HomeCelebrity TalkThe Sad Story of Kane Brown’s Dad

The Sad Story of Kane Brown’s Dad

Photo Credits: Kane Brown/Instagram

Although Kane Brown had a tough childhood, he’s said very little about his father. The real truth is sad because Kane’s dad has remained such a mystery until now. You won’t believe who is speaking out and trying to set the record straight.

Kane was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in October 1993. His mom, Tabatha Brown, allegedly raised him and his sister, Heidi, as a single parent.

Until very recently, public information about Kane’s father was basically non-existent. This includes the name or birthplace of his father. Although, Kane has been open about his mom being white and his dad being Black and part-Cherokee. 

Kane was only three years old when his father received a lengthy jail sentence. According to one source online, a man claiming to be Kane’s father is questioning his guilt from behind bars.

In July 2019, Kane appeared on ABC News Radio. A highlight of the interview was Kane admitting how excited he was to become a dad for the first time—but it was equally heartbreaking.

Kane’s wife, Katelyn Jae, was expecting a baby girl. He confessed, “I’m excited. You know, me and my wife are in it together, and I get to be the dad that I never really had.”

Kane’s Alleged Father Claims He Was Wrongfully Convicted

But Kane wasn’t done revealing inside knowledge of the father he barely knew. Kane admitted he had something of a relationship with his dad, even though Kane’s father is still a prisoner.

Kane said, “He’s a drummer, which I didn’t even know.” He added that his father likes bragging about having a famous son. He joked, “I’m going to hire him when he gets out.”

In June 2022, another side to Kane’s story became public knowledge when a shocking petition for justice appeared on Change.org. If this information is the real truth, it’s the first publicly released statement from Kane’s alleged father, Michael Peek Sr.

Michael alleges that he is Kane’s father. Even more startling, Michael claims he was wrongly convicted of serious crimes by a Chattanooga, Tennessee jury in 1996 when he received a 99-year sentence.

Michael threw shade at the Chattanooga Police Department and accused them of using a conspiracy theory against him. He alleged that the police arrested him solely because he was a Black man who was known to date white women and who lived a mile from one of the five alleged victims in the criminal case.

In an unbelievable twist, Michael alleged that a legally blind lawyer was court-appointed to represent him. This lawyer couldn’t defend him against the physical description provided by the victims.

Michael claimed that the alleged victims all described their attacker in the police report as being 5 feet 5 inches tall with a pot belly, stubby fingers, and hairy arms and hands. He claimed he was 6 feet 5 inches tall with little body hair on his arms or hands. Michael also said he was physically fit with no “pot belly” at the time of his arrest.

The Court Denied Michael’s Appeal

Michael also accused his lawyer of excluding several character witnesses to testify in his defense at trial. He continued to declare in the petition that he was innocent.

If that’s the real truth, why hasn’t Kane come to his father’s defense?

There is a public record of one appeal in Michael’s case that happened four years after his conviction. The appeals court’s judgment contains shocking information about what Kane’s father was charged with—if Michael is actually Kane’s real father, as he claims.

In the court document, Michael is called “the defendant.” The appeal states that Michael was found guilty of fourteen felonies. These included burglary, robbery, and physical harm done to the five victims.

Michael sought an appeal of all his convictions. He claimed that hair, saliva, and blood samples drawn from him during the first trial should have been suppressed. Michael also claimed he was shackled during his first trial, and his shackles should have been removed. 

Unbelievably, the appeals court found “error in the trial court’s allowing the complaints of all five victims to be tried at a single trial” and the “court’s not following the required procedures before shackling the defendant during the trial.” But the appeals court also determined that these errors were “harmless,” and they denied Michael’s appeal. 

Since Kane has never spoken out about his father’s real name or what he did to land in prison for so long, the real truth about Michael’s story and his connection to Kane remains unverified.

Kane Had a Crazy Childhood

What’s even more shocking is how Kane was mistreated by his stepfather as a very young boy before his grandmother came to his rescue.

Kane once told CBS News, “I don’t know if I ever told you, but I had, like, a crazy childhood.” He added, “I had to grow up a lot faster than the normal person.” Kane experienced homelessness as a kid, and sometimes, he and Tabatha had no place else to sleep but her car.

He never really experienced a father’s love when he was growing up. Kane told CBS that one of his stepdads punished him by shaving him bald and then putting aftershave on his head to sting him. 

Kane also confessed that this stepfather made him “physically eat half a bar of soap, not just bite into it. I had to physically eat it and swallow it.”

Southern Living reported that Kane’s grandmother, Edy Brown, threw that stepfather in jail after she discovered he was harming Kane.

Kane calls Edy “a huge part of my life.” The real truth is she imprisoned Kane’s stepfather because she was “a sheriff and a detective.” During one period in Kane’s life, he lived with Edy and said, “We got really close.” 

Kane remembered how Edy would take him for drives in her police car, and she would take him to the police station with her “all the time.” He said, “The cops knew who I was, and it made me feel special.”

But Kane also learned right from wrong at the police station. He said, “I would get to see the bad guys come in with their handcuffs, and my Nana would say, ‘You never want to be here.’ I feel like that was very important in my life.”

Kane Was Raised by Strong Women

Kane has spoken out about the many challenges Tabatha faced as a single mom, and he’s been candid about how it affected him. But Kane has always been grateful to his mom, Nana, and all the strong women who helped to raise him.

An iHeart report talked about Kane’s video for “Good As You,” which shows a young boy and his sister growing up with bright futures despite a difficult childhood. Kane said, “I was raised with strong women around me. My mom worked multiple jobs, and my Nana truly was a sheriff in my town.”

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He revealed, “To be able to honor them is incredible because no matter how much we struggled, my Mom and Nana never let me see it. They sheltered me from any problems, and I appreciate them for that.”

Kane also talked about the lyrics to “Good As You,” specifically the opening line, “I see the way you’re taking care of your mama, the way you’re taking care of me.” He revealed that the women around him always cared for Kane and his sister, and they cared for each other, too. 

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