HomeCelebrity TalkWhere is Kate Middleton?

Where is Kate Middleton?

Photo Credits: The Prince and Princess of Wales/Instagram

Ever since the royal family announced that Kate Middleton had abdominal surgery in January, it’s like she’s disappeared. There also haven’t been any real updates about her health, and William recently did something that seemed pretty concerning.

It’s been almost two months since Kate has made a public appearance. In January, she attended a service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk, England.

Then, on January 16, she had her supposedly planned abdominal surgery. After the surgery, Kensington Palace informed us that Kate would be recovering until about Easter. But since then, it’s been pretty much radio silence.

We know she’s back in Windsor now, but she has yet to make a public appearance, which is concerning.

This is the same Kate who left the hospital just a couple of hours after giving birth. Even though she must’ve been really exhausted, she was seen in public, looking really put together.

But this time around, we didn’t even see her leave the hospital at all. The Palace said they would update us if there was any significant new information to share. But can we really trust that?

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Charles Was Recently Diagnosed with Cancer

Just recently, William did something that raised a lot of red flags. There was a memorial service that he was supposed to attend.

This was a really important event because King Constantine of Greece passed away. Constantine was a really close friend of King Charles. So much so that Charles even made him William’s godfather.

So, you’d think that they would both go to his memorial service. But in reality, neither Charles nor William attended.

It’s obvious why Charles wasn’t there. He was recently diagnosed with cancer, so he’s been taking it slow.

William’s absence was honestly shocking. However, he said he had a personal reason for not attending but didn’t specify.

Many people believe it might’ve had something to do with Kate. I can’t imagine he would’ve skipped the memorial service for something small and unimportant. This was the King of Greece and his godfather who passed away, after all.

Since we know that Kate is still recovering from surgery, it would make sense if that was the reason. But what does that mean? Should we be worried that something has gone wrong with her recovery?

Obviously, we don’t actually know the answers to these questions.

It’s also possible that William stayed behind because of his father. Charles is dealing with his own set of serious health issues right now. So, it could be that there was an emergency – but it was Charles who was struggling, not Kate.

Then again, Queen Camilla actually attended Constantine’s funeral. I feel like if something was wrong with Charles, she would want to stay by his side even more than William. So, it does seem more likely that if there was a medical emergency, it was Kate’s.

Kate Was Removed from the “Trooping the Colour” Event

That being said, we don’t even know if there was one to begin with. Maybe William’s personal reason was about something else entirely. Given that we also haven’t seen Kate in almost two months, it does all seem kind of suspicious.

Because of this, rumors and conspiracy theories have started spreading online about where Kate could possibly be. It got so bad that a spokesperson for Kate actually decided to address the situation.

They confirmed that she would be out until after Easter, and repeated that they would only share updates if something significant happened.

A source from the Palace also recently told The Independent that Kate was doing well. But is that actually true? Recently, something else that was really suspicious happened.

The British Army deleted something about Kate from their website. Before they removed it, there was a statement on the website that said that Kate would be attending the annual “Trooping the Colour” event on June 8.

But now, that claim is gone. Apparently, the Army removed it because Kensington Palace said that they had not confirmed her attendance.

Normally, this wouldn’t really be cause for concern. Kensington Palace usually only confirms the royals’ attendance closer to the date. But given everything that’s been going on with Kate, it does seem a little suspicious and worrying.

The event is supposed to take place in June. That’s over two months after Easter. So, is the Palace worried that Kate won’t actually have fully recovered by then?

This could all just be nothing. Maybe the statement was only taken down because the Palace doesn’t usually confirm these things this long in advance, and that’s it.

William and Kate Are Usually Open About Their Lives

It’s all just very strange. Especially since before all this, William and Kate were known for being pretty open about their health issues.

William has previously spoken about mental health, and Kate was always super open about her pregnancies and the difficulties she faced during those times.

So, why are they being so secretive now?

Royal historian and author Clare McHugh talked to Time about this. She said that usually, Kate and William would be open about these things for a specific reason.

Clare stated: “It’s better for them to be candid up front rather than let internet rumors fly,” which makes a lot of sense.

It also makes Kate’s recent surgery seem super suspicious. How they have been dealing with the situation just seems really unusual for them.

As a result, there HAVE been a lot of crazy internet rumors going around. Some people suggested that Kate might’ve even passed away.

But that’s definitely not true. Because, first of all, why would the royal family have to hide this?

It’s not like they could keep this kind of thing a secret for very long. Plus, they keep promising that she’ll be back after Easter.

Kate Was Spotted by Paparazzi

So, this theory just doesn’t make a lot of sense. What would happen once Easter came, and she was still nowhere to be seen?

Here’s the thing – While Kate hasn’t been officially seen in almost two months, she was actually just spotted in some paparazzi photos. In the photos, she was seen in a car with her mom, Carole. They were near Windsor Castle.

RELATED: Kate Middleton Seen for the First Time After Disappearance

So, we know that Kate is very much alive. But this just raises even more questions and conspiracy theories.

If she’s fit enough to get in the car with her mom and go somewhere, then why all the secrecy? Why did William skip his godfather’s memorial service?

One conspiracy theory about all this stands out among the rest. That’s that maybe, Kate never actually had surgery at all. Maybe something else is going on.

William Allegedly Cheated on Kate

Some people theorized that she could be in the middle of trying to divorce William. It’s alleged that William hasn’t exactly been faithful to her throughout their marriage.

Some people believe that maybe, Kate’s had enough and now wants to leave William. She’s finally filed for divorce.

Except the timing is really bad. Because obviously, Charles just received his cancer diagnosis. So, maybe the Palace is trying to keep the divorce a secret until Charles is better.

They don’t want to deal with the scandal of William being unmarried while his dad’s life could potentially be in danger. William is next in line for the throne, and the UK can’t have an unmarried King.

So, maybe they told Kate that she couldn’t divorce him just yet, but she wasn’t happy about that. So, she agreed that she would wait. She could have been unwilling to do all those fake public appearances with William anymore, which is why the Palace came up with the surgery excuse.

This theory is pretty far-fetched, too. It does seem more likely that Kate just needs some time off. Lying about her having surgery would be a pretty crazy move from the Palace.

I honestly think that the most likely scenario is that Kate did have surgery, and she just wants to keep the details of what it was and how she’s doing to herself. That being said, the royal family can’t be surprised that people want to know what’s going on, especially since Kate always used to tell people about these things. Her current behavior just seems a little odd.

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