Reports are suggesting that Carly’s adoptive family are not allowing her to see her parents, Catelytn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.
This was first highlighted thanks to MTV Reality Tea’s Instagram page, which shared a post from Catelynn’s account. The former Teen Mom star wrote a lengthy statement in which she vented about her frustration at what she claimed was going on.
Catelynn Spoke Out About the Carly Drama
She started her post by saying that adoption was “wild”. She went on to say that she felt like she was “at the mercy of someone that can say no,” which seemed to be a reference to the family denying her wish to see her daughter.
Before continuing her vent, she made sure to stress to her followers that she was fully aware that it had originally been her own decision.
She addressed this by writing in brackets, “I know I chose this no need to tell me.” Catelynn then went on to claim that Carly’s guardians, Brandon and Teresa Davis, had previously told her biological parents that they were loved and “blessed”.
However, she then criticized them for not even being able to take out two days in a year to meet up. Even a simple plan like dinner or meeting in a park was impossible, according to the post, even if Catelynn offered to travel to Brandon and Teresa.
It Could Take a Year Before Catelynn and Tyler See Carly Again
She went on to voice her concern that she and Tyler would not be able to see Carly until she turned 16. At that age, Carly had more legal freedom to decide if she herself wanted to see her mom and dad. Teen Mom fans will know that Carly will be turning 15 in a couple of days.
So it could still be over a year before her parents are finally able to see her again. However, despite her emotional plea on Instagram, not a lot of fans felt all that much sympathy for Catelynn and Tyler’s plight.
One fan on Reddit even described Catelynn’s complaints as “disgusting.” They wrote, “Always the victim. If I were Carly’s parents I would think twice about her being around them too.”
They went on to suggest a possible reason why Brendon and Teresa might be hesitant about allowing a lot of contact between Carly and her parents.
Catelynn and Tyler Caught a Lot of Flack From Fans
The Teen Mom couple caught a lot of flack a year ago after it emerged that Tyler had joined OnlyFans. The Sun reported in 2023 that Catelynn first shared the news on Instagram, writing, “You have all been asking and it’s finally here.”
Tyler reshaped the post, confirming for many fans that the couple had finally gone too far. One wrote in the comments that it was “very interesting that they are all of a sudden so very accepting” of adult work.
Others paid more attention to the crazy price Tyler was asking for on his account, with one writing that $30 was “the best joke I’ve heard all year.”
A third said, “Nobody has asked for this.”
According to Tyler, the account would be in the total control of Catelynn, while he would simply be posing with his shirt off for pictures.Reports from a year earlier showed that the whole idea seemed to have been Catelynn’s to begin with.
Catelynn Urged Tyler to Join OnlyFans
In 2022, People magazine reported that the Teen Mom had been “urging” her husband to join the controversial website since fans first started noticing his amazing body transformation. Tyler had reportedly lost 17 pounds in less than 20 weeks.
Catelynn later told interviewers, “I’m trying to get him to sign up for OnlyFans.” The reason for this seemed to be purely financial. She explained, “Boy, we could be racking in some dough. We’ll never have to work a day in our lives if you start an OnlyFans.”
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But although there may have been money to be made, the decision seemed to cost the couple the sympathy of many Teen Mom fans. And after it was revealed that they were not being allowed to see Carly, many of the comments were merciless.
Catelynn and Tyler put Carly up for adoption in 2009 during their first season of 16 & Pregnant. The emotional moment brought many viewers to tears when the show was first aired. The decision was obviously a hard one, but not one that Catleynn has ever claimed to have doubted was the right call.
Did Catelynn Regret Giving Up Carly for Adoption?
In a 2021 interview with E! News, Catelynn said that she was still proud of her choice, and had never regretted it. She said, “I think sometimes we think about how weird it would be to have an 11 year old right now. That would be crazy.”
She continued, “We know that we made the right decision. We don’t ever second guess that decision at all.” Catelynn went on to state what she thought would have happened if she and Tyler had kept Carly. She said, “We don’t really think honestly that we would be together.”
Although Carly was adopted, the couple seemed to be in regular contact with their daughter for years afterwards. Just last year, People reported that Carly had been to see her parents as well as her three sisters.
Catelynn shared a photo on Instagram showing the whole family walking away in a black and white picture. She wrote, “Had an amazing visit with our girl. She’s funny, kind, smart, goofy and stunning.”
She went on to add, “Adoption is hard and saying goodbye time and time again is soooo hard!!” Although it must be emotionally difficult, Catelynn’s admission did confirm that Carly had seen her and Tyler many times.
What Happened Between the Couple and Carly’s Parents?
So what exactly happened to provoke Catelynn’s most recent post in which she seemed to hint that it was now impossible for Carly to see them.
While many pointed to Tyler’s OnlyFans account as a potential red flag, another reason that was suggested was more brutal. A lot of fans on Reddit were pretty confident that it was Carly herself who didn’t want to meet up with her parents again.
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One wrote, “Maybe Carly doesn’t want to see them… have they thought of that?” Another commenter agreed, suggesting that it was their daughter who didn’t want to see them but Brandon and Teresa who were “taking the heat”.
Another fan pointed out that it would be very easy for Carly to get in touch with Catelynn and Brandon if she actually wanted to.
They wrote, “A teenager that wants to get in contact with someone can easily do that in today’s world. It’s not like she can’t get access to a cell phone and contact T&C through social media.” They went on to tell Catelynn to “put 2+2 together, Carly isn’t interested in contacting them.
Fans Appear to Be Supportive of Carly’s Adopted Parents
There was a lot of support for Carly’s adopted parents, who many agreed ”are just taking the blame to protect her, since that’s what good parents do.” It was suggested that Carly might be “embarrassed” about what her friends probably already know about Catelynn and Tyler’s personal lives, including an OnlyFans account.
While it is pretty brutal to see so many people being unsympathetic to Catelynn’s situation, her post did hint that she kind of expected that reaction. But that probably doesn’t make it any easier.
She finished her rant by writing, “Sorry I had to vent because I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that you ‘love’ us and ‘care’ about us but refuse to make time.”
Whether her words were really directed at Brandon and Teresa, or else at Carly herself, fans will continue to speculate about.