Hey y’all- Max, the Celeb Talk Guy here.
We’ve got some bad news today as we can officially confirm that Erik and Virginia from Season 12 of Married At First Sight have finalized their divorce.

As everyone’s favorite Married At First Sight source, MAFSFan on Instagram, informed us of a few weeks ago, Erik and Virginia filed for divorce shortly after the season was completed.

There is one weird piece of this puzzle that hasn’t been solved yet…
And that’s that neither Erik nor Virginia have acknowledged their divorce yet!
Yes, you read that right, they haven’t even announced that they’re getting divorced, and it’s already been finalized.
To take it even further, they’re still pretending like they’re married!
Virginia often posts references to her Instagram Story about Erik, even on the same day that the court documents referencing their divorce were made public.

So, what’s going on with these two exactly?
It’s hard to say!
If they were going to try to work it out and stay together, why would they go through with the divorce?
And if they are going to divorce and live life separately, why are they pretending they’re still together?
The only theory that anyone can come up with is that they were slated to be featured on this season of Married At First Sight: Couples Cam, and that they aren’t allowed to talk about their divorce until it’s been featured on Couples Cam.
It will be interesting to see how it plays out, but if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that Erik and Virginia are no longer legally married!