HomeCelebrity TalkThe Downfall of Britney Spears

The Downfall of Britney Spears

Photo Credits: Britney Spears/Instagram

Fans are worried about Britney Spears after she was caught in an intense fight with her boyfriend, Paul Soliz. Late Wednesday night, Britney and Paul arrived at the Chateau Marmont after some partying.

According to TMZ, the couple entered a hotel room at around 11 PM. All seemed well at first until the sound of screaming came from their room.

At some point during their drinking and partying, their fight turned into a shouting match. The fight allegedly turned physical, with Britney seeming to have an injured leg.

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She left the room and started screaming in the hallway. Hotel workers said that she was completely out of control. When the employees attempted to calm her down, they said that she started threatening them.

The commotion got the attention of other guests, who came out of their rooms to see what was going on. Despite everyone’s attempts to calm her down, Britney continued to scream.

Britney was also completely barefoot. She came out of the room wrapped only in a blanket, holding a pillow to her leg.

Britney Refused to Go to the Hospital

Thinking that she might be having a mental breakdown, the guests decided to call the police and paramedics. When the police arrived, things had quieted down, so they left shortly after. The paramedics arrived later at 12:30 AM to find Britney walking out of the hotel in nothing but the blanket, pillow, and a few underclothes.

Now, the details here get a little murky. Some guests said that they called the paramedics to report Britney’s mental breakdown. Others said they called the paramedics because she was injured.

Either way, Britney wasn’t interested in going with the paramedics to the hospital. She left the hotel with her security team. Even more interestingly, she left without her boyfriend.

Though the paramedics didn’t see any life-threatening wounds on her, they did notice that it looked as though she had been crying. Her knees also had abrasions on them, but she was able to walk on her own.

CNN later reported that Britney had made it home safe and sound. A source close to the star said she had gone home safely after a massive fight with her boyfriend at the hotel. Both parties have yet to disclose the reason behind the big fight.

In a twist, Britney posted an Instagram message just before the big fight happened. It foreshadowed what was to come later that night.

According to her post, which The Daily Mail shared, there are several photos circulating that claim to be her. However, they aren’t her; they’re body doubles.

Britney Insists That the Woman Was a Body Double

Now, if this is true, then that makes the fight and incident even more confusing. Is Paul dating one of her body doubles? Did she and Paul have an actual fight, where she used one of her body doubles to escape the situation?

Britney said in the message that the news was fake and that the woman in the photos was a body double.

She also said that most of the photos circulating that put her in a bad light are also body doubles. Britney expected people to know that, in most cases, it’s not really her in those pictures.

Her message turned into a rant from there, saying that she would like some respect at this time and that she was growing stronger every day. Oddly, she also said that the truth sucks. She hoped someone might be able to help teach her how to lie.

Her rant continues when Britney began to list things she needed like a new toothbrush and an espresso. She also admitted that she wasn’t sure why she was sharing all this information with everyone, but it was likely because she was on her period.

Whether it really was a body double or Britney is just looking for an excuse for her behavior, is still up for debate. Even her relationship status with Paul is also up for debate.

When the two were first seen together, there was a lot of speculation that this was Britney’s new man. She squashed those rumors during an Instagram video where she was dancing, saying that she enjoyed being single.

That said, other sources were saying that the two were together. The truth of their relationship status became even muddier when others said they had a short fling, but were no longer together.

Paul Has a Criminal History

Now, Paul isn’t the greatest guy. He has several felonies attached to his name, with one of the more worrying being endangering a child. He also received a felony for possessing a firearm.

The two met after he was hired to do maintenance at Britney’s home. Britney claimed that she had no idea about his criminal past when she hired him or when they got together.

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When the news broke about his criminal past, she cut all communication with him. Or, at least, that’s what she said.

If that’s really Britney in the photos, and let’s be honest, it probably is, then she hasn’t exactly cut all communication like she said she did. That said, their relationship could be as simple as relying on each other for booty calls.

The hotel incident may have been a booty call gone wrong. Maybe Britney discovered something about Paul that she didn’t like.

Britney Doesn’t Like When Paul Leaves the House

An insider also told US Weekly that Paul regularly stayed at Britney’s house. However, it wasn’t enough for Britney.

Paul works full-time and has kids from a prior relationship. He isn’t always available for her, and that bothers her. She doesn’t like it when he leaves the house.

Britney thinks that she deserves more attention, but Paul has family obligations, too. Perhaps their big fight had to do with his lack of time for her.

Maybe, but Paul has talked with US Weekly about how great she gets along with his kids. During an interview with US Weekly, Paul said that Britney had a strong connection with one of his younger children. He said that they had just clicked from the start.

Paul is also aware that his criminal past makes some people think he’s a bad guy. He went on the record to clarify that just because he made some mistakes in the past, that didn’t make him a bad man.

Besides child endangerment, he also has charges of driving without a license and disturbing the peace. Paul pled no contest to those charges and wound up with two years probation and spending 90 days in jail.

He said that he wasn’t a bad dude, but he knew how having a criminal past made him look. He said that he’s just a working man who runs his own business.

Britney Was in a Legal Battle With Her Father

Now, while all this drama is happening with her maybe-boyfriend, Britney is also celebrating a settlement with her dad, Jamie Spears. Long after the court struck down the Conservatorship placed on her by her father, there were still ongoing financial issues that needed tying up.

There was a hearing scheduled to hammer out those details. The hearing, itself, likely would have been very revealing for all parties. To avoid potentially embarrassing information from getting out, the two managed to reach a settlement.

The problem was that Jamie wanted Britney to pay for his lawyer’s fees. Britney’s lawyers claimed that he had already benefited enough from her hard work over the decades. As her conservator, he was in charge of her money and made sure to pay himself, and his lawyers, over the years.

The conservatorship was initially put in place after she appeared to have a mental breakdown in 2008. However, details of what happened during her conservatorship showed that her father had mismanaged her money to stuff his own pockets. During her testimony for the hearing to end the conservatorship, Britney claimed that everything as small as a coffee purchase was under surveillance and approved.

With the final loose ends now tied up, both Britney and her father are happy it’s over so they can move on. While some of Britney’s struggles are finally over, it seems others are sprouting up in their place.

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