HomeCelebrity TalkWhy Kate Gosselin Did This to Her Kids

Why Kate Gosselin Did This to Her Kids

Photo Credits: Jon Gosselin/Instagram and TLC

Kate Gosselin is known for being fame-hungry. But not everyone realizes that outside of TV, she’s an even worse parent. Now, her kids are revealing a terrifying situation that was once a secret that ended with the cops getting called.

You’ll never believe everything she’s done to her kids. After Kate’s son Collin decided to speak out against his mom, pretty much everyone immediately turned on her. It became clear that Kate had not been a good mom to Collin at all.

RELATED: Hannah Gosselin Speaks Out On Kate

From physically and psychologically harming him to sending him away and cutting him off from the rest of the family, what she supposedly did to him was just horrible. She claimed that she did all this because Collin needed help.

But is that really what happened?

Even if she did only have his best interest at heart, that still doesn’t mean she was a good mom. Especially since it wasn’t just Collin that she allegedly mistreated. All her kids seem to have suffered at different points because of Kate.

The Children Allegedly Didn’t Want to Be on TV

For example, she allegedly forced them to be on TV, even though they didn’t want that. Jon talked about this in his 2020 interview with Dr. Oz. He claimed his kids told him that they felt like they were forced to film because Kate wanted them to provide a certain kind of lifestyle for her.

Jon said: “They don’t want to film. They said they have to film. That’s heartbreaking. Why do my kids need to provide for themselves? They’re kids.”

That’s honestly a good point. Filming kids for TV is pretty controversial. A lot of people think that it’s exploitative.

That might not always be the case, depending on your point of view. But it for sure seems to be the case here.

If the kids actually said that they didn’t want to film but were still forced to, then that’s pretty messed up. It just makes it look like Kate cares more about money and fame than her children.

But there’s more. Like I said, the way Kate treated Collin was just awful.

A couple of years ago, the Daily Mail obtained a crazy report from 2018, which was submitted to the Court of Common Pleas of Berks County, Pennsylvania. This report included details about how Kate treated Collin. What it said was shocking.

Collin reportedly told his therapist that Kate would treat him differently than the other kids. She would allegedly do really harmful things.

For example, she would zip-tie him to a chair or force him to sleep in small, enclosed spaces. She would also isolate him from his siblings and call him a bad child.

Collin has since gone on record to say that he wasn’t a perfect kid. He was just a normal kid who would sometimes misbehave, as would his siblings.

Kate and Jon Had the Police Called on Them

But honestly, even if Collin was a really troubled kid, that would still not make Kate’s treatment of him okay. I mean, he supposedly suffered from PTSD because of what she did to him. That’s just horrible.

If it’s all true, then that makes her a terrible mom. Honestly, even if she treated all her other kids well, the fact that she allegedly did this to Collin means that she’s just not a good mom.

No good parent would treat their child like this, no matter what problems they may or may not have. It’s no wonder that Collin and Hannah seem much happier now that they’re living with their dad.

Speaking of Hannah, in 2017, Kate did something so shocking to her daughter that the police had to intervene. Reportedly, Jon and Kate were at the dentist’s office with Hannah.

What happened is that Hannah said that she wanted to go home with Jon after her appointment. She didn’t want to go to Kate’s place.

That seems like a pretty reasonable thing for a kid to request. She wanted to spend time with her dad – so what?

That doesn’t sound like the end of the world, except it supposedly made Kate really upset. She and Jon started arguing, and it got so bad that Jon had to call the police on Kate.

Later, a spokesperson for the Wyomissing Police Department spoke to ET. They said that the two of them had been arguing over custody, and it escalated. This all happened while they were still at the dentist’s office.

So, not only did Kate blow up in a crazy way. She also did it in public just because her daughter wanted to go home with her dad.

Jon’s Mom Was Scared by the Argument

Jon’s mom was supposedly there, too. She saw the whole thing and later spoke to In Touch about it. She was quoted as saying: “I would never have believed that a scene could be so horrible until I witnessed the custody exchange myself.”

It’s crazy that even an adult witnessing that argument was kind of scarred by it. Again, I just can’t help but feel bad for Hannah.

Jon’s mom also said this about Kate: “Kate thinks there is nothing wrong with her, so she would never subject herself to going to therapy. But she needs psychological help.”

That’s a pretty crazy thing for someone to say. But honestly, if all these reports and allegations about Kate are true, then I would have to agree with Jon’s mom.

RELATED: Why Mady Gosselin Turned On Kate

There’s no shame in going to therapy. I feel like it could potentially be good for Kate. It would probably also be really good for her kids.

I’m sure that despite all these crazy incidents, she does genuinely care about them. It’s possible that she just doesn’t realize how hurtful her behavior is.

She might even think that she’s being completely reasonable and justified in her actions. But to me, it just doesn’t seem like it.

Kate Keeps the Kids Away from Jon

Jon’s mom also told In Touch that Kate isolated the kids from Jon. Jon has said this himself as well.

He hasn’t spoken to some of his kids in years, which must be hard for him. It sounds like it’s most likely all Kate’s fault.

Jon’s mom described something crazy to In Touch. She said that Hannah told her that Kate would make all the kids chant that they would not go see Jon.

That’s right – she made them refer to their own dad as Jon. They had to promise that they wouldn’t visit him.

I know that Kate has her own issues with her ex-husband, but it’s pretty insane that she allegedly does things like this.

Kids need their parents. It’s not healthy for them to be dragged into petty fights like this.

Jon agrees with this. In 2022, he spoke to ET and said that Kate keeping him away from their kids was a poor parenting decision.

I obviously agree with that. But there’s more.

Jon also told Entertainment Tonight that Kate should watch out for what she’s saying because he has evidence of her behavior. It could all come back and hurt her.

Kate later fired back in her own statement. She said that Jon was violent but didn’t really have any evidence for her claim. Jon seems to have that, which I think speaks volumes.

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