HomeCelebrity TalkJLo Exposed By Former Classmates

JLo Exposed By Former Classmates

Photo credit: Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

JLo has released a documentary on Netflix called “Halftime” in which she goes over all of the things she went through as a young girl, growing up with her mother and siblings. But, some people have chimed with a different take on how her life really was before she was famous.

In her documentary, Jennifer claims her childhood was tough and her mother was even tougher, going so far as to say she was beaten by her mother. According to the NY Post, her words were: “She [Rodriguez] did what she had to do to survive, and it made her strong, but it also made her tough. She beat the s–t out of you.”

Did J-Lo Fake Her Hard Upbringing Backstory? 

    JLo‘s take on her childhood sounds rough and stressful, but commenters on the NY Post piece had other things to say about the matter. For one, they were nonplussed by her hardship claims. One commenter had the following to say:

    “A friend of mine attended a small catholic girls high school in the Bronx and Lopez was her classmate. I’ve seen the yearbook. Not only did she attend private school but her parents bought an ad in the yearbook that said, “We always knew you’d be a star!” Way before she was famous she had that level of family support. Her hard luck story is completely fabricated and mom is complicit.”

    Could Jennifer’s backstory be a bit far-fetched? Another commenter seemed to agree and had similar insights to share, stating:

    “Similarly, I have a friend who attended high school with Lopez. My friend described her as the epitome of a narcissistic, bullying, “mean girl,” the queen of the clique, and constantly belittling others.  It’s incredible how some people, who achieve well beyond what anyone should have the right to expect, still play the victim card. For what — attention?”

    Not Everyone Agrees About Her History 

      Clearly, JLo‘s story isn’t unanimously believed, but not every commenter was there to give her flack. Some even sided with her and offered up counter arguments for the star’s haters.

      One commenter posted the following: “I don’t get all the hate for JLo. I am sure she had tough times with momma, most daughters do. Especially daughters who don’t move into traditional roles. I also think JLo has been seriously dissed by the entertainment industry. 

      Not every project has been a hit, but she is very talented, and she has had longevity and cultural relevance for the last 35 yrs. That isn’t shabby. She hasnt had to compromise her scruples, she is a good mother, there is no real scandal to her. She is a respected business woman and spokesperson…I don’t get it. Could it be there is real hate for a successful Latina?”

      Most Agree It’s Time to Move on

        Besides the incriminating comments and the JLo fans standing up for her, there was a common third opinion being voiced in the comments section of the NY Post article on JLos new documentary – it’s time to move on.

        Some commenters expressed their desire to move beyond the star’s past and hoped she’d recognize how blessed she is to be in her position. 

        One person put things bluntly: “I don’t believe what she said for 1 second. She probably spanked her a couple times. But she has to jump on the victimhood bandwagon in order to try & drum up interest in her boring show.  

        Wish these poor ultra rich celebrities would quit whining. They have it so much better than everybody else & have these exalted opinions of themselves. They should keep their mouths shut & appreciate how incredibly blessed they are.”

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