Morgan Wallen’s fans have speculated for years about his ‘baby mama drama’ with his ex-fiance, KT Smith. Now, the spotlight is back on KT. Let’s just say it’s harsh and not shining on her in the way she would have wished.
Users on a subreddit that exists to “snark” on KT have started to rethink the allegation that she only got pregnant with her son, Indigo Wilder, to “trap” Morgan. So what’s the real truth? A recent thread on the subreddit asked, “What is really going on?”
RELATED: Morgan Wallen and KT Smith Co-Parenting Update
The OP seems to want to get to the bottom of all this for good. Many users chimed in with thoughts, opinions, and layers of wild allegations about KT being an unfit parent.
The OP stated that everyone on the subreddit speculates “a lot” about KT and Morgan and their “custody agreement.” They claimed they “want to believe” what they read on the threads.
However, they then admitted, “None of us really know them personally.” But KT has gone dark on social media, and the OP thinks that’s “weird.”
The Subreddit Disapproves of KT’s New Husband
This thread started on July 1st. The OP wrote that KT had “been silent today on Insta” and had posted “nothing on her TikTok for days.”
Allegedly, KT threw a birthday “party” for her son, nicknamed “Indie,” but the OP complained that KT “hasn’t posted anything about it on her timeline or really acknowledged it.” Then the OP really put KT on blast.
They wrote, “It’s so weird that [KT] would have a celebration” for Indie “almost two weeks ahead of time and have literally no content about it.” Indie was born on July 10, 2020, so the OP does have a point. Then, they slammed KT for another significant moment in her personal life.
People Magazine reported on April 8th that KT had “Tied the knot with Luke Scornavacco days after getting engaged.” This announcement has set off KT’s haters online for months.
Luke and Indie may be the most innocent parties in this alleged mess, but KT’s critics don’t love her new husband. The OP nicknamed him “Flukey” in her scathing rant about KT.
Another allegation put forward is that KT’s marriage was her “last attempt” to get at Morgan, “and it didn’t work.” Then, the OP tried to get into KT’s head.
They alleged that her “lies and guilt and shame are all catching up to her.” The OP believes that KT “can no longer keep up the facade that she is happy.” They also claimed that KT’s “appearance lately, her hair, no content, etc.” proves that the allegations are true.
KT’s Success Came From Morgan
But the OP still asked the subreddit, “What do you all think?” And more than 80 users jumped in. While the first comment “totally [agreed]” with the OP, the subreddit user seemed to offer a rare bit of sympathy for KT when they suggested that her “job on social media is destroying her mental health.”
On April 9th, Page Six exposed KT as Morgan’s “ex-fiancée and the mother of his son.” This article presents a pretty glowing version of who KT is. Page Six wrote that “she scored her ‘most fulfilling job ever’ as a social media intern” while she was “attending church.”
But even Page Six had to admit the real reason why KT has gotten as far as she has as a social media influencer. They wrote that “it wasn’t until [Morgan] announced that [KT] had given birth to their son that she gained 100,000 followers.” But Page Six threw KT a bone and included her quote about how she landed her dream job and how it made life better for her and Indie.
KT wrote online that a “social media management company reached out” to her after Morgan’s announcement. She confessed that this company asked her “to work for brands full time,” and that’s exactly what KT did.
She also confessed that her new job allowed her to move “to a rental that was better suited for the little family we created.” The “family” thing was interesting for KT to say, considering that her haters can’t stop alleging that she tricked Morgan with her pregnancy.
KT’s Mental Health is Crumbling
A user replied to the allegation about KT’s mental health and wrote, “I so agree.” This user explained that they have a job that “would create very good content.” But, they confessed, “I just know that I’m not cut out for that emotionally.”
They genuinely believe that KT “is experiencing an unraveling now.” Shockingly, they alleged that KT “does the exact opposite of what you would think would help her situation.” This user even admitted that they’d done a deep dive into KT’s “old” posts on Instagram and drew a conclusion.
After combing through KT’s socials from “several years ago,” the user alleged that KT had been “flooded with people” who wanted her to represent them as a social media influencer. But “now,” the user alleges that KT has “nothing.” Could her world really be crashing down?
Users on this subreddit got creative with other allegations, and someone believes that KT “has ADHD and isn’t properly medicated.” They point to her alleged hyper-fixation, claiming she jumps “on something and then gets bored with it” and onto the next thing. This user also described KT as “chasing something.”
They wrote that KT “will never find” it. They also threw shade at KT for allegedly still being “in love with Morgan.” This user claimed to know how Morgan must feel, too.
They wrote that he “doesn’t want” KT and that he never did when “Indie was conceived” and not “after he was born.” According to this user, “deep therapy could help,” but they shockingly alleged that KT “likes to just play it off that she’s over him and ‘happy.’”
Luke and KT Don’t Wear Wedding Bands
Another user criticized what KT chooses to post on social media, saying she just “doesn’t have much interesting content” other than “showing photos” of Indie.
They speculated that if KT and Morgan “were married,” he would be too private to let KT post any personal things. That’s an interesting opinion, but it’s obvious that KT and Morgan weren’t meant to be. Shockingly, some users think that KT and Luke aren’t the real deal, either.
One user attacked KT because “she still has not changed her name on IG.” Someone else said there were “still no wedding bands,” and they called that “weird.”
RELATED: KT Smith Speaks Out After Morgan Wallen Arrest
Another user alleged that KT goes “quiet” on social media “on purpose.” They made a shocking prediction about KT’s future after throwing shade at her.
First, they wrote that KT “literally can’t stand not getting attention.” They also answered their own questions about whether KT is “happy” and if she’s “faking” being a devoted wife and mother.
The user alleged that KT isn’t happy and she hasn’t been “in a very long time.” They “absolutely” think that KT is pretending everything is great in her life. This user predicted that they “see” a mental breakdown in KT’s future, but this isn’t insider information.
KT’s Life Is Surrounded by Conspiracy Theories
Someone snooped around on Luke’s Instagram. They alleged that “Luke is not following KT’s mom,” but “she is following him.”
They added that “someone” online said “family is important” and wondered why Luke doesn’t follow KT’s mom on social media. But another user replied that Luke “used to follow” KT’s mom, although “she didn’t follow him until after the wedding.”
One user threw shade at everyone else on the subreddit, writing that the “speculations” made on the thread about Morgan and KT’s “co-parenting relationship” got them “laughing.” They added, “DAMN those are some conspiracy theories,” but they still agreed with some of the allegations.
Their opinion about KT is that “she’s not in a good place,” alleging that “her life is overwhelming her.” They pointed to “the look on her face and how gaunt she has become” as signs that KT is “stressed.”
The commenter finished by implying that “something is weighing [KT] down.” They offered up “moving, marriage, child-rearing,” and an “unsettled” or “unhappy spirit” as being the “culprits” behind KT’s desperation.
One commenter wondered about KT’s marriage and how she’d posted about wanting to have Luke’s baby shortly after announcing their shocking elopement. The commenter thinks that “getting married doesn’t really make you happy” and that “things stay the same as before.”
They also wonder why KT never talks about pregnancy anymore. According to this subreddit user, if KT thinks that “having a baby is going to be the answer to [her] happiness,” she might be sorely mistaken.