Drama is brewing between Zac Brown and his ex, Kelly Yazdi.
According to Yahoo, Zac has filed a lawsuit against her in the state of Georgia, alleging that posts she has made on Instagram broke a strict confidentiality agreement between them.
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Zac is alleged to be seeking a restraining order against his ex and wants the court to force her to remove her post. If he wins the lawsuit, then Kelly will also be forbidden from making any negative or false public statements about him.
What did Kelly post that got Zac so upset? Well, the court documents don’t mention exactly what the post was. Here’s what we know about this dispute:
Zac Brown’s Public Statement
According to Yahoo, Zac had the following to say to the public regarding this lawsuit:
“After much deliberation, I took the steps necessary to enforce an agreement between us to maintain personal and business affairs in confidence and to protect my family from online harassment and speculation.
My only hope is for us to keep private matters private and to move forward with the mutual respect we had agreed to show one another when we parted ways.”
This seems pretty reasonable, but is his take actually the truth? Not according to Kelly…
Zac Brown’s Ex, Kelly, Claps Back
In response to the surprise lawsuit, Kelly took to Instagram to voice her side of the story. She pointed out her right to freedom of expression through art on her own social accounts and denied having made any claims about Zac to date.
Part of her post on Instagram reads:
“No one — not even Zac Brown with all of his money, power, celebrity, and lawyers – may silence my right to freely express myself through art or, although I have to date declined to do so publicly, to speak about the circumstances of our pending divorce. I intend to respond swiftly and robustly to his meritless complaint that publication of two poems on my personal social media account divulged any “confidential information” about his business, much less authorizes a court to enjoin me from speaking about matters in my personal life that have nothing to do with my brief former work for the Zac Brown Collective, Inc.”
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Kelly also aired her feelings about Zac’s attempts to hurt her through his music, stating in the same post:
“It is beyond ironic that Zac’s first act after filing an unnecessary public divorce lawsuit was to release a music video that deliberately mocked our wedding party from only a few months before — including a false and defamatory caricature obviously intended to be me and hurt me – followed by a second unnecessary and legally meritless public lawsuit and press release, yet he now claims his “only hope” is that we show each other “mutual respect” by keeping “private matters private” as we negotiate the terms of our divorce.
In a misguided effort to do just that, I have made no public response to either of those very public, very unnecessary personal attacks on me by my celebrity soon-to-be-ex-husband. But it is clearly Zac, not me, who has strategically chosen to drag our difficult divorce negotiations into the public eye with these tactics in an effort to portray himself as a victim and to use his vast resources to silence me from telling the truth about our marriage.”
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She rounded off her Instagram post by declaring that she will not back down or be silenced. Her words were:
“It will not work, and I will not be silenced by him no matter how ridiculous his tactics.
Like Zac, I have lawyers too, and I will tell my truth in court — where he has unnecessarily dragged me.”
How Long Were Zac and Kelly Together?
These two were actually only together for a short four months of marriage and they are currently going through the divorce process, according to E Online.
Despite issuing a joint public statement requesting privacy, their squabbles have now entered the public eye, due mostly to this new lawsuit from Zac.