered as a Country Legend

Born in Oklahoma, Toby rose to fame in the 1990s. 

According to NBC, he sold between 25 and 30 million records in the U.S. and his songs were streamed more than 10 billion times. 

He wrote his first song, “Should’ve Been a Cowboy,” in a motel bathroom in Dodge City, Kansas. The song became iconic. 

Some of Toby’s other hits include  “Beer for My Horses,” “I Love This Bar” and “Red Solo Cup.”

Toby is survived by his wife, Tricia Lucas, and their three children. 

Snooki Speaks Out On ED

Photo Credits: Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi/Instagram

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi recently made a statement about her journey towards self-acceptance in an interview with E! News. Snooki revealed that she had body image issues as a teenager and also struggled with not eating correctly. But Snooki now says, “I don’t care what size I am.”

11-year-old Lorenzo is Snooki’s oldest son. In 2013, she revealed to People.com that she had lost 44 lbs of pregnancy weight.

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Snooki claimed she was working with a trainer “four times a week, and we do legs, arms, and everything.” She also said, “after every one-hour workout” with her trainer, she would do an hour of cardio. But Snooki confessed to People, “It wasn’t easy.” 

Now 36 years old, the mother of three has grown to accept her body and is focusing more on her happiness and enjoying life. Snooki was a cheerleader in high school and claims that the pressures she felt as a teenager contributed to a lack of self-confidence in her youth. Now, Snooki said she feels more “confident in myself,” and she’s more accepting of any fluctuations in her weight.

Snooki Recalls Her Time on Jersey Shore

Snooki also explained how her weight affected her mindset when she first appeared on Jersey Shore at 21.

She told E! “I wasn’t at my thinnest.” Snooki claims her body weight fluctuates “so much because I’m so short.” Snooki said that gaining five pounds looks like 25 pounds on her since she’s only 4’9”, and after having three children, it’s become that much harder to maintain her weight.

In July 2023, People.com reported that Snooki posted a TikTok video about social media and body image, which went viral. According to People, Snooki blamed trolls on social media who attack other people’s appearances. But Snooki was also open about struggling with weight her entire life.

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Snooki recalled how she quote, “wanted to be size zero and so skinny” during her teenage years. But Snooki also claimed in her TikTok video that she began to think, “I’m going to enjoy my life,” when she started Jersey Shore in 2009.

Although she told E! News she wasn’t at her “thinnest” when she first appeared on the hit reality show, Snooki claimed on TikTok that she wasn’t “worrying about what I was eating” and “I enjoyed myself.”

In her video post, Snooki said she was speaking out for herself and anyone on social media who has struggled with a negative body image. “I know it’s an issue for a lot of people. Men, women, it’s an issue, and it’s called weight,” Snooki explained.

Snooki Responds to the Haters

Snooki also spoke to anyone who’s attacked someone else online. She said, “Don’t comment [about] it on the Internet. Because people are sensitive.” Snooki acknowledged people like herself who have struggled with improper eating habits to be thinner and have “trouble with their body and image” before they finally start to love themselves.

She said when online trolls attack these people, “That’s not okay,” and Snooki continued, “You can put people in a hole again after they finally got out of it.” 

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Snooki now believes that weight “doesn’t matter. As long as you’re a good person and you feel good in your own body,” and she said, “Stop commenting on people’s bodies. It’s not nice.”

Snooki posted the TikTok video on July 19th. People reported that it had been viewed 1.7 million times by the afternoon of July 20th, and a recent viewing shows that Snooki’s video has over 564,000 likes.

Darius Rucker Arrested on Drug Charges

Photo Credits: Darius Rucker/Instagram and Kate Quigley/Instagram

News has emerged claiming that Hootie & the Blowfish singer Darius Rucker was arrested on February 1. E! News reported that Darius was arrested and later released by Tennessee police yesterday. According to The Daily Mail, Darius was reportedly transported to a jail facility at 10 am on Thursday. 

E! reported that the singer was allegedly charged with substance-related offenses. The charges he faced were allegedly two counts of simple possession and casual exchange.

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The North Carolina native is also allegedly accused of driving with an expired registration tag, according to TMZ. His release was confirmed following the posting of a $10,500 bond.

Darius’ lawyers released a statement to E! a short time later. In the statement, the lawyers said that Darius was “fully cooperating with authorities related to misdemeanor charges.”

Fatherhood Helped Darius Leave His Wild Days Behind

The now 57-year-old singer has talked in the past about living a rock and roll lifestyle. In 2013, he said that he had put it all behind him. 

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Darius said, “Trust me, I’ve done enough for everybody. And it’s just not how I want to live anymore.”

Additionally, E! reported that his decision to leave his wilder days behind him was “helped” by becoming a father, which he first did in 1995. He now has three kids, all of whom are grown up. 

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Darius explained in his LA Times interview, “I’d been on the road with Hootie for so long – every summer, out for three or four months.” He continued, “And then my life was my family and my kids. Trying to switch over from being the rock star to just being Dad was a huge undertaking for me.” He said that the experience had changed his life “abruptly.”

However, becoming a dad reportedly helped Darius switch to country music in order to “write about family more.” He is scheduled to perform in Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry House on Feb 2, Feb 6, and March 12. He is also reportedly planning to reunite with his bandmates from Hootie & the Blowfish later this year. 

Other Celebrities Weighed in on Rucker’s Arrest

Following the news of his arrest, several people associated with Darius have shared their take on it. One of them was his former girlfriend, Kate Quigley. 

According to The Daily Mail, the comedian did not display a lot of sympathy in her reaction to Darius’ arrest. She responded to a comment on her X page asking if she knew what had happened. 

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Kate replied, “Yes. I’ve heard. All I can say is Karma.”

The 42-year-old also took to Instagram to talk about her reaction to Darius’ arrest. She shared a photo of herself with her tongue out, smiling, while lying down in a bikini. In the caption, she wrote, “#mood: when u hear your d-bag ex got arrested… #karma.”

Although he’s been released from jail, it looks like Darius will still have to deal with a lot of fallout, thanks to his run-in with the law.

‘Welcome to Plathville’ Ethan and Olivia Plath Divorce Update

Photo Credit: Olivia Plath/Instagram

Welcome to Plathville stars Ethan and Olivia Plath confirmed their split on October 27, 2023 after months of breakup speculation from fans. 

Since then, Olivia has deleted all photos of Ethan from her socials. Ethan, on the other hand, kept photos of their relationship on his accounts. In December, InTouch reported that despite officially announcing their separation, the two had yet to file for divorce. 

On February 21, 2024, the former couple filed joint divorce paperwork in Carver County, Minnesota, reports US Weekly. They cited an “irretrievable breakdown” as the reason for their divorce and used February 25, 2023 as the date of their separation — months before they announced the news of their separation to the public.

Olivia Recently Spoke Out About Grieving Her Divorce

So, what else is going on with Ethan and Olivia and their divorce? Ahead of the new year, Olivia shared a post on Instagram that alluded to the situation. She also mentioned the tragic loss of her younger brother. 

“A while ago I wasn’t sure how this year was going to feel in retrospect because getting divorced, losing a younger brother tragically and questioning everything you know while starting over in life is a lot to have happened in a short time. But the honest truth is that I’m so so thankful for this year. It challenged me, it shook me, it provided time for grief and also gave me room to gain confidence,” she wrote. 

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“I simultaneously feel like I grew up a lot this year and gained back some youth and child-like wonder and joy,” she added. “My heart grew … a lot. My mind questioned … a lot. And despite everything, or maybe because of everything, my soul feels so vibrant, curious, serene and at home with herself.” 

As for Ethan, his only Instagram post since the divorce announcement was a photo of him at the Henry Ford museum in Detroit. 

Olivia May End Up Keeping the ‘Plath’ Last Name 

In other words, Olivia seems determined to be moving on while simultaneously grieving her divorce. There are no signs of a reconciliation on the horizon. 

It’s worth noting that legal proceedings require time, energy and money – some couples end up staying married on paper until they meet someone new, so that may why Ethan and Olivia waited before filing paperwork.

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Interestingly, Olivia could end up keeping her last name. According to Screenrant, Olivia responded to an Instagram comment and implied that she may just remain a Plath despite parting ways with Ethan. 

“Change that last name little lady,” wrote an Instagram user. “Because last names belong to men?” Olivia responded. “Nah f*** that. This is my name, and I don’t have to change it for anyone unless I want to.” It is unclear how Ethan would feel about her keeping the name. 

Why Did Ethan and Olivia Plath Get Divorced? 

The TLC personalities chose to split up after five years of marriage (they got married in October 2018). 

Over the course of their relationship, they struggled to get on the same page. Olivia clashed with Ethan’s parents and started questioning the fundamentalist Christian religious views that she was raised with. 

“Ethan and I have decided to go our separate ways,” Olivia wrote in a statement following the breakup news. 

“I have ambivalent memories of us being 18 years old, innocently dreaming of forever – but the partner you choose is a reflection of the world you want to live in, and at 18 I didn’t know who I was or what kind of life I wanted to create for myself. 

“7 years later, I’ve already begun my journey of questioning, deconstructing and rebuilding and I know that is a process that I will continue to prioritize throughout my life.”

Ethan summed up the reason behind the divorce with one simple statement: “It just didn’t work out.” 

“Lord knows we both gave it all we had. It seemed we were constantly pulling each other in opposite directions in life with different goals,” he added.