HomeCelebrity TalkWhat Happened At Julie Chrisley's Resentencing

What Happened At Julie Chrisley’s Resentencing

On Wednesday, September 25, Julie had her resentencing, and she got some terrible news. Before the hearing, the whole family had been hoping that Julie’s sentence could be shortened. It had previously been vacated after it was found that there wasn’t enough evidence for her initial sentencing. Julie’s daughter Savannah said that because of this, she hoped that her mom could come home as early as Thanksgiving.

However, this is not what’s going to happen. People Magazine reported on Julie’s hearing, which took place in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. Julie appeared before a judge at the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


But unfortunately for her, the judge didn’t grant Julie any kind of relief. Instead, she was told that she would have to serve her original sentence after all. Julie first reported to prison in January 2023. She was told that she’d have to spend about 7 years in prison or 84 months.

She and the rest of the Chrisley family have been fighting this ever since.Savannah especially has been trying to get her parents out of prison by any means necessary. For a while, it looked promising, especially with Julie’s recent hearing. But now, their hopes have been somewhat crushed.

Devastating News

It’s clear that Julie’s resentencing was a very emotional day for the whole family. Reports say that Julie even broke down in tears before receiving her final verdict. She wanted to take the opportunity to apologize for some of her actions and behavior. She told the court that she was sorry for everything that led them to where they were that day.

Julie Apologizes For Her Past

Julie claimed that she’d been thinking about it all over the last 20 months. That’s how long she’s been in prison. But she also added that she had already been having these thoughts even before then. She said that she also thought of all this before her trial. Then, she apologized again.

She also seemed determined to show the court that she’s changed. She wanted them to understand that she was ready to repent and pay for her actions.She said: “I have done everything I can do to get closer to my family. I’ve taken tests for new skills, such as driving a forklift and serving food in proper ways… this has been the most difficult part of my life.”

Savannah Speaks Out

After Julie received her new official sentence, Savannah had a lot to say to the press. An interview with her, Chase, and the Chrisleys’ lawyer Alex Little was shared by Entertainment Tonight. Savannah stated that the judge’s decision was an injustice. She also said that she would keep fighting for her parents as loudly as she could.

She alleged that the system was broken and that the judge had not done her research. Savannah made it clear that the family would be appealing Julie’s new sentence as soon as possible. They aren’t going to just accept defeat.

They still have hope that Julie could come home earlier than in 5 years. The lawyer, Alex Little, also shared his thoughts on the hearing. He made it clear that the family was very disappointed with the judge’s decision.

Personal Attack

He also stated that the judge had made some personal attacks on Savannah during the hearing. Reportedly, the judge made an indirect comment about how the family shouldn’t be focused on their TV and podcast ratings. This seemed to be aimed at Savannah, who runs a very successful podcast, Unlocked. But it isn’t the only criticism that the judge faced from the Chrisleys.

Another one of the family’s lawyers, Jay Surgent, later spoke to TMZ about the results of the hearing. And he claimed that the reason why Julie’s sentence didn’t get shortened was actually very simple. According to Jay Surgent, the judge has a bias against celebrities. He pointed out that Julie is in no way a threat to society. But despite that, she has to serve a pretty long, harsh sentence.

His theory is that this is because the judge wanted to make an example out of her. Julie is known by millions of people, so the public will most likely hear about what happened to her. It might put them off doing something like this themselves.

Savannah called out the shortcomings in the justice system and stated that she would keep trying to make a difference “no matter how tough it gets.”

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