HomeCelebrity TalkThe Truth About Rihanna’s Relationship & Family

The Truth About Rihanna’s Relationship & Family

Photo credit: A$AP Rocky/Instagram

Is the love story between Rihanna and her boyfriend A$AP Rocky too good to be true?

According to Rocky’s latest Instagram posts, the two seem to be more in love than ever.

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Rihanna and Rocky recently celebrated the second birthday of their oldest son, RZA, on May 13.

Rihanna and A$AP Rocky’s Oldest Son’s, RZA, 2nd Birthday  

The parents celebrated the big day by renting out the Color Factory in New York City for the day, so they could celebrate with some friends.

Rocky posted pictures from the event, which showed the couple holding their sons.

Rocky even playfully held his son upside down, which didn’t seem to bother RZA at all.

According to People Magazine, party guests said that the couple had gone all out for the party.

There were toys and slides for the children to play with.

There was even a large ball pit.

Parenthood for Rihanna and A$AP Rocky

Parenthood has become a huge part of their lives, and both parents seem to be loving every moment of it.

Rihanna’s focus has been on motherhood, but when she does get some time to work, she usually takes her kids with her.

It’s rare for her to be without the kids.

One insider told People Magazine that Rihanna never complains about being tired despite juggling work and her children.

They said that she appears to be loving life.

As for Rocky, he’s become known as a fun dad.

Besides spending a lot of time with the kids, he’s also been supportive of Rihanna and her needs.

Rihanna Revealed She’s Working on New Music

Although their fans may be eager for some new music, the couple has been focused on their family.

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Rihanna’s last album was released in 2016, and Rocky’s last album was released in 2018.

That said, Rihanna did mention that she was working on some new music.

During an interview with Entertainment Tonight, she talked about how her new music would likely feature her sons and even Rocky in some way.

So, while the progress may be slow, fans can look forward to new music from Rihanna.

RZA is a Great Big Brother to Riot 

She also talked about how RZA has gotten used to having a baby brother.

She said that, at first, he struggled with having another baby in the house and having to share attention.

These days, however, he’s come to really love his younger brother.

She explained that when RZA doesn’t think they’re looking, he’ll touch Riot and look at him.

He also doesn’t like it when Riot cries.

Whenever the baby starts crying, RZA will come over and hold his hands and say, “baby, baby, baby,” trying to soothe him.

Although it took a while for RZA to get used to Riot, Rihanna is proud of how much he’s changed and accepted his brother.

Rihanna Loves Being a Boy Mom

She also admitted that she thought she was a girl mom, but she’s become a boy mom, and she loves it.

She never thought she’d be particularly good at raising boys, but now, she wouldn’t change a thing.

She also revealed that when it comes to dressing her boys, she likes to put them in clothes similar to what Rocky wears.

Rihanna likes his style, so she dresses her boys in his style, too.

Riot was born in August 2023, while RZA was born in May 2022.

With two sons under her belt, Rihanna said that she feels as though her family is complete.

How Did Rihanna and A$AP Rocky Meet?

Now, while some fans may have been surprised that Rihanna ended up with Rocky, others saw the writing on the wall.

The two met all the way back in 2012 when they did a collaboration for the MTV Music Awards.

Rihanna was performing a remixed version of Cockiness (Love It) with Rocky joining her on stage.

They met during the rehearsal for the performance, which, at first, was all business.

Rihanna said it was very manager-to-manager and client-to-client.

That night, however, everything changed.

At some point, Rocky grabbed her behind.

There was tension immediately.

Her team thought that Rihanna was going to lose it and demand his head on a spike.

However, her response surprised them.

She was cool with it.

For her team, that was the first sign that Rihanna liked him.

When Did Rihanna and A$AP Rocky Get Together? 

However, it would take a very long time before they actually got together.

But that didn’t mean they were completely apart.

They remained in each other’s orbit, nurturing a friendship and discovering that they had similar interests and tastes in fashion and art.

They also supported one another, even when they were in other relationships.

Rihanna said during a chat with The Interview Magazine that she knew him when he was single and when he was in a relationship.

And he knew her when she was single and when she was in a relationship.

They even knew each other when they were both single.

But despite those periods of being single, they remained friends and supportive of one another.

One of the biggest reasons why they didn’t pursue a relationship earlier was because they were afraid of the pull they had to one another.

Both of them knew that if they ended up in a relationship, it would either make or break them.

They knew that if things went wrong, they’d bring a lot of trouble to each other’s lives.

Yet, they also knew that they could bring a lot of good trouble, too.

They eventually started dating just before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yet, even then, they were very careful and cautious about dating each other.

Then, COVID happened, and while the pandemic was responsible for breaking some couples up, it made Rihanna and Rocky become very serious about one another.

Rihanna was actually grateful for the pandemic, at least in regards to how it sped up her relationship with Rocky.

She said that God must have known they needed a bit of help because they needed a push to make the final plunge together.

While they had plans to start a family together, they weren’t doing much to make that happen.

With the pandemic, all they had was time to spend together.

Rihanna said that if the pandemic hadn’t happened, then it would have taken far longer for them to get comfortable with each other and to know when they were ready.

 A$AP Rocky Made Rihanna Feel Like She’s Enough

One of the things that Rihanna noticed that was different with Rocky was that she didn’t feel as though she wasn’t enough.

She said that in past relationships, she always tried hard to be a great partner, but she still always felt like it wasn’t enough.

With Rocky, she feels completely comfortable.

She said that happens when you’re with someone who sees you completely and believes in you completely.

Another big factor in all this is that Rocky chose her to be the mother of his children.

Rihanna said that when someone chooses you like that, it makes you feel great.

The feeling was mutual, too.

She knew that Rocky was going to be a great dad.

What Drives Rihanna Crazy About A$AP Rocky

Now, no romance is perfect, and Rihanna shared a few things about Rocky that drive her crazy.

The first is that he always dresses well.

Rihanna talked about how when they went on planes, he’d wear really fancy suits, and she’d be wearing sweatpants.

She said he made her feel like a bum because he looked amazing, and she looked less put together.

Apparently, she always asks him why he has to do that to her.

The other problem is something she said is one of the main reasons they get into fights.

They like to play games together, and one of them is a card game called Crazy Eights.

She said Rocky taught her how to play, and the game can get pretty competitive.

The problem is that Rocky taught her how to play, but then he cheats at playing.

He also changes the rules.

Rihanna said that he doesn’t just do that to her, either.

Whenever he plays the game with his friends, he does the same thing.

So, that drives her crazy.

Is Marriage in the Cards for Rihanna and A$AP Rocky?

It’s all in good fun, though, and if that’s the only problem they’re having, they’re doing just fine.

Some fans might be wondering when the two will get married, though.

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In June 2023, Rocky sparked some rumors that they were going to get married.

He made a song called D.M.B., which was dedicated to Rihanna.

He even called her his wife when he dedicated the song to her.

The music video made those rumors spread even further.

In the video, Rihanna shows up dressed in a red wedding dress and attends a wedding in the video with Rocky.

He’s also wearing golden grills that spell out “Marry Me?” while Rihanna is wearing her own grills that spell out, “I do.”

The wedding wasn’t real, however.

So we will just have to wait to see if and when Rocky pops the question.

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