Robyn Turns On Kody


It would appear as though the fairytale ending that Kody had hoped for with his harem of “sister wives” has died a dramatic death. Now, even his last remaining wife Robyn seems to be on the verge of ending their relationship and making her own exit.

Robyn was the last woman to enter Kody’s life, after his three other wives had united as members of their sprawling family. With the others out of the picture, Robyn has begun to note her discontent with Kody and she too could end up walking out on him. 

So, is it all over for Kody’s final marriage?

Robyn Sees Kody Becoming Bitter 

Kody and Robyn are definitely going through a bit of a rough patch of late. Now that their relationship is officially the last one standing in what’s left of their once polygamous family, they are dealing with anger and a litany of frustrations that they might not be able to cope with.

According to Monsters and Critics, both Kody and Robyn have been deeply unsatisfied with the state of their lives ever since Kody’s other relationships fell apart and Robyn’s fellow sister wives went their separate ways.

Robyn has begun to turn on Kody and things aren’t looking so good for either of them. 

An unidentified source told the Sun the following about Kody’s negative turn in demeanor:

“He’s just really mad at the world right now. He’s not who he used to be at all.”

The Other Sister Wives Left

The couple united in 2014, making Robyn Kody’s 4th wife. His wife Meri legally divorced him so that Robyn could marry him and join the family. 

Together with Janelle and Christine, the Browns were already a big tribe before Robyn came along. Unfortunately, she ended being just one wife too many and the entire family fell apart shortly after her arrival, according to Monsters and Critics.

First, Christine took off, then Janelle got out of there too. The drama drove Meri to follow suit as well, leaving Kody and Robyn to work things out on their own, according to Monsters and Critics. But, the results don’t appear to be too promising yet.

Could their marriage be on the verge of fizzling out now that the sister wives have all but disbanded?

Robyn Feels Like She Was Left Behind

When Robyn divorced her ex-husband David, she allegedly sought an environment for herself and her children that wouldn’t contain any of the volatility and high tempers she had experienced with him. According to Monsters and Critics, that anger and volatility she fled from may be resurfaing in her relationship with Kody. 

Each of Kody’s ex-wives have expressed zero support for him and they’ve even gone so far as to suggest that they won’t bother keeping in touch at this point. According to Collider, Janelle admited that she didn’t really miss Kody at all and Robyn has alleged that Kody is now sabotaging their relationship.

Collider reported Robyn stating the following about her situation with Kody now that his other wives have flown the coop:

“I feel like the idiot that got left behind.”