HomeCelebrity TalkWhy Everyone Thinks This Isn't Kate

Why Everyone Thinks This Isn’t Kate

Photo Credits: The Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram

The most recent footage of Kate Middleton was supposed to settle any debate about her whereabouts. But instead, the images have had the opposite effect. 

The clip of Kate shopping with her husband Prince William at a local farm stand has only whipped up an even crazier frenzy among conspiracy theorists. In fact, at least one famous face might even have been added to their number. 

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Bravo bigshot and reality TV kingpin Andy Cohen chimed in on Twitter to have his say on the Kate conspiracy. After the footage went online, many doubters made it clear that they didn’t believe that it was authentic. The video was swiftly branded as “fake.”

One critic stated that the Princess’s “ears were different.” Another claimed that Kate had been “replaced.”

The crazy theories about Kate’s whereabouts have been circulating for a few months. The theories started when it was announced that she was having abdominal surgery at the start of the year. However, recently they have gained a lot more traction in the news. 

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On Monday, Andy had no problem in sharing his own views. He echoed that of the conspiracy theorists, by tweeting out to his legion of followers, “That ain’t Kate.”

He was of course far from the only voice to question the video of Kate and William, but his status as a public figure meant that his tweet caught a lot of attention. 

Kate Is Supposed to Return to Public Duty in April

Other conspiracy fans started flocking to Andy’s tweet to show support. One Twitter user wrote that Andy was “Literally all of us.” Another commented to say, “I just want to know who they think they are fooling.”

The footage had reportedly been captured by an onlooker from a nearby car, who described the couple as looking “happy”. Prior to the clip’s release, Kate had not been seen in public for around 12 weeks. 

The royal family recently revealed that Kate expects to return to public duty by mid-April, according to the Sunday Times. Hugo Vickers, a royal historian, told The Sun that it was “certainly good news to know that she was… up and about”. 

However, skeptics have questioned whether someone who needed such a long time to recover from surgery should be out carrying shopping bags. Most people are in agreement that there’s nothing to the conspiracy theories and have not questioned the most recent footage. For those who believe that something else is going on, recent scandals have only eroded their trust in the royal family.

Things reached a low when Kate admitted to editing a photo of her family for Mother’s Day in the UK. She explained that it was something that a lot of amateur photographers do. However, some took this as proof that Kate was not with her kids. 

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The Sun was told that lately, Kate had been healthy enough to take her children to school. But she will not be ready to take part in official royal business until at least Easter. Until then, it seems like no evidence will be enough to change the minds of Andy or the many others who just don’t believe it’s Kate.

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