Jennifer Lopez is just about the last person anyone would expect to see flying economy. Yet, the 54-year-old pop icon was recently spotted doing exactly that on a commercial flight to Paris. Needless to say, her presence raised a few eyebrows aboard an Air France leaving Naples, Italy.
The sighting was so unexpected, it left fans wondering if the star was losing her sparkle. Her big project looks stalled, and her album tour is canceled. No one says JLo is over, but there are concerns about how well she’s coping.
That day, JLo was traveling cheap and incognito, although she took her economy class seat looking relaxed in a white tracksuit. Her bodyguard settled in the aisle seat behind her.
Although the passengers around her might have been a little starstruck, Lopez seemed content with her low-budget choice. It was a humble gesture from someone used to luxury and extravagance. However, sources closer to Star suggest she’s being forced into economizing.
A $20 Million Gamble Gone Wrong
The speculation is that Lopez is seriously out of pocket after her recent multimedia project came to stall. The package, which took $20 million of her own money, included an album, a documentary, and a musical. The whole deal looks to have flopped.
In May, JLo canceled her album tour, saying she needed time with her family. Industry insiders suggested something different, saying the decision to cancel was more likely due to poor ticket sales.
Jlo’s fans are right to be worried because her personal life isn’t going to plan either. There have been rumors of marital strife for months.
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Sources claim she and Ben Affleck, aka Bennifer 2.0, are heading for divorce. Money seems to be at the root of their troubles, and he’s already moved out.
The pair have the combined net worth of a small country, at over $600 million, but they are poles apart on how to spend it. As an insider stated Affleck is worried about Jennifer’s high spending. It seems out of control, and as a gambler himself, he knows it has to stop.
The $60 Million Mansion Debacle
It looks as if they are about to sell their $60million Beverly Hills mansion. Purchased in June 2023, it always was a point of contention. The 12-bedroom, 24-bathroom home symbolizes their troubles.
Affleck hadn’t wanted to spend much on it, just 20 million, but Lopez had insisted on more. Now, perhaps to liquidate assets, they are putting the mansion on the market for a bargain $65 million.
At the moment, JLo is navigating challenging waters, both in her personal and professional life. She is on an emotional rollercoaster, from panic attacks and anger one minute to thinking they’re going to be okay the next. Fans fear flying economy is the tip of the iceberg and the star is already in descent. Only time will tell if she bounces back.