Mama June’s marriage might be in trouble. A while ago, she made a major decision that impacted both her and Justin. However, she didn’t talk to him about it at all before making it.
In recent exclusive footage from Mama June: Family Crisis, Mama June took a bold step for her family. In the clip shared by ET Online, she could be seen in a car with Justin and her daughter Anna Cardwell, who has since passed away.
RELATED: How Mama June Stole From Her Kids
For some reason, June decided that this was the perfect time to reveal to Justin her plans of not renewing their current house lease on their property in Alabama since they were looking to move to Georgia to be closer to her children. This wasn’t a bad idea on her part. The problem was that the information was getting to Justin a little too late.
Apparently, when June told Justin of her decision, they only had a few days before their lease expired. And to top that off, they hadn’t even found a property to move into in Georgia.
Justin Went Off on Mama June
This upset Justin. June single-handedly made a decision that would make them homeless in a matter of days if they didn’t act fast. Knowing Mama June and Justin, this was a valid concern.
So, Justin went off on June, explaining that she couldn’t just make decisions on her own about what house they were going to live in without letting him know about it. After all, they are a couple and a decision like this is one they’re both meant to make together.
But Mama June wasn’t having any of it. Her defense was that the time they spent with Anna and watching her go through chemotherapy made her too busy to remember to share this information. This seemed like a pretty weird excuse.
First of all, this whole thing was important and a major thing that was going to affect both their lives. And second of all, it’s not like it would take her ages to just share this information with Justin. I mean, she could’ve done it all in just a couple of seconds.
But here’s the thing. Maybe letting Justin know about this ahead of time was never part of the plan.
Think about it for a second. The only thing that makes sense here is that maybe she didn’t pass on the information because she didn’t want Justin to be a part of the decision-making process on whether they leave Alabama or not.
This is exactly what Justin thought, too. Which is why he made a comment saying that it doesn’t look like his opinion matters in their relationship anymore. Because if it did, she wouldn’t have made a decision about their house alone.
Many Fans Think Justin is Too Good For Mama June
This comment struck a nerve with June, who then revealed the reason why she did everything the way she did. According to her, she did it because she was tired of being controlled.
She explained that Justin always says that she loves being the boss in their relationship. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
June always dated men who didn’t let her express herself or make decisions in their relationship. In her words, she was used to being with men who took her credit cards, beat her, and told her that she wasn’t allowed to talk unless spoken to.
But all of that has changed now because she finally has her own opinion and her own voice. So she believes that she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, without having to get permission from Justin like she did with all of her previous boyfriends.
But even if this is all true and June’s intentions were pure, not everyone sees things the way she does. There’s a whole Reddit thread about how June treats Justin horribly and doesn’t deserve to be with him.
Apparently, even though June seems to be all about her family and nothing else lately, people don’t think she’s doing all of that because she actually cares about her family. What a lot of people think is that she’s only doing all this because she’s trying to impress Justin’s parents.
After all, they don’t seem to be impressed by the fact that she’s famous. Or at least that’s what some people seem to think.
Since she can’t win them over with fame or money, her best bet is to impress them with her character. But this is all starting to affect her relationship with Justin.
June Tried To Buy Justin Off
I mean it’s pretty obvious that they have their fair share of differences and things they need to fix. Most people seem to think that one of their biggest problems is that they aren’t really made for each other. Justin cares about June a lot, but there’s still the fear that he’s just not the right guy for her.
On the one hand, he seems to be the complete opposite of every other guy she’s been with. He genuinely cares about her and is trying to help her understand the importance of having a relationship with her daughters. But on the other hand, people seem to think that he’s only doing all of this because he’s gotten sucked in by June’s fame and isn’t willing to let that lifestyle go.
Just like her previous relationships, at the start of her thing with Justin, June tried to buy him off. She got him new teeth and a new wardrobe, among other things. She practically got him a new everything – almost as if she wanted to buy his love.
Producers of The Show Portray Justin as “Mr. Nice Guy”
When this happened in her relationship with Jordan, he ended up leaving her and getting engaged to another woman. Even though Justin seems like a great guy based on the narrative the producers of the show are trying to push on everyone, who’s to say that he won’t end up doing the same thing Jordan did?
After all, he doesn’t have the cleanest slate to begin with. He’s also been to jail and is a recovering addict, too. Then, let’s also not forget the fact that some people believe that the producers of the show are trying too hard to push the Mr. Nice Guy narrative on Justin.
And one of the possible reasons why they’d do something like this is to hide the fact that he actually isn’t so nice. But if this is the case, then some people believe that he just might be the perfect fit for June after all. Even though she’s trying to clean up her act and change her ways, she still doesn’t seem to be the greatest person out there.
So maybe things could actually work out for the couple. But honestly, who knows.