People have been freaking out over Rachael’s rumored health problems, ever since she posted a video talking about her late friend Tony Bennett. Is she having a health crisis? Here’s the scoop.
When Rachael posted a video on Instagram about spending time with her friend Tony and preparing a meal for him, she probably wasn’t prepared to face an avalanche of concerned comments. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what ended up happening.
TMZ reported that Rachael noticeably slurred her words a bit in the video as she described an incident at dinner with Tony where he slipped and almost hurt himself due to her floor being over-polished. This prompted loads of worried fans to chime in on what they thought might be happening with her health.
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People speculated about things that could be going on with her, including a mini-stroke or early Bell’s Palsy symptoms. Delish quoted one commenter’s post.
“Part of her mouth seems sinking. When was this???? I haven’t seen her this makes me so sad.”
Comments alleged to be coming from professionals in the medical industry claimed her appearance and speech patterns were giving strong stroke vibes and that she should get to the ER ASAP. However, no one’s really sure if anything is actually going on with Rachael’s health right now.
Fans Speculated About Rachael’s Health
According to TMZ, the only public comment on the matter that has been issued by Rachael’s team was a quick statement that they had no comment on it at all. Obviously, that hasn’t been particularly reassuring for any of her fans though.
Commenters let loose a torrent of wildly speculative takes on Rachael’s potential issues as they attempted to explain why she was slurring her words.
According to TV Insider, one commenter argued against the suggestion that Rachael could be an alcoholic. Instead, they posited that she could be dealing with some kind of condition that requires steroids to treat. They added that steroids would explain why she looks somewhat “puffy” in the video.
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TV Insider also reported one commenter’s post being, “Oh my goodness, I love @rachaelray, but she looks like she has Cushing’s Disease. I am a survivor of Cushing’s Syndrome and the disease is brutal.”
According to Delish, Rachael has actually dealt with these kinds of comments and crazy conclusions before. Back some 15 or so years ago, fans were convinced she had throat cancer. The truth ended up being far less serious and she was simply having a minor surgery done instead.
Her rep released a statement clarifying that she definitely did not have throat cancer at the time. Unfortunately, given her team’s relative silence this time, people have piled rumors on top of guesses. Everyone is a bit more worried about Rachael’s current health status.
What happened with Tony?
Rachael’s story about her dinner party with Tony sounded like a slapstick scene in a comedy. In reality, it was understandably a stressful moment for her as it happened in real life.
According to TV Insider, she stated that Tony’s chair had slid out from under him when she had tried to help him sit down. This led to Tony hitting his head on the counter and falling on the floor.
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TV Insider quoted Rachael saying, “I thought I killed Tony Bennett. I thought I killed him, literally.”
Rachael also pointed out that Tony’s wife reassured her of the fact that he’d be alright and that she hadn’t, in fact, killed him by accident. Apparently, he did manage to get back up and enjoy the entire meal.