Priscilla Presley doesn’t have time for the supposed love children of her ex-husband, Elvis Presley. Recently, John Cohan, a famous psychic who has several celebrity clients, spoke with In Touch Weekly about someone who claimed to be another child of Elvis’. He said that a woman named Deborah Presley Brando had been reaching out to him constantly and telling him that she was Elvis’ love child.
It all began when Deborah learned that John had a history with Elvis. They were friends, and sometimes Elvis came to him for psychic advice. When Deborah learned about this connection, she had her PR agent, Ed Lozzi, track down John’s contact information.
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John said that they talked on the phone, and she knew some of the history he had with Elvis. She also vented to him about her situation as an unrecognized child of Elvis.
John said that he never gave a reading. When her calls became so frequent, he just stopped answering. He also revealed that she was the ex-wife of Marlon Brando’s son, Christian.
During one of their conversations, Deborah revealed that she had actually talked to Lisa Marie Presley on the phone. Lisa is the only publicly recognized child of Elvis’.
Deborah told John that when she revealed to Lisa that she was her half-sister, Lisa said that she meant nothing to her. That didn’t stop Deborah from trying to get recognition as Elvis’ daughter, however.
She even went to a book signing that Priscilla Presley was holding for her memoir. When she showed up, Priscilla was allegedly shocked to see her there. If the women spoke, no one disclosed what they said to each other.
Deborah Didn’t Fit Elvis’ Public Image
So, how does Deborah fit in the Presley family tree? According to a statement she made to WANE, a local news station, she found out she was Elvis’ daughter on the day he died. Her mother refused to tell her who her father was until he passed.
The story her mother gave was that she met Elvis back when she was 14 years old. Elvis was just starting to get big with his career, but he still had most of his freedom to do what he wanted.
She called her mother Elvis’ big love. She was 16 when she gave birth to Deborah.
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By that point, however, Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker, had more or less taken over Elvis’ agency. He kept him on a short leash and was primarily concerned with Elvis’ public image.
Since having a secret love child wouldn’t look good for Elvis, Tom allegedly didn’t allow him to publicly acknowledge Deborah as his child.
Deborah said that once Tom was involved in Elvis’ life, everything became about fame and money. Things like family and blood and truth no longer mattered.
Deborah also acknowledged that she wasn’t the only child Elvis had out of wedlock. All of them were unable to be publicly acknowledged because of Tom.
Although Priscilla hasn’t acknowledged Deborah as one of Elvis’ children, Elvis’ first cousin, Gene Smith, has. He said that he supports the evidence and facts that demonstrate that Deborah is Elvis’ daughter. As for the rest of the Presley family, they have yet to open their arms to her.