Morgan Wallen is one of the biggest and most talented superstars in country music. Unfortunately, he often acts in equally troubling ways that have earned him a lot of bad publicity.
A shocking thread on the Celeb Wives of Nashville subreddit reveals how Morgan’s fans are making a huge deal out of his alleged problems. The weirdest thing is that his fans and critics can’t decide what exactly is wrong with Morgan and why.
The OP posted a 30-second TikTok video on the thread with the caption, “Kansas City Intro, Morgan Wallen + Brooks & Dunn.” We can clearly see Morgan walking down a hall in a stadium with country legends Kix Brooks and Ronnie following behind.
Morgan looks a bit scruffy in his baby blue Kansas City Royals baseball jersey, wearing number 16 for the legendary athlete Bo Jackson. Then, the music starts, and you can hear the crowd begin to cheer. Morgan acknowledges the crowd, but something definitely seems off.
Morgan looks inebriated in this video, or worse. Anyone who examines Morgan in this clip would probably think he’s tumbling faster down a downward slope.
The OP wrote, “Is MW okay? What is this intro?”
They included a “peeking eye” emoji, which the Internet describes as “wanting to look away from something” because it’s “frightening, disgusting, or embarrassing, but not being able to.” When you look at it that way, the emoji fits this thread perfectly.
Several Fans Questioned the Authenticity of the Video
Then, the debate started. The Celeb Wives dissected the TikTok video with sympathy, uncertainty, and some scathing shade thrown at Morgan.
The first two comments are actually hilarious. Someone wrote, “Is that actually [Morgan]? Looks like everybody’s Midwestern stepdad.”
That made someone else respond with, “What do they say? There’s one of these in every rural gas station.”
We’re not trying to be heartless by beginning with the jokey comments on the subreddit. The real truth is that this TikTok video is being questioned for its authenticity. Additional footage of August 1st seems to indicate Morgan was fine and not too far under the influence.
Still, that doesn’t mean that Morgan hasn’t appeared in public after consuming too many substances. The best (or worst) example of this is Morgan’s chair-tossing stunt in April at his buddy Eric Church’s recently opened honky tonk in downtown Nashville.
Back to the subreddit and the more sympathetic fans who genuinely believe Morgan is spiraling out of control. One fan wrote on the evening of August 2nd, “Oh, he doesn’t look well.”
An hour later, another fan agreed. They provided specific details on why they thought Morgan had drunk too much or taken substances.
They wrote, “The hand movements, the eyes. Not sober behavior.” They added, “I love MW don’t get me wrong.”
Then, they claimed that Morgan looked “munted,” which the Oxford Dictionary describes as “broke, ruined, or drunk.” The fan warned, “If you think he’s not you need to remove your rose [colored] glasses.”
Another user agreed with this depressing analysis and shockingly added that they know all too well the effects of overdoing substances. They also wrote that they love Morgan, but “this man is messed up.” Sadly, they finished with, “I wish I could say [differently].”
Morgan’s Mom Allegedly Feels Powerless
Another reply mentioned Morgan’s mom, Lesli. The user wrote, “Oh my,” and stated, “If his mom sees this, she’s going to cry herself to sleep.” That might be the truth, but the sadder thing is that Lesli has known about Morgan’s alleged issues for a long time and feels powerless to assist.
Shockingly, a Celeb Wives subreddit thread from three years ago claimed, “Dang, Momma Wallen speaking out.” The OP uploaded a screenshot of alleged messages on social media between Lesli and some Morgan fans.
One fan tagged Lesli and wrote that they were “happy to see” Morgan perform until they saw him “drinkin’.” They threw shade by writing “Why lie” about being sober? If it was really Lesli, she set the record straight in a shocking way.
Lesli’s alleged message was that Morgan “went to rehab,” but “rehab doesn’t guarantee sober. I wish it did.” In a previous thread on the subreddit was posted five months ago with the shocking title, “Morgan Wallen and the downward spiral.”
The OP here wrote a long message to kick off the thread. In a nutshell, they were “shocked at how many MW haters there were.” They claimed, “This isn’t the same country music fan base I grew up with.”
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They also wrote, “Celebrities are human and make mistakes… things their management company can’t spin and make it go away.” The OP added that Morgan was “thrust into fame at a very, very young age.” Then, they asked a couple of burning questions.
The OP wrote, “Does [Morgan] have a lot of growing up to do?” They answered, “Absolutely.”
Next, they asked, “Does [Morgan] most likely need rehab…?” They didn’t miss a beat by answering, “Probably.” Then, they defended Morgan.
The OP claimed to have “been around long enough” to remember other country music superstars who had issues or did stupid things in public, including “when Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney were arrested.”
Morgan’s Fans Are Very Concerned
While the OP got a ton of shade thrown at them for posting this thread and sounding so “pro” Morgan, the best-rated comment began with a bullet point that said, “This is coming from a fan of Morgan Wallen, so feel free to tear me apart.” This is frankly one of the best comments we’ve read from a fan who allegedly loves Morgan’s music and still believes that Morgan needs to be held “accountable.”
The commenter described another TikTok video that “[summed] this up perfectly.” They alleged that Morgan wants to behave “like a trashy redneck,” when the real truth is, “he’s a rich redneck.” This commenter didn’t hold back, and they offered up a depressing prediction.
They think Morgan’s record label, Big Loud, “needs to sit him down and ship his a** off to rehab… he needs to get help and get it fast.” They claimed that if Morgan doesn’t “take a look at the writing on the wall,” there could be a shocking headline in the future that he took too many substances or drank too much and passed away. The commenter also mentioned the most important thing in Morgan’s life.
They’d previously reminded us that Morgan is in his 30s and he’s “a father.” They wrote, “Whether you like his music or not, it’s not fair to his child to grow up without a father.” They offered a suggestion.
This Celeb Wives user thinks that Morgan’s fans “should be encouraging him to go get help, and we should be holding him accountable. He’s old enough to understand that there are consequences for your actions.”
This was a thoughtful and pretty brave comment. Still, on the first thread, some Celeb Wives questioned whether the TikTok video of Morgan’s “Kansas City Intro” was genuine. Could it have been slowed down to make Morgan look like he was under the influence?
Morgan’s TikTok Provided a New Perspective
On August 3rd, someone made the shocking allegation that the person who took this TikTok video had a “view” or a “camera angle” that “sucked.” They claimed to have seen another video on a Morgan Wallen account that showed “the whole intro,” and Morgan “looked sober, maybe a bit sweaty, but otherwise good.”
On August 4th, a user alleged that Morgan had appeared in another TikTok video that evening “with a ‘Make a Wish’ kid…” and Morgan appeared to be “completely sober and coherent.”
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On August 2nd, Rolling Stone reported on Morgan’s concert at Arrowhead Stadium. There was no mention in their article that there was anything wrong with Morgan during his concert on August 1st in Kansas City. Rolling Stone wrote that he “played the rest of his typical show,” but the real truth is that Morgan “had a surprise up his sleeve.”
They explained that Morgan “took it back to the early Nineties” for his Kansas City “encore.” That’s when Kix and Ronnie joined Morgan onstage, and they thrilled the crowd by performing the Brooks & Dunn classic, “Neon Moon.”
Kix and Ronnie even shared a backstage video on Instagram, which provided another glimpse of Morgan on August 1st. Morgan commented, “Well, that was a damn good time.”