On April 21st, Tiffany Haddish spoke out during an appearance at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books to discuss her book, which has just recently been released. She explained that she’s made a lot of mistakes in her life, and wanted a place where she could talk about them.
Tiffany Haddish Opened Up In Her New Book
So, in her new book , “I Curse You With Joy,” Tiffany seeks to share both the lessons and blessings that she’s received throughout her lifetime.
She continued on to explain that she’s never really had a time in her life where she felt like she truly had the perfect year. While she admits that there have been times in her life that were really great, she still stumbles and falls and knows that she isn’t perfect by any means.
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Despite these stumblings, she still cuts herself some slack, since we’re all just human and plenty of us make mistakes all the time.
She said “All of us are going to stumble and fall from time to time. Some of you are lucky enough to have the anonymity where nobody knows that you did it.” But, once someone knows that you did it, she said that there’s a feeling like people will always look at you and wonder if it’ll happen again.
Tiffany Has Felt that People Were Waiting For Her to Mess Up
For most people, these things are forgotten by their friends and family over time, but for someone like her who is always in the spotlight, she doesn’t have that luxury.
And so she felt like she’s been feeling like people have been watching her and waiting for her to mess up her whole life.
This new book, however, is a great opportunity for her to take all those mistakes and judgments that came her way and turn them into something positive.
And she does that by showing that you can grow from them and that you can make adjustments so it doesn’t happen again.
She even said that if we’re able to recognize that this is happening to someone, we can also offer our support to them and give them advice.
Tiffany Haddish’s Struggle with Sobriety
One of the bigger challenges in her life more recently has been her struggle with sobriety, as she had revealed that just in March she had been sober for two months.
But, this had only happened following a bad accident where she allegedly fell asleep at the wheel of her car and was then charged with a DUI last November.
And sadly, this wasn’t the first time she’s faced these kinds of charges either.
However, all of this is to say that she is still sober as of today, and she said that if there was one thing she’s learned through it is that she’s been too nice about it.
“I Stopped Leaning On Other People,” She Said
She said that when she used to drink, she would have to filter herself out of fear that she may say something incredibly mean to others.
And she bit her tongue and never allowed herself to say what she really thinks, but without being under the influence, she is able to speak her mind freely.
While speaking to People about her journey, she said that she didn’t rely on anyone while she got sober. She said “Yeah, I don’t trust them. I don’t trust nobody. It’s been me. I’ve been leaning on me. I stopped leaning on other people. And I started leaning on me more.”
With this being said, her book has now just been released as of May 7th, and she is finally ready for people to get to know the real her and what she has to offer.