HomeCelebrity TalkWhy Paris Does This to Her Son

Why Paris Does This to Her Son

Photo credit: Paris Hilton/Instagram

Paris Hilton recently said that she hopes her children don’t grow up to be as dependent on social media as she is. 

But if she doesn’t want her kids to end up becoming obsessed with posting on different platforms, she might want to change her own behavior first. 

The Bizarre Reason Paris Hilton Constantly Posts Her Son, Phoenix, on Social Media 

Why is Paris constantly sharing photos and videos of her son on her social media if she truly wants him to grow up in a world outside of all this? 

The real reason she posts him online all of the time is seriously bizarre, so let’s get into it.   

According to People magazine, Paris recently attended “A Day of Unreasonable Conversation,” an event hosted by Propper Daley, a social impact agency. 

She also spoke on a panel at the summit, and what she shared about the hopes she has for her children was crazy. 

Paris’ Hopes for Her Children

Paris claimed that she hopes her 1-year-old son, Phoenix, and 5-month-old daughter, London, will grow up in a better, more kind world than she did. 

She added that she wants them both to feel seen and loved, so that they’ll want to spread the positivity they were shown to other people. 

But what she revealed next was pretty surprising. 

Paris made it clear that she wants her kids to grow up in a caring, understanding environment. 

But in her opinion, a more compassionate world would consist of less social media. 

She explained that people in general are so distracted by their phones a lot of the time, which has affected their children in an unbelievable way. 

Paris said that many kids don’t spend much time actually playing anymore, and they don’t go outside very often either. 

She thinks that’s because everybody is busy looking at their phones and mindlessly scrolling on social media. 

That’s why Paris is so hopeful that her children will be able to experience a world outside of online platforms and constantly checking their phones.

Paris Admits Her Dependency on Social Media

Paris admitted that she’s really dependent on social media, and she hopes that her kids don’t end up forming the same unhealthy attachment. 

In theory, it sounded like a great plan for her children’s future. 

But because of the type of content Paris usually posts online, the statements she made about social media seemed extremely ironic. 

Paris always seems to be sharing new pictures and videos of Phoenix online. 

That’s why her speech at the event seemed a little bit strange and hypocritical. 

She obviously doesn’t want her kids to be dependent on social media when they’re older, but is she actually going to try to break her own bad habit of getting too wrapped up in it?  

Paris can’t expect her son to automatically avoid social media when he gets older, especially if she keeps sharing photos of him for the entire world to see. 

But sadly, it doesn’t seem like she’s going to stop posting him anytime soon, and the reason why is absolutely crazy.

Despite how genuine Paris may have sounded at times during the panel, her actions definitely don’t seem to match her words. 

Is Paris Really Using Her Son Just for Viral Content Creation Purposes? 

She’s using her own son to create content for her social media, which she heavily relies on to be successful as an influencer and businesswoman. 

Even though Paris signed up to use social media and agreed to the terms of the website, Phoenix obviously couldn’t. 

He’s way too young to understand that his mom has been sharing some of his identifying information, along with countless photos and videos of him, publicly on the Internet.

Ever since Phoenix was a month old, Paris has been using social media to document his growth, his first holidays, and many other moments in his life. 

But when kids have their pictures or personal details posted online before they can even consent to it, the effects can be incredibly harmful.

Paris has millions of followers on each of her social media platforms, and her accounts are also public. 

So anyone can see her content, even if they don’t have an account. 

What that means is super unsettling. 

Could Paris Be Subjecting Her Son to Potential Bullying? 

Anytime Paris shares a clip or photo of Phoenix on social media, she’s allowing an enormous audience to view and interact with the post. 

The majority of those people are total strangers, and unfortunately, they aren’t all going to have Phoenix’s best interests at heart.

Not only is Paris completely disregarding her son’s right to privacy by posting him online, but she’s also subjecting him to being bullied. 

Last October, many people wrote cruel remarks in the comment sections of her posts about the size of Phoenix’s head. 

According to the New York Post, Paris fired back at the bullies in an emotional message she had shared to her Instagram Story. 

Paris Called the Hateful Insults ‘Unacceptable’

She called the hateful insults that had been directed at her baby boy “unacceptable.” 

But what she did next was honestly insane. 

Believe it or not, Paris kept her account public and continued posting Phoenix all the time like nothing had happened. 

Despite how brutal the remarks about him had been, she didn’t stop sharing pictures of him, or even turn off the ability to comment on her profile.

Paris should be trying to keep Phoenix safe from the dangerous and harmful aspects of social media. 

Parents are supposed to protect their kids, not exploit them online.

Plus, once something is on the Internet, it’s basically going to stay there forever. 

Even if Paris decided to delete every single post of Phoenix from her social media, so many copies have already been shared online. 

So it wouldn’t really make a difference.

But what’s really heartbreaking is that the awful comments about his appearance are going to follow him around for the rest of his life. 

Has Paris Ruined Her Son’s Privacy?

Because of all of the different articles about the situation and how many times it’s been re-posted on Internet forums, it’s a permanent part of Phoenix’s digital footprint now. 

Paris obviously can’t control what other people say online, so the easiest way to protect her son would be to stop sharing photos of him on social media. 

However, it seems like Paris has actually started posting Phoenix more frequently over the last few months. 

You’d think that since she recently talked about not wanting her kids to become obsessed with social media, she might take a small breather from the platforms. 

But what she did not long after the event was seriously bizarre. 

Paris’ Obsession with Posting Phoenix on Social Media

Not even a week after Paris spoke on the panel, she shared three separate Instagram posts featuring Phoenix in the span of 24 hours. 

In total, she had added over 20 photos and videos of him to her feed in just one day.

At this point, it seems like she doesn’t care at all about even trying to respect his privacy.  

When Phoenix is old enough to realize that his entire life has been documented on his mom’s social media, it’s possible that he’s going to feel an extreme mix of emotions. 

He might even end up resenting Paris for publicly sharing so many moments from his childhood. 

Phoenix could also feel overwhelmed in the future, when he finds out that millions of people he doesn’t know have been watching him grow up. 

He would have probably felt a lot of pressure from being in the public eye anyway, just because he’s Paris Hilton’s son. 

But she’s only making things more difficult for him by using him to constantly create content for her social media. 

Why Has Paris Not Posted Photos of Her Daughter, London?

Interestingly, Paris hasn’t shared a single photo of her daughter’s face yet. 

It’s been five months since London was born, and she’s rarely even been mentioned. 

Why can’t Paris apply some of that restraint when it comes to posting pictures of Phoenix on social media? 

Clearly, it’s possible for her to respect London’s privacy, at least for now. 

Phoenix deserved to be shown that same respect. 

Unfortunately, Paris seems to be prioritizing her need for validation over her son’s right to privacy, even after he’s been bullied online. 

It’s ridiculous that she has continued to post Phoenix so frequently, especially in the exact same environment where he was subjected to such mean-spirited remarks. 

He’s too young to even begin to understand what consenting to being on social media would entail. 

Until Paris prioritizes Phoenix’s well-being over her influencer status, he’s probably going to keep being used as content for her social media platforms. 

Paris’ Son: An Innocent Victim of Invasion of Privacy by His Own Mother

But hopefully, she ultimately decides to stop posting him online, so he can have at least some privacy in his life.

Anyway, now that we’ve gotten into the unbelievable reason why Paris is always sharing photos and videos of Phoenix on social media, I want to know what you guys think. 

What are your thoughts on her continuing to post him on Instagram, even after people wrote brutal comments about his appearance? 

What do you think about Paris wanting her kids to limit or avoid social media when they’re older, while she constantly shares pictures of Phoenix on her platforms? 

Let me know in the comments below.

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